Mated to the Alpha King (A Royal’s Tale Book 1)

Mated to the Alpha King: Chapter 5

My feelings sank as Caroline faked the big o. Why couldn’t she just get herself to see a gynecologist? I mean, Simon was remarkable. Heck, I was having a big o here just from reading it. And she wasn’t? Obviously, there was something insanely wrong here.

I shook my head as I read on. My feeling that Simon knew about her faking the big o lingered in my mind, and I knew that Caroline would have to face it sometime, or she was never going to get the orgasm that she had been robbed of.

As the chapter ended, the reminder that I had homework to do and could only have the luxury of reading another chapter after I finished it sank into my head.

Letting out a soft sigh, I dog-eared the page and closed the book before placing it on the window bench beside me. The day was a dark one, and it was quite cold. I watched as the rain continued to pour over the dark forest. The windows were open, and the cold breeze occasionally blew in, strongly blowing the drapes over my face. I smiled as the light white drapes caressed my cheeks and retreated into their original places.

It was also slightly foggy. The mountains in the distance were barely visible as the slow mist flowed through the castle, the rain and the dark glow giving it an even more mystical vibe.

I scanned through the windows, as was my habit, trying to find any life form inside—a maid, a valet, or whatever fancy, rich people had in their castles—but stopped at the fourth-floor balcony. The man who usually stood there and always caught my eye was again standing there, against the railing, his blue shirt shining distinctively. His features were blurry, but I was certain that he was staring at me just as I him.

I often caught him standing there, and he often caught me looking at the castle. I suppose it was awkward for us to be looking at each other at such a great distance and so often. I wonder what he did there in the castle.

Maybe I should wave?

After all, we had been staring buddies for nearly a week.

Lifting my right hand, I waved at him unsurely. A small smile graced my lips; what for, I had no idea. It wasn’t like the man could see me smiling from there. Heck, I couldn’t even see his face! How would he see me smile?               He just stood there while I, feeling like an idiot, placed my arm back on my lap and looked down, embarrassed.

God, Theia. That man must think you’re such an idiot. Make a run for it, woman!

With my face burning with embarrassment, I quickly lifted my gaze towards the window and was about to close it when I saw the man still standing there—and waving back!

A short laugh left my lips as I instantly waved back happily before closing the window and walking towards my study table.

That man saw me wave. He waved back!

I wonder if he knows of the other guy who jumped off the balcony that night? I then thought as I sat in my chair and grabbed hold of my textbooks.

Canvases, pastels, and paint rested just by my feet, and I looked at them awkwardly. My hands were itching to grab hold of them and just get on with it, but I had homework to do first.

Oh, the pain of being a student!

It had been a week since I’d seen Bryce, but two days since the stalker incident—this being the second day—and due to a storm, it was announced that Rosenberg High would be closed for the day. Although I had most of my assignments completed and packed, I’d only realized this morning that my math and biology ones were still pending and due the next day.

As for the stalker, there had not been any visible signs of anyone having been in my room, other than the open window every morning. But being as forgetful as I was, I could never seem to remember if I had in fact closed it the previous night or not. After all, I was not one to close windows, especially when there was barely any solid ground beyond it.

Suddenly, a ping sounded from my phone, bringing me out of my thoughts, and I placed the pen down and picked my cell phone, unlocking it.


From: Dada


I am taking your mother on a date tonight, so we will be late. There is cash inside the linen drawer in the kitchen. Please order yourself some pizza? Lock the doors and windows if you feel unsafe, and keep me or Mom on speed dial! Be good!





I grinned as I typed back a reply. Tonight, the house was all mine!

After placing the cellphone back, I got busy with calculus.

It couldn’t find the Y to its X now, could it?

I rolled my eyes at the stupid thought. Of course it couldn’t.




Walking out of the bathroom, I caught sight of my reflection in the mirror and cringed. Staring back at me was a wet cat.

I shook my head, running towards the closet and instantly rushed into it. My tummy was twisting and turning like nothing else, and the fried chicken and fries from KFC that rested on the kitchen island weren’t going to finish themselves.

Hastily, I grabbed onto a pair of black boy-short panties and a matching black bra before slipping into some tribal gray cotton tights and a slightly cropped gray sweatshirt. Deciding to let my hair air-dry, I rubbed the towel against it, trying to wipe out excess water, before placing the towel on the towel rack. I gathered my hair on one side, grabbed onto my cellphone, and trotted downstairs.

The heavenly scent of the fried chicken drifted through the kitchen and into the hallway as I continued towards the kitchen, smiling because I had food in my sight.

I grabbed onto a plate when a ping rang through the room, and I instantly walked towards the island and picked up my phone.


From: Cas-Cas

Owen asked me out today. I don’t know what to say. Should I say yes, or should I say no? Omg! I have been crushing on him since junior year! I should say yes! But he’s a player . . . Maybe I should say no.





I flinched. That Owen was bad news!


