Mates Conquer Everything, Right?

Chapter 4 Knowing the secret

I told the wolves everything they wanted to know. When the rogue started coming after me, what I was thinking, and my actions. Recounting everything was difficult, especially the way he touched me. But after I told my story, they were content with my answers and left the house.

They told Joe they wouldn’t punish him at this moment. If I ever talk about it, they will act on it without a doubt. The last thing I want is Joe in trouble, so the only people who I will talk with about werewolves is my American family.

The Alpha wants Oliver to keep tabs on me. I’m not keen on it, but Rose spun it around, saying was for protection. But I know it is to observe my every move. Rose said that I was very strong for handling it the way I do, but I could also snap. “The fantasy world is now alive for you, it is a big change, and we need to keep an eye on you, darling.” She said.

That’s why I don’t need to go to school this week. I need to rest and recover. Taylor and Tiffany, my friends from school, think a dog has bitten me. The truth isn’t that different. We have a couple of classes together, and they help me a big deal with the language, the reason I am here.

I have been here for a month now, and I was willing to stay for six months. Well, let’s say I am not so enthusiastic about it anymore.

I can’t leave yet, not until I have taken my exams to go back home. That should be next month. Rose and Joe don’t know my plans, and I want to keep it that way. At least for now.

It’s been two days since the ‘accident’, as we all call it. Taylor and Tiffany keep me in the loop for homework, which I do to the best of my ability. I have all the time in the world because there is one thing I haven’t done for two days. Go outside. Even when Joe was going with me, I was too scared. Luckily he didn’t push me too much.

“Just point the gun, I just told you how to hold it.” Joe tried to be patient, but it was a losing battle. I feel completely unsure and intimidated holding the rifle.

“I don’t need to be a good shot. I just need to know how it works. I don’t want to kill someone. I want to hurt someone if he or she is a threat.” I say with the gun pointing at the ground. At least he taught me something. Never point at a person. Loaded or unloaded, point it at the ground.

Joe pinched the bridge of his nose. Time for me to shut it. “Violet, if you just want to hurt someone, then it is extra important to know how to aim. If you target the shoulder and you miss, you can hit the heart. If you want to wound someone’s leg, you need to aim at the right spot to hurt. You can hit the important veins easily if you’re not careful…”

I nodded my head. He is right. I am accountable if I shoot someone.

“Practice makes perfect. If you want to hurt your attacker, you also have the responsibility to shoot with good aim.” Joe said while taking his second gun and shooting two barrels in the dead center.

The moment I want to shoot, someone appears from the woods behind the barrels. It was Oliver.

“You idiot, I almost killed you!” I scream, and he just laughs.

“No, you didn’t. Hi, Joe.” Joe waves and goes inside. I think he needs a break from me. He was an hour outside with me explaining the gun and rules. I am a slow student.

“Why are you here?”

“Can’t I just come to visit a friend?” Oliver asks wearing only shorts. I raise a brow, and he sighs.

“I want to ask you to come to my birthday party. Tomorrow we’re having a big picnic, and I’d like you to be my guest. ” My eyes become a size bigger as I look at him.

“You want me to come to the Pack’s ground?” All the wolves surrounding me. I see flashes of the rogue in my mind.

“Yes, don’t freak out. It is the safest place in the region.”

“Thank you for the invitation, but I…”

“You are going. Alpha’s orders.” He interrupts me.

“I am not part of your pack; he can’t control me.” They can watch me all they want, but they are not controlling my life! I was about to get mad and go all crazy, angry woman on him when he steps forward.

Oliver rolls his eyes and sinks to his knees. I take a step back. What is he doing?

“Please, Violet, will you come tomorrow? I will pick you up and bring you home. Like a personal bodyguard.”

“Why?” I ask and put the rifle on the porch. Better not to hold that thing, in case I do something stupid.

“Well.” Oliver begins and runs his hand down his face. “You know that I am supposed to keep an eye on you, right?” I nod my head; it isn’t a secret. I saw him yesterday in the forest from my bedroom window.

“I can only celebrate my birthday if you are there, because it is my job to know how you are doing. If I want to celebrate my twentieth birthday with my friends and family, I need you there as well.” He looks at me with puppy eyes. I laugh at myself. Puppy eyes, they really are puppy eyes.

“Alpha’s orders?” I ask.

“Yes, you are welcome to visit us and spend the day. I hope you will consider it.” He is still on his knees and giving me a small smile.

“I will sleep on it and give you the answer in the morning. Okay?” He stands up, says thank you, and disappears behind the trees.

I sit on the porch staring at the three wooden barrels and the rifle next to me. What am I doing? This isn’t me. The ‘’me’’ I know would stay away from danger, and already be at the airport, crying her eyes out and probably signing herself in a mental institution.

Knowing that there is more to the world than I had known for twenty-four years was strange. It feels like danger is around the corner all the time. Werewolves exist. At night I think about the other fairytale creatures. Witches, vampires, other shifters, and even X-men are on my mind. Do they exist as well?

Knowing the secret brings uncertainties and adds more secrets, I don’t even want to know. But something in my mind tells me I am going to find it out whether I want to or not. Something is going to change for me, big time. The feeling doesn’t leave. Not since I moved here, and it is becoming stronger.

Like the feeling that I need to go with Oliver. My mind tells me I need to be there. My thoughts saved me from the rogue. Maybe I should give them the benefit of the doubt.

Sighing, I stand up and go to help Rose in the kitchen. I am tired and want to go to bed. I survived today. Let’s see if I can live another day.

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