Mated To The King’s Gamma By Jessica Hall

Chapter 92

Read Mated To The King’s Ga*ma by Jessica Hall Chapter 92 – Azalea POV
She was gone. And I watched in horror as Gannon stole her from me, clutching her to his chest, and I felt dead. Like I took my
last breath when she did, all life left me. She died for me, and I felt completely and utterly numb until I heard his voice slice
through the air as it mocked me. His slow, methodical clap made me see red as I lifted my head to see I was circled by the
Landeena and Valkyrie Guards, shielding me instead of fighting.

My eyes scanned the destruction to find Kyson getting to his feet not far from me. The sight of my mate made my heart beat
when Crux’s voice brought me back to my surroundings.
He took Abbie from me. He wouldn’t take my mate too. “I have waited for this day since I learned of your birth,” Crux laughed. My
blood boiled and sizzled, and my skin warmed with rage.
“The almighty Landeenas finally fall. The Landeena Kingdom should have been mine! He promised it to me! I took down my own
mother’s Kingdom for it!” he yelled as everyone halted under his voice. The hunter’s guns trained on us. They knew we were
cornered and thought there was no way out for us.
That f**king name! That f**king name everyone was obsessed with! The Landeena name meant nothing to me anymore. I know
the sins that name carried. The heartache bestowed upon the Kingdoms from it and the reign of terror it has caused.
I could feel the blood of that name burn through me along with my mothers, feel it in my toes as they tingled along with my rage.
Yet I wasn’t just Landeena. My father’s name brought shame to me. I no longer wanted it. Crux could have it. That name took
more from me than anything else.
Yet as I watched Gannon clutch my sister’s dead body in his arms as Liam tried to pry Abbie free of him, it angered me more.
Gannon fights him, trying to draw her nearer, when Liam punches him and knocks him back, his hands replacing Gannon’s as he
brings his hand down on her chest, pumping her heart as if he could save her and bring her back to us. Turning my head and
seeing my mate on his knees made pure white-hot rage sliver through me. The ground vibrated beneath me, and I could feel its
energy, breathing life into me like it was part of me.
“Your father lied to me, then took Tatiana as his Queen! His enemy! He took her as his Queen and birthed her spawn! It was
never yours, Azalea. Your father promised it to me.
The Landeena name was to be mine!” Crux roared in anger.

“You can have the f**king name!” I screamed in anger as I rose to my feet. My guard tensed and took protective stances
encircling me, but I wanted to see the face of the man who thought he would be our downfall. See the life drain from his eyes
when I took it from him.
“Stand down!” I scream at my guard when I see them move to protect me. My command rings out loud, my people drop to their
knees, and Crux laughs, clapping his hands slowly as he strolls closer. Kyson’s fear bleeds into me, and I could feel his eyes on
me, his heart beating in his chest in sync with mine as I stared down Crux, who smiled sadistically.
“Landeena used to be Gods! The Landeena’s were feared among the Lycania Kingdoms,
and your father brought shame to the name! But not anymore. His reign ends here, today, with you, just like the Azures. You’re
all that’s left,” Crux called out to me.
He was right because I could feel their blood singing in my veins, feel the power that had awoken and now writhed through me,
strong like a flexing muscle. He was right. I am Landeena and Azure by blood, but that is not all.
“You‘re wrong. The Landeena’s and Azures may be dead,” I tell him.
“Almost,” Crux said, pointing to me. I laugh, the sound wicked as the ground beneath my feet begins to shake, my aura pressing
out, and I feel its strength as it wraps around my people like a shield.
“But I am not a Landeena or Azure. I am Valkyrie! And you shall not take my Kingdom!”
Kyson POV
I couldn’t move as the power of her command rolled over everyone forcing us to our knees as she stood off, glaring daggers at
Crux. Her eyes, emblazoned with her anger, glowed like beacons in the night.
“But I am not a Landeena or Azure. I am Valkyrie! And you shall not take my Kingdom!” Azalea roared when I felt her anger erupt
like lava spewing from a mountainous volcano. The hunter’s fear burned the air with a thick stench. I wanted to gag at the scent
as their guns started going off as they unleashed their bullets, whizzing through the sky yet stopping on a shield she created
around us, bouncing off its walls as she lifted her hands.
The ground split, creating a crater dividing us from them as vines shot from the ground, wrapping around the hunters like
tentacles and ripping them into the earth as the violence from her rage fueled her guards’ angry roars. Fire lit up the sky as her
anger scorched the air around us and burned everything it touched, turning the grass black as it seared the

