Mated to the Alpha King (A Royal’s Tale Book 1)

Chapter Mated to the Alpha King: BONUS CHAPTER TWO

The rain was supposed to wash away the stench and numb away the ache, but strangely it did neither. It just roared down on me. I empathized, though. The storm was just as furious as I was, but we both refused to back down. I refused to go back in and take refuge in my castle while it refused to die down. We both persisted.

I stood in the bleeding rain while the storm roared with a fury that was very well echoed by the anger in me. The slight tickle of discomfort in my knuckles disappeared, and I pulled back my right fist to punch at the large trunk of the tree I had been using as a substitute punching bag for five minutes. My left fist followed, and this time the tree swayed down to its demise.

I cussed out loud and pushed my bloodied fists down to my sides again. There was no escaping this. Theia had lost her memory, and I was not allowed to visit her.

The flame of rage crashed harder in my chest, and I sank in to my knees. I couldn’t endure the pain. I couldn’t push it away any longer. I needed to see her. I needed to feel her.

My skin itched with the craving, and a loud wail ripped out of my throat. I was at my weakest. Damn it. I was barely alive without my mate. I needed her. I had waited for fifteen bloody days for the sake of her safety, for the sake of allowing Mr. and Mrs. Anderson’s will, but no more.

Surely, Theia could feel my absence? Even if she couldn’t remember, she must have felt the void in her heart?

The rain poured harder, and I slumped down further, a sigh slipping out of my lips. I was being selfish. I was thinking only of myself when her health was at stake, and the realization of that made me feel ill. How could I be this selfish? I was a beast—her beast—but she didn’t remember.

Why does my presence in her life only hurt her instead?

What if . . . she didn’t accept me this time around?

My chest ached at the thought of it.

No. I would die if Theia refused me. I love her.

So that was how I backed out. I walked away from the storm.

A quick walk towards the castle, and I was in its refuge.

The storm won.




“You’re going to do it again, aren’t you?”

“That’s none of your business,” I snapped back as I put on my T-shirt and shrugged on my boots.

Romanov sighed as he eased back a step or two. “You’re right. It may not be my business, but I do know for a fact that you should have made an entrance already.”

My eyes darted up to him, and I frowned. “What in bleedin’ hell are you talking about, mate?”

The corners of his mouth crinkled. I bit back the urge to punch it away. This wasn’t the time to act like an insufferable know-it-all.

“Just fūcking show yourself to her alrea—”

“Roman!” I cut him off, my voice a low, deadly growl. I reveled in it. My anger was already getting the best of me and to hell with it; I’d let it!

“No! Let me speak! Who cares what the doctor says? Who cares what anyone else says? What if . . . what if the only puzzle missing in her mind is you? What if you can fix her? What if everyone is wrong? Just . . . stop being a prissy child and be a man, cousin! She’s yours! What are you bleedin’ waiting for?”

I growled. He really was pushing it.

Pushing away Roman’s bitter presence, I made my way towards the large open windows.

“Don’t ever try to mock me with my own words,” behind me Roman scoffed, and I fisted my hand, my nails digging into my skin. “This time, when you check up on her sleeping in her room, actually muster up enough guts to get yourself bloody in too.”

There was silence that carried around the empty largeness of my room as Roman and I stood ground.

I moved away first. I gritted my teeth tightly as I looked down at the ground—way, way down. Then, I jumped.

A minute into the running and I reached the bottom of the hill overlooking the forest—the hill where Theia’s home was, its concrete foundations strangely reaching the floor of the forest.

I sighed as I felt the usual slight itch in my nail beds, normal telltales of the claws now sitting in place. It was almost eleven at night.

Determined, I sank my sharp nails into the wall. As I climbed higher, the more my mate’s sweet scent drifted into my nostrils. I felt the beast in me calm at being so close to her. I silently debated whether I should sleep outside her house again this time.

I reached the window and peeked in, letting the ripple of pain break through again. She was sleeping, curled up like a tiny kitten, her soft feathery comforters over her, while a depressing pile of books and files cluttered at the foot of the bed.

So close and still untouchable.

I looked down at the wet forest floor, and for a second, I contemplated just going on a run to the damned borders and back if need be. But then something caught my attention: the damned window was not close.

