Marley and the Tale of Two Souls / Book 0.1 ✔️

Chapter Ten: Sawyer


Marley visually jumped at the sound of one of the elves’ voices. He could not help the amused look that crossed his features as he already knew they were there. Lurking in the shadows trying to stay hidden but alas, they could not fool a person with impeccable hearing.

“Hello!” Marley grinned at the two males. Anger stirred inside of his gut again as he glared hard, hearing about why she was in the Kingdom of Thieves pissed him off to great lengths. As much as he still wished that she was safe and away from him, he was glad that she was forced to come with him. If she didn’t she’d be married by now and he would have to murder the bastard. “Uh... Do you two mind telling us where we are?”

The ginger elf eyed her up and down before pulling a look that caused Saywer’s inner dragon to stir. His hand came around her waist as he snarled at the two men. Lucky Marley was utterly unaware. “You are the territory of the Fae.” The ginger said, his eyes noticing Sawyer’s hand but still kept staring at her like she was a nice and juicy steak. “What is a fine young lady doing here in the middle of nowhere?”

“We are just passing through,” Sawyer stated through gritted teeth, Marley’s confused eyes looking up at him as she slightly pouted.

“But I am kind of hungry.” She whispered sheepishly before the other guy spoke.

“We are having a feast in the honor of our king’s fiftieth birthday. There will be music and dancing and of course, food.”

Her eyes beamed, her naivety coming out in full force as he groaned but went along with it. She needed food and he was tired of hearing her stomach growl every two minutes. He would have hunted food for her if he knew he would not only put himself in danger but her as well.

He seemed to have zoned out and was pulled back to reality by Marley’s sudden touch on his arm. Heat sparked throughout his skin and into his body whilst his skin burned with the pleasures of the mate bond. It was a weird feeling, a nice feeling but he knew he couldn’t enjoy it yet. Fae’s are not to be trusted, they are cunning, manipulative and worst of all, they can trap you into falling for them and then before you know it, you are dead.

He kept his eyes on the two men as they walked, making sure they kept their distance from her while she pulled his arm. He wasn’t going to complain about her doing that just yet as her touch was preventing him from tearing the heads off of the two elves.

The most annoying part about the Fae is the fact that they look human. Completely and utterly human but they did have one thing that was different about them and that was their ears. Pointy and annoying like the gingers smirk he kept pulling sideways looks towards his friend.

Marley eventually looked up at him with the same curious look she tends to give him before realising she was holding his arm. The instant cold he felt once her fingers let go almost made him reach out and grab her before she interrupted his ridiculous thoughts. “You don’t trust them do you?”

He grunted a response, he didn’t want to talk. He’s talked too much already for comfort. He tended to lose his mind whenever she talked to him and then the next thing he knew, he had shared too much. The mate bond was slowly tearing him down brick by brick and that made him weak. To weak.

The Kingdom of Myths came into view as his eyes instantly landed on every single living being that wandered around. Between the campfires and TP huts, he immediately hated it all. It was too friendly, he was used to people being sceptical of others and keeping to themselves but this place was filled with cheerful smiles and laughter.

His eyes subconsciously watched as Marley ran ahead of him, something he wished she would stop doing before he felt something hit his head. An instant growl came from his chest as he looked at the old woman who had just hit him.

“Boy! what are you doing staring at that girl as if she’s dead!”

“Go away, fairy!”

“Now, that is no way to treat a lady!” The woman scowled, whacking him with her walking stick again. “She is your mate is she not? You need to do something special, she is not pleased with you.”

“What part of go away do you not understand!”

“Shut up boy and listen to me!” She spat, her glare was as hard as he was and he wondered why she was being so stubborn. His non-existent love life was none of her business. “She will leave you with a click of your fingers if she had the chance, just look at her playing with those children and ignoring those male fairies and that one elf. She has goals, ambitions and what do you have?!” She then whacked him again. “Nothing! That is what you have!”

Sawyer gave in, crossing his arms while he tried not to think about Marley with those kids. Putting flowers in the little girl’s ear while the brother jumped into a pile of leaves that Marley had gathered for them. Two more soon joined in the fun before she also began to jump in them. What surprised him was how well she was able to do all of that with a giant sword strapped to her side. He needed to get her a bow and arrows fast before she hurt herself. “Hypothetically, she decides to reject me.” He stated, his gut doing a weird kick at the thought. “What do I do to prevent that?”

The woman smiled, not saying a word as she gestured for him to follow her. He was reluctant at first, he didn’t want to leave Marley unattended especially when she is wearing a dress like that. It was distracting, pleasing but distracting. Shaking his head he stared at her for a few more seconds before finally accepting his fate.

At least those male elves were leaving her alone.

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