Mary's Path

Chapter Goodbye and hello

In the living room there was great activity, people were carrying luggage that was going down to the yard and there was discussion of itineraries and timetables. In the middle of it all stood the Lady with her two aari and Kopa. They seemed to discuss something so Mary didn’t go all the way to them but stood a bit away from the group and waited for them to be finished.

Kopa, as usual, seemed to know that she was nearby and turned around and looked at her. After a while, they seemed to have finished and Mary moved closer. The small group turned to her, and the women smiled.

Mary had planned to give a small speech and thank them for all the help they had given her, but when she stood there, she could not get the words out. Instead, she reached out one of the parcels towards the Lady.

“Thank you for your help” Mary said in a weak voice. The lady looked in amazement at the package in her hands before gently unfolding it. She gasped when she saw the beautiful rose peaking out between the straw and the fabric.

She took it out and looked at it and showed it off so the others could see it. Then she turned to Mary. Mary saw that the Lady had tears in her eyes when she knelt in front of Mary and gave her a warm hug.

“You should know that wherever you are, whatever happens, you will always be under my protection my child,” whispered the Lady in Mary’s ear. Mary nodded and hugged the Lady back.

Then Mary turned to Kopa and reached out to the parcel she had left. He seemed to be as surprised as the Lady when he took it and opened it. He looked at the buckle he held in his hand for a long time before quickly taking off the grey cloak he was wearing and changing the buckle that held it together. When he put on his cloak again, the dragon buckle shone in its place and Mary knew that it had been right to give it to him.

Kopa seemed to hesitate for a moment but then he bent down and lifted Mary up and gave her a hug. Mary put her arms around his neck and remembered how he had carried her into the castle that night not too long ago. She leaned her head to his shoulder and hoped she would see him again.

After a while, he put her back on the floor and patted her on the shoulder. Mary saw that the three women standing there dressed in white all had tears in their eyes and that several other people in the room had stopped and looked at Kopa.

“Mary, wait here for us, we’ll be right back to get you,” lady said. Mary nodded and waited obediently at in place while the others went in different directions to do a couple of last things before, they were to leave.

First back was Kopa. Mary smiled at him and for once he smiled back. He knelt in front of her and held out a small knife in a ski.

“I got this from my father when I was your age,” he said. “Now I’ll give it to you. It’s a good knife and it will be good to have. It’s easy to hide, I’ll show you.” He showed how she should attach it and kept it hidden between the skirt folds of the dress.

“Always have it with you, one day you’ll need it and then it’ll be there.” Mary looked into his serious eyes and nodded. She felt safe when she felt the weight of the little knife. Kopa stood up and put his hand on her shoulder.

Then the Lady, Leana, and Mildy came walking.

“Come on, Mary, we will introduce you to the king before it is time to say goodbye,” said the Lady, reaching out to Mary. Mary nodded and took her hand.

They began to walk towards the door that went out to the other parts of the castle. When they came out into a corridor, Mary discovered that they were no longer walking alone in the small group. First there was a group of grey-clad men and women. Then came Kopa. The lady and Mary followed Kopa hand in hand and behind them Leana and Mildy, who in turn were followed by another group of grey-clad men and women.

Mary realized that this was the same turnout that had surrounded the Lady that night when she came to the city. Then their faces had been foreign to Mary, but now she knew who most of them were. Then all the grey-clad people had frightened her, now she felt safe in the gray mass. They walked in long corridors and stairs leading them down.

Mary knew they were heading for the castle courtyard and soon they were standing in front of two big doors. When the doors opened, Mary could look out into the castle courtyard and saw all the people gathered out there.

They stepped out into the cold winter wind. Even though that the sun was shining from a blue sky, there was no heat in the winds that swept around the castle courtyard.

The group of grey-clad people walked towards a small cluster of people who stood not far from where the Lady’s carriage was waiting. Mary understood that it was the royal family and other high-ranking officials waiting there.

When the gray crowd reached the small cluster, the gray-clad people divided themselves so that Kopa and then the Lady and Mary could walk up to the people who were waiting for them. The lady led Mary to an older man. He was thin and looked nervous and anxious.

“Your Majesty, this is the Mary Group, I leave her in your care. She is under my protection, and I take for granted that she will be treated in the best way,” the Lady introduced her to the King. Mary curtsied as deep as she could and bowed her head so she could not see the king nodding.

“Mary this is His Majesty Conrad III. He will make sure you are taken care of and are well” the Lady told Mary. Mary nodded in response. The king waved his hand and a woman emerged. She was thin and looked stern. Her brown hair was set up in a tight knot and Mary felt the cold radiate out from her.

“This is the chatelaine Mrs. Meata, she will make sure you get settled in” the king said. Mary curtsied towards Mrs. Meata, who did not show that she knew about Mary’s existence.

“Stay here with the king and wave us off before you get settled into your new room,” the Lady said. Mary nodded and squeezed the Lady’s hand one last time before letting it go and walked to stand next to the king.

The Lady caressed Mary’s cheek before saying goodbye to several other people and continuing towards the carriage. Kopa looked at Mary and gave her a lopsided smile before he went to help the Lady into the carriage. Both Leana and Mildy gave Mary a short hug before heading towards the carriage.

That’s how it came to be that Mary stood in the cold castle courtyard with tears running down her face and waving towards the carriage that rolled out through the gate.

She thought she saw the Lady turning around and waved back at her. But it might as well be wishful thinking, Mary thought.

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