I frowned at the foolishness Theia could portray sometimes. She had a deadly lack of self-preservation.

Heaving out a sigh, I clawed the brick harder with one hand and tried to tug the window to a close with the other with so much force, yet it wouldn’t budge.

Damn it!

I tried again, and again.

“Damn it! I give up trying to be soft-handed!” I gritted out just as I placed my hand on the window to slam it shut, or break it in the process. I didn’t care as long as I could move the damn thing with my actual strength.

I took a deep breath and was just about to tug on the window when the curtains were pulled away with a sudden movement. My stomach dropped just as the sound of something colliding with the floor sounded to my ears.

Standing, staring at me was my Theia.

I froze. For a second, I contemplated running away, but I looked down hurriedly before I turned back towards her hesitantly.

Just one look. One more.

“She’s yours! What are you bleedin’ waiting for?”

I blinked.

The part of the room the window was located at was barely lit by the lamps, and although I could see Theia perfectly, I knew she could not see me.

“Get yourself bloody in too.”

It struck me. Roman was right. I was the bloody alpha king, and Theia was mine. To hell with what anyone else said. No one had the right to keep her away from me, not even her.

Looking into Theia’s squinting eyes, I slid the window open and jumped right into the room.

“Fuck,” I swore under my breath when the nerves kicked back in again. She could reject me. What if . . . she didn’t want me anymore?

I straightened up in the shadows. Despite my nerves, my gaze on her face never faltered. I wanted to capture every small chafe in her expression, any disgust or recognition. I watched silently as Theia assessed the situation. Somehow, she wasn’t screaming or throwing me out, so I suppose that was one good thing to place on the mat.

She glanced at my fists, and I stiffened, but what she did next surprised me. Slowly, she reached for my hand, and we both sighed when her palm wrapped around my wrist as much as it could.

The tingles . . . I know she can feel them too.

A small smile graced my lips but only for a second because when she began moving back towards the light, my nerves came back. I dipped my head down as my face began clearing under the light.

Insecurities were always so alien to me, but when it came to her, I was so bloody insecure, like right at this point. What if she didn’t want me?

My ears drummed with her erratic heartbeat, and I wished I could tell her how badly my own heart was beating.

“L-look at me,” she mumbled pleadingly, then she stopped; and I froze, shocked. “P-please . . . I need to know.”

I couldn’t deny her, but damn it I felt unmanly because my gaze was blurring. I didn’t cry, ever, but still. Was I going to cry? For Theia?

I loved her. That was it.

Without another thought, slowly I lifted my gaze to meet hers, and my whole world became right again. Looking up at me, Theia’s eyes moistened. I kicked myself on the inside, fighting myself from just grabbing her and holding her. I didn’t want to scare her.

She closed her eyes, tears streaming down her cheeks, and I couldn’t help my own tears from slipping down too. I moved a bit closer to her.

Her eyes met mine, and a small smile graced her lips. My skin tingled when her grip on my hand tightened, then I twisted my hand and held her wrist back. Theia’s smile widened.

“Bryce,” she spoke, and fainted right into my arms.




Two years later

Piedmont Hospital

Bleached white walls and the distinctive smell of medicine and sicknesses always made me feel a little uneasy. It was no common knowledge, but I disliked hospitals, thoroughly.

The elevator stopped with a ping.

Fourth floor.

Sending an unconscious nod to myself, I tugged on my crisp, ironed coat before walking into the hallway. I knew the way. I knew my location, my motive of being here, and my goal.

Coming to the end of the hallway, I turned left.

I stopped in front of the door.

Did I really want to do this? Contact the object of Theia’s affections?

Looking back at the door, I turned the knob and walked in. Every last bit of second thoughts seemed to leave my mind, and in a second, I felt myself mold into the cool and collected form of Alexander.

I was Bryce there for a second—Theia’s Bryce.

Across the room, bright clear-blue eyes met mine, and I eased further into the room. I sat myself onto the warm coffee-colored chair, staring back at the man who had taken so much of Theia’s time and warmth for two years now. We stared into each other’s eyes till he finally averted his gaze.

Yes. Now, I was Theia’s Alexander.