To: Cas-Cas

It’s truly up to you. But I don’t really want you dating him. He is a disgusting idiot, and I’d rather you went out with Leo. Before you say something, yes, Leo. He has had a crush on you since sophomore year, Cas. It’s about time! Besides, he is a hunk and a math wiz. How could you want more?


— Hopeful Thi x


“She should really just ask Leo out,” I mumbled as I placed the phone back on the island and glanced up.

My heartbeat just somehow stopped.

“What the hell,” I whispered as I stared, shocked, at the man sitting on the swing, in the rain.

His eyes were on his lap, his hands holding on to the ropes.

My body froze when I realized who it was: Bryce.

I hesitated. After taking a step forward, I stopped. He had a girlfriend, but then again, he was getting cold.

But . . . But then . . . I shook my head and turned away, holding my breath, as I tried to admit it to myself I had missed him.

As if that had been the missing key, I blinked back my tears and quickly moved towards the back door, rushing to get outside.

I picked up an umbrella from the stand, slipped my feet into a pair of flip-flops, then walked out in the rain.

I should go back. But, is he okay? Why the hell isn’t he looking up? Is he . . . ? No, shut up, Thi!

“Bryce?” I asked softly as I stood in front of him.

Instantly, he lifted his head and his eyes met mine, his clenched jaw relaxed. He smiled sadly. “Hi,” he quietly said, still sitting on the swing calmly.

What’s happening?

“Hi.” I cocked an eyebrow upwards, looking at him questioningly.

“Hi,” he repeated, still looking quite unreadable, his blue eyes peering into my boring light-brown ones.

I sighed. I couldn’t stand it.

“Let’s get you inside. Come on.” I grasped one of his hands, the rain tickling me as cold droplets touched and slid down my bare arm.

Bryce stared at my hand holding his, and he let out a chuckle.

“Letting a stranger in, Theia? That’s not a very smart thing to do,” he remarked with a smirk, standing up.

I flinched back with guilt and grief. I let go of his hand and looked away while he continued to tower over me by a few good inches. I couldn’t even reach his chin properly.

Bryce’s taunting smirk deepened as he looked at me staring at him, pulling me out of my shocked state.

My face turned into a scowl. Fine then, you rude man! I thought as I regarded him with a sudden hardness.

I mean, I am not the one well on my way to getting a bad cold or anything; he is!

“Maybe I’m not being very smart right now, but I’d rather not let a man sit outside in the rain for God knows what reason. I’m going in. You can follow if you want to. If you don’t, bye, Bryce,” I snapped and, without a second look at him, marched back to the door, all the while cussing at myself for being such an idiot.

I should never have gone out.

I sighed sadly as I reached the door, then placed the umbrella beside it and pushed it open. Upon getting in and turning around to close the door, I gasped as my face collided with a hard chest.

I think I just broke my nose.

Strong hands immediately grabbed onto my shoulders and pulled me forward, rescuing me from falling on my ass and embarrassing myself.

I mumbled a quick thank-you before moving out of his grasp.

Damn his touch for electrocuting me in the sweetest of ways!

“I’ll get you some dry clothes, though I’m not sure if they fit you. My dad isn’t as huge as you are,” I mumbled and quickly shot upstairs but not before nodding shyly at Bryce’s thanks.

After rummaging through Dad’s clothes, I thanked God he was on the bulky side when I finally found a gray T-shirt and a pair of deep-blue sweatpants.

I was walking downstairs, but then came to a stop at the sight of a very shirtless Bryce standing by the kitchen island, glaring in the direction of my iPhone, which was blaring my ringtone around the room.

How did I not hear it?

I slowly moved towards him, my cheeks probably the color of blood, as I tried my hardest to ignore his bulging muscles and how wonderfully formed they were.

“Here.” I handed him the clothes, keeping my eyes on my iPhone.

Alex was calling.

Damn it! What does he want?

Sighing, I grabbed the phone and pressed Accept, not noticing that Bryce had not moved an inch, his jaw clenched in a death grip.

“Hello,” I mumbled into the iPhone. This boy better have a good re—

“Two minutes, just two minutes—that’s all I ask!” Alex’s insistent voice rang out, and the scowl on my face deepened.

Ugh, fine!

“Okay, start.”

I thought I heard a low growl behind me and, upon turning, smashed my nose into a warm wall again.

Crap! My nose sure is not happy right now!

Realizing who the wall was, I tilted my head upwards. Bryce looked pissed; in fact, he looked livid. As if sensing my eyes on him, he looked at me, still looking livid.

“You’re so scary,” I whisper-yelled to him before getting my attention back on the phone.

“I’m sorry for whatever happened that day! I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about Diandra. It’s just that . . . I wanted to break up with— Okay, listen, I’m sorry, okay? I just want to be friends, if you let me. Matt and the guys are avoiding me now.”

I stared at the now-dark screen, effectively ignoring the tiny growls emitting from a certain man, who I suppose had throat issues.

I really wasn’t one for fighting forever. So I sighed and mumbled back a short reply: “Okay. See you at school tomorrow. Bye, Alex.” I then disconnected the call after hearing a happy thank-you and goodbye.

