Mandy and the Tentacle Monster (Urf Oomons #1)

Mandy and the Tentacle Monster: Chapter 16

I’ve decided to make a move on Seven. I know, scandalous right? At first, when I started developing a crush on him I was kind of shocked at myself because obviously, he’s not human. If I’m attracted to someone who is so completely not human what does that say about me? After a bit of introspection, I’ve decided I’m ok with it though. All the things about Seven that make him so alien, I find interesting now. And things that terrified me when I first beheld him, are exciting to me now. Like, what would those fangs feel like scraping against my neck? Or those claws, how would they feel if he were to grab hold of me or scratch me?

The main thing though is the tentacles. They are the most alien part of Seven and I have to admit that they are still a little bit disconcerting. Like, he doesn’t even seem to have bones in the lower half of his body. I don’t know if he even has a cock. Not like a human cock anyway. I’m aware that there is tentacle porn and erotica on earth. I was never drawn to it, but I wish I had access to it now. I have a general idea of how tentacles can be erotic, but I don’t see them that way.

But I’d like to try it out. Just to see how we fit together. Lately, every time he’s near me I want to snuggle up to him. There is that kind of warm tension, questions like “does he think about me “that way”? Does he want to be closer to me like I do to him?” fill my mind.

I’m also plagued with doubt. What if he doesn’t see me that way? To him, I may just be a cute little alien creature that he likes to pet and that is as far as his affection extends. That would suck. I hate to think of putting myself out there and being rejected. That is a terrible feeling. And that’s why, even though I’ve felt this way about Seven for a while, I haven’t said anything about it. I’m being a big ol’ chicken.

Ken has noticed though. Once, Ken was hanging out with me while I was painting. Seven came down the corridor, said hello, petted my hair, and then carried on to wherever he was going. Ken turned to me and asked, “Why does your scent change whenever Seven is near you?”

“What? No it doesn’t.” I deny it even though I have no idea what he’s talking about.

“It does,” he pauses, considering, “It is a hormonal kind of change? Or emotional?” Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the (F)indNƟvᴇl.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“So I like Seven, who doesn’t? He’s a nice guy. That is what you’re smelling, friendly affection.”

“No, that’s not it. You like Lu. You like me, for that matter. I am well acquainted with your happy-affectionate smell.” He leans toward me, his flat nose wrinkling a bit, “No, this is an intense feeling you’re having about Seven. Nervous, but-“ he takes an obvious sniff, then his narrowed eyes pop wide open, “You want to breed with him!”

“Do not!”

“Tiny, it’s obvious. Why would you deny it? Is a breeding impulse shameful for humans? Or is it because of what he is?” He’s narrowed his eyes.

“‘What he is,’ you mean an alien?” I ask confused.

“No,” Ken rolls his eyes in a very human gesture that he’s picked up from me, “he’s a Homeworlder. Despised and treated with suspicion in three different galaxies. Are you ashamed of that?”

“No, Ken. You know I don’t have a problem with you guys. Being attracted to someone is a private thing for humans is all,” I stammer in my defense.

“So you are “attracted” to Seven.”

Since Ken says this as a statement, not a question, I don’t answer.

“Humans are “attracted” to someone they wish to breed? Like a magnet?”

“Um, yeah. I guess it’s kind of a metaphor. I don’t feel an actual magnetic pull toward Seven. I just have a bit of a crush on him,” I’m blushing now and feeling so embarrassed, but it seems like I’m not going to get out of talking to Ken about it.

“A ‘crush.’ You want to squeeze him?” Ken’s tentacle arms have scrunched up in that way they do when he’s confused.

“Uh, no, that’s another metaphor. I am romantically infatuated with him. I can’t tell if it’s temporary or serious. I don’t know if Seven feels the same way or if it could lead to anything. Can we drop it? And don’t tell Seven?” I ask, desperate to end this line of questioning.

“‘Lead to anything’ like breeding?” He asks like he’s fitting pieces together.

“Jeezus! Ken, shut up about it!”

He holds three tentacle arms up in a gesture of surrender. But his chest and neck have lightened to an amused orange shade.

“I am shut up,” he assures me, “but you should know that Seven’s sense of smell is as acute as my own. I’m sure he is somewhat aware of your ‘infatuation.’”


I don’t know what to think about that. But I do think about it all night while I can’t sleep. If Seven was a human guy, I may know what to think and what to do in this situation. He’s an alien though, and from an alien culture where “breeding” and romance are illegal. Seven’s ancient ancestors’ favorite method of courting was to kidnap whoever they fancied and knock them up. There were a few sentient species on their original planet. And these tentacle guys (they’re all guys, no girls) only went after other species. It was ‘unnatural’ and ‘perverse’ for a tentacle guy to be attracted to another tentacle guy. So eventually, they developed the technology to leave their planet. Then they immediately started kidnapping their alien neighbors for breeding purposes. This behavior pissed the whole known universe off. It led to a few wars, the last of which led to the destruction of Homeworld. So now, to keep the peace, it’s illegal for Homeworlers to breed in the “traditional way.”

So it could be that Seven would never be interested in me or anyone else. That would be disappointing. The thing is though, that I won’t ever know what he might feel and I’ll suffer from this silly crush if I don’t find out. So I need to make a move on him.

Now that my mind is made up about it I need a plan. I’m trying to come up with one as I slowly eat my noodle Breakfast when Lu and Seven come into the dining room. I notice right away that something is wrong. Seven’s coloring is a very dark grey and that means he’s upset.

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” Seven says.

“Tiny-“ Lu starts talking

“No,” Seven interrupts.

“Tiny-“ Lu starts again.

“Stop speaking,” Seven interrupts again.

Lu rises to his full height. I’ve noticed he does this a lot when he’s arguing with one of the other guys. Tower over them as he talks down to them. He turns and speaks to Seven, “You do not own her. You do not get to withhold things and make decisions for her.”

Now I’m getting really worried. What the heck is going on? I get up and put my bowl in the reclamation bin and walk over to them.

“What’s going on Seven?” I ask him directly.

“Lu is interfering in something that does not concern him. That is what is going on.” he’s upset, not only is his color a dark grey, but his tentacles are moving around restlessly. One of them brushes my foot.

“Seven, you tell her or I will. And tell her the whole of it,” Lu orders. Then he turns and leaves. He really is bossy. But he’s usually on my side, so I won’t complain.

Seven hangs his head but agrees to tell me whatever “it” is.

He looks so dejected that I grab his hand and intertwine my fingers with his. I squeeze our fingers together in a show of support. He looks into my eyes and he seems to be searching for something, some sort of reassurance. He must find whatever he’s looking for because he squeezes my hand back and then leads me out into the corridor.

“I will show it to you,” he tells me quietly, keeping our fingers intertwined a leading me toward to shuttle bay. He’s careful to keep his tentacles to one side so I don’t trip.

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