Chapter CHAPTER 34

After reaching home, I informed Ana to take a rest, and I made my way to the kitchen. This day was special and needed to be celebrated. At least I could cook for ‘my family’, what? It came with the flow, right? ‘My family’ sounds so good, but what the hell, and what about my bloody expectations? It came in a flow; that’s it, and yeah, that’s it.

Aaron came from the school and was not expecting to see me. It was too early when he saw me and came running towards me. Yeah, in time, I caught him. This boy was too fast and naughty. Handling him was a hard task, and I was successful in that.

After preparing the dinner, I called Ana, and Aaron was already present at the dining table when Ana joined us, I started serving, and we started having the same, “You are enjoying the news and prepared my favorite dishes”, “Yup only way thought of expressing how happy I am feeling right now”, “So what next?”, “About what”, “We should supposed to plan on the co-parenting thing right, what about that”, “Do you really think it’s a good time to discuss when you are pregnant again with my baby”, “So what?, now I am experienced, and I can handle this pregnancy”, “Yeah, but how the hell are you going to handle it, it’s twins”, “It’s my lookout as I said I can handle anything at this point of time, but not your psychopath so it’s my humble request let’s talk about co-parenting and about me moving out”, “Ana, I am here plus Mrs. Nelson still we are not able to handle our baby, at the end of the day we are getting frustrated for so many reasons, now tell me how the hell are you going to handle twins, plus Aaron and also sometimes Aarav, don’t say your lookout as if it’s entirely your responsible, it’s not and I am not going to let you handle all alone forget it”, she was staring at me suppressing from bursting and I can’t help it everything I stated was fucking fact.

“Why are you not getting the situation we are in, how can you neglect your fiancée, I am creeping out, you are jeopardizing everything for your selfish reasons”, “Ana I didn’t let you get an abortion because I want my baby if I am selfish, yes I am understood, you can give me various names which I won’t mind at all, we are not discussing anything about co-parenting not now at least and forget about moving I am not going to take any risk, as we both knows how was my fiancée so I want you in my care, I can be more at ease and take care of everything, end of discussion have your dinner”, “You can’t shut me always, one day I am bloody moving out from here, mark my words”, “I will look forward to that day ok, now zip it”, when she said the last part fear started flooding within me, I can’t make her stay forever, I can’t use this means like now and then and I don’t want to lose anything how the hell I am going to work out everything without giving upon my expectations.

Aaron spoke, “Dad, mom was crying in her room when I asked, she didn’t say anything”, “It’s her symptoms, baby, don’t worry, this will be for another 9 months”, “Oh, like she was having until Aarav came out right”, “Exactly”, “But Aarav came out why now”, “Because she is pregnant again and you are going to get another two brothers or sisters”, “Two?”, “Yes, two Aaron, so you won’t be bored like never”, “Dad, who is your favorite going to be?” That caught me off guard, and I was getting where it was going. I couldn’t help but smile, and Ana was glaring at Aaron. Yeah, she was expecting the same question to be asked to her instead of me, her, and her silly thinking.

I took Aaron on my lap and started feeding him, only adding oil to Ana’s burning, which I ignored and which I kept doing for the past few months. “What do you think, Aaron, who is my favorite?” and “I don’t know” by showing his empty hand followed by a pout, and with a hint that any moment he may cry and that I can’t see, especially Aaron, I started kissing his chubby cheeks, which he immediately wiped out with annoyance before he was liking kissing, as he started growing he hated to his core.

I couldn’t help but chuckle after seeing his reaction, and I diverted his mood successfully. “You, baby, will always be my favorite, no matter how many kids I may have in the future.” That got a broad smile from Aaron, followed by Ana’s coughing. I saw her face immediately; there was annoyance on her face and a slight fear. What the hell was wrong with what I said? After finishing dinner, I saw that Aaron had slept, and after that, I made my way toward our room with a broad smile.

I shared news of Ana’s pregnancy with Aidan, and he wanted to meet me. I agreed and planned to meet at the usual spot on the same day.

We were sitting at the same pub sipping our drinks, and there was tension between us. He was holding his best from bursting in between sipping drinks, which was somehow calming him. “What do you think you are doing, Ran?” “What are you talking about?” “What do you think, bastard, about Ana?” “What about Ana?" What is the big deal that she is pregnant again? That’s it.

“Randolph, don’t talk like an asshole; you bloody fucker first time you had your fucking reason; what the hell is your fucking reason this time; why the hell did she end up getting pregnant again?” “She was thinking of moving and wanted to seek out this co-parenting thing; I don’t want to let her go. Common, what about Aaron? He is attached to me so much, and Aarav need not to go through this co-parenting shit thing right”, “Are you fucking hearing yourself who the hell came up with this shit, you right bloody bastard now what problem you got, why the hell you ended up knocking her again, how fair is this say”, “I didn’t think so deeply at that point of time don’t blame me, everything was fucking going great what was her problem why the hell she thought of moving out and top of it she is still feeding”, “You are the worse self-centered bastard I ever came across trust me, what the fuck you are trying to prove from knocking her again and again, are you intent to marry her, at least have you fucking give a thought about it, why the hell you are spoiling her life what right you got, tell me Ran you fucking only thinking of yourself what about her”, “What marriage no, no, I am not thinking anything else I wanted her to stay for Aarav and I am attach to Aaron too”, “Ok do you think your fucking trick going to work again and again, if she comes to know about what you have done, have you thought about consequences and what about her fucking life, she need to have a stable life, she need to find someone who is better than you and move on, why the heck you are thinking about only your life”, “Move on, what about Aarav, she got Aaron and Aarav and I am going to look after her why the hell she need to move on”, “Like seriously, you don’t want to marry her want to keep her beside you as what Ran, what name are you going to give to this relationship, it’s not fucking live-in relationship too bastard you fucking knocked her forcefully made her to stay with you, are you fucking getting that, and get something you can’t make her stay this way forever, mark my words she will vanish without a terrace”.

