Marley and the Tale of Two Souls / Book 0.1 ✔️

Chapter Marley and the Tale of Two Souls

She sighed, dropping her bow while she watched the now-dead rabbit twitch. “Dinner.”

“I could have shifted; there is better food out there than some rodent that would barely feed a child!” Sawyer snapped, his arms crossed as he stared at her crouched form.

But all she did was roll her eyes and stand. “More for me then.”

Marley was not one for listening to rules. She was not one to take a person's word as the truth, and she was definitely not one to never ask questions that caused people to contradict themselves.

So when she was told about dragon shifters, she laughed and told the old man to go fuck himself, just to end up being saved by a dragon shifter that very same night.

It did not help that this very dragon shifter claimed that she was his mate and that he was being hunted by people that wanted every last dragon shifter dead.

Five hundred thousand miles of walking just to save your mate's life was not too bad, right?

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