I placed the phone back on the island and turned around again. Only, this time Bryce wasn’t behind me. I shrugged and picked out another plate. I guessed Bryce would like some chicken and fries too.

After bringing out a can of cola, I took a sip, then placed it on the island, and turned around, only to be pulled towards a hard chest again. Thankfully, this time, my nose got spared.

“Umph!” I groaned as my cheek slammed against the hard chest. “What is it with you and me slamming against you?” My eyes drifted towards the sweatpants, and I instantly blushed.

The sweatpants clung to his hips deliciously—too deliciously. My gaze moved upwards, slowly, and I noticed the absence of a T-shirt.

“What happened to the shirt?” I asked.

Bryce smiled sheepishly at me. He nervously ran a hand through his hair, leaving me suddenly wishing I could do the same.

“Well . . . I wore it, but then I moved my hands, and . . . it ripped.”


“Oh,” I mumbled dumbly as I grabbed onto the can of cola again before taking a long sip while ignoring the feeling of having Bryce’s intense gaze on me. For the fifth time, I silently reminded myself that he had a girlfriend.

Thi, breathe! Breathe!

“So . . . Er . . . Chicken and fries?”

Bryce smiled and nodded. He grabbed the plates and the can of cola before he took a long sip, lightly closing his eyes for a second.

Damn, maybe he likes cola a lot?

After grabbing onto the bag, I led him towards the living room and plopped down in a seat. Bryce settled down beside me.

Well, this was going to be interesting—for my sake, though.

I wished he would’ve just leave.




“So, why were you on my swing again?” I asked Bryce as I dipped a particularly beautiful french fry in sweet-and-sour sauce before plopping it into my mouth and running the tip of my tongue around my lip to lick the sauce away.

I noticed Bryce had caught that, and his eyes instantly darkened.

Oh my God . . . Was he . . . ? Oh no . . . Wait, but if he really did get affected by a lip lick . . . and he kisses me . . . But his girlfriend?

Theia, you are going to die for this!

“I wanted to meet you.”

I stilled.

“So you waited outside, in the rain?” I glanced at Bryce.

He was munching on his fried chicken, his eyes glued on the TV screen. But I knew he was paying attention to me. His back was too stiff not to be.

“I really wanted to meet you.”

I sighed. There was no winning this.

“Why?” I asked him, honestly curious as to why he would take such a big step to meet me.

He turned to me, and our eyes locked for a second or two before his returned to the TV screen.


Just then, a very loud ping rang from my phone.

I looked down at my empty plate and grabbed hold of the bags before I moved towards the kitchen while Bryce popped the last bit of chicken into his mouth and walked behind me.

After quickly doing the dishes, I made my way towards my phone, slightly conscious of Bryce sitting on the sofa, watching some random contestant singing on The Voice.

I grabbed my phone and smiled. My folks were really missing me.


From: Matty

Elo? (Do I sound British enough?) Come over tonight if you can. I shall have cookies and milk!

— Matt


From: Matty

I also have Christmas pudding ice cream 😉 (I know you want it!)

— Again, Matt


From: Cas-Cas

Guess what . . . I just asked Leo out. HE SAID YES! OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD!

— A very ecstatic Cas!


From: Blond

Thank you for the second chance, Thi! I won’t mess it up!

— Alex


From: Ley

Elo, baby 😉 I am bringing our art project ideas tomorrow. Think of some ideas, too, eh? BTW, we need a sleepover soon!

— Marley xx


From: Private Number

Smiling over a text from your “boyfriend,” Theia?


My eyes widened of their own accord as I read the most recent message from an unknown number. I quickly turned around and searched the house for someone spying on me until my gaze fell on Bryce, his cellphone in his hands. He looked at me with his jaw clenched.

Why does he look like he has his panties in a twist? Oh God, why does his clenched jaw have my panties twisting?

I shook my head. Girlfriend.

“How did you get my number?” I hissed as I walked towards him cautiously.

He looked like he was about to explode.

“I have my ways.”

My frown deepened. I stood in front him, my hands clutching my cellphone, whereas he still sat on the sofa, regarding me now with silent indifference. In the back of my mind, I thought I deserved a little bit of that. I had been so rude to him that day after all. But I couldn’t let him know that.

“What kind of ways? Why did you even want to meet me? Are you the one who yelled at Alex over the phone?”

He remained silent, and that pissed me off.

“Well?” I growled, my teeth clenched in irritation.

“You want to know why, Theia?” His now-dark-blue eyes challenged me as he leaned forward, looking very intimidating.

“Yes,” I retorted stubbornly, folding my arms against my chest.

Suddenly, his hands shot forward, grabbed me by the arms, and pulled me down until his lips touched mine.

I could tell he was slipping his arms around my waist and grasping it like his life depended on it, but it was all hazy. The only thing I could focus on was his lips moving against mine, his teeth nipping them, and his tongue running along my bottom one as if asking for entrance. His hand found my bottom, and a jumbled-up shriek ripped out of my throat when he landed his big hand on my butt at a speed and with a force that left my senses hazy for a second or two longer.

