Mandy and the Tentacle Monster (Urf Oomons #1)

Mandy and the Tentacle Monster: Chapter 20

It’s been a tense few days. I prefer it to my months of isolation, but it has been stressful.

Baht has been negotiating with Homeworld 2 on my behalf. After that first message, demanding that they release the guys, he fired off another one. And then another. His arguments make me sound pathetic. Stuff like: “This vulnerable female cannot live without the protection and security of her chosen companions.” And “Consider the danger this delicate breeder is in. She could fall victim to any attack. She is a prey species from a primitive planet. If the worst was to happen and she is victimized in some terrible way, the blame could be placed directly on the bureaucratic obstructionism of Homeworld 2. Sirs, you could ensure her safety by releasing Seven, Ken and Lu immediately, but instead you are leaving her defenseless and adrift in a hostile universe. This situation is public. Tiny‘s artistic endeavors are popular with a diverse fanbase and corresponding social media presence. All will clamor for justice on her behalf. We beseech you to choose wisely and behave kindly.” There are hours and hours and pages and pages of this stuff. Exaggerating and bending the truth about certain things and outright lying about others. He has been compiling and sending off these demands every three or four hours. I guess it’s a good argument, but it doesn’t paint me in the best light does it?

While waiting for an answer to our demands, I’ve been trying to work on more murals and canvas art to sell. But I find myself standing there, in front of a blank wall or canvas, staring off into nothing. And thinking of Seven. I miss him so much. It’s a feeling that wells inside me, filling up my whole body. I have never longed for somebody like I do now. It isn’t like me to be so attached, but how could I not be when he took such good care of me? His easy touches and affection spoiled me. And the way he was so quick to defend me, to put himself between me and any perceived threat, it made me feel safe. And every night I remember the way he was that last time we were together. I make myself come over and over again remembering how he towered over me. How his body caged mine in and put his mouth and claws and tentacles all over me like he was desperate for me. It’s surprising to me that all that turns me on. I was a regular person who enjoyed regular human sex before I was abducted. I can remember how attracted I was to Shawn when we met. Now when I think about Shawn or any guy that I’ve felt attracted to before, I don’t feel that excitement. But when I think of Seven, my whole body warms up and comes to attention.

I feel emotionally raw now. I think of Seven and I want to snuggle up to him, have him hold me in his arms, cuddle me close and comb his claws through my hair. I’ve got it bad. I’m head over heels for the alien.

I also might be pregnant. Every time that thought pops into my head it seems more and more impossible. But I’ve gained weight, and I’ve been feeling off. My appetite is off. Sometimes I‘m nauseous and the thought of eating turns my stomach. And at other times I’m starving and scarfing down everything in sight.

I don’t know what to think about this or what to do. I should go to the med bay and get some kind of scan to confirm my suspicion. But, I would have to talk to Baht about it because I don’t know how to work the med bay. I don’t want to talk to anybody but Seven about the possibility. And how is it possible? He’s an alien with tentacles instead of legs for goodness sakes! We aren’t the same species. It would be like a cat and dog conceiving. There is no way we ought to be compatible.

This thinking seems to freeze me up and leave me staring at nothing for a while. I keep doing this, getting lost in these stressful thoughts.

I’m standing here in the corridor, ready to paint. I had planned an Alice in Wonderland thing, with rose bushes, cards, and a rabbit, but I’m not excited about it anymore. Now that I’m here, it seems dumb and like a waste of time. I’m a hack anyway. Not a single thing I’ve painted is an original concept. I feel like a scam and an imposter. All these aliens only like my stuff because they don’t know any better.

I’m also remembering what Shawn said about Seven and his people. That they go around implanting eggs and how predatory and dangerous it is. Did Seven do this on purpose? I wish I had listened to what Shawn had to say about it instead of stomping off.

Thinking about it, though, I instigated things with Seven. I put the moves on him and as far as I could tell, he was surprised and unsure. If I am pregnant, he didn’t plan it.

Is it even pregnancy though? The sex wasn’t anything like human sex. I don’t see how we would be compatible in that way. So, is it a real pregnancy or more of a parasite/host situation? Have I contributed any genetics or am I an incubator?

