Mated to the Wolf King

Chapter 28

Chapter 28

- Zeus Point of view -

We are now hear at the spot where we will meet the Omnirous pack. I saw them in the other side of the river looking into Ramus. We are waiting for Bill who told us that he will help us saving my mate Kath

"Are you sure that rogues will honor his words and help us saving Kath?" Tyler asks.

"I don't know, but as of now all I want to think is saving Kath. I don't care if they help us or not but since I know where they brought and held my mate, I'm going to do everything to get her back.” I said.

We saw Bill running towards the river and run to us.

"King Zeus I got bad news. I think they know that you are here. All warriors are heading here to fight even the Alpha of Rogues.” He said. I saw three more rogues approaching to us.

I growled and ready to fight.

"No! Don't, they are my friends.” He wave to them and called them to go to us. There are two girls and a one man. "King Zeus, these are also Kath's friends, Cheska, Clariss and Tom.... wait where is Lily?" He asked.

"She told us to go, we try to bring Kath here but she was in the basement locked up and unconscious. Alpha Duren whipped her.” Cheska.

"He just what?" I asked. Anger, vengeance, bloods creeping to my bones. He did dare hurt my mate?

"He whipped her, she's now in the cellar resting. He beat her so much.” She said.

"He will pay for this, I will kill him" I look in Ramus place, I know he heard what happened to her daughter and he is looking at me wildly. His wolf is taking over. "Let's go!!!" I shouted to everyone. I can sense them approaching to us then when we finally meet... In between the clearing. Duren stop and looking so happy seeing me shaking in fury while there is a mysterious guy who standing beside him.

"So, the King finally got his balls to show here.” Duren said.

"Where is my daughter Duren?! What have you done to her?!" Ramus shouted. His son Sam holding him before he can do something that will surely kill him.

"Oh...... she's fine, just bruised and beaten but she's still breathing. Don't worry, I will make her my mate that's why I'm keeping her alive.” He said.

"You son of a bitch! Why are you doing this?" I ask

"Because I want to see you suffer. I want to take what's belongs to you.” Duren.

"Give her back to me and maybe I could spare you an easy way to die.” I said.

"Are you kidding me? She will be mine after this and you Zeus will die with those dogs you have.” He said.

"Don't say it, just do it." I said.

"I'm going to kill you!!!" Ramus shouted and then we all how! in the Moon Goddess. The howl of war that surely, she's watching right now.

"Only if you could” that's when Ramus stay in place looking in the man beside Duren.

"M-Markus? Is that you?" Ramus asked, not believing in what he is just witnessing.

"Yes, old friend, it's me." He said.

She's my mother real mate!!! He is Markus!!

"I thought you were dead” Ramus.

"Yes, I was but I was revived also." Markus said.

"Markus where is my daughter?” Ramus look into his best-friend eyes.

That Markus just smiled into Ramus question.

"Markus I'm not kidding! Where is my daughter?” Ramus.

"I don't have any relation to the kidnap thing about your though it leads the main target to me. I'm sorry Ramus but your daughter will be Duren's mate.” Markus said.

"You're insane Markus, you are not like this!" Ramus.

Markus laughed in his words. "Yes, I am not like this, but after what they did to me. Do you think I will not change?" Markus.

"But my daughter is out of it! She doesn't even know what happened back then!" Ramus shouted. "Hey Ramus, I think it's me you need to talk to. I am the one who kidnap your daughter. And shut the hell up! Or else I'm going to kill you.” Duren.

"You son of a Bitch Duren! I'm sure after this, you're the one who's dead!" Ramus.

We look into each other and the war has begun. Two wolves encircling me but I lunge to the and kill them so easily. I look at Tyler, Ramus, Sam and the others until someone push me. By the look of it, I'm sure that it's Markus. He really wants to kill me because I am the son of the man who snatched his mate.

Canines and paws are exchanging between us. He knows he can't beat me but he is trying to harm me. He bites my leg and throw me but I manage to stand and attack him. His neck is showing and I can easily kill him but before I can bite him a large silver-gray wolf appear and push me.

Mother what the hell? I said. It's my mom's wolf for sure

Don't kill him son, he doesn't know what he is doing since the bond was broken. He's not in his right mind. She said.

The wolf looks at her and I see a glimpse of love in there. I can see that Markus still love my mother despite she mated my father. This is not my fight to deal with, it's them. They need to do it by themselves.

Mom, be careful okay! And if ever.... give yourself a chance. Father is now with his true mate. She just nods at me but didn't answered.

I saw Duren biting Ramus right arm and by the looks of it, Duren is winning against my mates’ father. I rush towards him and kick him. He fly and his back hit the tree. I search for Sam to help his father but he is too busy fighting the others. I saw Ramus trying to stand but I push him.

'You need to rest Ramus, Kath will not be happy seeing you like this." I said to him and he just nodded.

I look to Duren but he is now gone. I scan the area but I can't find him

“Tyler! Duren escape, I think he goes back to the pack to get Kath. Let's go!" I ordered. We run to Duren pack house and shift back to human form. I don't care being naked this time. I need to save Kath. We look each room but we can't find her until I heard her at the back of this house.

"LET GO OF ME!!!" Kath shouted.

"You need to stop struggling Kath or I will knock you off." Duren.

I saw her half naked with her back full of whip marks. The blood still flowing and a lot of bruises in her body. My wolf is boiling with anger right now and he wants blood. I let him take over.

"Duren!!" I said taking his attention before I transform into my wolf. I attack him and don't let him shift. I bite his neck in no time and tear it out of his body. My wolf doesn't happy at it, his paws goes to his body and tear him limb by limb until his body parts scattered in the ground.

"Zeus" her words bring us back to reality and my wolf push back and let me take control.

"Kath? Are you alright?" I ask hugging her.

"I'm fine but too tired. Who's with you?" Her question made me realize that Tyler is not around. Tyler, where are you?" I ask.

“Basement. I found my mate locked in here.’ He said.

“Really? I'm happy for you men. Let's take her and go back to the river where everybody else fighting.’ I said.

"Tyler found his mate, we need to leave now. Your father was injured.” I said to her.

"What? My father is here?" She asked and without another words she shift into her wolf and run leaving me.

I just shook my head. I really got a stubborn mate. She just ignores her injury. I shift and follow her. We reached the river and saw everyone waiting for us. A lot of body is on the ground lifeless. I saw my mate run to his father that is now sitting beside Sam. She shifts back into her Human form that makes me growl. She's naked in front of everyone. A girl run to her and give her a shirt. Thanks to her.

Wait..... where is Markus and my Mother. I shift back into my human form and grab a short in the ground.

"Sam, did you see my mother?” I ask.

"The Queen was here?" Kath

"Yes. I leave her and Markus but why is she not here." I look to everyone.

"I saw your mother chasing Markus. She follows him to the forest. Don't worry, I know Markus... he can't hurt your mom." Ramus said.

"I hope so." But at the back of my mind, I hope she find her new happiness with Markus since my stupid father left us to find his own.

I look into my mate...

"Let's go home." I said to her.

She smiles "Thank you Zeus." Kath.

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