Mated to the Alpha King (A Royal’s Tale Book 1)

Mated to the Alpha King: Chapter 27

As it turned out, the guests that Bryce had, had Roman pick up on the—as I saw it now—very amusingly chaotic Sunday morning almost a week ago were in fact Casey and Angelo.

What had made him come to that decision, I still didn’t know, and I suppose I’d never know.

Bryce and I made an entry, and I suppose it was blatantly obvious what had transpired between us the night before because Angelo immediately retreated into his brooding self, while Cass and the rest of the boys gave me the eyebrow wiggles.

By the end of the week, Cass would have made up with a very sorry Leo, and Angelo would be all too happy to leave, his former self now withdrawn and on the edge all the time.

I felt horrible about his darkening mood. He was, first and foremost, my friend, and even though I could not give him my heart, I did still love him—as a friend. He protected me; he cared. And at his lowest, I felt guilty that I could never be able to like him back, even if just to make him happy for a while.

Needless to say, with me feeling so soft towards Angelo, it’d taken Bryce a lot not to hand him a knuckle or two in the face on one too many occasions.

And well, things between Bryce and me? We had never been stronger. I suppose it was because of the patience on my part and strong will on his.

The full moon had come and gone, and Bryce really had chained himself with wolfsbane and silver shackles. It was a horrible experience, not being able to sleep all night, hearing his yelling and growling.

The next day, he was exhausted, and I had to stay in bed with him while he slept the whole day. It was necessary; his beast was on the edge. But then the incredible task of actually removing his strong large arms from my waist seemed impossible, seeing as he would even resort to snarling at me in warning.

So, just like that, almost a week had passed. The holiday break had been shortened by Principal Williams with a promise of giving us a month’s break later in the school year. I suppose I was a little disheartened by that. With how things were going with Bryce and me, a little more time with him at the castle was always welcome.

“You’re quite deep in thought today,” an amused voice spoke behind me.

My own smile exposing itself, I turned in my chair, just in time to let Bryce lean in and place a kiss on my lips.

He made a move to break the kiss, but I pulled him back, not ready to let the warm feel of his lips go yet.

A soft moan left my own when Bryce groaned and pulled on my hand, pulling me off the chair, before taking a seat and pulling me onto his lap instead. Putting his arms around me, Bryce deepened our kiss, and I felt myself smile at the soft sigh that escaped his lips and into mine.

“And there you go, lady and gentleman, they seem to be at it—again!”

Oh God, not again!

The sound of quiet chuckles and happy cooing reached my senses, and I tried to break the kiss, while Bryce snapped out of it, pushed my face against his chest, and turned to our audience.

“Get out, all of you! Aunt Meryl, you too!”


“Fine, fine!”

“It is our right as citizens of this—”

“Roman, dear . . .”

“Oh, alright!”

The sound of the door closing rang through the now-silent room, I couldn’t help but smile against Bryce’s chest, his spicy cologne blending like a blessing with his musky natural scent, which was like the smell of rain in a lush green forest.

“They just don’t know when to give up!” Bryce growled against me as the footfalls faded into distant taps.

I couldn’t help but chuckle and shift into a more comfortable position on his lap.

“Well, maybe we should ease up”—my smile widened as Bryce nuzzled his nose against my neck, and I leaned away—“on this.”

The room took a whole turn in terms of mood when he snarled at me and grasped my shoulders before pulling me flush against him. “No one has the right to keep you away from me, not even you, Theia. You can forget everything else, but always remember that!”

My insides warmed at a strange type of feeling. I tilted my head to place a kiss on Bryce’s chin before snuggling into him. “We’ve changed.”

“Yes, I can’t keep my hands off of you,” Bryce stated in a serious, matter-of-fact manner.

I smiled as his fingers drew loose curls on my arms, his warm breaths heating the soft of my neck as he placed occasional tiny kisses here and there.

“That’s pretty obvious.”