I nodded candidly. “Sebastian.”

Lucian eyed me warily before he eased down a notch.

“Is everything fine? Is Theia, fine?”

Of course! my mind bit out bitterly. Of course that’s what he asks about!

Jaw tightening on reflex, I tried my hardest to tell him to piss off, but I managed a decent reply: “I’m thinking of proposing.”

Lucian stared at me, his face clearly panic-stricken before it eased down, and he actually smiled.

“Congratulations then!” he spoke out cautiously.

I eyed him warily for a minute before nodding again.

The man was finally learning.

“Any other reasons for stopping by today, Your Highness?”

This time, I smirked. “No. Usual visitation, just like every fortnight for two years, Dr. Lucian.”

Dr. Sebastian Lucian sighed as he leaned back into his office chair. “I thank you, truly. But the effort? I thought you hate me.”

I smiled, then I leaned forward and put my hand on the doctor’s table. “I’m just making sure the amount of effort and care the woman I love put in you don’t go to waste.”

My eyes widened in surprise when I noticed the clear emotion of shame fleet through Dr. Lucian’s face at the mention of his past—months in the psychological rehabilitation center, months with Theia visiting him for hours a day and sometimes even helping with the treatment, with the process of helping Sebastian quit the drugs; but mostly just talking or conversing with him, comforting him. She was helping him heal, helping his wolf heal.

Theia really cared for Dr. Lucian, and I was going to make sure he appreciated every minute of it. She deserved that.

“She’s been very good to me . . .” He stopped, and his gaze found mine. “I’m moving.”

I nodded slowly. Theia had told me. Lucian had told her everything about him. It wasn’t a shock that they were now close friends. It didn’t bother me half as much as it did when Lucian’s treatment had started. I suppose it was okay in a sense that she had brought his wolf back, and that meant, in his case, that Dr. Lucian was completely sane again. I didn’t have to worry anymore about some crazy bulk of a man leaping around for my mate.

Despite myself and my prior knowledge, I still couldn’t help but act like I didn’t know. “Really? Where are you moving?” I drawled out smoothly, slowly tapping my index finger onto the glass table.

“Germany. I’m hoping King Naight allows me in the pack.”

Yes, yes. I knew he would. I’d spoken to Uncle Naight after all.

“That’s a good idea, actually. Are you opening a private practice there?”

He shook his head and then turned, spinning in his chair, before moving back into place. He was nervous.


“I’m hoping to join a hospital. I like the group practice better.”

I chuckled. “And maybe you’ll find some sweet there too?”

Lucian froze for a second, then he began beaming.

He nodded enthusiastically. “I myself like that prospect!” His smile faded a fraction, and he looked at me.

My eyes narrowed automatically.

“You . . . You wouldn’t mind if I . . . if I kept into contact with Theia, right?”

Yes, I would mind! I sighed.

I was being selfish again.

“No, I won’t, as long as you don’t set your h—”

“I love her.”

I froze. My glare was already on Lucian as I fisted my hands in a very very controlled manner. If I lost my control, this could be a bloodbath.

He continued, “I-I love her because . . . It’s complicated. She’s too nice for her own good, but I love her just like Roman or Matthew do—” His gaze found mine, and his shoulder slumped. “Okay, maybe I love her more than that, but I want someone like her, not her. Believe me. I swear!”

“You need to stop saying ‘love’ in the same sentence as her if you want to live you know,” I groaned out, gritting my teeth in a fairly well-controlled rage.

Just the thought of someone else touching Theia intimately, seeing Theia naked, making Theia laugh, made me ball my fists with a renewed fury.

“Okay. Sorry, Alpha.”

Still furious, I nodded. “When are you leaving?”

“This weekend,” Lucian replied quickly, and I approved.

“Good, good.” I got up to my feet and extended a hand towards him. “All the best for your future happiness, Dr. Lucian.”

“Thank you, Your Majesty,” he replied solemnly as we shook hands.

Looking at Dr. Lucian Sebastian, I gave him a final nod, then I turned around and walked out of the office.

Dr. Lucian was now going to move on to newer tales, and I sincerely did wish him all the best.

And now . . . I smiled, thinking about the flight I was about to catch.

Theia was waiting.

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