Mated to the Alpha and His Beta novel

Mated to the Alpha and His Beta Chapter 32

Chapter 32


s who don’t give a dam n if I live or die as long as they get to claim the

“Take care of me? You mated me off to two shifters v

she-wolf they actually wanted.”

Heat crept up from my neck to my cheeks as the words came tumbling out,

“You should be taking care of them. They’re the ones who spat in the face of your whole mating practice and got us all into.

this situation”

The High Elder cleared his throat, but I was on a roll.

“And while you’re at it, why don’t you take a closer look at those so-called practices of yours and ask yourself why you ever allowed something like this to happen in the first place!”

I wasn’t just angry at the Xander and Zane mating, I was also angry that we’d all been left in the dark about the Great Wars, and the other creatures who walked among us.

The High Elder had to be at least partially responsible for keeping the truth from us

But I could tell by the look on his face that this was not a conversation he was interested in having.

“Shut your mouth, girl,” his voice boomed.

I shrunk back until I was pressed against the door.

His icy, gray-blue eyes flashed as his wolf surfaced.


are not a Luna, and you are barely even a mate.” His voice dripped with disdain. “The only purpose of she-wolves is to make pups and support your mates. So shut your mouth and remember that


We marched straight to the entryway to meet the High Elder. But when we got there, he was towering over Lanie, jamming.

his bony finger in her face.

Hot rage coursed through my veins at the sight.

Lanie’s fear rolled off her in waves I could probably scent from a mile away,

Deep inside me, Hunter clawed his way to the surface, eager to get his paws on the man who was berating Lanie.

Protect her, Hunter urged. Protect your mate..

“Ah, yes, here your mates are now,” the High Elder said in a cold voice. “Perhaps they will put you in your place.”

A cold knot twisted itself around my chest.

She’s in trouble, Zane said. We need to help her

No s hit she’s in trouble, I replied, And I’m about to do something I might regret.

Propelled by my wolf and my own overwhelming desire to protect her, I marched straight up to the High Elder and stepped


between him and Lanie.

“Can I help you?” I asked, advancing on him and forcing him backward, farther away from Lanie.

What the hell are you doing, Xander?! Zane demanded.

Shh, I silenced him. Just back me the f uck up.

“If you have a problem with my mate, you can take it up with me first.

I turned around to face Lanie, and her eyes flew open wide. The smell of her fear waned, replaced by surprise and something darker and more animalistic.


Distantly, deep in my soul, I felt the clawing of that other beast, the one who wanted to ravage Lanie the night we mated, the one who would do the same right here, right now.

Snap out of it, Zane said. I know what you’re thinking

Of course, because he was thinking it, too

Even here, under the scathing stare of a High Elder, I couldn’t keep myself from imagining taking Lanie again.

What the f uck was wrong with me?

The High Elder stepped toward me, his voice a low warning growl

“Get your b itch in line, Alpha Xander. Her behavibe is improper for the mate of an Alpha and Beta.” He glanced over at Lanie again, and she grabbed my arm, squeezing it tightly

Her touch sent a rush of heat straight to my c ock.

I needed to get my s hit together around her. And fast

“If you don’t get her under control,” the High Elder said. “Then you will be to blame”

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Lanie step forward “You motherfu-”

Before she could pi ss off the High Elder any more, I threw out my hand, catching her off guard and cutting her off.

“I wouldn’t say that if I were you,” I told her in a low whisper.


“What are you talking about?” She looked confused. “I didn’t say anything.”


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