Bryce chuckled as he wrapped his arms around me tighter. “Mm-hmm.”

I giggled. “Mm-hmm.”

Just then, the sound of a knock wafted into the room, and both Bryce’s and my eyes turned to the tall and proud metal-crested mahogany double door.

“What is it?” Bryce yelled at the top of his voice.

My eyes widened at how strong and deadly his voice could sound.

“Your Majesty, your aunt requires your audience in the main parlor—yours and your luna’s,” a strong yet slightly shrill voice called out from the other side of the door. Oddly, the voice sounded confident and not in the least scared.

Bryce turned to me with a small smile and, when I responded, got off the seat with me still in his arms. He placed a sweet kiss on my forehead before letting me slip onto the ground, then he began leading the way to the door.

After pulling on the door, we stepped outside to stand in front of Mr. Buckwood, the same man who had given us a tour around the castle during our school visit. A soft smile showed itself on my lips as the recollection of what had occurred that day floated into my mind.

“Thank you, Earl. We shall go now.”

“Very well, Your Highness.”

Descending through the stairs into the regally beautiful parlor, I couldn’t help but notice Meryl seated on an exceptionally fitting single-seater sofa, its olive undertone and copper fringes blending perfectly with the shade and tone of the room.

My eyes connected with Meryl’s, and instantly, the decor was set aside, her foreboding expression now holding my utmost attention.

“Is everything okay?” Bryce muttered beside me. I noticed that his voice carried a little bit of anger. Apparently, he didn’t appreciate being disturbed from what we had been doing in the bedroom a couple of minutes ago.

“Sit down, dear.” Meryl’s clipped tone instantly had me worrying a lot more.

With an eyebrow raised, Bryce complied, pulling me onto his lap just as soon as he had seated himself. His strong thick arms wrapped around my waist as he tucked my head underneath his chin, somehow disallowing me from looking at Meryl.

“This is so strange,” I muttered under my breath, but Bryce obviously caught that, and his fingers pushed against my sides slowly in response.



This seemed like a new voice—a strong, manly, baritone voice promising the sordid fact that once you heard it, you were probably never going to be able to forget it. I tried to turn in the direction of its source but quickly huffed when my efforts proved futile. Then I learned why Bryce had tucked my head under his chin.

“It’s ‘Your Highness’ to you, Prince Gerrath.”

“Surely you wouldn’t alienate your uncle so much because of a foolish decision I made! I have apologized, haven’t I?” The voice kept moving, and somehow, by the end of his sentence, I knew the man was standing before us. He talked about past apologies and mistakes. It was, however, clear that he had meant none. He didn’t seem very sorry to me. My dislike for this man grew a meter.

“Ah, I see you’ve finally met your mate, Your Highness! But I should add that by the manner in which she is tucked in your arm, I can only assume whether she is an enthralling beauty or an ugly reenactor of Beauty and the Beast—you being Beauty in this case. If you could please not find this offensive and answer me: tell me, Your Highness, which of the two is she?”

Bryce’s sudden growl and jerk forward caught me off guard, but I somehow managed to hold on to his shirt, which helped me not embarrass myself by falling flat on my butt. I grimaced as his arms slid around me once again, and a small chuckle bubbled out of the unknown man’s throat.

It was at that moment that I couldn’t help it any longer. Now finding my head out from underneath his chin, I quickly swept my face towards the source of the voice and glared at the man with all the ferocious hardness I could muster. He, on the other hand, stood still, his mouth agape, as his widened eyes took my form in.

Oldie had really thought I was “an ugly reenactor,” but FHI, the Beast was beautiful, and my Beast is beautiful—stupid old pervert!

Behind me, Bryce had let out another growl before he pulled me closer and held me against him again.

“Stop it,” he snapped to the staring man, and I shuddered against him.

