
Chapter 38: Galloping Heart

Maliha woke the next morning with a determination to make Ujarak smile. Not the fleeting and half-hearted smiles that he had gifted her and the tribe with, but a full one. A smile that would create creases in the corners of his eyes that would tell the story of a youth full of joy.

Maliha wanted to give Ujarak those lines. She wanted his heart to hurt so bad from laughing that he felt as if he would die. That he would cry from laughing so hard. As his friend it became her duty to help him when he needed it, and though Ujarak did not know it, he needed her help.

He reminded her so much of Enzo. A child who had never known anything but independence. No wonder why Ujarak had treated Enzo the way he had, he had truly known no better. Ujarak had said that his uncle Urik had ‘trained’ him in his father’s absence but he had not said ‘raised’ and there was a difference. The be trained you were treated with discipline, hard hands and hardly any affection. To be raised was to be built up by parents. Ujarak had never been built up, he had been carved into a leader at the young age of twelve.

Just the thought of a twelve-year-old orphaned Ujarak had tears pricking her eyes but she pushed those emotions away. Today wasn’t the day for tears, it was a day of joy and laughter.

Gathering her food supplies, she headed outside and started the fire. She put a small pot of water on the fire and then added mushed tomatoes and potato to another pan. She added mint leaves to the pot with water before closing the lid on both to boil. Maliha gathered her supply of eggs before heading to her tent. Her fingers stroked along Enzo’s chubby cheeks until his dark lashes flickered open to reveal his pale grey eyes.

“Good morning ashrah uh nuhanhi. ”

The words slipped from Maliha’s lips before she could even realise what she was saying but Enzo did. His eyes that had been groggy from sleep, glinted with tears of relief and joy as he mumbled, “Good morning umahu.”

Maliha lips wobbled as he pressed a wet kiss to her lips before climbing from his bed. She sat there in a daze, her heart full as she absorbed Enzo words. He had called her mother, acknowledging the words that she had spoken whilst slumber still coated his eyes. He was the child of her heart.

Climbing to her feet, she told him to gather supplies for washing before she headed to the fire with Enzo hot on her toes in nothing but the small cloth that he had slept in.

“Enzo,” Maliha called.”

The boy hurried over with his supplies to the fire and put the small basket down.

“I am going to finish preparing our food, whilst you do that, can you tell Ujarak to join us for our morning swim?”

The boys scream of excitement had Maliha jumping from her seat and the people nearby chuckling in amusement.

“Truly? He can come?” Enzo gushed, full of energy.

“Yes, now go and ask Ujarak before he becomes too busy for us.”

Maliha waved Enzo away but her head snapped up at the deep voice that replied.

“I am never too busy for you both.”

Maliha’s heart thudded in her chest at the sight of Ujarak with Enzo in his arms. His bare muscles flexed, and his skin was glossy from the early morning sun. His face looked well rested though Maliha knew he had slept late.

He looked healthy and hot. Very hot.

“Good morning Ujarak, we were wondering if you would like to come swimming with us after breakfast?”

Her head was lowered back down to her cooking as she took the pot of boiling mint leaves off the fire and cracked the eggs into the stew of tomatoes and potatoes. She forced herself not to stare at him and instead focussed on the food.

Ujarak set Enzo onto the floor before sinking down into a chair beside Maliha.

“The council will need me back before the lunch hour, I hope that will be okay?”

Maliha nodded her enthusiastically and then blushed deeply at her hasty response.

“Do you want to eat with us? There is enough, especially now that Kamir and Xiuri are never here for breakfast,” pleaded Enzo.

Maliha and Ujarak looked at each other with laughter in their eyes as they tried to suppress it from bursting from their lips. Trust a child to make a comment like that without even knowing what they were implying.

“I have some things to discuss with Abazz while we eat,” he grunted.

“But you will swim with us?”

“Of course,” Ujarak vowed, kissing Enzo on his forehead and then climbing to his feet.

“I will meet you in the forest,” he called.

He winked at Maliha before retreating back to his fire, leaving Maliha staring in his wake.