As if seeing it as an opportunity, he instantly dipped his tongue in my mouth and twirled it around mine, taking full possession of my senses. I couldn’t decide. Common sense told me to move away because he was in a complicated relationship, but everything else told me to stay.

“I don’t know what I said wrong the last time. You literally just cut me off. But I’ve been thinking, and I reckon it was because of the ‘maybe’.” Bryce let out a low, unreal growl as he deepened our kiss, his fingers now gracing my naked belly.

I flinched at his acknowledgement and immediately tried to move away. How could someone have a serious conversation when their body kept singing and sighing, and their brain couldn’t operate?

As if sensing that I wanted to move away, he tightened his grip on my waist and pulled me close. A whimper of excitement left my lips as I forgot all rational thoughts and willingly moved closer to him.

Damn it, Theia. Bad Theia. Bad!

A groan left his lips, and he broke our kiss to immediately leave hot trails of kisses on my jaw and neck, paying particular interest to a spot that had made me moan every time his lips touched it.

“You. I came for you because when I said maybe and that it’s complicated, I meant that I haven’t asked you out yet,” he growled lowly, then brought his lips back to mine.

I couldn’t breathe. The secret place between my thighs was crying out for something I had only read about in books, and although I suddenly wanted it as badly as one could, it shocked me that I didn’t know Bryce as much as I wanted to.

How could we be kissing if I didn’t even know his last name?

“B-Bryce, no. Please.” I sighed as he nibbled on my sweet spot.

He stilled and lifted his eyes up to meet mine.

Gone were the bright-blue orbs. His eyes were darker, to the extent that they almost looked gray.

I felt my cheeks heat up as I looked down at my legs still around him. God, I was so embarrassed!

“Theia?” he murmured slowly as he placed a finger under my chin and tilted my head to make me face him.

“I don’t even know your last name, yet we’re doing this. I feel like an idiot,” I whispered, my eyes wide and hazy with unshed tears.

He must be thinking I’m a young idiot; that I’m a . . . bitch.

I cringed at the thought, and a traitor tear spilled down my cheek. Bryce grimaced as he watched me, then he placed his thumb against my cheek and wiped the tear away.

I noticed I was still straddling him, so I instantly tried to move off, but Bryce’s firm grip on my waist stopped me.

“There is nothing to feel embarrassed about, Theia. You’re beautiful and kind and very smart, but best of all, you’re mine. Or . . . I hope you will be. We’ve only known each other for two weeks, I know. But then again, we still have so much time to get to know each other, so if you think that you don’t know me, you will,” Bryce mumbled softly as he looked straight into my eyes, not once breaking eye contact.

I sighed and found myself nodding.

Was I actually saying yes to being his?

A small smile graced Bryce’s lips as he leaned in and placed a soft kiss on my forehead.

“Good,” he mumbled softly, his warm breath fanning my cheek, where he then placed another soft kiss.

“I have to go now,” he muttered, his arms sliding around me, as he pulled me in for a hug.

My face slammed against his naked shoulder, and I immediately blushed.


“Huh . . . yeah?” I croaked out, broken out of my thoughts, as I looked at the curious-looking Bryce.

“I said it’s getting dark. I have to go now,” Bryce murmured softly as he held me against him.


Dear God,

Please don’t make him a serial killer or something; actually make him a good guy, please.



I sent a silent prayer upwards and nodded into Bryce’s embrace.

“What are you going to do all night?” he suddenly asked me.

He wanted to know what I would do?

Er . . . I thought over Matthew’s text, then Marley’s.


“Well, Matt called me over for a movie. He actually lives next door. Then I have to think up ideas for our art project,” I answered, keeping a steady look on his expression, which was turning slightly grim.

“Matt is a friend?” Bryce asked, his voice dangerously low.

“Most definitely!” I answered, sounding confident.

“Okay, just . . . don’t let him touch you.”

I rolled my eyes and broke out of his grip, pulling him up with me. Damn, he was heavy!

Bryce chuckled as he got up.

“You’re so tall,” I grumbled.

Thank God for not adding the stomping-foot bit afterwards.

Bryce chuckled again before he placed both hands on my waist and, just like it was nothing, lifted me up until my face was on the same level as his. With my feet automatically wrapped around his waist and pulling me against him, he placed a playful kiss on the tip of my nose.

“I wouldn’t have it another way, love.”

Gah! How does he know all the right things to say?

I rolled my eyes at him, and he silently chuckled before walking towards the backdoor.

“Where do you live?” I grimaced, my eyes on the thick layer of forest.

The rain had stopped when we walked outside. It was growing dark. The sun was just about to sink, and the bats were coming out to play—ugh, I hated bats.

I could feel Bryce tense under me, but he kept walking towards the patio, with me clinging to him like a monkey or something.

“I live just beyond the forest,” he muttered, sounding guarded.

