Mated to the Alpha King (A Royal’s Tale Book 1)

Chapter Mated to the Alpha King: Epilogue

“It’s not about the journey but the ending.”

I’d heard a lot of people say that. But I personally thought the journey mattered more because it allowed everyone to transform into new versions of themselves, learn life lessons, and also appreciate everything they had. Without my journey, I would not have seen the value of what who I became and what I had by my side. Through the changes, through the love, through the hate, through the highs and the lows, through each and every tiny aspect of this journey—of our journey—it was Bryce and me.

Looking back, sometimes it felt like he was the wave and I the shore. We craved each other. We needed each other. But every time we got close, the wave broke, and the shore was abandoned.

Looking back, seeing the start and everything that happened afterwards, I knew that was not the end. Sure, the villain had been vanquished, and my king in Armani saved me, but that was hardly the ending.

“Do you think that woman knows her butt crack is showing?”

Beside me, Roman choked on his orange juice, and I groaned, shaking my head.

“Well?” Charlotte asked as she leaned closer.

I fidgeted in my business-class seat as I turned to look at her. I groaned again, and she narrowed her eyes at me.

It had been three years since I’d found myself settling into an apartment with Roman as my neighbor, in a new country—a very different environment—without Bryce; well, for the first few weeks, that is. He couldn’t resist for more than two weeks, not that I minded.

Charlotte and I had become fast friends when we had found each other seated in the same row in the same class. It was unsurprising after then that Charlotte, Casey, Marley, and I spent most of our free nights going on cyber sleepovers for those three years.

I suppose it was great in a sense that despite being in different colleges and countries, we still managed to maintain such a good friendship.

Glancing at Rome and Charlotte, I sighed. If only I could say the same about them. Considering that Charlotte lived on campus and Rome and I in apartments just a bend away, it was a miracle that Rome had still not killed her. In other words—if that wasn’t indication enough—Charlotte was the Neville Longbottom to Rome’s Severus Snape.

Roman detested Charlotte.

“I think you should stop talking, Char,” Rome hissed to her while dabbing his jeans with tissue paper.

“Well, aren’t you a jolly jelly bean? Expected, really. Three years and you’re still as dry and horrifying as the Sahara!” Charlotte snapped back, grasping my hand and pulling on it lightly.

“Hey, how long before we land?” I quickly chimed in, knowing exactly how easy it was to distract Charlotte.

After I subtly put out the suggestion that she should come over for the breaks, Charlotte had finally voiced her interest the previous week. Bryce, who was seated right under me—I was sitting on his lap—had formally invited her only seconds later, then with the trip being official and Charlotte’s very amazing father informed, we were all packed, washed, and ready!

I suppose it was the princess in Charlotte. But secretly, she wanted to visit Bryce’s castle more than Piedmont itself. And I couldn’t blame the girl, after seeing pictures of it over the period of three years.

I would be super interested too.

“We’re supposed to land in a couple of minutes. I’m sure the announcement’s coming along any second now.” Roman then leaned further into his seat just as a deep voice began speaking to all of us passengers.

I was packing my iPod and iPhone in my bag when I noticed Charlotte lean in. Curious, I moved towards her too.

“I bet Alexander is already at the airport, just waiting to get you in those huge arms of his,” she whispered in a singsong tone.

Instantly, I blushed deep red. I admit that even though three years had passed, it still felt new. It was as if we had only been in our initial months of dating, or maybe it was because Charlotte had once walked in on us.

I felt my blush deepen as I smacked Charlotte in her arm and looked away, the scenes from that day already playing in my head. It wasn’t a day I could easily forget. After all, it was when Charlotte found out about werewolves and then fainted after screaming, “I knew they existed! Damn right, Jacob Bla—”

She didn’t manage to complete “Black.”

Shooing the mental images away, I groaned as I slumped further into my seat and bent over so that my hair would cover my face and hide my blush. I groaned when I heard Roman’s and Charlotte’s chuckles.

Roman! I frowned. Why, that traitor?

“It was a good sight to see, to be honest, you on his lap while he was in full werewolf mode and with you just hugging him. Too cute!” Charlotte whispered teasingly.

I groaned again.