Enzo couldn’t hide his excitement as he practically swallowed down his food. No matter how many times Maliha told him to chew, the boy would not listen. He ate his food in record time and began cleaning away the food supplies and plates, leaving Maliha to hastily finish her meal before joining him.

Maliha and Enzo greeted the members of the tribe as they retreated into the forest that sequestered the Der Surjaz main camp land. They chattered jovially as they retraced the steps they had taken nearly every day until they reached the rippling water of the lake.

Wasting no time, they stripped of their clothes and submerged their bodies in the water, laughing as they splashed water at each other.

It was during this moment that heavy footfalls clomped over their squeaking. Maliha’s head whipped around to find the intruder. A sharp gasp squealed form her lips as a body flew over their heads and splashed into the water.

Maliha sputtered for breath as the water crashed into her face sending Enzo roaring with laughter.

“I heard you coming,” Maliha snapped at Ujarak.

“Yes, but you didn’t anticipate my entrance,” he smirked.

Maliha huffed at him, her body turning around as if she were sulking. he swam closer to her in what she knew would be an apology but before he could wrap his arms around her she was spinning around and dunking him under the water.

Cackles tumbled from her lips at his adorable expression at being bested.

His thick arms clenched her by the hips and then she was soaring through the sky and thudding into the water. Her buttocks crashed against the earth before she was sputtering and coughing her way to the surface.

“My turn,” demanded Enzo, his small arms working as he swam towards Ujarak.

Ujarak pulled Enzo into his embrace and then propelled him into the water. The boy went flying, his body thwacking into the water. Small bubbles formed around them and then Enzo’s head was peeking through. His hair clinging to his fade as his eyes gleamed with excitement.

“Again,” he chortled. Climbing on Ujarak to have another go.

“It’s Maliha’s turn”

“No, thank you.” She huffed but Ujarak was already wrapping his arms around her waist.

His fingers ghosted against the damp hairs of her pubis before he clenched her hips tightly. There was a joy in his eyes that she could not deny, not when this game brought both of them so much joy.

“Be gentle,” she murmured before her body went careening into the water.

The short curls clung to her face as she spluttered to the surface, narrowly missing Enzo’s body flying through the air.

She met Ujarak’s stare, before slowly sinking into the water. The only thing visible were eyes and the top of her head and then she was fully submerged. Maliha’s eyes remained open as she swam along the bottom of the lake, her fingers gliding against his calf. The water swished about her face as he tried to figure out where she was. The distorted sounds of Enzo’s laughter filled her ears as his blurry form swam closer to Ujarak.

When she was sure that Ujarak was thoroughly distracted, and her lungs could take no more, she tickled Ujarak’s feet. Maliha shot to the surface just in time to see the shock on Ujarak’s face as he went tumbling back into the water.

She smiled triumphantly as she swam towards the edge of the lake. Just as she was propelling herself up onto a rocky ridge, Ujarak’s strong body slid along hers. His damp stomach pressed against her back, his arms crowding her against the rock as he nuzzled against her hair. The warmth of his hard body chasing away the chill that ghosted against her naked skin.

“You aren’t staying to play?” He whispered.

“No,” she crooned back, turning her head so she could look him dead in the eye. His eyelashes were lowered in delirium and she could tell by the look on his face that he was battling his desires.

“You boys should bond.”

Her hand stroked along his chest and then she was pushing him back, his body smashing into the water as she climbed onto the ridge and gathered her supplies.

She could feel Ujarak’s heated stare on her skin as wrapped a thin piece of material around her body and began washing their dirty clothes and pots. She tried to ignore the voracious looks he shot her and instead focussed on her chores. Every now and then she would raise her head to join in with their laughs or add a comment to their wild chatter. She noted the glow of happiness that was surrounding both of her boys and counted the day as a job well done.

A smile was permanently on her face as she finished her chores and then reclined back in the grass and zoned out to the sounds of their laughter.

Maliha jolted up as a loud blaring horn shook the earth. Ujarak’s head whipped around to face her and then he was shouting for her to change. Maliha’s mind was a blur as she threw on her dress and shoes. She plucked Enzo from Ujarak’s arms as soon as they reached the bank.