“Apologies. It seems that you have found a well-fitting mate, Your Highness. She is so unlike your usual contemporary beauties, blonde and model-structured. You did well. And by the way you hold her—in a painful, controlled manner—I am assuming she is unmarked and unmated? You do remember that royals can mark any unmarked royal mate they prefer, do you not? I suppose this is an open invitation to Alpha King Derrek? I have heard from the lords that he is absolutely obsessed with another king’s m—”


The ferocious growl that erupted behind me seemingly shut down the entire room.

There was pin-drop silence, and if I could manage it, I would definitely try looking at the man just to see the expression of fear he probably had on his face.

I could feel Bryce shaking now, deep, dark growls rumbling from the depths of his chest. I could feel his fingers, which were pressed against my sides, beginning to grow, to sharpen.

A shudder passed me as I tried to gulp down some of the fear. Meryl, however, quickly acted on the unsteady situation and moved around the room to Bryce’s side, her face now clear to me.

“Calm him down, please!” she mouthed desperately, flinging her arms in the air discreetly.

I nodded, my mind still blank with regards to whatever was happening. It was true; I had realized the increase in Bryce’s hostility and possessiveness when it came to me, but it turning out of control like this was still a new thing to me.

“Hurry!” Meryl mouthed from where she now stood, her stance almost desperate, as if she was about to cry.

Why is Meryl so worried?

“Bryce,” I whispered against his collar, my warm breath fanning his chest.

I felt him stiffen and let out a slow sigh; it was working. And with a smile, I continued, “I love you—just you. You know that, don’t you? I’m not leaving—not for Derek, not for anyone. Please calm down.”

Prince Gerrath let out a thrilled laughter that very well rivaled Aro’s from Twilight. “Looks like the little girl is not going anywhere anytime soon! Though, I feel bad for King Derrek, really—losing what he wants to you all the time. The man has the luck of a toad caught in a speeding car’s tire!”

“You really should shut up, Prince Gerrath—if you value your life, that is—or I will forget that you were once married to Aunt Meryl.”

“Married to Aunt Meryl”? Oh Lord, no . . .

My shocked wide eyes had met Meryl’s watery ones before she made a move to flee the room.

“Don’t,” Bryce growled, stopping her mid-run. I could only gulp as his hold on me tightened.

“Now, Prince Gerrath, nonsensical things aside, what business brings you here?”

I tugged at Bryce’s shirt to indicate that I wanted to move, but his arms only tightened further around me—that is, until after a minute. His grip on me then loosened, and I shifted on his lap to turn to the prince.

His eyes once again widened as they took me in before zeroing in on a spot. It took only a minute to realize what he was now fixed upon. My hair had moved slightly, and my dark love bites were now exposed for the world to see.

Behind me, Bryce chuckled, helping Prince Gerrath’s concentration move in the right direction—his.

“Your grandfather’s demise has left you with a lot of properties, all of which I know you do not want—all of which you will have to leave for London to sort out. I want them, and so I have come here to offer you a proposition: if you give me the properties, I will take your aunt back.”

I heard Meryl’s breath get caught in her throat and a small sob leave her lips as soon as the old idiot uttered that garbage.

What a douchebag!

Bryce, however, chuckled. “Yes, I will be going to London tomorrow, but I’m afraid I’ll have great pleasure in telling you this: I have already decided to bequeath the properties to Aunt Meryl—that is, on the condition that she and you have no contact. And if that happens, all those properties will automatically go to charity. I didn’t regard Grandfather’s riches with any greatness anyway. So you see, uncle, your services are not needed; you may leave.”

The man stood frozen for a while, his expression altering from shocked to livid. He turned to throw a distasteful glare at Meryl before glancing at me, then he proceeded to storm out of the large parlor.

“Every time I have the bad luck of meeting him, he reminds me of how good it is that I left him—that I found him in that library with that fucking stupid blonde girl who couldn’t keep it in her eighteen-year-old pants!”

My world stopped. My heart bled for Meryl as I watched her saunter towards the couch and fall limp on it.

“But, Meryl— How? Isn’t he your—?”

