Married To My Ex-Husband’s Rival by Jobet GraySon

Chapter 32

Chapter Thirty Two 


5 Stars 

Chapter Thirty Two 

Third Person POV. 

Richard and Amber stood before the priest, their eyes locked, as he instructed them to recite their 


Richard, his face neutral but his thoughts racing, cleared his throat and began. “I, Richard Romero, promise to love and cherish Amber Grey with all my life. I’ll protect her, I’ll be with her in sickness and good health, and I’ll always be by her side as her biggest support system till death do us part.” 

As he placed the ring on her trembling finger, Richard couldn’t help but furrow his brows ever so slightly. 

He couldn’t shake the feeling that Amber’s hands quivered, not just from being nervous but also from being uncertain. Thoughts raced through his mind as he questioned whether she was having second thoughts about their arrangement. 

The last thing he wanted was for her to back down now and declare that she didn’t want to marry him. Although their union was simply a contract, he wholeheartedly wished for things to go smoothly. He refused to become a groom who’d be left standing alone at the altar. 

The priest turned to Amber, urging her to speak her vows boldly. Nerves and unease washed over her but she summoned her courage and spoke, her voice trembling slightly. “I, Amber Grey, promise to love and cherish Richard Romero with all my life. I’ll respect him and be by his side through thick and thin. And I’ll always be his biggest supporter from this time and till death do us part.” 

Taking a deep breath, she slid the ring onto his finger, praying that her actions would not betray the doubts gnawing at her heart. 

A sigh escaped her l*ps as she tried to squash the unsettling feeling that had plagued her since the beginning. She desperately wanted to breathe and stay by herself, but at this moment, she had no choice but to push aside her wants and trust that everything would work out. 

With the exchange of vows complete, the priest declared Richard and Amber husband and wife. The moment seized Amber’s attention like a dagger in her chest. 


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16:00 Thu, 29 Feb G BG. 

Chapter Thirty Two 

5 Stars 

Panic coursed through her veins as the priest spoke the words she both anticipated and feared: “You 

may now k*ss the bride.” 

Her b*dy tensed, freezing in place as her nerves threatened to consume her. The thought of k*ssing Richard brought forth an inexplicable discomfort that sent shivers down her spine. She didn’t want to 

k*ss him, not because he had a problem, but because she did. 

Confusion clouded her mind because she knew her reaction made no actual sense. But then again, sh had to remind herself that it wasn’t as if she had genuine feelings for him. Their relationship was nothing more than a facade, an arrangement born out of necessity, and for this reason, she struggled to make physical contact with him because she didn’t want to like it. 

Richard, who was attentive to Amber’s emotions, detected her internal struggle. With a gentle approach, he moved closer to her, his hand cupping her cheek. 

The touch was meant to provide reassurance, to offer a semblance of comfort so that she knew that there was no pressure from his side. 

As he leaned in to k*ss her, a small flicker of concern crossed Richard’s eyes. He noticed Amber’s discomfort again, and, in an act of improvisation, he swiftly sl*pped his thumb over her l*ps before his l*ps made contact with hers. In a motion that appeared seamless and natural, he pressed his l*ps to his own thumb as if they had shared a loving k*ss. 

Amber blinked, caught off guard by the unexpected diversion. 

Amber stood there, stunned, as Richard pulled away from their almost–k*ss. She hadn’t anticipated his diversion, and a mix of surprise and gratitude washed over her. In that split second, she realized that despite the facade of their marriage, Richard had respected her unspoken discomfort and had gracefully honored her wish. 

Richard turned his gaze towards Amber, his eyes twinkling with mischief as he winked at her. A small smile played on his l*ps, signaling that he understood her. 

Amber’s heart fluttered as a rush of emotions washed over her. Without a second thought, she found herself being drawn to him, her hand instinctively reaching out to pull him closer. 

The guests erupted into laughter, assuming that Amber’s actions stemmed from overwhelming excitemen  Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ FindNøvᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

In that electrifying moment, as all thoughts faded away, Amber placed her l*ps firmly and naerinastalu an Dichard’s The chark rinnlad through him his mind raalina hut ha rann amhread thi 


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Thu, 29 Feb GB B 

Chapter Thirty Two 

5 Stars 

passionately on Richard’s. The shock rippled through him, his mind reeling, but he soon embraced the intensity of the unexpected k*ss and responded in kind. 

They k*ssed for what felt like hours until Amber finally drew away with flushed cheeks. 

She gave Richard a timid smile as the guests around them congratulated her, congratulating the newlyweds for their union. Though she still felt somewhat unsettled, she could hardly believe how easy and natural it had been to k*ss Richard. 

Their guests continued to cheer, charmed by their display of affection, which they believed was born out of newfound love. 

Applause filled the air, mingling with the couple’s slightly swollen l*ps and thudding hearts. Richard and Amber looked at each other. 

The familiar strains of the wedding song filled the air once again, guiding Richard and Amber as they took their first steps together as husband and wife. Richard reached out and gently took Amber’s hands in his, intertwining their fingers as they descended the altar steps. 

As Amber made her way down, a wave of emotions washed over her. Martha immediately rushed to her side as soon as she climbed down. 

With tears glistening in her eyes, Martha pulled Amber into a tight embrace, congratulating her.. profusely. She expressed her disbelief that this day had finally arrived and how grateful she was that Amber had softened Richard’s once–rigid heart, changing his perspective on marriage. 

Amber forced a smile, a twinge of guilt seeping into her expression. She appreciated Martha’s genuine happiness, but it pained her to see the older woman so invested in a fabricated relationship. “Thank you, Martha,” Amber replied softly. 

As Martha stepped back, Raymond, Richard’s father, joined her side. His upright posture and stern expression revealed a man who did not easily show emotions. 

With a curt tone, he offered a perfunctory congratulation to Amber before uttering the words, “Welcome to the family.” 

Amber could sense his skepticism, but she understood that Raymond was a man who didn’t trust peo easily. 

Meanwhile at Dichard’s ride Killian whienarad into his ear his unira tinoad with admiration “Like 


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Meanwhile, at Richard’s side, Killian whispered into his ear, his voice tinged with admiration. “Like you said, she’s absolutely beautiful,” he commented. 

Richárd chuckled in response, his eyes never leaving Amber’s form as she chatted with his mother. “I told you she was worth it,” he whispered back to Killian, pride lacing his voice. 

As Amber returned to Richard’s side, their hands instinctively found each other once again, entwining 

their fingers in a silent acknowledgment of the beginning of their joint revenge. 

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