“Quick, just put your shorts and shoes on,” she panted, helping Enzo dress while Ujarak put his clothes on.

The horn blew again. The deep timbre a clear warning sign of danger.

Their items were discarded to the side as they sprinted back through the forest. The camp was in disarray as they broke through the trees, people were rushing about. Children gathered up into their parent’s arms and warriors gathering weapons.

“What’s going on?”

Ujarak gripped the closet person to him a young boy who had to be no older than fifteen.

“Svolik have attacked a sister tribe and they are heading our way Razi.”

Ujarak’s jaw clenched tightly as he released the young boy and ushered him towards the house before turning to Maliha.

“You have two choices, stay with the kids and elderly in the house or come with me.”

Maliha couldn’t hide the panic she felt but she knew that there was only one choice for her.

“With you.”

“Good, we will need all the help we can get.”

He grunted, looking around at the rushing people. They were moving like clockwork, as if this threat was nothing new.

“Enzo to the house, and stick by Nahi, néh?”

“Okay,” Enzo mumbled reluctantly.

Ujarak patted him on the head for his bravery before turning to Maliha.

“With me.” His fingers snapped for Maliha to follow him.

She quickly bent down and kissed Enzo’s forehead, speaking words of encouragement into his ears before ushering him towards the house and away from the danger.

As soon as Enzo was off, she turned on her heel and gripped Ujarak’s awaiting hand. They sprinted to the shelters where the animals were kept and then began saddling up the horses and leading them out of their stalls. A warrior handed a cloth satchel which held Ujarak’s weapons. Ujarak slung it over his back, and then clenched his spear in his hand.

“What do you need me to do?”

Her hands shook as she attached the bridles and harnessed the horse to the large wooden wagon.

“There will be refugees from our sister tribe. I need you to gather them up in this wagon and return home. There will be a medical bay waiting.”

Maliha nodded in agreement even as her mind reeled at the fast pace that everything was moving in.

He lifted her onto the horse and then swung up behind her, his muscular thighs clenching with power and control. His strong arms pulled her into his chest as he snapped down on the reign and the black steed kicked off. As they came around the bend, Maliha was shocked to see the amount of horses and wagons there were already. Many of the wagons were full of warriors who would be carted to the battle field that way. Ujarak lead the horse into a trot as warriors climbed onto the back of their wagon and then they were shooting off.

Heading through the abandoned sparring ground, through a crop of trees and shrubbery and into the dry desert. Maliha could make out small figures in the distance. Screams filling the air the closer they charged to the scene.

When they were a few feet away from the approaching people, Ujarak halted their horse and dismounted. He turned the horse around and pulled Maliha form her seated position.

Ujarak gripped her face so she could look into his eyes. “You don’t fight unless you need to. Do you hear me? Don’t risk yourself.”

“I won’t,” she vowed. “Promise you will be safe.”

“I promise,” he grunted.

He pulled her into his arms and planted a firm kiss on her lips before charging off into the desert, his spear raised high and his bow and arrow on his back.

His call for war was echoed by his tribespeople as they charged after their leader, the earth rattling in their attack.

Maliha’s hands were slippery as she looked to the other people who stood by their horses waiting for the Der Surjaz to reach their enemy. Her breath held as the metal tips of the Der Surjaz spears clashed against those of the Svolik. Blood splurged into the air as men, women and children scrambled away from the gory scene.

Bodies cloaked in black charged after then, but for every Svolik that got away, two or three were shot down by the spears and arrows of the Der Surjaz.

Maliha’s legs bounced as she waited for the first person to reach her and then she was moving. Dragging people onto the wagon, cataloguing all of their wounds and ages. There were so many people. They came swarming toward the wagons like bees who had their hive struck.

Their bloody and sweaty hands gripped Maliha as they sobbed their way into the wagons nearby. Once her wagon was full, she charged back the way they had come until she was in the safety of the camp. She helped everyone dismount and lead them to the medic bay where tribespeople were offering water and seeing to wounds. Once everyone was safe, she got back on the horse and headed out to the desert again.

