Mates Conquer Everything, Right?

Chapter 22 The drive

Igétas paid for our dinner and we headed to his car. It is quiet in the parking lot. His hand lays on my lower back. Even with all the layers of clothes, I feel his heat.

“You’re warm,” I say and he just chuckles.

“Is that your way of telling me I’m hot?” he asks, kissing my temple.

“No, you are hot of course, but I mean that your hand on my back radiates heat.” He doesn’t reply.

“I meant to say that I feel your heat through my clothes.” I get an “ah” out of him, but he isn’t paying attention to me.

He opens the door for me and I enter the car. The second I am seated, he opens his door, gets in and drives off.

He is being very quiet.

He was so easy to talk to all day and now I have the feeling that I did something to upset him.

“Did I do something wrong?” fidgeting with my fingers and looking out of the side window, I wait for him to answer.

He is silent, I don’t like it.

Looking over I see his focused stare on the road, his eyes fogged over. Reaching for the steering wheel I lay my hand over his.

“What’s happening?” He doesn’t slow down and shakes the fog away.

“I need to get back to the pack right now. Something is off.” He doesn’t extend more information and I don’t ask. Pack matters are not for me. I am not part of the pack, yet.

We drive for five minutes and I recognize the road. Joe and Rose’s house stands just around the corner. The car doesn’t lose speed and Igétas only drives faster.

Unsure, I look back at him and before I can ask he answers my question. “You are not leaving my side now. Not without protection. Oliver is at the pack grounds, he will watch over you.”

His voice is firm and I know I should not argue. I shouldn’t, but it is not in my nature to sit quietly and let the ‘’Alpha man’’ handle it.

“I’ll do what you say because I can see the seriousness of the situation in your eyes and the tension in your body…” He looks more muscular, his muscles bulging. He looks like The Hulk almost ripping out of his suit. “But if you think you can boss me around because I am human, you’re wrong.”

Soft curses come from his lips and I raise a brow at him.

“Later,” he says, “we are going to talk about us later.”

I just nod and let him continue the drive to the community. We meet Zack at the road entrance, and he lets us through. I don’t make eye contact with him, knowing it can set Igétas off.

Reaching the Packhouse, I am welcomed by Ela, Oliver, and Ethan. Oliver opens my door and Igétas is already standing by his side. Werewolf speed, I can’t get used to it.

“How many?” Igétas asks and Oliver tells him ‘one’.

“One?” I ask. Are they all worried about one rogue?

They all share the ‘’should-we-tell-her-what’s-going-on’’ look.

Igétas’ eyes fog over and he shakes it off.

“Just go, I’ll stay here.” I get out of the car but Oliver pushes me back. I didn’t notice before but his eyes are also cloudy.

Now everyone’s eyes are milky. “You are scaring me.” My voice is calm, but I am not feeling calm by a long shot.

“Amanda, get Amanda!” Igétas barks and reaches for me. “You are just going out for a little drive, okay? Nothing is going to happen. If you stay here, Vasil will get too focused on you and not on the task. I’ll meet you back here when things blow over, okay?” He asks, grabbing my hands and kissing them.

I nod, not wanting to endanger the pack with my humanness. He unbuckles me and pulls me up, putting me in the back seat. Ethan is already in place next to me.

“I am here!” I hear Amanda’s voice and she gets into the car, pushing Igétas out of the way. Oliver takes the steering wheel and Ela gets seated next to him.

The last door slams shut and we take off with screeching tires. I look back at Igétas and he waves, then he turns around and disappears.

We drive for five minutes, just as if we were on a trip. We are not going fast and everyone is deadly silent.

“So,” I say, “where are we heading to?”

Oliver answers, “We will take you back in just a few minutes. No big deal.”

″Not a big deal, yeah, right.” I know I should be scared. That my heartbeat should be drumming in my ears and my eyes should be brimming with tears. But I know I am safe with the four werewolf protectors in the car and just one rogue in the pack grounds. Igétas is overprotective and I don’t want him to worry about me, so I’m just going to sit in the car without causing problems.

“Did you have the chance to talk to your family?” Amanda asks. She was with me in the hospital. She is just so lovely. I like her a lot.

“About luna-courage? No, I haven’t yet. I will call her soon.” I say and she smiles.

“So what’s new?” I ask the bunch and Ela spins around in her seat.

“I am still in training, but I have been promoted.” She says enthusiastically and I can only smile at her.

“That is so awesome, what are you going to do?” I ask. “Is there a special task you are being given?”

“I have permission to shadow the warriors on the first barrier.” I don’t know what that means but the way she says it, it’s probably a big deal.

“That sounds like a big responsibility, you should be very proud. I love that you are so driven to protect your community.” I say and I see her eyes shine with glee.

“Your kind words mean a lot to her.” Amanda whispers next to me.

“They should, she must be working hard.”

“It means a lot that you compliment her.” She specified.

I almost want to say ‘’why’’ but then the conversation with Igétas hits me. They think I will become their Beta female at least and maybe even Luna. I nod at Amanda.

“Igétas says it is safe,” Ethan tells us and Oliver turns around.

It is still a little bit awkward in the car. In ten minutes we are at Zack’s post and he lets us through.

“Well, that was fun, next time we should bring snacks!” I say and Ela snickers as Oliver parks the car. Amanda helps me out of the car, and nothing seems different.

Overprotective. I need to learn to live with it.

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