Mates Conquer Everything, Right?

Chapter 7 Meeting the Red Wood Forest Pack

Having a panic attack is terrible. I think I am going to die. Maya is shushing me and telling me I am safe and nothing is going to happen. It is all in the past. He is dead, and I am fine.

It’s helping; she also makes Oliver get a paper bag and tells me to breathe in it. I had seen it on television, and it really helped to calm me down.

Maybe it was too soon to go out of my comfort zone. I should go back to Joe and Rose.

After I had my episode, I look at my leg once more. It was purple, blue and had more than forty stitches. I reach for the sewn-up wound and let my finger trace the ‘’bite mark’’. It isn’t a clear bite mark, more like a strip of skin that was scratched away and stitched back in place.

“Come on,” Oliver says with a smile but sad eyes. He takes my hand, and I follow without question. We walk outside, and he leads me to the truck, where he opens the door for me.

Frowning, I look at him. Does he want to drive to the picnic spot? I thought that it was within walking distance.

“I am driving you home; you don’t belong here.” He says and gives me space to enter the vehicle.

I don’t know why, but his statement hurt me deeply. Why do I feel like I need to stay?

“I am not leaving. I want to go to your party.”

“It’s okay, we understand. Hop in.” He makes a signal for me to enter the truck.

“We?” I ask.

“Asfal too.”

“Right. I have no idea how you can function with someone else in your mind.”

“It’s not like talks all the time. He is guiding me, sometimes he interferes with my decisions, but mostly he is quiet in the back of my head. Let me take you back, Violet.” He ends with a soft voice, which makes my decision to stay more firm.

“I am not going anywhere. we are going to enjoy your party,” I say with a determined voice. I had no idea where my courage came from, but I welcomed it greatly after my panic attack a couple of minutes ago.

Entering their home once again feels a bit funny. Maya just nods to me. She has probably heard our little chat outside. I don’t know how long I will be staying, but one thing is sure. I am trying today for Asfal and Oliver. They saved me and are keeping me safe. I need to try for them.

“I am going to visit my friends and go to the grass court. Mom, are you meeting us there with Violet?”

Before Maya could answer, I clear my throat. “Are you forgetting not to leave my side already?”

“I’m sorry, it’s just quicker if I go alone. Please?” he asks me with sweet puppy eyes.

I didn’t answer right away, and Maya swoops in.

“I will take good care of you. It is just a couple of minutes.”

I can’t say no to her, so I nod. Oliver hugs me and quickly leaves the house.

“He likes you,” Maya says with a smile.

“I like him too. He is a good friend.”

“Just a friend?” She starts walking to the back of the house, out of the back door, and I follow. She has all the food ready in three picnic baskets and hands me one.

“Yes, he is a friend.” I say, and we start walking through the village. People stare at me, and Maya stares them all down.

“Okay, so you’re not interested in my son?”

“What? No. I just like him as a friend. I am still getting used to the whole werewolf thing. I don’t get that vibe off him either. I just don’t connect easily with boys on that level.”

“Okay,” Maya says with a sigh and looks sad.

“You have a great son. You must be very proud of him.”

Before Maya could respond, four little children about the age of six to eight were blocking our path.

“Who are you?” The biggest girl with a blue shirt and black hair asks me. The others were behind her, looking nervous about the stranger in their community.

“I am Violet. What’s your name?” I ask, trying to sound nice.

“I am Becky, why are you talking so funny?” Wow, this kid is rude.

“Becky, be nice. Violet is a guest.” Maya says. Becky steps aside, and I know why. I also feel some sort of power radiating off Maya. Not as much as the Alpha the other day, but I feel it.

I decide to break the tension. “I speak funny because I’m learning how to speak English, I am form Europe, The Netherlands. ”

Becky just nods at me. “Are you going to the picnic?” I ask the group, and they all nod.

“The whole community celebrates a birthday.” Maya says quietly, but I know werewolves can hear it very well.

“Why don’t we go all together and play tag?” I ask the children and they look at me like I am crazy. Little do they know that I am a little nuts.

They run down the road, and we follow. Still, everyone looks at me like I have a sign on my head that reads ‘Non-werewolf in town’.

“Why do they all stare?”

“Normally we don’t invite humans to our pack lands. The Alpha permitting you to be here is very special.”


“I think you got permission because Oliver is the Gamma, and the Beta agreed with you being here.”

We walk further, and I see the field and a lot of people, well werewolves, standing around a barbeque and the kids playing games.

“Come, Violet, play tag with us!” Becky yells. I smile sheepishly at Maya, and she takes my basket, letting me run off with the kids like I am one myself. I block out all the stares and just go with the children, who don’t care I am different.

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