It was true. Bryce and I liked to do that a lot—just talking and spending some time with each other while he was in his beast state. I had noticed earlier on that he was a little sensitive about his beast. A little digging and, one night, he finally admitted that it made him insecure. It had taken me a while to register that he was actually scared I would be disgusted by the large black beast. Yes, he was scary and deadly-looking, but in the end, he was Bryce. And he was mine.

After that confession, I found myself coaxing him into shifting and just spending time with me like that. Over time, I realized that he—in his beast form—had a personality of his own. Aside from his deeper, gravelly voice, he was easier to anger and was deadly possessive but very eager to play games and just cuddle. Bryce in his beast form was even more of a cuddler than him in his human form, and that says something.

It had just been one of those days when Char decided to just barge in, or maybe I shouldn’t have given her a key the day before.

I suppose it was my fault.

But hey, at least she took the fact quite nicely! the tiny voice in my head scoffed, and I almost snickered out loud.

“It’s ‘lycanthrope,’ for your information. Know your beasts!” Roman hissed to Charlotte, then after straightening in his seat, tapped my hand.

Surprised, I turned to him.

He cocked an eyebrow up. “We’re here.”




“You think Matt misses you?” I snickered as we walked towards the arrivals lounge.

Roman looked at me as if I were crazy to even ask the question.

“Of course, he does,” he scoffed. “He hates being beta for the time being and is glad I’ll be taking that up again once I’m done with university.”

This time, Charlotte was the one who scoffed: “Oh please. You won’t be done for another four years!”

“Who would’ve thought you’d pick law, Rome?” I added, nudging him, as we continued to move towards the arrivals lounge.

“Oh God, please,” Roman sneered. “You both have four more years to go too!”

Both Char and I snickered at that. “At least psychology is fun!”

I was still grinning at Roman when I felt strong arms wrap around my waist, and I smiled into the all-too familiar embrace. I hooked my arms around Bryce’s neck and pulled his face down, smiling at him, before I placed a soft kiss on his chin.

“I missed you,” he grumbled into the embrace, and I grinned.

He’ll never change.

“I missed you too, babe.”




Driving through the city seemed like a dream. It had been ages, months since I had come back home. My nerves buzzed with excitement in anticipation of seeing everyone. The smile I’d had for a while now widened when my thoughts wandered towards Mom and Dad—then Aunt Meryl, Mrs. Smith, and Agnus as well.

Even though I was finally twenty-one, their treatment of me still stood; I was still an eighteen-year-old to them. I suppose I was even younger to my parents!

The welcoming warmth radiated through me when I felt Bryce’s hand find mine. I squeezed our entwined hands lightly and smiled harder when he squeezed back.

“Piedmont seems so English, and it also rains here a lot! Reckon it’s meant to be, really. After university, I’m bloody moving in!” Charlotte exclaimed excitedly from the back seat.

Bryce and I grinned at each other, waiting for Roman to respond. We both knew he would.

“Delusional, this one,” Roman muttered, and both Bryce and I broke into a round of chuckles.

Charlotte, however, only grumbled even more.

“Oh, and since Roman is never going to find his soul mate because he’s so heartless, I guess I’ll just move in with him!” she snapped.

Everybody in the vehicle except her stilled. I looked up in the rearview mirror, and Roman’s stormy eyes found mine. I shook my head, squeezing Bryce’s hand harder at the same time.

Bryce got my message.

Immediately, Roman’s eyes glazed over, and I watched as, slowly but surely, he calmed down. Charlotte, on the other hand, still sat clueless as she watched the houses on the last street before my home with great interest.

I couldn’t blame her. I found myself doing that a lot too, wondering how the people in a particular house lived and what their lives were like. Both Charlotte and I blamed it on the psychology courses.

“We’re here,” Bryce announced as he drove into our driveway, then turned off the engine.

Instantly, my door flew open, and an ecstatic Marley rushed forward and pulled me in for a hug. “Oh my God, I’m so glad you’re back for the holidays!” she squealed.

I giggled along with her.

“I know. I’m so glad. I’ve missed you!” I exclaimed, hugging her back.

It was only minutes later when we realized no one around us was talking. We turned around, and we both froze. A wide-eyed Charlotte stood just a step or two away, eyeing the now very tense Matthew in front of her with an extremely alarmed expression. She looked scared, and if I hadn’t known and trusted Matthew and what was happening, I would have jumped right in. But I did know him; Matthew would never hurt his mate.

