Married To My Ex-Husband’s Rival by Jobet GraySon

Chapter 139

Chapter 139 

Third–Person Pov 


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Amber scoffed, disbelief and irritation mingling in her voice. She couldn’t fathom the audacity of her stepmother to show up at her doorstep and demand explanations. She recalled having made it clear that she had cut ties with Mary and wanted nothing to do with her, so the fact that Mary would come all the 

way here and go as far as demanding an explanation from her, for no apparent reason, made her blood boil. 

She would take a deep breath, reminding herself to remain calm and composed, even in the face of Mary’s frustrating presence. She couldn’t afford to let this witch make her angrier than she already 


t exactly do I need to explain, mother?” Amber questioned, her voice calculated and controlled. 

“As far as I’m concerned, I haven’t done anything that warrants an explanation. And even if I did, 

you would be the last person to demand one from me.” 

Mary scoffed bitterly, crossing her arms defiantly across her chest. “Well, look at you, Amber,” Mary 

retorted, her tone dripping with resentment. “Married to a wealthy man, experiencing a taste of 

success, and suddenly you think you’re invincible. Instead of living peacefully, you’ve chosen to use 

your husband’s influence for all the wrong reasons. You just couldn’t hide your bitterness, could 


Amber furrowed her brows in confusion, trying to make sense of Mary’s nonsensical words. She refused 

to let her stepmother’s attempt to belittle her get under her skin. Ignoring Mary’s jabs, she pressed 

forward, determined to get to the bottom of why Mary had come to see her. 

“Cut the condescending act, mother,” Amber replied, her voice firm. “Tell me exactly why you’re here, 

escort you 

instead of talking down to me. If you can’t get straight to the point, I’ll have security? 

out. So, start talking.” 

Mary let out a frustrated sigh, feeling her anger rise, coupled with her recent encounter with Marlene. Despite her frustration, she understood the importance of keeping her cool, especially since she 

knew that she was in no place to make any sort of demands or demand respect from Amber. She took 

moment to compose herself before speaking. 

I know you think you’re on top of the world now that you’re married to a Romero, but even at that



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Chapter 139 


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Chapter 139 

Third–Person Pov 

Amber scoffed, disbelief and irritation mingling in her voice. She couldn’t fathom the audacity of her stepmother to show up at her doorstep and demand explanations. She recalled having made it clear that she had cut ties with Mary and wanted nothing to do with her, so the fact that Mary would come all the way here and go as far as demanding an explanation from her, for no apparent reason, made her 

blood boil. 

She would take a deep breath, reminding herself to remain calm and composed, even in the face of Mary’s frustrating presence. She couldn’t 

to let this witch make her angrier than she already 


“What exactly do I need to explain, mother?” Amber questioned, her voice calculated and controlled. “As far as I’m concerned, I haven’t done anything that warrants an explanation. And even if I did, you would be the last person to demand one from me.” 

Mary scoffed bitterly, crossing her arms defiantly across her chest. “Well, look at you, Amber,” Mary retorted, her tone dripping with resentment. “Married to a wealthy man, experiencing a taste of success, and suddenly you think you’re invincible. Instead of living peacefully, you’ve chosen to use your husband’s influence for all the wrong reasons. You just couldn’t hide your bitterness, could 


Amber furrowed her brows in confusion, trying to make sense of Mary’s nonsensical words. She refused to let her stepmother’s attempt to belittle her get under her skin. Ignoring Mary’s jabs, she pressed forward, determined to get to the bottom of why Mary had come to see her. 

“Cut the condescending act, mother,” Amber replied, her voice firm. “Tell me exactly why you’re here, instead of talking down to me. If you can’t get straight to the point, I’ll have security escort you 

out. So, start talking.” 

Mary let out a frustrated sigh, feeling her anger rise, coupled with her recent encounter with Marlene. Despite her frustration, she understood the importance of keeping her cool, especially since she knew that she was in no place to make any sort of demands or demand respect from Amber. She took moment to compose herself before speaking. 

“I know you think you’re on top of the world now that you’re married to a Romero, but even at that



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12:54 Mon, 25 Mar

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Chapter 139 

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Amber, how dare you try to ruin the life of the man that made you who you are?” Mary began, her voice 

laden with anger and accusation. “How ungrateful can you be to put your own father in jail and leave 

him there to rot?” 

“Why on earth would you think I am responsible for putting my father in jail?” Amber questioned, her tone laced with both amusement and annoyance. “You do realize it’s a bold accusation, right? I can’t 

believe you would even consider that I’d be capable of such a thing.” 

Mary’s eyes narrowed, her face tightening with irritation. “Don’t play dumb with me, Amber,” she 

retorted sharply, her voice carrying a blend of disappointment and betrayal. “I’m certain that you’re the reason why your father is in jail. You need to own up to your wickedness instead of acting 


Amber couldn’t contain her exasperation any longer. She rolled her eyes, a mixture of frustration and 

boredom playing across her face. “You know what, Mother, save your breath. Your accusations are loud 

and highly unnecessary,” she scoffed. “Yes, I am responsible for keeping my father in jail, but not 

because I’m enjoying it. He is a criminal who deserves to serve time for his crimes. If you’re so 

distraught about it, hire a lawyer and fight his case. Don’t come here bothering me.” 

Mary shook her head in disbelief, her eyes darkening with rage. She struggled to comprehend the depth 

of Amber’s resentment and anger towards her father, who, as much as she hated to admit it, had always 

cared more for Amber than his other children with her. 