“But the forest goes on for miles,” I mumbled back, trying to study his expression.

He nodded at me. “Yes, it does.”

“Then why do you go around dancing through the forests? Don’t you know there are wolves in there?”

He looked at me with a curious expression. “Are you scared of wolves, Theia?”

I frowned. “No . . . I quite like them, but not when they would like you as a meal.” I shifted in his hold so I could properly hook my legs around him.

Come to think of it, it actually felt comfortable.

Ah, the pros of having a buff man holding you. And ah, British accent. Swoon!

Bryce looked at me for a while, then he broke into a laugh, his deep voice ringing out in the evening loud and beautiful.

I rolled my eyes. He was laughing at me after all.

“I assure you, love, the last thing wolves would want is me.”

“But isn’t it getting a bit too dark for you to make your way through the woods?”

“Don’t worry, love. I know my way through the woods,” he muttered, his breath fanning my forehead, as I studied a scar on his chest. “Look at me,” he murmured, his voice barely louder than a whisper.

Feeling a little on the shy side, I lifted my gaze to his and smiled when I realized how adorable he looked—his face was set on a soft expression, and it made him look like a kid.

I held back a small gasp as I noticed his eyes zero in on my lips before he leaned in slowly and planted his on mine. This kiss was different. It was warm, soft, and sweet, unlike the one before, which had been raw and passionate. To be honest, I liked both equally.

Bryce nibbled on my bottom lip before pulling on it lightly, then breaking the kiss. We stood there for a second or two, and I sighed as I relished his closeness to me.

I felt like I needed him. I felt like I needed a guy I barely knew. And by the way he was acting, maybe he needed me too? Is this how it is in real life, clumsy and irrational yet somehow the most rational thing ever too?

I sighed in contentment as I held on to Bryce, my face resting on his shoulder.

“I have to go, love,” he murmured for what felt like the third time that day, yet he made no move to let go, so I nodded.

“Okay,” I said softly and looked at the ground.

As if he’d caught on to my unspoken indication, Bryce slowly let go, and I slid onto the ground. A shiver ran through my skin as my bare feet touched the wet grass, and I smiled at the feel of it.

Everything is always so pretty after it rains.

Arms reached out and pulled me close. “I’ll see you soon, okay?”

I nodded as I hugged him back. “Okay.”

He broke our hug and then moved towards the forest.

I stood still as I watched him enter the dark, dense trees.

Before he disappeared into the darkness, he turned around and gave me a wave, and I smiled and waved back at him.

I’ll see him soon, was the last thought I had, then I turned around and walked back towards the house.




The persistent sounds of chimes stirred me from my sleep to reach for my phone and turn off the darn alarm.

Every night I set up the alarm thinking it to be a great idea, and every morning I groaned about why I did this to myself!

After smacking the phone against my pillow, I literally slithered out of bed and onto the floor. I really did not want to go to school, but my assignments needed to be submitted. And the flawless attendance record wouldn’t keep itself flawlessly now, would it?

Just then, a knock sounded from my door, and I yelled out a weak “I’m up! I’m up!” before crawling towards the bathroom.

The door creaked open, and I instantly shot my head towards the person standing just inside my bedroom, looking at me with wide eyes.

“What are you doing?” Matthew exclaimed, clearly trying to hold in his laughter. He seemed ready for school in his unusual style of plain white button-down shirt and black jeans and black Supras, then there were those nerd glasses of his.

I rolled my eyes.

Was he dumb? Did he not see I was crawling my way to the bathroom? And what was he doing here so early?

“Can’t you see? I’m going to the bathroom. Why are you here so early anyway?” I turned my face towards the bathroom door and continued to crawl towards it.

“It’s 8, Thi. We are nearly late,” Matthew answered, struggling to contain his laughter, which then flowed out in strings when I stopped crawling, got up, and instantly ran into the bathroom.

Damnation! I was never late!

I marched out of the shower and into my room, wrapped up in a towel, when a sudden thud caught my attention and got me to turn around to a very red-faced, wide-eyed Matthew. A shriek escaped my lips, and I made a run for the closet and, once in, bolted the door.

“S-sorry!” I heard him mumble against the door, and I nodded before realizing he could not even see me.


Dear Theia,

You are an idiot!




“It’s okay. You just scared me; that’s all!” I called out before walking towards the wall-length mirror installed on the otherwise-free wall.

A gasp left my lips as I stared at the bruise on the base of my neck.

My sweet spot.

The love bite shone proudly with its maroon splendor, showing off the fact that its carrier had actually had some “fumble” time—goodness!

I had ended up going over to Matthew’s the previous night. The idiot played The Exorcist, thinking it would be okay and he could handle it. But halfway through, with both of us on the verge of pissing our pants, someone had to call it quits.

I was glad he did.

I came home past 10. I made him drop me home and was actually grateful when I found Dad and Mom already in and worried. Naturally, Dad had to drop Matthew back to his place. I swear that boy needed to grow some when it came to horror movies.

