Marley and the Tale of Two Souls / Book 0.1 ✔️

Chapter Twelve: Marley

Her head hurt as she groaned and sat up from her spot. confusion clogged her mind while she tried to figure out where she was. Trees surrounded her and she was all alone but she told herself not to panic, her last memory was enjoying the company of the Fae and Sawyer before everything went black.

She should have figured something was going to happen. He was on edge the entire time and had gotten worse the more food she had consumed. Marley couldn’t help it, the food was too good to pass up and she kept forgetting to ask him if he was going to eat anything besides her own. She didn’t mind that he did that with each plate however, after the flowers she felt like she owed him by allowing him to be the overprotective mate he kept pretending he wasn’t.

The more they were around people the more he kept changing and she liked the small tick he would get whenever a male would talk to her. As much as she hated the overprotective, macho man, the more she realised that she liked it on Sawyer, it was hot and cute.

Marley stayed in place for a moment before she decided to sit up. She felt stupid that she hadn’t noticed the man-made tent that surrounded her until she moved, it was only a few blankets but it was enough to keep her sheltered. More blankets and a pillow supported her head and a small fire was lit beside her.

For a few seconds she felt herself panic again, she didn’t know what had happened and she didn’t know how long she was out but Sawyer wasn’t around. There were no signs of another human being, being a part of this small camp as she began to think that he had finally left her. It was a matter of time, after all, she was in the way and she knew that.

Marley went to stand, dizziness punching her in the face as she groaned and felt like she was going to vomit. She regretted eating so much, but she wanted to know why everything had disappeared before her. She wanted to know what had actually happened and she wanted to know where the heck she actually was.

“Oh, you are awake!”

Marley jumped, looking up to see a girl a lot younger than her, leaning against a tree with her arms crossed. Her ash blonde hair caused her grey eyes to pop out as Marley found herself having to snap out of a daze this woman had put her in. “Who are you?”

“I’m the one who saved your ass.” She shrugged. “You died. You had been full-on deaders and if it hadn’t been your mate going all loco on the Fae, I wouldn’t have found you.”

Marley felt her face scrunch up in confusion. “That still doesn’t… he flipped out? I don’t understand?”

She sighed, kicking herself off the tree and sitting in front of the fire so that she was facing Marley entirely. “The name is Abigail but everyone just calls me Abby or the blood-sucking demon, both work.” She chuckled, her fangs now showing thanks to her being closer. “After you ate the poisoned cherry, your mate shifted into his dragon and almost wiped out the entire Fae race. Being the kind person I am, his fire was getting a bit too close to my cave and came to the rescue. I mostly just wanted to see the dragon, I hated the fucking Fae, taking my fruit from my tree! But I saw you, realised what had happened and took you. He soon joined, saw that I had saved your life and disappeared, I haven’t seen him since.”

Her head hurt hearing her story as she rubbed her temples, slowly being able to sit up and cross her legs. “Wait, if I had died, how did you bring me back?”

“Easy, I used your Fae, demon blood and mixed it with mine. A demon is able to save another demon by forcing the dead to drink both their own and the helper’s blood.”

“Wait, wait, wait!” Marley repeated, trying to move again but her head began to spin again. “I’m a what!?”

“You are a demon, fae hybrid.” She said with a confused look. “Did you not know that?”

Marley shook her head. “I need to find him.”

“No, you are not!” Abby started with a glare. “You are staying here! I saw that man burn that village down and how big his dragon is and I am not dying all because you decide to run off!”

Marley huffed, she would have fought if it wasn’t for nausea. “Why am I here then if you have a cave?”

Abby raised an eyebrow. “My cave is right behind you. Before your mate left, he set this up and said ’I don’t trust you,′ before pissing off. I say if he didn’t trust me then why the fuck would he leave me with you all alone!? That boy makes no sense!”

“You make it hard for me to think of a response, you know that?”

Abby winked. “I have been told that a lot but do I give a shit? No!”

Marley laughed, holding her head in her hands as she had to lie back down again. “You remind me of my sister.”

“Really?” Abby questioned. “Is she hot?”

“You will find out if you show us where to find a boat.”

For the second time since she woke up, her entire body jumped with fright, Sawyer came out of the trees with his cloak and black clothes on, a bow and arrow strapped around him as well as her sword that she hadn’t noticed was gone until now. The sight before her was almost breathtaking, he was pissed, she could see that as clear as day but the look caused her body to burn and her cheeks to flush.

He didn’t have to be so attractive, it should be a crime to be that good-looking.

“What do you mean?” Marley questioned. “Where are we going?”

“We are going back to your island, you can’t keep coming with me, it is too dangerous.”

She frowned. “I am fine! That was just one slip up, I can keep going!”

“NO!” He yelled, his voice vibrating her body as she felt herself shiver. “I thought I could protect you and have you around but I was wrong! You cannot come with me any further and you need to go home!”

But you are my home now. “And I have no say in this?” She huffed, she felt her heart drop to the pit of her stomach at the thought of not being with him anymore.

“No, now where is a boat!?”

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