Master of Dragons, Part 1 (complete)

Chapter 25

Athelstan had led her to a different cart then she had been in when she woke up.

Inside, it was worlds apart from the other one. Beautiful pelts lining the walls and floor, and colorful trinkets and shiny stones were hanging from the roof, walls, and stuffed in the nooks. Books were scattered about, as well as parchments. Were those shiny things gemstones? No, gems were too rare to be so plentiful here.

Then her eyes landed on an apple sized stone in the middle of the room, it was sea blue in color and shone softly. A heatstone? It was the first time she seen one! It glowed, illuminating and warming the space. She had thought only nobles had such luxury items. Most jewels, heatstones, and other precious stones were rarely sold. The Ratna people held the monopoly of mining. Despite being Landborn, they were able to remain sovereign due to their ability to manipulate earth, and had created space far beyond the reach of the kingdoms. It was one of the people that Elric was studying, yet there was so little information on them.

Yet, this room was lined with such rarities like gems, and even had a heatstone. Were all merchants so well off? From her knowledge most Caravans were not poor, but definitely could not afford luxury.

“This space is mine, and you will be staying here.” Athelstan’s voice rumbled, his arm was still wrapped around her as he pulled her farther inside.



She would light the place on fire.

“I d-don’t think that’s a great idea.” She said as she attempted to backpedal, but Athelstans arm held her firmly.

“Don’t worry, we had someone place protective magic years ago. You wont burn anything in here.” He smiled at her, looking all to comfortable in having her in a very flammable place. “Wanna see?” He grinned, before he encased her in his much larger form. Her back pressed against his stomach as he opened his palms infront of her. In his open hands danced a small flame of gold. It shone and sparkled like the sun. It hurt to look at such brilliance, yet she could not take her eyes off it. After one long minute, she blinked. It couldn't be? She looked at him, then to the flame, and then to the door.

Only Landborn could use magic.

Landborn had no rights and could never run a Caravan.

The fire leapt from his hands, as if it had a life of its own. She gasped as it hit the furs, expecting it to burst into flames. Instead, it shattered into a rainbow of small little fires that swirled around their feet, then it rose to colorful sparks around them. She was in awe, absolutely flabbergasted by the beautiful rainbow, so much that she hardly felt his arms wrap around her shoulders, or his chin rest on her head.

Her dragon grumbled from her chest, breaking her attention from the flame. The dragons lavender eyes were fixated on the man behind her.


His arms were around her, and his nose had now found its way to her hair. His breath was hot as it rushed along her scalp. It was not unpleasant, he was very gentle, however, her body screamed from embarrassment. Blood rushed to her face as she broke away from him, eyes on him as he held his arms open from her retreat. He tilted his head, looking a bit confused. The air crackled and snapped around them, creating small little sparks that reflected the earlier rainbow.

“Wh-What-?” She started but stopped when she bit her tongue. The man blinked, his hands lowering slowly to his sides. He waited for her to speak again, making it only more embarrassing. “Wha-What were you doing?” She said, her voice quivering.

“I was holding you, some call it a cuddle, some a snuggle, some an embrace, but I call it affection.” He smiled sweetly. Affection? So she was not wrong in his gaze earlier. But, affection for her?

“Why?” She asked, eyeing him warily. He did not seem to be lying, and she did see much affection from him in a few different ways. It was just… She never had attention from men before, being the kind of woman she was. It was new to her. How did she react? Was intimacy not meant for marriage?

Then again, no one would marry her.

Yet, his eyes were so warm and showed so much endearment.

“How could I not? You are strong, mighty, and beautiful.” He stepped forward, offering one of his hands. She stared at it for a moment, her breath catching when he suddenly shifted forms. His outstretched hand was larger now, and he was about a foot taller. His hair was no longer crimson, but black as obsidian and cascaded down to his feet. His eyes shone like rubies, glistening in the dim light. His skin was beautiful, golden as his flame had been. His facial features were also completely different, more angular and sharp. He took another step towards her, and she had to strain her neck to look up at him. He was very thickly built, as if more of a wall then a human. “You shine so brightly, your soul is absolutely otherworldly. I am only jealous I was bonded much before you had existed.” His voice was different as well, almost ethereal, chiming in highnotes and low as if a song being sung.

“Venrir, you weren’t supposed to show yourself.” Athelstan, the one with an apathetic face, came into the room through a tear in the wall. She blinked, watching what appeared to be a ring of magic close an alternative space with what looked to be summer-like scenery.

So much was going on… Her dragon yawned, as if none of it bothered her at all. Then again, why would it?

“How could I not?” Venrir grinned, sharp, spiky teeth flashing.

“We had an agreement.” Athelstan glared, directing his gaze between her and the newly named Venrir.

“You see, if we had not bonded, I would have easily chosen this woman over you.”

“Wait, I need an ex-explanation. What is going on?” She interrupted, which only made Athelstan’s glare evolve into something more akin to loathing.

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