Sighing, I decided to just let my hair down. The love bite was a pretty-deep maroon and quite apparent, but hopefully with my long hair spread out, I could conceal it until it faded.

After slipping into my undies, I grabbed onto a pair of dark jeans and put them on, then quickly slipped into a white-and-blue-striped tank top and a black leather jacket. It was quite chilly today, so I put on a red beanie, then wore my red Converse. After smiling at my reflection in contentment, I opened the door to walk outside when a yellow scarf caught my eye. Without a second thought, I wrapped it around my neck.

Great! I have protection now.

“Let’s go, Matty-boy,” I called out as I picked up my packed backpack lying beside the closet door, then walked through the doorway without a second glance around the room.

“Coming,” Matthew replied behind me, and I briefly turned to smile at him before resuming to walk away.




“She will come and get you.”

A warm breath fanned my ears, and I instantly stilled, my hand still in my locker, holding my biology textbook.

This was insane. There could be no ghosts in a hallway full of students.

Still a bit shaky, I turned around and immediately moved back against the locker.

“Shit, Matthew! That was not funny!” I hissed, giving the hysterically laughing Matthew the best death glare I could conjure.

“Scared little Theia,” Matt spat out teasingly as he gloated about his success.

So immature! I rolled my eyes and turned to take my biology book out before closing the locker.

“Let’s just go to biology class, moron.”

Matthew’s smug grin widened as he followed me into class, and I was sure that by the end of the day, I would have kicked his ass.

Or . . . I could get back at him. Oh, good one, Thi!




“So what about the sleepover?” Marley asked as we placed our lunch trays on the table and slid in beside Matthew and his friends—Connor, Jeff, and Keith. Alex, like always, was at Diandra’s table, his arm around her shoulders.

I smiled. They actually did look great together. Alex and Diandra: made for each other!

It was strange, though, how Matt’s buddies from both football and math club could mingle with one another so nicely. Jeff was the “mathlete” of the three, yet he looked anything but that. With windswept black hair and fairly pale skin, he defied the stereotype of a skinny kid who wore checked shirts and had no social skills; quite on the contrary, Jeff had properly broad shoulders and a pretty good body overall.

Then there was Connor. Now, however well Jeff managed to defy his associated stereotype, Connor did quite the opposite. In fact, he was the definition of a high-school jock. With a bulky form—all muscle, no fat— blond hair, a tan any pale girl would die for, and a badass attitude, Connor was a footballer through and through.

Then came Keith. His position of striker in his team totally defined his personality—he was striking. He, too, had jet-black hair, which managed to hold a shine that would make the girls in Dove advertisements jealous. What was really striking about him, though, was his amazing blue eyes. Then there was his personality. He was unlike any other and, apparently, the only one with enough common sense in his team to just play football and not with girls.

“You guys are having a sleepover?” Connor asked, his gaze on Matthew.

The grin on his face was actually making me quite suspicious.

“Yes,” I nodded, still looking at the boys with suspicious narrow eyes.

“Awesome! We’re having a sleepover!” Connor exclaimed, rather loudly that about half of the cafeteria must have heard him.

“No, you’re not!” Marley protested instantly, smacking her hand against the plastic table.

Jeff chuckled as he put his hands up in surrender. Keith, however, grinned at Marley and gave her a small wink, surprising both her and me.

I looked at my friend to see her blushing. Ahhh, potential!

Grinning, I turned my attention back to Connor. “No, it’s a girls’ sleepover. No boys allowed! Can you not have your own sleepover?” I blurted out, looking at Matthew, silently begging him to agree.

Matthew grinned at me and shrugged lazily, not at all taking my side. Well, it wasn’t going to happen anyway. “No boys allowed” was the

fundamental law of sleepovers.

“Can you not use English like you are from 1880 Britain?” Connor countered, and I grimaced.

I couldn’t help it. I read those books all the time.

“Shut up, Con-Con,” I grumbled as I shoved a spoonful of soup into my mouth—damn, it was hot!

“Don’t call him Con-Con. It actually sounds cute while he is not,” Marley whined as she bit into her burger.

I giggled. It was true. Connor looked anything but cute.

Just then, the bell went off to mark the end of lunch, and the boys, Marley, and I quickly scrambled to our feet and marched towards our respective classes, Marley and mine being art.




“Guess what we are going to paint today, guys?” our teacher, whose name was too hard to remember, asked us, her sweet smile painted onto her face by angels.

I had never seen her pissed off. She was always smiling.

“Those boring cups and bottles?” a deep voice spoke in the far back of the class.

Curiosity got the best of me, and I looked towards the voice, then stayed in my position as I stared at him. Our eyes met.

The boy had shoulder-length jet-black hair. Truth be told, he looked dangerous. Now, I wasn’t much for being judgmental, but I was surprised he hadn’t sworn at me considering I was actually staring at him quite offensively.

“What?” he called out loudly, his voice almost threatening.

My eyes widened as I realized he had actually yelled at me.

