Marley and the Tale of Two Souls / Book 0.1 ✔️

Chapter Six: Sawyer

Marley. That was her name. Marley.



The more he swirled the name around his mind the more he forgot about his predicament. He should have known not to trust those stupid felines, Assassins are known to skip out on important details when they are needed and it happened again.

Now he’s stuck with a little girl and his mate who seems to already hate his guts. He did not mind however, it was easier for her to hate him now than tell her what her fate is.

He wanted to ignore their little conversation but every time Marley opened her mouth he could not help but snoop. Her voice was something he could listen to for hours and could never get bored of but now he was stuck with a she-wolf as well.

One that was taking them in the middle of nowhere. She also talked too much, talked and talked with nowhere to go which reminded him of most people he has met since leaving his home. His people hated talking, they showed their feelings in actions and knew that words meant nothing without action.

But then he thought about what he said on the boat. Her mini-rant was clearly needed and his words slipped out without thinking but her reaction was the thing that both pleased and surprised him the most. her rosy cheeks and shy, downcasted look made him want to say more things to get that same reaction.

He’s never known many women in his life. In fact, the women of his kind are all anger infused and strong. Women are as strong, if not stronger than the men so to meet Marley and this she-wolf, their behaviours are loud and annoying.

like talking.

Their path broke away as they came onto a beach. Sand had already dried on his bare skin and with more sand, he could already feel the rash coming on. His scowl deepened as his mood kept sinking. “If your Alpha is so keen on taking people who have trespassed on his land, then where the fuck is he?”

The girl, Ava, spun around and almost tripped over her own feet with a yelp as she began to play with her clothing and bite her lip. “He... He cannot track me.” She mumbled before shaking her head. “I know what I am doing!”

With her little outburst, she turned and stormed off. Marley looked like she wanted to burst herself as she glared daggers at him. Every time she glared at him the more he wanted to piss her off, he wanted to know how she would kill him. Her punny little human hands are lucky to kill an ant so her trying to kill him would be an imaginable sight to see.

“Did you have to?! I was just getting her to warm up to me!”

He raised an eyebrow but kept silent. He knew she hated that, she wanted an answer for everything but everything that she said, did not need an answer. She was a smart girl, she will figure it out herself.

“Fine! Don’t respond!” Marley groaned, getting ready to follow Ava before turning back around again and pointing a finger at him. “You... Y... You are an ass!”

For the first time in a very long time, he smiled. His amusement was clear on his face as her eyes widened, her plump lips parting in awe and surprise before she turned again in a fluster and ran off down the beach.

Waiting until she was out of earshot he chuckled and started to follow again. The she-wolf said that her Alpha could not track her and it was true, from the moment they arrived on this side of the island, he did not pick up her scent. Her arrival was as surprising as his dark presence behind Marley and he liked that. The fear in the girl’s eyes as he came up behind Marley, he wanted everyone to know that she was his, even if that meant being the darkest shadow to her bright light.

His long strides took away his joy of not hearing the girl’s voice as he quickly caught up to the two of them. A small hut was coming into view as the girl pointed it out and lead them to it.

This is what we are hiding in? He questioned himself as he looked around. It was out in the open, anyone could appear and find them but one look at her face told him something else.

His eyes flicked to Marley, her face had lit up at the sight of the moulded-looking building. It was lucky to still be standing as Ava opened the door and welcomed them in. It was as small as it looked with a single bedroom and facilities. There was also furnishing around the fire pit that he knew he was taking for the night.

“I know it is not much,” Ava commented while she tucked her arms behind her back. “I will try to be as fast as possible.”

Marley smiled. “Thank you, Ava.”

The girl grinned before leaving. The door quietly closed behind her as he raised an eyebrow and eyed Marley. “She is going to die.”

Marley frowned, running her finger along the counters of the kitchen, leaving a clear trail behind her. “What does that suppose to mean?”

“Exactly what I said.” He stated with an annoyed tone.

“Don’t get snippy with me!” She fought, holding her hands to her hips as she made direct eye contact. “What is your problem anyway? We have both been pulled into this against our will, don’t act like you are alone!”

He scoffed, crossing his arms to see where this was going. “You want to know what my problem is?”

“Yes, I do.”

“My problem is the fact that I am on a limited time frame and getting stuck with a little girl that I now have to protect was not on my list of bullshit that I predicted to happen!” He snapped, hurt crossing her eyes in seconds but he continued. “My problem is, I am stuck in a fucking building that will fall apart at any given second, waiting for a stupid mutt to come back and tell us what this assassin was going to do meanwhile we are sitting ducks, out in the open and waiting to get ambushed!”

The hurt he saw was replaced with rage as she balled her fists together. “I might be a little girl but I know I am a hell of a lot smarter than you will ever be!”

“And how do you know that, princess?”

“Because Ava is a hybrid witch and this hut was built by her magic! If you were so smart, you would have figured that out!” With those words, she stormed into the only bedroom available and slammed the door closed.

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