earth, yet locked under the safety of her aura’s shield, it did not touch us.
Crux’s eyes widen as the sky darkens, and he realizes he didn’t beat her. He awoke her. A Kingdom shall fall, but in its place, the
Empress of Lycania rises.
Her power turned the place dark as night. The clouds rolled across the sky angrily, furious as the skies screamed down just as
hell reigned down on earth when her powers awakened, coming forth. Lightning streaked the sky and hit the ground, burning
caverns into the earth as the volts plunged into our castle, obliterating everything in its path.
Rocks and mortar exploded from my castle as it crumbled and broke, sending the debris hurtling toward us. Yet they couldn’t
break past the barrier which she created. I gasped at the power, feeling it writhing through the bond and healing every inch of
As she raised her arms, her shield shuddered as the wind whipped and howled around us when her scream of anguish from
everyone she had lost, the ghosts of everything that tainted and haunted her, exploded in a war cry of command.
I now understood what the history books spoke of when they said the Landeena and Azure power. They were indeed Gods as I
watched the air ripple with screams as her soul erupted from her like a shock wave, and it flattened everything in its path as it
burst free of her.
The forest was flattened to the earth, our home. Our Kingdom was reduced to rubble as if a hurricane of her anger wiped
everything out. Only leaving us as the bodies of our enemies as they exploded with her anger and blood rained from the skies,
their blood staining us and bleeding back into the earth.
Just as fast as it erupted, it stopped, the silence so deafening I wasn’t sure we survived it as her shield dropped, and I was able
to move to her. Her sadness split her heart down the middle and tore her apart as I grabbed her. I clutch her tightly, hanging on
to my lifeline, which is her.
Liam POV
Dustin and I tried to remove Abbie from Gannon, but he refused to let go. Gannon wails as I rip her out of his arms, and Dustin
all but tackles him to stop him from trying to take her from me. I tried to revive her. Gannon wouldn’t survive this, not this time.
Sia was one thing, but Abbie was his everything which is exactly why I had been feeding her my blood for days now, filling all her
drinks in her fridge with my blood.

She made Ganno promise not to change her, yet I never made that same promise, and I refused to watch my best friend tear
himself apart again if she tried to commit suicide.
After everything she had endured and survived, I knew she could survive this. Abbie was a fighter; I could bring her back.
Dustin tries to rip me off her seeing my attempts to revive her futile, yet they didn’t know | had been feeding her blood; I growl,
shoving him back. “Come on, Abbie,” I growl furiously. Dustin and Trey grab me, hauling me off just as Gannon holds her again.
Clutching her tighter.
“She’s gone. She’s gone. There is nothing you can do,” Dustin tells me, but I shake my head, punching him before reaching for
her again.
“No! I have been feeding her my blood,” I snarled, tossing him off and placing my hands back in the center of her chest and
performing CPR while praying we weren’t too late. No sooner did the words leave my lips; however, did we hear her gasp.
I blink, unable to believe my eyes while Gannon rocked back and forth, wailing loudly at his lost Love, her eyes open dazedly.
Yet, they were obsidian as her hand rose and clutched Gannon’s arms, making him jump as she sucked in a breath and her eyes
returned to their emerald color, life returning to her deathly pale skin, and I fell back on my a**s.
“Abbie?” Azalea whispered, choking on her s**b as Abbie’s hand moved to Gannon’s hair. “Abbie!” Azalea screamed, and
Gannon jumped at the feel of Abbie’s hand in his hair as he lifted his head. I sagged against Dustin, collapsing between his legs
as he breathed heavily.
“I told you, brother, I wouldn’t let you lose her again,” I breathe out, catching my breath.

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