That made me gulp, and my heart was beating faster. ‘Fear’ and an unknown ‘ach’ by just hearing Ana would vanish was driving me crazy. What the hell was this? Can I really face that scenario where she is out of the picture completely? What about Aaron and Aarav? And most importantly, what about my life? It will be completely empty. I was not able to open my mouth because I was in a daze.

“I am fucking talking about only ‘what if’, you are in a daze, strange why Ran, you don’t want to marry her still you got the full intention of keeping her by your side and do you think she is going to stay with you, trust me if I am not wrong she got only one aim right now fucking escaping from you”, “Don’t freak me out, stop it”, “Stating the fact, digest and accept it, stop with this ok I mean it she got her own life which she needs to concentrate on, you should vanish from the picture and concentrate on yours, finding your perfect partner”, “Please I had enough will you stop it”, “I will, and stop with yours ok”, my cell started ringing, and it was Ana.

I received the call. I could hear only her sobbing and nothing else, I was in a panic state lot of things came to my mind in a gush, I tried my best to console her and coax her to speak, “Aaron, Aaron”, oh god that’s it nothing else was coming what the hell with Aaron, “Ana, what about Aaron speak up please I beg you”, “Aaron has not yet come home, I called the school, and they informed that he already left and our driver is not picking the call, I am worried what might have happened I am freaking out, what we should do now, come home soon I need you”, “Ok, ok I am on my way calm down, please be with Mrs. Nelson till then understood, Ana”, “Yeah, Aaron”, “Please don’t cry I am on my way”, with that I disconnected and conveyed same thing to Aidan.

I immediately dialed our driver’s number, and it was switched off; this was strange; I started to feel uneasy; something was not fucking right, and by that time my cell rang again, and it was Patricia; my hands were shaking, and Aidan was beside me and saw the caller’s ID: “Receive the bloody call before it’s too late.” With a shaky breath, I received it: “Hey baby, long time,” “Hey,” “I am not able to hear you, baby; can you speak louder? What happened? Are you okay?” “I am. I am. “How come, baby, didn’t Ana call you? I thought by this time you would be aware.” This fucking bitch and I was dreadful. Please don’t tell me; he is a fucking kid. “Hello, baby, are you there?” “Hmmm,” “Baby, you have heard right, so here is the thing: no funny business. You are moving that ass from that pub and straight away towards me, telling that bastard friend of yours to mind his own business and not to act smart. If he acts, baby, you won’t like the consequences, and I swear to keep my word this time. Trust me, I will send you the location and baby for your information. You have been watched, so, as I said, think before you act. My hand may slip on the throat of your favorite son, Aaron, and accidents do happen, right, baby, exactly like it happened with Ana. So, baby, can I expect you within 20 minutes and be aware?” With that, she disconnected the call.

I was numb it took few seconds to digest the news oh god she kidnapped Aaron, what about Ana how the hell I was going to tell this news to her rather than doing something to me she will do it to herself not to forget her condition, “What she told, don’t tell me, is Aaron with her, she kidnapped Aaron, speak up asshole all this fucking because of you, speak the hell up”, “Yes”, “Oh god she is fucking psychopath she has stored so much against you, what she told”, “She is going to share the location and I am going to meet her”, “Alone are you fucking out of your mind I am coming with you”, “We have been watched so drop it, I can’t take any chances in terms of Aaron, hell no, as you said because of me every fucking thing happening, I need to save Aaron I fucking don’t care about anything”, “It’s too risky this is her fucking tricks, don’t, I mean it”, “I need to for Aaron, oh god nothing should happen to him, you go and stay with Ana, tell her something some story other than this one, please do this for me”, “Are you crazy I am not leaving you alone lets go together”, “Understand the fucking situation we have been watched I can’t take any risk, it’s Aaron if something happen to him I won’t forgive myself for life long and think of Ana please”, “Ok, what you going to do”, “I don’t know but trust me I will take care of it, I will call you when I sought out everything ok”, “But, dam if something happens to you”, “I can take that risk, but nothing should happen to Aaron, please go now and stay with Ana”, “Ok call me, and I know I can trust that brain of yours which is no less vicious than Patricia still be careful ok try to get back in one piece”, “Wow thank you, now get going”, “Is this last time, like final goodbye if that was the case let me bid you properly”, “Like seriously get the hell out I need fucking time to think before facing that witch”, “Right, why the hell you are giving second thought regarding Patricia, bloody good match god made in heaven”, “Get the hell out”, “Yeah, yeah, be careful”, “Get lost from here”.

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