“I can understand if you hate me because I am Marlene’s biological mother and not yours, and maybe, I 

have never treated you both equally” Mary began, her voice quivering with emotion. “But nothing justifies your hatred towards your father. I always knew you were selfish and vindictive, but I never 

thought it would escalate to the point where you would send your own father to jail simply because he 

didn’t take your side.”

Amber let out a bitter laugh, unable to contain her disbelief. “Do you hear yourself, mother? You 

sound absolutely crazy,” she retorted, her voice sharp with a mix of sarcasm and frustration. If you 

want to beg me to help your husband, just do it. Cut the dramatics and come straight to the point. And maybe, just maybe, I will consider helping him. But only if you go down on your knees and beg for my help.” 

Mary’s jaw dropped, her mouth/forming a silent gasp. She couldn’t believe the audacity and lack of empathy emanating from the useless brat in front of her

Mary’s lips trembled with anger, her legs twitching with frustration. She demanded with a stern 



12:54 Mon, 25 Mar 


Chapter 139 

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aemana, ner Trustration evident in ner voice. Like I said, 

The Amper simply rolled ner eyes at mayeed to get down on your knees and beg for it. Beg like you 

mother, if you want my help, then you 

mean it,” she retorted, her tone laced with stubborn defiance. “And even then, I’ll only consider 

letting my father out of jail, there’ll be 


Mary fell silent, her brows furrowing as she wrestled with her next move. The room hung heavy with 

tension, the silence stretching on as Amber’s impatience grew. With a frustrated groan, Amber 

couldn’t help but think that she had better things to do than deal with her stepmother’s unwanted 




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“Fine. Our conversation is over,” Amber asserted, her voice firm and resolute. “Get out of my house 

and don’t come back.” 

As Amber turned to leave and head upstairs, Mary’s voice suddenly called her back, a hint of 

desperation in her tone. “Let’s make a deal!” 

Intrigued, Amber slowly turned around, an amused look playing on her face. “Oh? And what could you 

possibly offer me now?” she questioned, her voice dripping with skepticism. 

Mary scoffed, her lips curling in disdain. “I have information. Information that I’m certain you don’t know about,” she responded, her voice laden with intrigue and a hint of smugness. 

Amber chuckled, a sarcastic smile gracing her lips. “Oh, do you now?” she replied, her tone laced 

with amusement. “Well, if you think a mere piece of information is enough to entice me into helping your cause, then you are sorely mistaken, Mother.” 



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Chapter 139 

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Undeterred, Mary took a step closer to Amber, her eyes pleading for understanding. “Amber, listen to 

  1. me. I can offer you not just one, but two important pieces of information. Things that could change 

your perspective and make you reconsider,” she proposed, her voice trembling with hope. 

Amber stared at her mother skeptically, her arms crossed over her chest. She demanded, “Tell me three 

important things that I don’t know, Mary. And don’t underestimate that word, important. And even then, you will still have to beg on your knees if you want any chance of my help.” 

“Fine. Three important pieces of information in exchange for Martin’s freedom,” Mary agreed, her 

voice tinged with resignation. “And yes, I will get down on my knees and beg, Amber. If that’s what it takes to make things right.” 

Amber looked at Mary, her gaze unwavering, before finally nodding in acceptance. “Very well, Mary. We have a deal. Tell me what you know,” she acquiesced, her voice reflecting a mix of caution and 

curiosity. “But do it on your knees.” 

Mary let out a frustrated sigh as she slowly sank to her knees much to Amber’s amusement. The sight of her stepmother on the ground, humbled and desperate, brought a twisted sense of satisfaction to 

Amber’s heart. But beneath the amusement, there was a curiosity that lingered, a desire to uncover 

the knowledge that Mary possessed. 

With a frustrated huff, Mary began to speak, her voice laced with anger and bitterness. “The first piece of information I have for you, Amber, is that you are not incapable of having children like you 

believed,” she revealed. 

Amber’s brows furrowed at Mary’s statement, a mixture of surprise and confusion crossing her features. “What are you talking about, Mary?,” she replied, her voice filled with certainty. She already knew that she was not barren, but the mention of Mary’s information piqued her curiosity, 

urging her to probe further. 

Mary’s eyes narrowed, frustration etched on her face. “Kayden, manipulated your test results to make. you think you couldn’t have children,” she explained, her voice dripping with venomous disdain. “He wanted you to remain emotionally dependent on him when the two of you were still married.” 

Amber’s eyes widened in disbelief. It was shocking, and yet, not entirely surprising. She knew the depths to which Kayden was capable of sinking, but the revelation of his manipulation hit her like a sucker punch. She let out an incredulous scoff before demanding. “Number Two.” 

“Your dear mother, Elena, wasn’t the saint you believed her to be,” she confessed, a wicked gleam 



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Chapter 139 

dancing in her eyes. 

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Amber’s brows furrowed deeper, confusion swirling in her. “What are you talking about, Mary?” she 

asked, her voice laced with uncertainty. Her mother’s memory had always been a sacred one, untainted 

by doubt or suspicion. 

Mary chuckled, a smug grin playing on her lips. She relished the moment, knowing that her next words 

would shake Amber to her core. “Elena had a child before she married Martin,” she revealed, her voic 

I Martin,” she revealed, her voice 

carrying an air of malevolence. “She had an older daughter with someone else. And that older daughter 

is someone you know, Amber.” 

Amber’s eyes widened in shock, her mind reeling to process the revelation that hung heavy in the air. 

She stared at Mary, her voice barely a whisper, as she asked, “Who are you talking about, Mary? Who 

is my older sister?” 

Mary smiled wickedly, savoring the moment before finally revealing, “Angela.” 

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