These are tough and scary questions for me. I don’t want to dwell on them, but the thoughts are intrusive, sneaking up on me when I’m trying to do other things.

I don’t feel safe right now, and it’s not just about the possible pregnancy. Baht is a creepy dude. So far he has been nothing but kind. He has pretty much rescued me after all and he hasn’t pressured me for any payment or favors in return. But the way he looks at me is hungry. Like, not lustfully hungry, though there is some of that. He looks hungry. Or it could be that I feel like he’s looking at me that way because I know what he is under that cloak. And he keeps calling me a snack. But if he was going to eat me alive, why hasn’t he done it already? Why help me?

“You are working on something?”

Speak of the devil! Baht has snuck up on me again. He keeps doing that.

“No,” I answer him, “I was going to, but I’m having trouble focusing.”

“Maybe it would help if you talked with me while you work. You painted quite a lot when I was here before,” he suggests from a good fifteen feet away. I really appreciate that about Baht. He can tell how uncomfortable I am and he keeps his distance.

“Ok, that might help,” I agree and start setting up my stuff. I start off by telling him about Lewis Carol, Alice in Wonderland, and Through the Looking Glass. I start outlining the scene with the caterpillar instead of the other one I was planning. I talk with him about mushrooms as I paint the giant red one the caterpillar is lounging on. Apparently, fungi and mushrooms are common throughout most planets in the known universe.

That reminds me of something I’ve been wondering about.

“Baht, I have what might seem like a dumb question.” I glance toward him and he nods his head at me to go ahead, “I always expected aliens to be more, you know alien. Something completely different from any earth person or animal. But all of the aliens I’ve seen so far are built a lot like humans. And a lot like other Earth animals. I just don’t know how that could be if we all evolved on different planets? And only met up after becoming technologically advanced enough for space travel? So how is it that the guys look like octopus-human hybrids, Sal looks like a Human-lizard and you,” I gesture at his cloak, “apparently resemble a giant sentient spider.”

He tilts his head at me in a considering sort of way.

“We did not evolve separately.” he says.


“No. Tiny, it is well known that sentient people and most other life that exists was genetically engineered. It was then seeded on thousands of habitable and terraformed planets near and far.” I didn’t really feel like the question was that dumb until he started speaking so slowly. And looking at me in this still, head tilted way. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ ꜰindNʘvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Well, Humans evolved on earth. This is a well known fact supported by well mapped DNA heritage and fossil evidence,” I throw out. I will admit, I’m a little annoyed that his answer doesn’t seem to apply to Earth.

“Your people have mapped their own DNA information?”

I nod my head.

“And the DNA of other life forms on your planet?”


“And you are genetically descended from common ancestors? There is fossil evidence?”

“Yes. As I already told you,” I’m losing patience with this conversation, so I turn back to my mural. I’m working on Alice’s blue skirt.

“Tiny, how densely populated is your Earth?”

I think and try to remember this piece of trivia, “Um, seven billion I think,” I shrug, “maybe more.”

He is startled, standing up very straight, “Seven billion, you say?”

I nod.

“And how many different life forms are there?”

“I don’t really know.” I stand thinking for a second, trying to recall or work it out, but I just don’t know. “Including plants, animals, bacteria, fungi and everything? Millions, I guess.”


I nod.

“Millions of different species? All sharing a genetic heritage?”

I nod.

“How long have living creatures inhabited your earth?”

I’m getting a little annoyed with his questions now. It’s not helping me focus anymore.

“Um, like a couple billion years, I think? Not sure. I learned this stuff in middle school, Baht, and haven’t talked about it since. I’ve forgotten the specifics.”

I turn back to work on Alice’s skirt.

“Tiny, would you mind coming to the med bay with me? I would like to check something.”

I look at him for a second wondering what is going on in his spidery brain and whether I can trust him to run tests on me. But I was just thinking I should get something checked in the med-bay myself. A definitive answer to this pregnancy situation is a powerful lure, though. And I wouldn’t even have to say anything. If I am pregnant, he’s sure to notice and tell me. So I nod my head pack up my stuff and follow Baht to the Med-bay.

Time to get some answers.

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