Mated to the Wolf King

Chapter 18

Chapter 18 — Katharina Point of view

That son of a bachelor King! He keeps this thing to me. I should have known this for the very beginning but he kept the information away from me. He is such a selfless bastard that I have ever know and now he wanted me to talk to him in the garden, an asshole!

"What do you want now?" I said to him without looking in his way. Now that I know that he is my mate, I can scent him. His forest mint scent is filling my nose.

"Sit down first, I need to tell you something." I said.

"If it's about the marking then I will not talk to you." She said sitting in the bench but where two sits away from each other.

I give him the note that was given to me by Tyler.

"What this mean?"

"There is someone that have been betraying the pack and he is now after you. I don't know his motives but all I know that he wanted to get you.” I said.

"So, someone want to kidnap me?"

"Yes, from now on you will be sleeping in my room for me to be with you. My wolf is getting anxious because we didn't mark you yet."

"Wow wait! I am going to sleep with you? No way in hell.” She said standing but I pull her to me. "Understand this, you are in danger. I don't want my wolf to take you forcefully because he wanted to mate with you." I said.

"So now this is my fault Zeus?"

"I like the way you call me by my name." I said pulling her closer to me more but she pulls her hand away from me. "Just do this Kath so we don't have problems, be prepared now. Tyler and I will train you and the other fighter of the Kingdom." I said.

"Training sounds good but not with you. I take Tyler than you." She said before leaving me.

This girl is testing my patience. I pull her and kiss her lips. I never thought kissing my mate will bring intensive heat in my body. Her lips are so soft like mash mallows. I can taste the sweetness of her mouth.

I pull away before I do something that we will regret later. "Don’t test my patience Katharina, surely I can take what I want but I'm still controlling myself for the sake of making things right between us. Don't make this hard for the both of us." I said.

"If only you did what is right from the beginning, this thing won't happened to us.” She said leaving me.

Stubborn mate!

“Tyler! You will train Katharina." I order.

'Why me? I thought it was you?" Tyler.

“Change of plan.’ I said.

'Okay". He replied.

Katharina Point of View

I look around the gym wearing sport leggings and bra. I spotted Tyler and Zeus inside the gym. My jaw almost drops at the sight in front of me.

Zeus glorified body is exposed to the prying eyes of the other female wolves. He is just wearing a sport shorts without top. His eight packs are showing while his body is full pf sweat.

"Hey Kath! Don't just stand there. Come here and start stretching.” Tyler

I walk to Tyler not looking to Zeus anymore. I can feel his gaze running through my body. This man will be the death of me if he didn't stop what he is doing.

"Kath after stretching you will use the treadmill for thirty minutes then get back her to do push-ups, is that clear?” Tyler.

"Okay." I said not really paying attention to him. I was about to start my treadmill when Zeus come and start to run his own next to me. I can't concentrate with him half naked.

"Zeus can you put some shirt?" I ask starting to run like him.

"Why? Don't you like my body?" Zeus

"No not that.... it's just... distracting.” I said. Surely, I am red like tomatoes.

"Why? Did you not see a man half naked before?"

"I did but... you're different.” I said.

He just smirks and wink at me. I stop bothering myself with this Greek god body beside me and focus in my movements. I get faster and faster until I reach thirty minutes. I run back to Tyler and start push-ups. Finishing one hundred push-ups, Tyler told me to prepare for sparing. He will spare with me with no gloves at all.

I look at Zeus, he is now busy entertaining the other girls in the gym. Not paying attention to Tyler he hit me in my butt.

"TYLER!" I am shock with his action.

"Pay attention Katharina, if you keep that distracted, surely you will be dead.” He said.

"Don't do that again. That's inappropriate for me, I'm still a girl.” I said.

"In this ring, you are not a girl or a kid or an elder. We are equal so act normal.” He said.

I try to kick him in the ass but he grabs my feet and with no hesitation he flips me. I silently whisper in pain. I can feel Zeus gaze again on me but I ignore it. I need to focus in Tyler attack or I will surely bring to the medical room.

"That's right, full attention Katharina.” He said while throwing punches in me. Some of his punch was I easily dodge but some of them hit me.

"You need to practice your movement more Kath, your slow and your strength is low. You are like punching a pumpkin.” Tyler.

"I'm just warming up Tyler." I said smirking to this Tiger wanna be.

Actually, all this time, I am just assessing his moves and mastering her movement and strength, trying find his weakness spot. It took me thirty minutes before I discover the weakness in his attack. I jump to him and hold his neck while wrapping my feet in his back. If you look at us you will think that we are doing piggy bank but we're not. I hold him in this position and try to choke him but he is stronger than me that's why he easily takes me off his back. But before he can advance with me, I kick him in his left leg and punch him in the face, left and right.

"I told you, I'm just warming up."

Licking my lips, I started to move forward. I attack him and we exchange punches to each other but we did nothing to hurt any of us. I pull him close to me and I used my knee and bring it to his stomach. He didn't think that I'm doing that and he hurled down in the floor.

"That's good Kath."

I was about to help him up but my eyes dart to my mate who is now holding someone in his hand. It seems like the girl fell and fall into my mates’ hand. They look each other and the girl giggles with the words he said. Flirting in front of me? That's bad. I can do much better than that mate.

I look at Tyler and help him stand but I fake strip in his hand and landed on top of him. I look at him in the eyes and wink.

"What are you doing Kath?" He asks curiously.

"He is flirting with that girl that's why I'm returning the favor.” She said and I pull him making him above me.

"We're surely dead Kath." He said nervously.

I push him again make me on top of him and I push his hands upward while whispering to him. "This is for sure will kill us both. Ready Tyl---" but before I can finish my words, someone grab me and pick me up.

"WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING HERE?!" He shouted. Everyone stops in what they are doing and look at us.

"Training what do you think?!" I said back to him.

"It's not look like that Katharina." He said looking directly into my eyes.

"Well if that's what you think then I fine, since you're flirting out there with a girl bitch in your hand.” I said.

"I'm not Bitch!" The girl shouted.

I look at her and show my middle finger to her. "I swear if you open your mouth again, you'll be dead.” I said before turning to Zeus again. He is looking to Tyler who is now standing there scratching his neck. "And you! If you're going to flirt in front of me the I'm leaving this place. I don't want to watch your stupid girls mingling around.” I said before turning my back into him and leave the gym. I heard him call my name but I am too stubborn to go back.

Blast him! He is so freaking flirt.

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