Mandy and the Tentacle Monster (Urf Oomons #1)

Mandy and the Tentacle Monster: Chapter 22

I was having a terrible dream. I was alone and cold. Floating in the vastness of space, I held my breath, but there was no hope. No ship nearby, no way to contact anybody. My tentacle arms numbed, my skin crackled with frozen moisture. I knew it was the end for me, I would die from this cold.

But then I am startled awake to see Baht’s ugly visage staring down at me. It’s not fair to call him ugly because as usual, he is wearing his hooded robe that casts a shadow over his face. His eyes always have a glow to them, so the fiery orbs are the only thing I take notice of when I look at him.

“Good greetings Seven,” he says quietly.

“Greetings,” the word comes out with difficultly. My whole throat is raw.

“You may feel some discomfort,” Baht’s Urglassi words are soothing, “You Homeworlders obviously have limited experience shipping live cargo. Your cryopod powered down an hour prior your arrival. You had thawed, but too slowly and you had not taken a breath in all that time. I had to resuscitate you and then deposit you in the regen tank for a few moments to heal the damage caused.”

I see my whole dermis turning a sickly yellow-green as I shudder with each breath.

“I also did not bother with an oxygenating matrix. You must have taken a breath, because your airways were saturated in regen goop. I helped you expel it and then employed knock out gas to keep you sedated for a couple turns so that you could heal.” S~ᴇaʀᴄh the Findɴovel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“My thanks.” I croak, my airways burning with every attempt to talk.

“Rest, Seven. Your gratitude is acknowledged,” he peers down at me, squinting his glowing red eyes. “You are not recovered. I will sedate you again and deposit you in regen for a turn or two. With the oxygenating matrix this time.”

He does not wait for my response, but immediately holds a knock-out mask over my face and I am immediately breathing in the gas.

My mind drifts to Tiny. I need to get to her. I remember our encounter in the shuttle bay.  She had been so affectionate and I had basked in her attention. Up until then, I had always felt like it was I who could not help but press my attention on her and she allowed it because we are friends. But that night she had pressed herself against me, touching me not only with her hands but also her mouth. That was unexpected, but any touch from her is welcome. For the first time, I could imagine that she might feel for me as I do for her. The way I always wish to be in her company and always feel drawn to pet her or otherwise touch her. She could return these feelings. It was such a rush of joy and excitement that I may have reacted in over-exuberance. Though I can recall each touch between us, I cannot know what it meant or how she felt about it after. I would have asked her, but she fell asleep in my arms, so I tucked her into her bed (not a nest as I had thought).

Something happened.

This is where my memory gets hazy, but I believe we were boarded. The ruling body of Homeworld 2 must be behind this. I always knew we were being surveilled on our ship. It was just a matter of when we would be recalled to Homeworld 2 to answer for our transgressions in regard to having a live pet who turned out to be a sentient being living with us on our vessel. I had expected some kind of message or something before they put out a bounty on us. They could have asked us to return first. Not that we would have, but they could have asked. So, what surely happened was a bounty was placed on us. The bounty hunters probably snuck aboard, nocked us out, and hauled us back to Homeworld 2 where we were never revived. Just placed in cryogenic suspension and judged. How am I awake now though?

When I next awaken, I will immediately go see Tiny. We have much to discuss.

I am dozing into sleep when I suddenly jerk back into full consciousness with a question. Where is Tiny? Is she here on this ship? Who is protecting her and caring for her? I doubt the governing body of Homeworld 2 would detain her in a cryo jail. What did they do with her? And how does Baht figure into all this?

It occurs to me that Baht is expending a lot of effort to see me well. Why is that?

My limbs feel heavy and I cannot move.

The knock-out gas does not seem to be working as quickly as it ought to. After the matrix is secured over my nose and mouth, the surface I am laying on moves and tilts as I am slid into the regen tank. It is a cool, soothing feeling on my overheated tentacle arms and torso.

I drift into the black void of unconsciousness.


I am awake, laid out on a table in the med bay of our ship again, but this time my mind is clear. I am not in any pain or discomfort.

Baht is standing near the table supervising my resuscitation. I remember that he is helping me. I should be grateful.

I am not.

I lunge toward him. Sliding from the table and I have two tentacle arms wrapped around his body before I even know what I am doing.

“Where is Tiny!?” I yell in his face, “Why are you aboard our ship?!”

He hisses and I realize I am squeezing around his throat. I loosen my hold a bit, enough so he can speak.

“Your Human will be here shortly,” he tries to shake me off, but I tighten my grip on him, “She is resting in her room.”

He attempts to shrug me off again, but he has not answered why he is on this ship and I will not release him until he has explained.

Suddenly, I am not holding Baht anymore, just his cloak as he has slipped right out of it. He is rising up, unfolding long skinny legs to tower monstrously over me. I shrink away in revulsion. I have never been in the presence of an Arana-Vora before. I know that Baht has been one this whole time, but he keeps himself small and concealed. He has always been dangerous, but right now know how much danger I am in. How dangerous he is to anybody in his presence.

His legs are so very long that he can pin me down and I cannot even reach him to defend myself. I realize that he allowed me to attack him now. And he allowed me to eject him from our ship so long ago without putting up any fight. He definitely could have put up a fight, and I would not have come out the winner.

He holds me down, the pointy ends of his legs jabbing painfully. Then he lowers himself to hiss in my face.

“Assault me again and see what happens! You soft, pathetic creature. You think you can over power one such as I? Attempt to threaten me? Why I should-“


I turn my head and see Tiny rushing into the med bay.

“Baht! Get off of him!”

The Arana-Vora immediately releases me and moves to the far side of the room. Tiny follows him, reprimanding him the whole way.

“Seven has been frozen for months! He has been sick and in regen! And as soon as he’s awake, you guys are fighting!”

“Apologies, Snackling. He started it-“

Tiny holds up a hand to interrupt, “I don’t care who started it! It’s finished!”

Baht seems to shrink down, folding his legs and pulling them in toward his body.

“Agreed. Apologies.”

Tiny turns toward me, gesturing impatiently.

“I apologize Baht. I will not attack you unprovoked again,” I say more for Tiny’s benefit.

When Baht moves to swipe his cloak from the floor in front of Tiny and me, we both jump. Tiny giggles and exclaims, “You are a giant spider! I guess I knew, but I had no idea!”

She steps toward him as he holds still, “But look at your face. Nothing spidery about it, just dark black features and glowing red eyes. I guess I expected you to have mandibles. And eight eyes or something,” She’s peering at him, studying his features.

She has forgotten about me entirely. Well, why shouldn’t she? Here I am on the floor, defeated and reprimanded. I had failed her and abandoned her and now, well, I do not know what to do with myself.

She does not seem to be in any danger from Baht.

She does not need my protection from him.

I slip into the corridor and leave her with him.

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