Marley and the Tale of Two Souls / Book 0.1 ✔️

Chapter Twenty-Seven: Marley

Warning: Failed attempt at porn ahead

Marley jolts awake with a loud scream, Sawyer’s arms already around her as she pants and tries to catch her breath. These dreams were getting worse with every passing day and she didn’t know how much longer she could handle them before she tries to pull her brain out with her own dagger.

They had stopped for the night and made camp, the fire was still bright and large and their leftover food that she couldn’t finish was still placed a few meters away which meant that she hadn’t been asleep for long. Marley just wanted to sleep, she want to close her eyes and have a dreamless dream but at this point, it felt like that was too much to ask for.

“Not much longer and you will stop having these dreams, I just know it,” Sawyer mumbled against her hair. She could feel his breath in the nap of her neck which sent pleasurable shivers down her spine.

She didn’t respond for a moment, staring at the flames of the fire before she spoke. “Can you tell me about your childhood?”

His hold on her tightened. “As long as you don’t laugh.”

His playful tone made her slightly giggle as she got comfortable against his chest. “I won’t, I promise.”

She felt his fingers run through the strands of her tangled hair before he talked. “The kingdom has always been peaceful, the village was quite close to the ocean so the mermaids could appear and interact with us. Every man, woman and child had to train the moment they discovered their dragons and had their first shift. For people who get confused we say that our process is very similar to werewolves however our shifts are random. Some people have waited until they were in their fifties before they have their first shift and others like me would have theirs at a young age. I was about five, maybe six years old, I can’t remember exactly when I shifted for the first time. My mother was terrified when I came home in my form and refused to change back.” He laughed, his red eyes glowing with the flames and Marley couldn’t help herself but stare. “I couldn’t go into our home as my form because... well... I’m the backer’s son. We owned and lived in our own bakery making bread and cakes for the villagers every day and it was my job to go around with a cart and sell on the streets.”

Marley couldn’t help her mouth from dropping open from his embarrassing confession. The idea of his younger self shouting for people to buy his bread was the cutest image she could ever think of and she couldn’t help the giant smile that spread across her face. “Why are you so embarrassed about being the village baker? It’s cute.”

“I am not cute!” He grumbled, a deep frown forming on his face which caused her already large smile to widen further. “You said you wouldn’t laugh.”

“I’m not laughing!” She defended as she cupped his face. “I love how you grew up as a villager who came from nothing and became the hero that everyone needs. It would have been disappointing to find out that you were the prince or king of your people. ”

“You would turn down royalty?”

Marley nodded. “Too much responsibility and expectations. Mack would be perfect for that role as she was always the leader of my family but not me, I like having a quiet life.”

He kissed her forehead. “Doesn’t look like your life is very quiet.”

She rolled her eyes. “Tell me more, what traditions do you do that are similar to everyone else?”

Sawyer’s eyes darkened slightly as she tilted her head in curiosity. “Again like werewolves and vampires, we mark our mates on the neck. The mark makes the mate bond stronger and pairs the two mates with a bond that is like no other, you become one.”

Marley felt her face redden. She thought marking was sex this whole time and remembered what she had said to him about standing in front of him naked, if she had of known, she wouldn’t have said that. “I’d like to know what that bond felt like.”

“I can’t mark you, that would mean you are the perfect candidate for the heart.”

“But you need to mark me so I can do what I need to do with the heart, we have no one else.”

She could see the conflict in his eyes, moving her body around fully so she was facing him, she softly placed her lips onto his. Sawyer instantly responded with a groan before she decided to deepen it. She wanted him to mark her, she needed him to mark her and the only way she knew how to get her way was to do the one thing he was weak for.

Her fingers had found his hair as she was suddenly lifted into his lap, her legs wrapping around his body like a perfectly moulded sculpture while she let him do whatever he wanted. His fingers had found her bare legs under her dress and were slowly making themselves up her body as she shivered and softly moaned at the contact.

His touch left the warmest of burns across her skin as his lips left hers and explored her neck, his tongue finding her sweet spot as she gasped and arched her body towards him. From this one movement, she felt him harden and couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride that she had done that.

His fangs were sudden as another gasp left her, her fingers digging deeper into his hair while she whimpered from the pain just as it turned pleasurable, her whimpers turning into a heated groan whilst he pulled out and explored the rest of her exposed chest.

She wanted her dress off, she wanted his hands to touch every inch of her as she was suddenly grateful that this dress was thin and easily removable. She did the job for him and removed the dress from her person, exposing her body from underneath, his eyes darkening even more as he took her left nipple and instantly bit it.

Her voice felt like it echoed through the empty area as she moaned and giggled at his actions, the feeling was amazing as he sucked and played with her breasts while she removed his shirt. Marley wanted to see all of him, she wanted all of him as she allowed her body to burn. Her core aching like it has been for weeks when he suddenly stood and flipped her over so her back was against his chest.

His lips attacked her neck again as she felt one hand on her breast and the other wandering down before she felt him touch her. Her eyes rolled back as he slowly rubbed her clit, her lips parting with pleasure as she couldn’t hold back her panted moans, her back arching again as she could feel him against her butt.

He was just as naked as she was and she knew that he wasn’t letting her see him fully but his fingers, his magic fingers distracted her whilst he fastened his pace. Marley could feel a build-up inside of her as she knew she was about to come but just as she felt herself reach her peak, he removed his hand and parted her legs before entering her.

The sudden action made her loudly scream in pleasure, her eyes refusing to open as he guided himself in and out of her. His full length felt like it filled every inch of her as she lost the feeling in her legs, if it wasn’t for Sawyer holding her up, she would have collapsed already. He did all the work, making sure her body worked with his as she could hear and feel his groaning against her neck, the more sounds he made, the more turned on she had gotten before she felt herself wanting to come again.

But again, just as she reached, she lost it as he pulled out and flipped her around so that he could attack her mouth. His tongue explored her mouth as she jumped into his arms and put him back inside of her. Her body was laid back onto the grass as she moved her hips into his, her arms being held up against her head while he quickened his pace.

She felt her body come in seconds as he began to aggressively pump inside of her, her loud scream of pleasure and her muscles tensing around him caused him to burst as well but he didn’t slow down, he didn’t want it to end just as much as she didn’t as she flipped them so she was straddling him again and moved her hips into his own.

She wasn’t done and Sawyer wasn’t going to protest.

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