Married a Secret Billionaire by Breaking Wave

Chapter 28

Cordelia pressed her lips together, having no intention to argue with her. She was
about to go around Karine when the latter blocked her way.

“Don't think I don't know what you're up to behind everyone's backs!” Karine was
domineering. “Cordelia, you know very well how you managed to close this sale!”
Cordelia trained her gaze on her, her bright eyes shining with anger. She was
usually smiley and hospitable, rarely ever wearing such a cold and stern

It was like she had become a different person, and Karine could not help taking
two steps back.

“How did I close the sale?” Cordelia repeated each word with emphasis. “Based
on my capabilities! The sales proposal I burned the midnight oil for one whole
week and edited countless times? Mr. Sean was happy with it, that's why he
signed it! You worked on it for three months and still couldn't get it because
you're incapable! Yet instead of reflecting, you blame others for working harder
than you?”

“Hah, you worked hard?” Karine glared harder at Cordelia. “Worked hard to get
into some man’s bed?! You think you can do anything you like because the
director always takes your side?”

“Karine Carmichael, watch your mouth! What does this have to do with the
director? I had rarely ever spoken to the director before I sealed this deal!”

“Who knows? Humph, you haven't done so in the company, but you might have
so many times in private!”

“You—" Cordelia was red from rage.

The two women’s argument attracted a crowd. Someone tried to separate the
two of them as a mediator, but Karine refused to relent and Cordelia was
unwilling to be insulted for no reason and insisted on bringing the matter up to
the director.

While they were still confronting each other, Jesse rushed over to them.

“We're in the office. What are you two doing?!” Jesse reprimanded them. “Argue
out in the street if you want to. You're in the office now. Back to work!”

Karine glared at him and turned on her heel, while Cordelia stood rooted there
with a flushed face and her lips pressed tightly together.

Jesse shooed the crowd off and pulled Cordelia aside.

“Don't get down to Karine’s level,” he said soothingly. “She’s bad-tempered and
proud, with a sense of superiority. She can’t accept that she lost to you this time.”
“That doesn’t mean she can simply insult others!”

“Right, right, it's all her fault!” Jesse squinted with a smirk. “Lia, I apologize on her

He brought up a hand to pat Cordelia’s shoulder, but the latter snapped back to
reality and swiftly stepped back to avoid it.

Cordelia could not help feeling creeped out when she looked up and met Jesse's

“No need...” she replied. “I know that she’s upset because she lost the deal. I
won't take it to heart. But please let her know that I won't let it go just like that if
she dares insult me again!”

“Certainly!” Jesse's eyes flitted about, but his gaze was constantly on Cordelia.
She was usually quiet and soft as a pushover, but she had been like a thorny
rose when she’d argued with Karine just now. The contrast was refreshing to
Jesse, and he was even more captivated.

“It's almost noon.” He smiled. “I'll buy you lunch, Lia. Consider it an apology.
Don’t say no!”

“It's fine.” Cordelia looked at him impassively. “I've brought my own lunch. I don’t
want to go out.”

“Leftovers from last night?” Jesse lowered his voice with a smirk. “Lia, a pretty
girl like you shouldn't be eating leftovers...”

“I'm only eating my own food.” Cordelia stared straight at him. “Mr. Ford, I'll
excuse myself now. You should head back to the office too lest Ms. Carmichael
kicks up a fuss again when she sees us talking alone.”

“Lia, are you this reluctant to talk to me?”

Jesse was shameless and hard to shake off, clinging to Cordelia. When he
realized that what he was doing was ineffective, he had another idea and told her
with a grin, “I won’t be having lunch alone with you. There's actually a client

Cordelia paused and looked hesitant.

“It's a client from Feranche. I had a look, and you're the only one in the company
who took Feransai in college. Right?”

Cordelia stayed silent.

“The client's supposed to arrive tomorrow, but the flight was changed last minute.
The interpreter I hired is fully booked today, so... can you do me this favor, Lia?”
Cordelia wanted to refuse, but the company had a limited pool of foreign clients.
The client had to be a quality resource since Jesse was on it. A potential client
could be lost if she did not go.

Besides, Jesse was petty. Not going meant defying his orders, and he might pick
on her in the future.

They would be going to a restaurant anyway, and Jesse would probably not dare
touch her inappropriately in public.

“Cordelia,” Jesse added in time, seeing that she was swaying. “If this deal goes
through, you'll get part of the commission. What do you think?”

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