Marley and the Tale of Two Souls / Book 0.1 ✔️

Chapter Nineteen: Marley

It had been three weeks of travelling and at this point, Marley thought that she would be used to waking up in Sawyer’s arms but she wasn’t. A deep blush occupied her face as she slowly and gently removed herself from his hold. Three weeks of none stop nightmares were taking a toll on both of them, Sawyer looked more and more exhausted with every day that went past while she kept waking up screaming. After the first three days, he moved into her room and stayed there, making sure that she was in his arms and asleep before he allowed himself to sleep. She thought it was the cutest gesture he has ever done for her but she also didn’t like seeing him so tired.

After successfully removing herself from his hold, she left her small room and ran up the stairs to meet up with Abby. She had told Marley that they could possibly be there by morning and Marley hoped that once she woke up, she would no longer be at sea eating potatoes on top of potatoes.

“There you are!” Abby spoke cheerfully as she got up from her post, a beer in hand as she walked over to Marley who was currently shielding her eyes from the early morning glare. “You two sleep the day away, I swear! Waiting around for you two love birds to hurry up is as slow as watching paint dry. It is a good thing I have never watched paint dry!”

Marley rolled her eyes with a chuckle. “The sun only just came up, the moon is still out!”

“Yeah, that is half the day!” Abby laughed before she linked her arm with Marley’s and pulled her to the edge where Marley finally noticed the land in front of her very eyes. “We docked four hours ago, the royal families trusted adviser, leader of the guard and warrior has already greeted us and is waiting for your arrival.”

She felt herself panic, looking down at her attire in shame as she was wearing a rag as a dress and her feet were shoeless, her hair was a mess and she was pretty sure she looked half dead but was too scared to see for herself. “I will go wake up Sawyer then.”

“There is no need.” He suddenly said from behind her, his figure looming over hers as he looked like his normal self, tidy and presentable as if she hadn’t been tangled around his body all night and she hated that. How he was able to look so good first thing in the morning made her want to mess his hair and clothes up just so she didn’t look like the wicked witch of the woods compared to him.

“Well hello sunshine!” Abby chirped, taking a swig of her beer before speaking again. “I was just telling your girlfriend that I have already spoken to the guard and he is waiting for you down just off the docks.”

Marley felt sudden sadness as she looked at Abby and her slightly drunken state. “Where are you going to go once we leave?”

Abby’s face dropped, her eyes frowning before she shook her head and softly smiled. “Where ever the ocean takes me, now off you go! I can’t have you two living in my ship for free much longer, food is expensive!”

Marley laughed, hugging Abby goodbye as Saywer just nodded at her in his own farewell. Her legs felt a bit wobbly as she stepped off the boat and onto the dock, looking around for this warrior who ruled the royal guard. She knew very little about this man and was a little intimidated. Marley had never met a vampire before and out of all the species, she was afraid of them the most. Vampires drank blood to survive, just blood and that was something she found hard to wrap her head around as she wondered if they have ever tried cake before. Cake is much better than blood and she knew that for a fact.

“This way,” Sawyer spoke. guiding her towards the shoreline as she could see the salute of a figure leaning against a tree with his arms crossed. The man saw them and stood up straight, his sliver eyes glowing in the early morning sunlight as the rays seemed to glare straight into her own eyes. Even his dark blonde hair reflected the light as if he was some kind of reflective glass. “August Amadeus? Abigail told us you were waiting.”

The man nodded. “Yes, I hear you have been on a bit of a journey.”

Sawyer shrugged, Marley sighing at his lack of communication as she spoke up and wondered how he knew this man’s name. “I am sorry if we are an inconvenience in any way.”

“Don’t be stupid!” August stated. “The castle has been quiet and the princes have been wanting something to do for a very long time. I do have to excuse our future King Zachariah, he is preparing to travel to the human island and will not be greeting us. He is looking for his mate and is hoping that this last place is where she might be.”

“Awe that is sweet,” Marley said with a grin. “I hope he finds her.”

August nodded. “Yes, now please come with me, they are waiting.”

Marley eyed Sawyer, his eyes were already looking down at her before she moved first, allowing August to lead them. Wherever they were going, she was hoping she wouldn’t be forced to eat more potatoes.

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