Charlotte’s terrified eyes on me widened, and I shook my head comfortingly while bringing my hand up and down also in a comforting way, telling her it was okay.

I mouthed, “Soul mate,” just as Matthew finally decided to touch her. Thankfully, Charlotte got the memo, and she let out a relieved sigh.

Bryce’s arms had slipped around my waist before he automatically began rubbing my belly soothingly. And I couldn’t help but smile at that.

Both Bryce and his beast wanted kids—or pups, as his beast called them—but we weren’t planning. We both knew there would be a time for it. I was only twenty-one, so there was no rush.

Bryce, however, still loved to caress and rub my belly. Somehow, it always put a smile on his face whereas his smile put a smile on mine.

Pushing the slow tingles around my spine away, I quickly brought my attention back to the two mates that were now basically glued together. Charlotte hugged Matthew, soothingly rubbing his back like a child, while Matthew buried his whole soul in the crook of her neck.

“Oh, can we please just get in already? It’s almost fourteen degrees, very chilly by my standards!” Marley suddenly groaned, and immediately Matthew jerked around to snarl at her.

Keith was in front of her instantly.


Matthew growled coldly, his one arm around Charlotte behind him, the other positioned in front of him to block any attack. His glare was solely on Keith.

“And the stamp has been placed, ladies and gentlemen. I am officially a mate!”

Everyone blinked.

I groaned, trying to push down my laughter. Charlotte winked at me.

Oh, Char, what am I going to do with you?

Beside me, Marley was kneeling behind Keith, not at all ashamed, as she laughed her sanity off.




“Guess who’s here?” Mom spoke after all the hugs and kisses.

I leaned into my dad’s embrace as I answered, “What?”

“Someone’s here to meet you, Fuzzy,” Dad said with a chuckle.

I moved back, then turned just in time to spot a sprinting Casey, who seconds after, collided with me and made me fall back onto the sofa.

Bryce let out a loud warning growl as he now stood beside me, and Casey quickly quipped with a sorry before turning to me.

“Surprise!” She grinned, and I pulled her in for a proper hug.

“I’m so, so glad that you’re here,” I mumbled softly, knowing all too well not to ask about Angelo.

It was expected, Angelo not showing up. And sadly, I didn’t mind.

“My turn,” a deep, gravelly voice mumbled behind us.

Casey stilled, her cheeks turning red.

Upon turning around, my eyes nearly fell out of my body. It was Lionel—a taller, more muscular Lionel.

Lord save Casey.

And with the way Lionel was looking at Casey, Lord save Lionel.

What was today, National Find Your Mate Day?

“Good to see you, Luna.” Lionel nodded solemnly, and I laughed out loud before pulling him in for a sibling hug.

I strangely felt so proud of him. From being the pack’s late bloomer to being the acting delta and best warrior, he had achieved a lot.

“You’ve come a long way, Lionel. Don’t let the fear of rejection stop you from telling her. I’m so proud of you,” I whispered into his ear as I hugged him tightly, and my smile widened when I felt him hug me back.

“Thank you . . . Thi,” he whispered before we broke away.

My eyes met Bryce’s proud ones, and he smiled, nodding approvingly. I knew he had heard it.

“Okay, she’s my best friend, guys. I think I deserve a hug!” Matthew declared as he marched into the house at the same time when I noticed Lionel leading Casey out.

Charlotte smiled at me brightly, and I winked at her, knowing that she secretly wanted this—this fairy-tale love story, although I wasn’t sure if this story was going to be a fairy tale, a twenty-first-century fairy tale if she was mated to a werewolf. Still, it could be one.

Strangely, Matthew reached over to pull me towards the back patio. I walked behind him patiently, my eyes lingering on the now laughing Bryce, who stood talking to my dad, nodding and laughing, my dad’s arm on his shoulder. His eyes met mine just before Matthew and I slipped out.

The door shut after we’d stepped out, and Matthew immediately pulled me in for a hug. I sighed happily against his chest as I hugged him back. I actually missed being with my boys a lot, like in senior year.

“Scared?” I whispered against his chest, knowing exactly what was troubling him.

