Married My Ex-husband’s Uncle (Matthias and Sienna)

Married My Ex-husband’s Uncle Chapter 12

Married My Ex–husband’s… 

Chapter 12 Thank You For Not Sleeping With Me 


+10 pearl’s 

“You barged into my house, smashed my things, and even assaulted my man. Do you think I’m a pushover?” she demanded. 

“My man?” 

Matthias pointed at Kayden, who had just been helped to his feet by Kaylee, the veins on his forehead throbbing in anger. “So this pretty boy is your man? Sienna Ainsworth, did you sleep with someone like him just because I won’t sleep with you? Did you choose such a frail and worthless pretty boy just to annoy me? 

Matthias was so infuriated that he wished he could set Emerald Abode on fire. He hadn’t even lived there for a single day, yet Sienna audaciously used it to keep her boy toy

No one knew how furious he was when he saw Kayden there. He almost had the urge to get rid of the other man right then and there. 

Annoy you?” Sienna let out a chuckle in exasperation. 

“Matthias, don’t you think you’re being delusional? I chose to be with Kayden because I think he’s kind and filial. He’s a thousand times better than you in my eyes. Speaking of which, I must thank you for not sleeping with me. Or else, if we really did sleep together, I’d feel nauseous every time I think about it.” 

Both Kayden and Matthias turned to look at her at the same time; one shocked while the other consumed by rage. 

Matthias was on the verge of exploding. 

How dare she compare me to a gigolo? I’d rather she kill me on the spot! 

He pointed at Kayden before glaring at her with bloodshot eyes. “Him? A thousand times better than me? Thank me for not sleeping with you? Sienna, is this how you define our marriage? 

Sienna was both enraged and amused by his demeanor. He made it seem as though she was the one who had betrayed him. 

“Do you know what you look like right now, Matthias Johanson? You’re like an incompetent good- for–nothing who lost his mind after being cheated on by his wife,” she said with a sneer. 

Realization struck him like a bolt from the blue, and he was stunned. 

Cheated on… Yes, she’s right. My recent unusual behavior and inexplicable anger are all because I feel like I’ve been cheated on by her. 

That realization was something Matthias was unwilling to admit. 

Why should I care? We’re already divorced, aren’t we? Like Sienna said, whatever she does has nothing to do 


Chapter 12 Thank You For … 

+10 pearls 

with me. But I still care. I care so much that I wish I could kill Kayden! 

Even Zavier couldn’t bear to look at his boss‘ expression. 

It was so pathetic that no words could describe it 

With a pleading look in his eyes, he gestured for Kaylee to bring Kayden away so they wouldn’t witness the most embarrassing moment of his boss life 

Kaylee completely ignored him. 

It took Matthias quite a while to come back to his senses. 

He paused for a moment, trying his best to make his voice sound as calm as possible. “I don’t want to waste time arguing with you. All I ask is for you to send this pretty boy away and promise never to set foot in a place like Fantasia Club again. If you agree to do so. I’ll act as if nothing ever happened. I’ll compensate for the medical expenses, lost income, and emotional distress. I’ll repay it a hundredfold. Now, kick him out immediately 

If Sienna was holding a glass of alcohol or water in her hand at that moment, she would have splashed it in Matthias face to sober him up. 

“Matthias, on what grounds are you saying these things to me 

Stenna couldn’t help lashing out in anger. Stop thinking too highly of yourself! You appear quite ridiculous in my eyes 

He’s indeed ridiculous. Had he ever considered my feelings when he used to go anywhere with Loretta when we were married? I’m his wife! I hat did he say when I asked him to keep his distance from Loretta? He stated that I had no right to interfere with his freedom. He said I was being unreasonable, acting like a 


“Let me make things clear once again. We are already divorced. I have given you your freedom, so I ask that you refrain from interfering with mine. she remarked. 

Following that, she couldn’t be bothered to waste any more time on him and commanded coldly. ‘Call the police, Kaylee. 

Kaylee had been waiting for her boss‘ command and even had those three numbers entered in advance. The moment she was given the order, she pressed on the screen to dial the number. 

“Hello, is this the police station? I need to report a crime. Someone has broken into our house and injured someone… 

Matthias hopes were completely shattered when Sienna didn’t hesitate to call the cops on him. 

She’s clearly determined to be with this pretty boy and doesn’t respect me at all 

Matthias laughed out loud in fury. “Great. This is just great.” 


Chapter 12 Thank You For 

+10 pearls 


Chapter 12 Thank You For … 


+10 pearls 

Filled with disappointment, he left with Zavier immediately after finishing his sentence. 

Sienna breathed a long sigh after that unfortunate man left. 

We parted on good terms, so shouldn’t we go our separate ways and live our own lives in peace? What on earth is wrong with Matthias? Why does he always come looking for trouble


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