“Shit!” I mumbled, embarrassed, as I quickly returned to our art teacher.

She smiled at me softly before moving her gaze behind me, probably to the dangerous dude, whose name I didn’t know.

“No, Rome, we are going to paint each other.” She then turned her attention to everyone and smiled. “I know you all are sorted with your partners, but this bit is something I do every year with my students. So, a select number of ladies will be picked out as muses. The rest of you, ladies and lads, will bear the responsibility of tracing their essence onto your canvases. The names of the muses are as follows . . .”

My insides fluttered with excitement. This was going to be great! I didn’t really care whether I was selected as a painter or a muse. I would be happy to be either since this project actually seemed exciting.

“Heather Johenson, Amelia Brooks, Marlene Smith, Vannessa Jule, Sarah Louis, and Theia Anderson, make your way up here, ladies! Now, the rest of you . . . please choose your muse. And remember, it should be someone who intrigues you, not only with their personality but also with their looks. I want to see that on the canvas. Oh! And, guys, this will contribute 25 percent to your final grade. Let us begin!” she finished saying.

“We’re friggin muses!” Marley whispered as we both walked up to stand beside the rest of the girls.

Most were either grinning or shy; some, like Marley and I, were incredibly excited. Art was a passion after all.

As we stood before the rest of the class, I did a slow sweep, trying to gauge how each of the kids still sitting actually was.

Art class was fairly small since people at Rosenberg High rather ignored their artistic sides, or aimed them at music classes instead.

I glanced at Joshua, who smiled at me, and I smiled back. He seemed nice. Behind him sat Kenny, and I grimaced while picturing him making me switch positions a million times until he finally decided on the perfect pose. That guy took being a perfectionist to a whole new level.

On the far corner sat Emegin, the cool kid. He grinned as he felt my gaze on him, and I blushed instantly. He was kind of cute with those dimples and all. And actually, I wouldn’t mind him trying to paint me as he was pretty good at painting.

Beside him was Laila, aka “the chick who rocks goth.” Her straight dark hair fell over her face, hiding most of her eyes and right cheek, as she slumped against the table. Her eyes were similarly analyzing who would be a good-enough match for her capability.

I wondered how she would be if I became her muse.

My eyes then went to the front of the class. Just in front of me sat Lionel. I smiled at him, and his eyes widened a fraction before he smiled back. I actually liked the guy. His nerd glasses made his beautiful gray eyes shine brighter, and his finger-combed red hair looked adorable. What topped it all, though, was the fact that he was incredibly talented.

Actually, everyone in class was incredibly talented. That was the best thing about art class. We all appreciated art, and although most girls leaned more towards watercolors—because let’s face it, it’s beautiful—we all tried to be well-versed in everything, from paint to pencils and pastels. Ms. Swein—I thought her name was—made sure of that.

Then my eyes found the person I had been trying desperately to avoid, the guy whose name I couldn’t remember, although Ms. Swein had just said it a few minutes previously. Was it Greece?

His dark eyes were already piercing through me as I glanced at him, and I almost instantly bit back a gasp. He looked at me as if I were food! Or maybe he just wanted to cut me up and feed me to the dogs or something. The bottom line was, he scared the heck out of me, and I would rather partner up with Kenny than him.

Just as quickly as I’d glanced at him, I looked away, but I could still feel his intense gaze on me. What was wrong with him?

“Okay, let’s start!” Ms. Swein exclaimed excitedly. “Let’s start with Emigen. Emigen, who do you pick as your muse?”

Emigen smiled as he clearly looked through us girls standing in front of the class. “I pick Marlene,” he called out, sounding quite confident.

I could see where he was going actually. Marley had this amazing, innocent look about her, so it was only natural the bad boy would try to capture it.

I snickered when I heard Marley groan under her breath as she moved towards Emigen and grabbed a seat beside him.

I guess she didn’t like him.

“Okay. Next up is Kenny,” Ms. Swein called out excitedly, clapping her hands together. Her whole body buzzed with happiness.

How could someone be so happy, all the time?

It didn’t take Kenny a second to announce his muse: Sarah. Unlike Marley, Sarah seemed quite excited to be working with her partner. At least someone was happy about being paired with Ken.

“Lionel.” Ms. Swein smiled as she indicated who would pick next.

Lionel’s eyes landed on me, and I smiled softly. I wouldn’t mind pairing with him. He looked like a sweetheart.

“T-Theia,” he murmured, his face turning a little deeper shade of red. The lad was shy.

Suddenly, a hand slammed against a desk loudly, causing all the girls in class to gasp and jump in their places. Everyone immediately looked towards the source of the loud noise.

The guy whose name I couldn’t remember stood glaring at Lionel, his fists clenched on top of his desk as he quite obviously did nothing to control his temper. What happened to him?

“Do you have a problem, Rome?” Ms.—quite possibly—Swein asked him, her voice stern.

Oh, so his name is Rome. How unusual!

His glare moved towards her. “Theia is my muse,” he growled loudly, suddenly moving forward before moving back again, as if rethinking his actions.