I felt Matthew sigh.

“Yes,” he mumbled into my hair, and I tightened my arms around him.

Our Matthew was afraid of love.

“There’s no need to be. I’ll always be here for you. Bryce and Rome will always be here for you.”

Just then, another pair of arms wrapped around us, and I felt Matthew retrieve an arm from around me. I looked up to see a softly smiling Rome, and I couldn’t help the tears to flow as I wrapped an arm around him too.

The three of us had been through a lot. It felt great knowing everything was falling back together now that everyone was finding their mate. If only Rome found a girl that could stand him—that would be great.

The sound of the patio door opening and closing was more apparent now, and soon after, I felt another person bring his arms around the group, hugging everyone.

“Is everything okay here?” Bryce asked curiously, his one hand finding my waist while the other found Matthew’s shoulder.

Despite my tears, I laughed. “Yes, yes, everything is fine. Everything is great, actually. I’m here with all three of my boys. What could be better?”

“Ugh, stop! You sound like my mother!” Matthew groaned, causing me to laugh again.

Our group hug continued for a while.

I guess everyone needed a bit of a hug at that moment.




“What are you doing?”

I smiled as I swung forward. “Remembering.”

Bryce chuckled before moving behind me and pushing the swing.

A loud giggle left my lips as the swing swung higher, taking me with it. I soared.

As it was coming back down, I let my eyes close while I felt the wind sweep past my cheeks. Everything felt lighter this way. Suddenly, Bryce’s hands clamped mine, bringing the swing to a stop. A loud gasp ripped out of my throat as my body nearly jolted forward.

“Bryce!” I gasped, turning to look back at the grinning man.

With his grip still in place, Bryce moved to stand in front of me, then slowly, he kneeled. “You know what’s coming, don’t you?”

My eyes widened when he grasped my left hand gently with his right, then brought his other hand to hold that hand too. Both our promise rings shone under the afternoon light.

Tears gathered in my eyes.

Bryce’s smile widened as he caressed my palm. He slowly slipped the promise ring off my left ring finger and slipped it on the right. I held my breath as I watched him reach into his back pocket to quickly retrieve a tiny dark velvet box. He looked back at me, and with his one hand still holding mine, he flipped it open.

I gasped. It was a ring.

“We have come such a long way from where we began. I came from the edge of my world, and you came from yours, but we both met here, in the middle, and I’m so glad we did.” He stopped, looking overwhelmed.

I nodded, smiling brightly but already crying because of the intensity of that moment.

Completely red in the face, he continued, “Over the past four years, we’ve had tears, we’ve had anger, we’ve had smiles . . . but what I’m grateful for more than anything is that during these four years, we’ve loved each and every day. And I want that for the rest of my life, not just the love b-but everything. I want us for the rest of my life.” His grip on my hand tightened soothingly, and we both smiled at each other.

“Theia Anderson, will you marry me?”

I had known it was coming, but still, my breath hitched in my throat.

Bryce suddenly looked panicked. “I mean, we don’t need to get married right now. We can wait until university is over, if that’s what you want. I’ll wait until next year, or we can get married tomorrow if you want to. But please, will you marry—”

“Yes!” I couldn’t help but jump on him, crying, laughing, and kissing him all over his face.

Bryce laughed with me as he held me by the waist. We were both on the ground now.

“Yes, yes, yes!” I exclaimed happily, still kissing him everywhere.

“I love you, Theia.”

My blurry, happy eyes met his sparkling ones, and despite my crying, I smiled brightly. “I love you too. Oh my God. Won’t you make me wear it?”

“Of course! But first, a kiss, Luna?”

Everything felt perfect as I leaned forward and captured his lips with mine. The kiss was slow, possessive, and passionate with a promise underlying it.

I felt Bryce smile into the kiss before I felt him slip the new ring on my left ring finger. I untangled my fingers from his hair and immediately wrapped my arms around his neck, bringing him closer to me.

We were officially engaged.

Fiancé—my heart fluttered with the newness of it.

“I love you.” Bryce grinned as he broke the kiss.

Still grinning, he placed a small peck on my lips and nose before wiping the tear that had slid down my cheeks as I smiled back at him.

“I love you too. I love you so much.”