“Mate?” Meryl asked as she laughed bitterly. “I never found my mate! I was giving up; that was when I met Gerrath. Lord knows I rue that day.”

Shit . . .

As if sensing my awkwardness and regret for asking that question, Meryl quickly put her hands in front of her, shaking her head, as she mumbled an “It’s okay, dear; it’s not your fault. I needed that. I thought he finally realized his mistake.”

She shook her head again and looked up at the silent Bryce and me.

“I think it’s time I retire into the kitchen, kids; the apple crumble won’t make itself now, will it?”

Gone was the sorrowful expression; her once-lost bubbly appearance was now back. But I could see through the facade. Seeing her douche of an ex-husband again had taken a toll on her.

“Do you think she’ll be alright?” I asked Bryce as we both watched Meryl make her way out the parlor, her strides showing a hint of slightly unhidden anger.

“I don’t doubt she will. She’s a fighter,” Bryce muttered back as he leaned against the seat a little more, pulling me backwards with him.

My mind reeled back to the one fact dear Mr. Douchery had let slip before he fled, and I straightened my back on Bryce’s lap. “When were you going to tell me about your grandpa?” I mumbled, looking straight ahead. The cream color of the walls somehow looked more and more appealing as the seconds passed.

“Back there, in my office, but—”

“Then this happened,” I had sighed against him before I raised my arms a bit to let him slip his around my waist.

“I’ll be back in a week, you know,” Bryce muttered, the feel of his lips moving against my hair as he spoke making my arms tingle.

“I’ll miss you . . . I’ll probably spam your inbox. Heck, by the end of the week, you will be all done and ready to reject me!” I joked, a rippling giggle leaving my lips.

It was only seconds later, when I realized that I was the only one laughing, that I tilted my head back to glance at Bryce, only to stop and gulp.

Fiery golden eyes glared back at me as I gulped down another burst of fear, light shivers running down my arms. This was not a good idea, being this close to an unstable Bryce—a Bryce who had turned a little too territorial after our little make-out fest almost a week ago.

Bryce chuckled. My posture straightened almost immediately. Bryce’s beast had finally made its rare visit, I knew, because it had a deeper tone of voice. Though, how it did was not really clear to me . . . Bryce always had such a deep baritone himself.

“You look scared, Theia,” he purred, leaning in, as his intense golden eyes shone a little brighter, a strange twinkle present there.

Somehow I knew his beast liked games; he liked to rile me up. Bryce had some reasonable explanations, but my own theory was that he thought I was punishing him by not letting us mate, hence the sudden sessions of intimidating seduction after last Sunday.

Everything would be great and jolly, then his wolf would suddenly make an entry out of nowhere, teasing and seducing like the pro I was sure it was. The funniest thing here, though, was that I knew that Bryce secretly didn’t even try to hold his beast back. Bryce wanted exactly what his beast wanted, and somehow—as twisted as it was—his beast wanted what I wanted. But they didn’t need to know that yet; patience always made everything all the sweeter in the end.

My eyes widened of its own accord as I realized what I was thinking about, and I blushed slightly, fidgeting on Bryce’s lap.

“Should I take that as a yes?”

Huh? Oh!

Trying my damn hardest to conceal my thought’s direction, I immediately pulled up my recently mastered smirk and turned to face Bryce as I straddled him. “ ‘Scared’? Me? You don’t scare me anymore, Bryce.” My smirk widened as Bryce’s surprised eyes moved towards the finger I was now jabbing into his hard chest playfully.

His lips quirked up at the sides as he quickly snatched my finger from his chest and brought it up to his lips. His eyes held mine as he lightly bit the tip of my index finger before slowly pulling it into his mouth and sucking on it.

“Bryce . . . stop,” I whispered, afraid that if I spoke any louder, my voice would give away the tingles that were now terrorizing me.

“Make me.” Bryce’s eyes twinkled with mischievousness as he winked at me.

