Mates Conquer Everything, Right?

Chapter 25 Training with wolves

I wake up terrified. My heart is pounding in my chest. The bell is ringing. The bell they use for signaling danger. There is danger. Ela and Amanda are waking up slowly. Amanda sees the terror written on my face and is by my side in a second.

Out of breath, I ask: “Danger?”

“Oh no, relax.” She is rubbing my arm in a motherly way. “We work out together every morning. The bell is just to wake us up.”

I look around and find a purple-colored clock, showing the time of 7.00 AM.

“What a horrible way to wake up.” I finally have my heart rhythm under control.

“Yeah,” Ela is changing into gym clothes, “the bell gets me every time too, so don’t worry.”

Amanda is only wearing a sports bra and putting on sweatpants.

“You two need to go?” I want them to stay and have a quiet breakfast together before meeting Igétas.

“Yes, the whole pack will be outside in just twenty minutes. You better hurry and join us.”

My eyes almost pop out of my head. Do they want me to join? I saw how strong and fast werewolves are. I can’t compete with that.

Amanda smiles and reaches for me and I take her hand. “It is more about bonding and staying in shape. Don’t worry, no one will be rude to you. You are the Beta female after all.”

“I might have a big mouth on me and I am not scared easily, but working out with werewolves isn’t something I’d like to do.”

Ela is brushing her teeth, “Don’t worry, you’ll probably get a pass, just like our Luna.”

“She doesn’t participate?”

“Only on the run, she is not very strong and Alpha doesn’t want to see her hurt,” Amanda explained.

“Well I am not a werewolf but I will give it my best try.” I say, and borrow some clothes from Ela.

Let’s do this.

Within twenty minutes the field is filled with pack members. Strong women, men, and even some children. Amanda explained it is optional for kids under eleven years old. Kids between twelve and fifteen years need to participate three days out of the six days.

I see everyone staring at me. Some look at me with admiration, remembering my killing, their saving. Some look confused, probably because I am human and ready to work out. And some are staring with disgust. Why, I don’t know. Oliver has stayed by my side since we arrived, and my girls are flanking me. I feel safe.

“Violet,” I hear my name and goosebumps appear, just like my smile.

“Hi Igétas,” he mimics my smile. He closes the space between us in seconds and holds me tight in his strong arms. “What are you doing here?”

“I am going to work out.” I tell him, and he kisses my hair.

“You don’t have to, I can give you a pass.” He murmurs.

“No, it’s okay, I want to exercise. I’m just a little worried I can’t compete and I’ll end up holding you guys back.”

“Don’t worry, they will respect you, and if you want to do this I am not going to stop you. I will train with the guys. Ela and Amanda, keep an eye on my mate.”

“Of course,” Ela agrees, stepping closer to us, “I won’t leave her side, Beta.”

Igétas chuckles. “That would be great,” he tells her, and leaves me to join the men’s side of the field. Oliver follows him and everyone turns to the Alpha who is coming to the training area.

The chatter quiets down and everyone bows their heads. I just look at my hand and fiddle with my fingers. This is so awkward.

“Welcome to the Pack training. Nice to see everyone show up. We are going to start with a five-mile run instead of our usual two.” His voice is booming and oozing power only an Alpha can unleash.

I hear someone complaining and his head shoots to that person. “Zack will be running eight miles.” He adds, and I make the connection that Zack was the one grumbling. “Then we’ll meet back here for the usual push-ups and training with your partner. After that we are finished for the day. No obstacle course today. We will have breakfast at 9.00 AM. Be there. Now run!” The Alpha yells and looks over at the men who are leaving first.

“Five miles is more than five kilometers, right?” I whisper to Ela and she looks at Amanda.

“It is about eight kilometers.”

“Shit, I can’t run that far.”

“How long is it going to take for you to complete it?”

Amanda thinks about that question and doesn’t answer.

“Just give it your best shot.” She tells me, gently pushing me forward.

Cursing under my breath and regretting not taking Igétas’ offer to sit by the sidelines, I start to jog. We are the last ones in the row of running wolves, and one thing is clear; I won’t catch up. Amanda and Ela are not leaving my side, staying with me.

We jog through the woods, the road isn’t even. It takes a lot of careful foot placement to not stumble. I am jogging for what seems like hours, but I know it probably was just a couple of minutes. I don’t see the other members of the pack, nor do I hear them in the forest.

After an hour of running, I am entirely out of breath and I can’t go anymore. I’m bending over, gripping my knees, trying to get some oxygen in my system.

“How... How...” I can’t ask the question, but Amanda knows what I ask.

“We are almost there, one and a half kilometers left.” She wants to add something, but her eyes turn milky.

“The Alpha asks what is taking so long. They are almost done with the training. I told him we are almost there. Let’s walk, okay?”

She and Ela are helping me find a rhythm. It is like the forest is getting bigger. I know we were running in a horseshoe path, but it seems like ages before we get back to the field. I expect to see everyone training, doing push-ups and sparring with their partner, but everyone is quietly waiting for us to arrive. God, I feel embarrassed.

Igétas stands by his brother, looking worried for me. He should be, because I feel my heart pounding in my head and it seems like I can’t catch my breath. Tharros stands with his arms folded, looking angry.

“Looks like the human is dying from a little walk in the woods,” he says in a playful tone, and Igétas roars beside him. Our bond is getting stronger and he can’t stay submissive when his brother messes with his mate.

“Oh relax brother, she will live. Violet, you and your entourage kept me and the team waiting. What do you have to say for yourself?” He asks me, spitting the words.

Amanda is about to answer, but I hold her wrist.

“I am sorry that I made the pack members wait. Please forgive me.” As soon as the words leave my mouth the Alpha is shocked by my words, and I am also a bit unsure. He didn’t expect an apology, because he has seen me when injustice takes place and thought I would snap at him like a little firecracker.

That is his plan, to make me unwanted by the pack, a liability instead of an asset. He did not win this round.

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