Mates Conquer Everything, Right?

Chapter 65 Convincing

After explaining my idea, Yolanda’s eyes light up. “That might work, let’s tell our males!”

“Wait, I think you need to tell Tharros it was your idea.” I stop her from opening the door.

“Why? You came up with it. You deserve the credit.” I laugh at her.

“Are you seriously asking me why? Tharros would never accept an idea that came from me, so he will fight it. Even if we tell him that it was your idea, he can still turn it down. At least this way we have a fifty-fifty shot at it.”

She considers it. “Okay, only when it is all over, I will tell him the truth. I don’t like to lie to him.”

“Of course, let’s hope Igétas is on board too.”

We walk into the meeting room with lukewarm coffee, setting it down in front of the big bad wolves who are arguing far too loudly.

“You need to step down. Our father would turn in his grave if he heard what you have done.” Igétas commands.

“You are crossing a line, brother.” Tharros spits out the word ‘brother’ as if it is poison.

“Am I? Because if someone has crossed some boundaries, it is you!” I have never seen Igétas so animalistic, Vasil shining through in his eyes. I place my hand on his arm and he calms instantly.

Yolanda does the same thing. “Calm down you two. I had a lovely chat with Violet and I came up with a solution.” Her gaze flicks over to me and I wink at her.

“Solution?” Tharros asks, his voice still gravely and his forehead covered in sweat. “You know this can only lead to a battle.”

“No, I have a plan where we can all live together in harmony.”

“Well, tell us,” Igétas commands Yolanda, and Tharros glares at him for disrespecting his mate.

She just nods, walks to a map and spreads it out on the table. It is the same map we saw, only more colorful.

“Our pack grounds.” Tharros comments.

“Yes, look at them.” She gestures to the forest and gas station. “They are so big. Large enough for two packs.”

There, she said it. Two packs can live on this ground. That was the first thing I saw. It was large enough and if we decide to split up the pack, it means we could have two Alphas.

I look at Igétas. His face is neutral. “If we split up the Pack, there will be a need for two Alphas.” I tell him.

“And who is a better neighbor than your own blood? We have allies close by and you are both still on your ancestor’s land, it is a solution.” Yolanda says with more force.

’“And what did you two contrive? Who is going to the gas station?” Igétas asks us both, but looks at me.

“Well, since the majority of the pack has lost their faith in Tharros, it is only suiting if you take the current pack over.”

Tharros stands up abruptly and growls at us. His muscles tense ready to shift in front of us. Igétas shoves me behind him ready to strike his current Alpha if he shifts.

This is not good. So not good. He is going to strike and I know Igétas will hurt him.

There goes our plan.

“Tharros!” Yolanda raises her voice. She never raises her voice.

“Stop acting like you are a caveman and act like an Alpha! You are better than this, you need to think about me too! What happens if Igétas snaps your neck? Stop your wolf and sit down!”

Wow, I didn’t expect him to listen, but he does. Mates have a way of reigning over their partner’s wolves. Apparently he needed to be put in his place.

He calms down and apologizes to his mate. I have never seen him this gentleman-like before, and I probably never will again.

“What got you so riled up? Let me tell you one thing, my mate is right. She shouldn’t have had the power to bring you to your knees, but she did. You and I both know that is because some of the Pack members didn’t have faith in you.”

“Maybe they have faith in me now.” He grumps. “I swore to protect them, to be their Alpha. I can’t give that up.” He runs his hand through his hair, genuinely upset by the situation.

I know he doesn’t mean ‘can’t’ as in ‘won’t’. He physically can’t break his promise.

“It is only logical for you to start in the new pack grounds.” Igétas ads. “You have a smaller following and need less space. You have the experience of dealing with power. We still need to learn how to be Alpha and Luna. We can share facilities. The hospital, border patrol, all of it can be arranged.”

Tharros sighs and leans back in his chair. “It is not that simple. I swore to be their Alpha, to keep them safe.”

I turn to my mate. “Are you okay with a new Pack name, if we see this through?”

“Red Wood Forest Pack has always been the name of the Pack.” He answers, dubitative.

“What if Tharros takes the name with him? He swore to protect them. Hence, the ones who want to be in the Red Wood Forest Pack go with him. We can decide on a new name. See it as a compromise.”

Igétas looks over to his brother. “I don’t want to fight you. I want our relationship back. We were so close when our father and mother were still alive. If you need to keep the pack’s family name to ensure this understanding, you can have it. Use it with pride.”

“I need to think about all of this.” He answers and Igétas agrees. At least it isn’t a duel and we have found a way to defuse the situation.

“I will inform the Elders about our suggestion and see if it is possible to split up the pack.” Tharros says, shaking Igétas’ hand. He nods and shakes Yolanda’s hand too.

Tharros stands across from me and I raise an eyebrow. Will he extend his hand? He doesn’t, so I do.

“If we are going to be neighbors, you can at least shake my hand.”

He nods and shakes it a little too firmly. He knows it too, going by the smirk on his face.

Fine, have it your way. No bones are crushed. It is a good morning.

Let’s see if our little plan works out.

Please let it work out.

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