The battle field was littered with wounded people. Shrieks and the clanging of weapons was heavy in the air just like the potent, metallic scent of blood. Magic soared around them, the Der Surjaz fighting with physical weapons and with their Dahsmani. Balls of fire shot through the sky, crashing into the Svolik whose numbers had begun to diminish.

A shadow shrouded the sky in darkness and as she looked up, the sight of the beast almost caused her to topple from her mount. A draganir made of pure fire flew above them, its large claws purging into the heart of the Svolik as flames spewed from its mouths and burn them to cinders. The earth trembled beneath them, her horse whining as large sand snakes slithered along the earth. They moved fast, blending into the matter they came from. Crashing into the sand earth and then reappearing in the face of the Svolik as the sand snakes swallowed the warriors into the earth.

Maliha quickly dismounted and began searching for wounded people. She scurried over to the small crop of trees that marked the very end of Der Surjaz camp land, the bushes shuffling at her entrance.

Haunted brown eyes stared up at Maliha in fear, young arms wrapped around her baby.

“Come,” Maliha murmured, her hand outstretched for the young woman to grab.

The woman hesitated for a moment before gripping Maliha’s hand and standing to her feet. As they breached the small crop of trees, the young woman made a loud chirping noise. At her call, her people climbed form their hiding spots within the bushes. There were too many to all fit in Maliha’s wagon, but she didn’t let that stop her determination in finding them a safe place.


Maliha gripped the woman’s arm and guided her back to the wagon, relief rocking to her core when more wagons returned to take passengers. They scurried to the wagons, the young woman standing by as she fired rapid commands at her people. She handed Maliha her baby before climbing into the wagon and then hastily snatching her child back.

Maliha made one last precursory look over the shrubbery before running back to her horse.

Her feet skidded to a halt as she came around the side of the wagon.

The haunting eyes of the Svolik warrior stared maliciously back at Maliha. Black veins protruded around her eyes, traveling down her cheeks and disappearing into her neck, the murky veins shifting and pulsing as if there was something living within them.

The tipping of the warrior’s head was the only warning Maliha got before the woman was attacking her. Her sword lashed out, missing Maliha’s arm by a mere inch. Maliha staggered back and then jumped to the side as the female kept swinging at her.

Her foot swiped out and sent Maliha crashing to the floor, sand rising in a cloud around her face. When the dust settled the woman’s, void eyes stared back at Maliha, her blade poised for the final blow.

Maliha kicked woman’s shin sending her scrabbling back. Flying to her feet, Maliha gripped the sand in her hand and blew it into the woman’s face. She sprinted to the horse, but strong hands gripped her hair and yanked her head back. A pained scream wailed from Maliha’s mouth as the tip of the woman’s blade edged into her back.

The pain sent Maliha’s mind hurtling. Her blood began to gurgle and her Dahsmani was roaring. The earth beneath her feet trembled in rage.

Maliha’s head swung back. The crunch of a breaking nose was drowned out by the hissing sound of the fire rattling throughout her body. Maliha twisted to face the Svolik warrior and as she did a blue flame shot from her chest. It crashed into the warrior’s frame and propelled the warrior back. Maliha called to the earth and then a sharp shard of rock shot from the earth and plunged into the warrior’s heart.

Blood coated the warriors mouth red and then her empty eyes were shuttered closed in death.

Maliha had no time to dwell on the fact that she had just killed someone. The battle was drawing closer and the horse was becoming anxious.

Her body was with slick with sweat as she hobbled to the horse. Her sweaty palms made it harder for her to grip the horses reins tightly but once she had them gripped in her palms, they were galloping away. She spared on final look over her shoulder, and the sight of the draganir torching the land gave her hope that the Der Surjaz would return safe.

Her body protested to her movements. Burning and screaming in pain as she helped each person from the wagon. She ignored their worried glances and instead focussed on getting everyone their needed care.

It wasn’t until her body began to weaken did Maliha realise that it wasn’t sweat that was gliding down her back, but her own blood.

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