Married To My Dearest Enemy by Jared Mandel

Chapter 16

Chapter 16 

David smiled. “That’s right. They’ve been enemies for over 20 years.” 

At that moment, Tyler walked over from inside the house. He looked at Gary and asked, “What did she say?” 

“She said that she has a place to stay tonight and that she’ll come to live here tomorrow,” Gary replied. 

Tyler nodded. “Be careful what you say. 

“Don’t worry. I won’t say anything I shouldn’t.” 

Only after Tyler and David had left, did Gary come back to his senses. 

“Is that the way enemies treat each other nowadays? 

“Why don’t I have enemies who are so considerate?” he wondered. 

After having a place to live, Audrey checked out of the hotel the following morning. She went to the piano store with her suitcase. 

When Grace saw Audrey walking into the store with her suitcase, she walked over. “Do you only have a suitcase as your luggage?” 

Audrey nodded. “I don’t have many things.” 

“Alright then. I was going to help you move your stuff after we get off work.” 

Audrey smiled. “I’ll go get changed first.” 

“Okay,” Grace said. When she was walking out, she turned around and said, “By the way, Mr. Greenwood said that to prevent us from being late for work, we’ll have all three meals of the day in the store.” 

Audrey was taken aback. “All three meals?” 

Grace nodded. That is what Mr. Greenwood said. The breakfast has already been delivered. You can come have some after you get changed.” 

Audrey nodded after a short pause. “Okay.” 

She recalled that Gary said the store would only cover lunch. Why did the store. suddenly begin to cover their breakfast and dinner as well? 

However, Audrey didn’t want to get to the bottom of this. She was almost broke. It would be a good thing if someone covered her meals. 

Chapter 16 

After getting changed, Audrey went to have breakfast with Grace. 

It was Saturday, so there were quite a few people coming in and out of the store. 

Therefore, Audrey remained seated in front of the piano. Her slender fingers were dancing on the keys. 

A lot of passersby stopped in front of the piano store. 

Quite a lot of them would walk into the store to enquire. 

It was quite busy, so the time passed quite quickly. It was soon lunchtime. 

A piano wasn’t a necessity in a house, and not everyone could afford one. 

“Audrey, I’m going to the bathroom. Can you please keep an eye on the store for me?” Finally getting a break, Grace gave Audrey a heads–up and headed to the bathroom. 

Audrey was a little tired after being seated for a long time, so she stood up and headed. to the door to stretch. 

Amelia and two other girls walked out of a luxury store not far away with a smile on their faces

“Amelia, how come you’re so extravagant suddenly?” 

Amelia pretended to be angry and asked, “When have I not been extravagant?” 

“That’s not what I mean. Didn’t your family encounter some problems recently? Have all the problems been solved?“The girls were good friends with Amelia, so they got straight to the point. 

Amelia didn’t mind. She said with a soft voice, “It was only a small problem. It was solved very quickly. The Griffin family will probably be in an even better state than 


“Really? That’s great.” 

“By the way, Amelia. I heard that the useless sister of yours is going to marry into the Russell family. Is that true?” 

When Amelia heard those words, her smile disappeared, and her face turned cold. “Do you think the Russell family is going to accept her with the sorry state that she’s in?” 

“You have a point. Besides, she and Tyler were like enemies in the past. How will Tyler marry her?” 

“That’s right. If the Griffin family and the Russell family are going to have a contract 


Chapter 161 

marriage, then it’ll be with Amelia.” 

This was what Amelia liked to hear. A smile appeared on her face again. 

“Hey, Amelia, look. Isn’t that your sister?” One of the girls walking beside Amelia pointed at the piano store not far away. 

Amelia looked in the direction that the girl pointed in. When she saw Audrey standing at the entrance, she frowned. “She actually found another job?” 

“Didn’t you tell the restaurant to fire her last time? I can’t believe someone dared to hire her.” 

Amelia’s eyes turned cold as she looked at Audrey. “She actually applied for a job at a piano store?” 

Thinking of her piano tutor’s compliment on Audrey and saying how talented she was, Amelia just wanted to shop Audrey’s hands off. 

“Why was she able to receive compliments so easily? 

“Why have I tried so hard, but still couldn’t be compared to her? 

“Since I can’t be a star playing the piano, then she can forget about being a star too,” Amelia thought. 

With that thought in mind, Amelia said indifferently, “Let’s go say hello.” 

Audrey felt much better after some exercise. 

Just when she was about to take a sip of water, a sarcastic voice sounded at the entrance, “Hey, look at who this is. Why do I feel you look familiar?” 

Audrey stopped where she was and turned around. 

When Audrey saw who was it that was walking in, she frowned. 

She didn’t expect to bump into Amelia and her friends there. 

Amelia walked into the store and looked around. “I didn’t expect you to have the ability to get yourself a job here.” 

Audrey didn’t answer to Amelia’s words. Instead, she said, “Take a look and see if there’s anything you need.” 

“Audrey, we’re all acquaintances here. How about you introduce some of the pianos to us?” One of the girls looked at Audrey with disdain. “Don’t tell me you don’t know the basic knowledge about pianos?” 

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Chapter 16 

“What does she know?” another girl asked. “Amelia is a grade–nine pianist. Someone like her would only know how to seduce men. How could she know something so high- classed as pianos?” 

Audrey chuckled when she heard those words. She then looked at Amelia. “Grade–nine pianist? That’s pretty awesome.” 

Amelia didn’t expect the two girls to get her involved. Her face darkened a little. 

“Amelia, she’s your sister after all. How about you teach her some basic knowledge about pianos? You don’t want her to not be able to say anything when other customers. come in and want her to introduce the pianos to them, right? That’ll be really embarrassing.” 

Amelia was just about to say something, but Audrey had beaten her to it. “Then please, Amelia, be my guest. Teach me some knowledge about pianos.” 

The two girls laughed when they heard what Audrey said. “Audrey, aren’t you just humiliating yourself by doing this? How were you able to pass your interview and get this job? Why did you apply to be a pianist when you know nothing about pianos? Who gave you the courage?” 

Audrey smiled but didn’t say anything. Her gaze landed on Amelia. 

She knew what Amelia was capable of. She had learned to play the piano for a while, but her tutor had said that Amelia had no talent for piano playing. Amelia had made no progress after six months of learning to play the piano, 

Audrey was curious about when had Amelia become a grade–nine pianist. 

Amelia could be better than Audrey in everything else except playing the piano. 

Amelia knew if she refused Audrey’s request, Audrey would definitely feel that she was scared. 

However, if she really did try to teach Audrey about pianos, then it would be an event bigger embarrassment if something went wrong. 

“Amelia, I’ll hold your things for you. Teach her a lesson today.” 

Before Amelia could think of an excuse to refuse, she was pushed to sit in front of a piano. 

“Audrey, you have to take your chances. If it weren’t for the fact that Amelia is kind, she wouldn’t normally teach others anything. You have to be grateful.” The girl sounded arrogant. It was as if she was the one sitting in front of the piano. 

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Chapter 16 


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