Married at 19

Chapter 38

My nose stopped from bleeding as Bella asked me to lay my head on her lap so she could put the ice pack on my nose bridge. Luckily, there were still a little ices left in the container where we bought it at the mart this evening.

All of our friends were watching every movement that the two of us did, maybe so eagerly to ask about our secret relationship.

"Oh god....I can't take it anymore." Cecilia groaned while rolling her eyes.

" neither." Sasha agreed with her.

"This is such a drag!" Scott complained while stretching his hands and even yawning rudely in front of us.

"When did you two??? Seriously, I don't understand..." Henry looked so curious.

Seth was only crossing his arms, remained silent, but his black pearl eyes were looking straight at me.

"Since when?" My pale skin friend, Sam asked me.

Meanwhile, Chuck only munched his snack loudly, but his eyes still on Bella and me, waiting for us to start talking.

I think it's the time to tell them the truth about Bella and me and there will be no more secret between us. I promise that.

"Okay guys..... I will answer your questions." I sat up straight beside of my wife and in front of all my friends who are now sitting around the fire pit. "We got married when all of us have our midterm breaks. It's my parents last wish, that I have to follow.... and Bella's father also gave his blessing for me to marry her daughter. I'm sorry for not inviting you guys.... it's just happened so quick."

"But.... but.... you, Bella.... Sasha.... this is so confusing." Cecilia pointed her finger at me, then to Bella and Sasha too.

I laughed, "Well....I am now in love with my own wife, Bella. She is everything to me," I took Bella's soft hand and planted a kiss on it. "Sasha is a past now....*stuck my tongue to Sasha*.." "Aww....that is so sweet of you, Nathan." Cecilia sounded really excited.

Seth smirked at me. "So, you finally move on from Sasha. And found yourself a girl that you truly love. That's good for you, dope," he sounded a bit relieved after heard the news that I will not try to chase her girlfriend anymore.

"Finally!!" Sasha wrapped her hand around Seth's arm who is sitting beside her. "I'm happy for you, both of you."

"Nathan," Henry raised his hand.

"What is it, Henry?"

Henry touched his chin with his finger, he seems curious about something. "I wonder, how did you fall in love with Bella? No offense, Bella, but I'm just asking."

"Oh, he's right.... I want to know too," Sasha agreed.

"Um.... I'm not sure when, but I've started to have a weird feeling for her since the first day we became husband and wife. And I realized it was love, recently when Taylor shows up." I pulled Bella closer to me and kissed her forehead.

Sasha and Cecilia were giggling. "You surely a dork, Nathan."

I sighed. "I guess I am."

"How about you, Bella?" Sasha asked my wife. "When did you fall in love with this blond?"

She took a glance at me then back to Sasha. All of my friends look so excited to hear Bella's answer.

"'s about 10 years ago. When I met him at his house for the first time." Bella answered.

"Wow....that's so long time ago?" Chuck stopped from munching his snack. "You're so lucky Nathan."

I feel a bit shy when heard Chuck's.

"You love him for that long and he just friend-zoned you. I'm sorry for this dork's behalf." Sasha shakes her head.

"'re such an idiot, Nathan." Cecilia added.

"Hey.....I'm sorry okay. I really didn't know about that." I protested. Seriously, I really have no idea that Bella loves me for that long. "Dope!!!" Seth interrupted.

"Not you too, Hedgehog." I sighed.

"He's so troublesome." The lazy guy also puts the blame on me.

"You're really an idiot." My squishy friend too.

"Oh come on guys...." I'm now frustrated with them.

"Continue Bella, just ignore him." Sasha asked my wife to continue her story.

Bella giggled. "Sorry Nathan." She pinched my right cheek.

I smiled. "Don't worry....I'm totally fine."

"Oh, now I get it!" Sasha clapped her hands once.

"Get what?" I curiously asked her.

"That's why she always blushes whenever you speak to her and also almost faint when you are standing too close to her." Sasha Said while looking at Bella who seems to blush now. "Stop it,'re embarrassing me." Bella is now covering her red cheeks with her palms.

"Yeah....I know about it too. She's cute though." I tried to remove her hands from her face.

" two are too cute together." Cecilia is too overwhelmed to see us both.

"I know right." Sasha gives Cecilia a high five.

"I want to be like you two too." Henry suddenly spoke.

"In your dream, bushy brows." I stuck out my tongue to him.

"Arghh... that's so harsh, Nathan." Henry complained, making a funny face to me that makes all of us burst into laughing.

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