Married at 19

Chapter 87

"Daddy!!!" The mask man brought Danish away from us and I only can look at him, being drag by that bastard to the back door of the building.


"Just get away from me!" I shouted while landing a hard punch on Thomas's face that makes him fall on the ground. "And..DON'T YOU EVER MESS UP WITH MY FAMILY!"

I looked at Bella who was struggling to get away from that bastard, Drake. The old hag who is trying to kill my precious family.

"Wait!!!" He tried stop me when saw me is getting closer to him with a gun pointing on Bella's head. "Just stay back...if you want her to be alive....or I'm gonna shoot her." Drake, you bastard!!!

"Okay...I'll stay back." I raised my hands a bit and took a step back from them. "But, please...don't hurt her...I beg you. Please don't..." My voice sounds cracked. "Just take whatever you want to, o even kill me if you want.....but please...don't hurt my family....please."

"Stupid boy," Drake said to me annoyingly. "You are the same as your father before he died."

What is he talking about?

Did he......

"This's so familiar, right Thomas?" He asked his assistant.

Thomas laughed. "Indeed sir."

"You bastard!!!" I bursted out. "How dare you killed my parents!!! What did they ever did to you?!" I was about to take one step closer to him, but I quickly changed my mind since it will risk Bella's life.

Drake laughed so hard. "Your father was so stubborn and a very stupid person just like you. How dare he messed up with my company....just who did he think he was? He was just a new guy in this business line, and....he just overpasssed me? I was in this line for almost 15 years that time...but he just only took a few years....*chuckles*...but I'm not worried anymore, since my company is back to normal and gains so much profits this year."


"You are crazy, bastard! You killed them because my father surpassed you! You are so selfish!!!"

"Just shut it!!!" Drake shouted at me back. "Now it's your turn for Harrison family to be extinct from this world for real."


Drake pointed the gun straight to Nathan's direction and he told the whole story about killing Nathan's parents and even his planned to kill Nathan that day. I heard the gunshot but I did not dare to open my eyes because I really do not want to see Nathan get shot in front of my eyes....I just can not.

"Bella!!!" Nathan....h-he...he sounded fine.

Thank god he was safe.

But the gunshot? I was sure that I heard that sound.

"Nathan..." I quickly opened my eyes to look for him but I saw someone else was blocking me away from Nathan.

D-Dylan? What was he doing here?

"B-Be..Bella..." He sounded so much in pain.

My eyes locked on his left chest where I saw b-blood kept pouring out of the wound, soaking his white shirt.

Oh my god, h-he got shot! He...h-how did he get here? Why did he jump into Nathan's direction and took the bullet?

"Dylan!" I shouted for him as he fell hard on the ground.

Drake quickly released me then pushed me away. "No, Dylan...." he even sounded like he was about to cry and rushed to his son who laying on the cold ground with the blood non stop flowing out of his wound.

"Bella..." I saw Nathan ran towards me and quickly pulled me into a hug. "Are you okay? Are you hurt?" he asked for my condition worriedly.

"N-no....I'm fine." I tried to release his hug so I could check on Dylan's condition.

Dylan was laying on the floor with Drake beside him, crying and kept apologizing from his son. My friend was heavily breathing and looked so weak on his father laps.

Oh my god, Dylan.

"Nathan!!" I saw a dark brown hair guy approached Nathan with our son on his arms followed by Seth and police officers behind him.

"Daddy!!!" Nathan quickly grabbed Danish from his dark brown hair friend.

"Are you okay, Danish?" He examined Danish's arms and legs to check whether he got hurt or not.

"Thank god, you are okay, Danish," he said with a relief while hugging our son.

The police officers approached the

crying Franklin J Drake then put a handcuff on his both hands on his back after grabbed him away from his dying son before read the charged out loud. "Franklin J Drake

arrest for murdered Michael

at this time, I'm placing you. Met

Harrison and Karen Harrison. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law. You have the right to an attorney, but....the crime you did in the past, I think there's no attorney or even law can help you." The polices then dragged Drake away him towards their vehicle meanwhile for his assistant, Thomas, he just surrender

himself to the police willingly. "Take

them to the station..."

"Dylan...."I pressed the bullet wound with my hand to stop it from bleeding with my tears keept pouring on my cheeks. "Why...why did you save us?"

He gave me a weak smile. "I'm s-sorry."

"N-no...don't close your eyes. Stay

with me...please, Dylan." I patted gently on his cheek so he would stay awake. "The ambulance will arrive shortly... *cries* and you will bez safe....please stay awake." I was sobbing with my hands still pressing his wound.

"N-no....*coughs* I...I think i-it's my time now. This pain is so damn hurt....*tears pour on his cheek* b-before leave,....I-I just want to let you know that I...-love....." he could not even finish his words as he fell unconscious and there was no sign if his breathing too.

I put my head against his chest to hear his heart beat but I could not hear anything. I tried to give him CPR but it was useless too.

No, you can't leave'm sorry Dylan....I'm so sorry.

"Bella..." Nathan hugged me from behind. "He's gone..."

"I'm sorry, Dylan...." I was sobbing in Nathan's hug. "I'm so sorry...."☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐

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