I blinked, the spell broke, my smirk returned, and before he knew it, I had pulled my finger to safety.

“You’re good, Anderson.” Bryce grinned as he tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. His grin widened. “But I’m better.”

It was all but in a startled gasp’s time span that I found myself pressed between a sofa and a smirking Bryce.

I watched, wide-eyed, as Bryce leaned closer until his warm breath touched my lightly parted lips.

“So tell me, Beauty, are you scared of this Beast yet?”




“I fucking hate it when you look at that thing.”

Still smiling lightly, I gave my newly gifted ring a soft touch before turning to the frowning Bryce.

“You have no need to be jealous, babe; he just wanted to give me something to remember him by.”

“Yeah, something you apparently never take off anymore!”

I glanced again at the sharp-edged ring that had only a week ago belonged to Angelo’s pinky finger but was now resting halfway up my right ring finger. It was something I had seen him wear since he was fourteen. He had given me a part of him, and just like I cherished others that were handed my way by my loved ones, I cherished this jagged silver part of him too.

“Your jealousy is clearly messing with your memory, babe; I take it off before I sleep and while I’m taking showers and cooking.”

Bryce scoffed as he settled into bed, his strong, bare tan chest illuminated perfectly by the dim lights of the room. He looked at me, blank-faced, clearly indicating that he was waiting for me to get in too.

I rolled my eyes as I slipped off Angelo’s ring before slipping on my grandma’s ring. After braiding my hair into a loose, simple three-stranded braid, I quickly secured it with a band before turning to the bed. A mischievous smile graced my lips as I looked at Bryce’s quickly widening eyes.

“Theia! Don’t do it!” Bryce warned quickly, putting his arms out in front of him.

I crouched slightly, preparing myself.

“You’ll hurt yourself!”

Still smirking, I set off into a speedy run before jumping straight into bed, knocking my breath out of my lungs as I landed on Bryce’s strong chest with a thud, my lips slamming into where both his shoulder blades met.

“Goal!” I breathed, giggling, and quickly placed a kiss on the tough yet smooth skin.

My smile widened when I heard Bryce chuckle as he ran his fingers through my hair, loosening my braids even more in the process. “Sometimes you’re so impulsive and crazy, you remind me of something.”

I tilted my head slightly to look at Bryce, my eyebrows scrunched up in confusion. “Remind you of what?”

His arms tightened under my breasts as he continued to let me smash him with the full weight of my body. A low chuckle left his lips when he replied, “Why you’re designed perfectly for me.”

“I love you, Bryce.”

Bryce hummed happily as he turned, letting me quickly curl against him, his arm finding its home against my waist.


“ ‘Alex’?”

I nodded. “Alexander . . . I don’t say it too often.”

He hummed again, pulling me closer, as he tucked my head under his chin.

“My flight leaves before you wake up, love, tomorrow.”

“Can’t you—? I have school tomorrow. I hate this sometimes,” I grumbled against his chest, my vision turning blurry. I knew that it wasn’t goodbye, that he would be coming back home—to me. But something had me feeling like this was my last moment with Bryce. I felt scared.

I realized I was scared to lose him.

Living without Bryce would be so damn hard. I would live. I would—maybe. But loving without Bryce . . . was damn well impossible. I wouldn’t love. I wouldn’t—ever.

Not being able to hold it in much longer, I let a sniffle slip and quickly rubbed away my tears as discreetly as I could. “You’ll come back to me, won’t you?” I mumbled lowly, trying not to show the strange desperation in my voice—desperation even I didn’t know why I possessed.

“Always, princess. I love you, too, Theia. I don’t say it enough, but I do; I love you.”

I nodded against his chest before tilting my head and meeting his worried eyes. They softened when they noted the moisture in my own eyes, and he quickly leaned in to place his lips on mine. I couldn’t help but let the strange tears flow as I kissed him back.

I kissed him back with everything I had. I kissed him back like it was my last day—like it was his last day.

I love you, too, Bryce. I love you too.

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