Married My Ex-husband’s Uncle (Matthias and Sienna)

Married My Ex-husband’s Uncle Chapter 7

Married My Ex–husband’s… 

Chapter 7 Shamelessly Beyond Measure 

+10 pearls 

“Mr. Callan, what we can confirm right now is that Ms. Ainsworth and Mr. Johanson no longer have feelings for each other. Their divorce has been finalized. The Johanson and Ainsworth. families jointly announced the news of their divorce, which caused even more sensation than their initial marriage. As for this guy, Kayden, it was said that Ms. Ainsworth had complimented his good looks when she saw him at the nightclub previously. This is only their second meeting. so there shouldn’t be any romantic involvement.” 

The man in the back seat fell silent after listening to the explanation. “Let’s go to the auction.” 

The auction held in Fairlake this time was quite grand. It was said that there were several valuable items up for bidding. 

As luck would have it, Sienna ran into Matthias and Loretta as soon as she got out of the car. 

Spotting Sienna, Matthias left Loretta behind and angrily approached Sienna. 

“You went to Fantasia Club?” he asked. 

Why is he here? How unlucky! Feeling annoyed, Sienna couldn’t be bothered to entertain him. 

“Yeah, do you have a problem with that?” she replied without hesitation. 

Not expecting her to admit it so readily, Matthias was left stunned. 

Recalling the love bite he had seen last time at the Ainsworth residence, he grabbed Sienna’s arm. “You actually let those filthy men touch you? Sienna, were you really that desperate?” 

Matthias couldn’t find that man over the past few days, but he heard a lot of gossip. However, Sienna was away on a business trip, so he couldn’t find her to verify the rumors. 

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be true. 

Sienna can’t possibly go to a place like Fantasia Club! She was raised under strict discipline since she was young and only had eyes for me! She wouldn’t even spare those wealthy scions a second glance when they pursued her, let alone indecent men in Fantasia Club! We’ve only been divorced for a few days! How did she end up like this? 

“Who told you to go?” Matthias couldn’t contain his anger. Are you out of your mind? How could you go to suchá place? Sienna, I never thought you would be so shameless!” 

Sienna temper flared when she heard that, 

She wanted to raise her hand and strike him, but she restrained herself and instead used her foot. 

Stomping ruthlessly on Matthias‘ foot, she yelled, “It’s not your place to lecture me!” 

Matthias‘ face turned pale from the pain. “You… You… 


Chapter 7 Shamelessly 


+10 pearls 

Loretta came running over, lifting the hem of her sim okay, Mathias? How could you do that, Siena? Maathi much pain!” 

far filled with concern. “Are you 

Soc might get injured! He must be in so 

Sienna was disgusted by the sight of those two acting me in front of her. Even though she and Matthias were already divorced, that didnt op hom getting on the nerves of this shameless couple. 

I’m shameless? Yes, I sought pleasure from her, but than was only after the divorce, unlike you two. One of you is an adulterer while the other in a humeless homewreciter who seduces a married man! Are you even worthy to lea 

“You damn woman… Matthias was both in pair and fures. The horrible feeling of being cheated on infuriated him so much than he vister he could tear Sienna apart 

Many people were there to attend the aux didn’t want to deal with her ex- husband in public. 

After she finished speaking, he nooit Kastes band and with an air of elegance, walked away in her high heels. 


“Matthias, are you alrige Loretta’s even were red with concern. “Let’s go to the hospital to have it checked out.” 

Matthias thought his toes macho be bentem because he couldn’t even take a single step. Therefore he had no choice but to gen burdi 

Sienna was untery ruthles 

Matthias face was ashem, and a pletely oblivious to the fact that Loretta, sitting next to him, was clenching 

It’s always like this. Murtis will eminem into a completely different person whenever he sees Siempat regardless of whether som on the the dimora. He’ll always be caring and tender in front of her, buttands Sienna can stir his musu Sienne ne dimrced him and down slept with someone else, yet she still the unity woman tolu can affet me cmntione 

“Matthias, please dorit sy mad at Sienna anymore. We still rely on her help to resolve issues regarding the proje” and Lorena, her expression full of guilt. “It’s all my fault for being inexperience. The win a difficult position. 

Matthiasows were tightly knitted as he reassured her perfunctorily. “We’ll discuss the prem 

In a cold voice the miked Zavier. “Have you found that boy toy, Kayden?” 

Zavier’s expronesed. “No, Mr. Johanson, we haven’t. People from Fantasia Club sanita ever viner Klavdiem became Ms. Ainsworth’s sugar baby, he never returned to Fantasia Club Mo one knows exacly where he went.” 



19 Jan 

Chapter 7 Shamelessly… 

+10 pearls 

Matthias anger boiled over. “What on earth are they doing? They can’t even find a single person? Go and search Sienna’s house. There’s no way she could have bought a house for that boy toy in such a short time. He must be hidden somewhere in the mansion. He must be found today! Who gave her the audacity to be someone’s sugar mommy?” 

Zavier glanced at Loretta, who was ignored and visibly upset, then at Matthias, who was enraged because of his ex–wife, finding it hard to fathom what his boss was thinking 


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