Marley and the Tale of Two Souls / Book 0.1 ✔️

Chapter Fifteen: Marley

Mackenzie was a stunning woman. Tall and chunky in all the right places. Her thighs touched and she had a small belly with large breasts to even her all out, she pulled it off as a confident woman. Marley grew up envying Mack’s confidence, she radiates beauty and attitude and that is why men were both attracted and intimidated by her.

Especially when she decides to speak.

“I thought you were dead! Where the fuck have you been!”

Her brown eyes were wide as her lips were pulled into an angry line, and her hands were on her hips as her foot slightly tapped in impatience. Marley could feel tears prick the edges of her eyes as she ran up to her sister and wrapped her arms around her neck. “I missed you so much!”

Mack grunted, patting Marley’s back as she wasn’t someone who enjoyed being hugged or touched in general. “I missed you to kid but you didn’t answer my question.”

“That is because it is a long story,” Marley mumbled, looking behind her to see that Sawyer wasn’t around. Her heart ached again at the thought of him leaving without saying goodbye. “It is actually a good thing I ran into you first, I need to talk to you.”

“Let’s go to my store, I closed up early because nobody wanted to spend their money.” Mack shrugged, pulling Marley by her arm as she smiled and took comfort in her sister’s touch.

Mack owned a clothing store for bigger women. The bigger women of the island were thankful for this as they hated having to tailor their dresses to fit them, especially the women who had their first child and couldn’t find the right dresses to fit them. Marley found it a bit weird that Mack owned a clothing store, she wasn’t exactly a woman who got along with people or even enjoyed the company of another human being but she owned one.

The broken-down shack smelt of damp hay and mould, a common smell that surrounded every building on the island. Clothes hung on wooden manikins and fabric was spread out all over the counter. Mack liked to keep her place ‘busy’ and ‘lived in’ and Marley didn’t want the hour-long lecture about where she can shove it if she questioned Mack’s organisation.

She eyed a chair and sat down while Mack threw herself onto her chair behind her desk. “Spill, I need all the details, our parents aren’t saying shit and everyone is acting like you never existed.”

Marley sighed, staring down at her fingers are she began her story. “Dad tried to set me up with this guy, I have no idea who the heck he was or what he was and they were trying to do an arranged marriage but then some wizard guy came into the inn we were staying at and told me this story about how my life is going to change and how I’m going to meet my mate. I ignored him and ended up getting saved by a dragon shifter who isn’t extinct by the way! Oh! and he is my mate. Ghouls are hunting him and he only saved me that night because a ghoul was going to kill me then two assassin cats helped us leave and we found ourselves with a werewolf girl who kept us hidden for a little bit with her magic because she was also a witch and then she transported us just outside of the Fae, the Fae welcomed us in but Sawyer didn’t trust them. I realised way too late that I shouldn’t have either because during the feast I was poisoned and killed but some vampire, demon girl saved me because she said I have demon blood in me thanks to crossing blood with someone and that someone is you.” Marley took a deep breath in and then back out once she was done before chiming in again. “Oh, and I am also part Fae. So I don’t even think we are related, to be honest, but that is fine, our family are just filled with mixed breed bastards.”

Mack was dead silent, her face dropping with every word Marley said as she sat back in her chair and ran her fingers through her thick, black hair. “Wow, just wow. I don’t even know what to say.”

“You don’t need to say anything.” Marley sighed sadly. “I am back because he sent me back after what happened with the Fae. I don’t even know if he left, he just disappeared like he always does when he doesn’t want me to find him.”

“Wait, wait! I just... if you are a Fae crossed with my demon blood and are mated to a dragon shifter does that mean I also have a mate?”

Marley raised an eyebrow. Mack was never interested in being with anyone, she loved being single and on her own so her question stumped her. “Uh, yes... ”

“FINALLY!” Mack yelled, throwing her hands up in the air and grinned at the ceiling. “I get to leave this shit hole of an island if I have one. Your small adventure sounds exciting.”

Marley shook her head. “Trust me, this hasn’t been fun. I still cannot figure out this man I am annoyingly connected to. He’s flip-floppy, one minute he opens his black heart to me and then the next he is all glares and mister grumpy pants!”

Mack raised an eyebrow and chuckled. “Sounds like somebody else that I know.”

Marley gasped, picking up a slipper and throwing it at her sister. “You shut your dirty mouth!”

Mack laughed, dodging the shoe just as a scream was made from outside. Marley sat up from her chair and looked out the window to see a few people running. “What was that?”

“I don’t know but I know it definitely wasn’t human.” She said as another scream came. Tall, lanky bodies came into view and slowly into the village as Marley jumped back and joined Mack behind the desk. “We are in trouble!”

“Well, fuck me!”

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