“Theia, Bryce, dear, the dinner will be re— Oh, dear!”

Both Bryce’s and my eyes darted towards my mom, who was standing at the open patio door, looking stunned. Her eyes studied Bryce’s position and my face before she let out a very loud squeal.

Still squealing, she rushed back inside, we were sure, to spread the news. And I knew for certain my dad wouldn’t be that happy.

I turned to Bryce. He winked at me before putting me back to my feet, then bending down to scoop me up in his arms. Meanwhile, I basked in the feel of being in my soon-to-be husband’s arms.

Husband. I shivered when I felt the whole zoo in my stomach.




Walking back into the house had been a task. By the amount of cheering we had received, I was slightly surprised the roof was still intact.

By the time we got back inside, Blond’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Pheper, had already arrived. Sadly, Blond wasn’t able to make it as his flight had been canceled. I was glad, though, that Alex—or, as I liked to call him, Blond—had made it into Princeton. He got the scholarship, so that sorted out everything wonderfully. He was now doing a double major in literature and creative writing.

It was a shame I had never gotten to know that Alex was interested in becoming an author—which I suppose he already was, being a best-selling author of Luna.

I’d read his book. It was, after all, based on me.

Bryce had not been happy about that.

A smirk made its way to my lips when I felt Bryce move towards me nervously again.

“You best keep my daughter happy, Alexander, or else . . . it won’t be good,” Dad warned Bryce for the fifth time, and I squeezed Bryce’s hand comfortingly.

Just then, there was a tap on my shoulder.

I turned around, and immediately, my smile brightened.

“I suppose I owe you congratulation?”

I welcomed the hug that came my way. “Thank you, Derek. It feels like a dream.” I stopped, moving my head back to look at him. “Soon, when you find your love, I’ll be congratulating you. You’ll see,” I mumbled.

Derek only smiled as he pushed a loose strand of my hair behind my ear with great concentration. “Everyone gets their happy ending, Theia, but it’s not always that they get their happy ending with someone else. Sometimes, their happy ending is just . . . them.” He looked back up at me and smiled. “Trust me, I am happy.”

Just then, Mom made an entrance, her eyes sparkling and her face set into a beautiful ecstatic expression only she could pull off—it shone with beauty that only mothers possessed, especially when they smiled at their children.

“Dinner’s ready, guys. Please make your way to the dining area.”

“Shall we?” Derek smiled as he extended an arm towards me.

Smiling, I took it, my other hand firmly holding on to Bryce’s. Looking up, I saw that his warm gaze was on mine.

I moved closer to him, and he smiled. “We shall.”




“How is Dr. Lucian doing?” I whispered to Matthew as we settled into our seats.

Matthew sat to my right; Bryce to my left. Roman and Derek took the seats opposite Matthew and me at the table.

“He’s great, to be honest. Everything seems to be normal. He does, however, still have a strong bond with you. He’s able to call on his wolf now, and that has helped his recovery immensely.”

I nodded. I knew Sebastian had bonded with me. In some twisted way, Amber had managed to do a very powerful thing to a very weak man.

The bond was now clearer, though. Sebastian now had a life debt to me. As strange as it sounded, he was now my protector, and I was his.

I nodded again, smiling, my concentration back on Matt. “That’s good. Hopefully he’ll be fine before we know it.”

Bryce leaned in and placed a kiss on my forehead, and just then, a loud, shrill ringtone began blaring at the dinner table.

Roman immediately stood up, his hand clutching his iPhone. He looked up at everyone. “I’ve got to receive this. Please excuse me.”

I smiled as the rest at the table chattered and ate dinner. The happiness radiating from everyone seemed contagious.

Roman reentered the dining room, and everyone at the table fell silent. When he looked up, I felt my blood run cold.

He looked straight at Bryce as he spoke, “Father’s . . . dead.”

Bryce stiffened beside me while everyone else at the table sat frozen, watching the two men.

“When’s the next flight?” Bryce asked Roman.

“In three hours.”

Mr. Smith moved forward in his seat, recovering from the shock.

“My family’s and my sincere condolences, Prince Roman,” he spoke, his voice strong and honest.

My head turned from Marley’s dad to Roman. His gaze met mine, and his jaw hardened, but he didn’t blink.

“It’s King Romanov now.”

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