I could only stare, just like the other students in class, as Lionel flinched under Rome’s glare.

“Well, Lionel has already picked Theia. You may pick someone else,” Ms. Swein replied, her posture impeccably straight, just like my posture would be if I were nervous.

So, she was scared of Rome?

“No. Lionel can pick someone else. Theia is my muse!” Rome growled, this time louder, as he took a step forward, the veins on his hands and neck becoming more prominent.

That was when I had enough. I was my own person, and he could not just behave like this. Out of nowhere he decided to make me his muse, right after yelling at me!

“Lionel picked me first. I’m his muse.”

I’d spoken for the first time since the argument started, and everyone’s wide eyes moved towards me, seeming to widen more out of fear.

Were they afraid of me, or afraid for me?

I looked at Lionel, who seemed scared out of his pants. He caught my eye and gave me a pleading look, as if telling me not to continue with this. I frowned. There was no way I was going to let this scary guy win.

“No, he didn’t. Did you, Lionel?”

I gasped as I stepped back out of instinct. Rome was now standing in front of me.

“Mr. Naight, you cannot force someone . . .” Ms. Swein’s voice was a bit shaky.

I guess everyone was scared of Rome.

“Did you, Lionel?” Rome repeated, ignoring Ms. S, his own voice steely.

“I-I pick H-Heather,” Lionel mumbled, his face turned to the floor.

Meanwhile, I glared at Rome, who stood in front of me looking quite indifferent to the wide-eyed students and the slightly fuming teacher.

“Good boy,” Rome said, his demeanor still indifferent.

I gasped as he pulled on my hand and started walking me towards his desk. I looked back at Lionel. He had a sad smile on his face as he looked back. Heather was sitting quietly beside him.

With all the strength I could muster, I broke out of Rome’s grip, walked towards Lionel, bent down, and hugged him.

“I’m sorry, man,” I mumbled and, with a shaky smile, walked back to the now-fuming Rome, who sat in his seat.

I rolled my eyes as I took a seat beside him, and instantly, my eyes met with Marley’s.

Frowning, she mouthed, “He likes you.”

I rolled my eyes at her. But she talked sense. He either liked me or wanted to kill me.

“Joshua and Liala, pick your muses, please,” Ms. Swein spoke next, her voice seemingly hoarse.

Someone was getting detention soon.

Joshua yelled almost instantly, “Amelia!”

The small fallout forgotten, almost immediately, everyone seemed to giggle as Amelia walked towards a grinning Joshua, and Vanessa towards Laila.

Everyone knew Joshua had a crush on Amelia. I think even Amelia knew.

“Alright, class! So since this is art, I will not give you a set time when to submit it. After all, we all need our time zones when we feel inspired the most. But you will have to submit this in the beginning of the last month of school if you want me to grade your work. Artists, you and your muses will work on this project at home, or in a park—wherever you are comfortable—but not in class, unless I give you permission to do so. You have all picked your own muses, and I expect no bitter ends. Are we clear?” Ms. Swein asked. Her clipped-back red hair gave her a very solemn look.

“Yes, Ms. Sveen,” everyone replied, and I bit my tongue in shock.

“Ohhh! So her name is Ms. Sveen!” I mumbled to myself, mortified at the thought of actually yelling out Swein and getting laughed at by the whole class.

“Do you have a free period after this?” Rome suddenly spoke beside me, and I instantly stiffened.

Something about him screamed dangerous, and I sure wasn’t going to poke my head in that section.

“Maybe you shouldn’t paint when you’re so angry,” I mumbled back, my voice barely louder than a whisper, but I guess he’d heard because he turned towards me. I could feel him inspecting me with his cold eyes.

“Do you have free periods?” Rome repeated icily. Gone was the restraint in holding back his anger.

I sighed. How was I going to get an A in this project if all Mr. I’m-Going-to-Smash-Your-Head-In and I did was fight?

I closed my eyes for a brief moment and repeated the mantra “Be calm. Be calm” over and over.

After feeling the tension flow out of me, I opened my eyes and smiled at Rome, whose eyes widened at the change in my behavior.

If there was one place I would not mind having him, it would be at home. There was no way I was going anywhere alien with him. He could be Jeff the Killer for all I knew!

“I don’t have a free period after this. But how about we go to my place? It has a great view.”

Rome did not reply, so I just shrugged it off and continued coloring in the blacks on my sketch pad.

“You do know that’s lame, right?” a deep, slightly husky voice sneered almost into my ear, causing me to pull away.

I narrowed my eyes at Rome. “Shut up, moron! Never—I repeat, never!—call Beauty and the Beast lame. Adam and Belle are life.”

“Now, who the heck is Adam?” Rome exclaimed, seeming suddenly frustrated, as he whirled his hands around in the air like a crazy person.

I stared at him. He couldn’t be serious!

“Y— Oh, never mind. I will just make you watch it,” I replied before moving back to coloring in the blacks.

Adam came first.

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