
Chapter 23: A Home

Maliha stood with her hands resting on Enzo’s shoulders as they waved the warriors farewell. The boys disposition was solemn now that Ujarak was leaving but she had no fear that she could make Enzo feel better.

He was only six years old and the boy didn’t need to be plagued by things such as if his guardian would return, or who would be taking care of him when his guardian was gone. Enzo deserved to have the same freedom as all the other children his age, which was why Maliha was going to move him into her new tent whilst Ujarak was away. She couldn’t forget how many times she had wished someone would just take her under their wing and help her flourish when she was younger.

She would be that person for him.

Once the warriors had finally left, Maliha patted Enzo on the shoulder and motioned for him to leave with her. As they were leaving, they were stopped by Abazz.

“Maliha.” He called. “Ujarak, mentioned that you would like your own tent?”

She felt Enzo stiffen beneath her fingers, but she slowly rubbed his shoulders before confirming Abazz’ words.

“Yes, I’m not sure who I need to speak to about its construction.”

“It’s been done.” He nodded. “It doesn’t take long to make.”

“Thank you.” Maliha smiled and then added. “Also? Sorry for snapping at you and Nahi earlier on.”

Instead of giving Maliha his reluctant acceptance, Abazz actually grinned at her. “I understand why you felt that way.”

His head bobbed down as he motioned to Enzo.

“in any case, I wanted to apologies.”

“You are forgiven. Now how about I show you your new home?”

Maliha clapped in excitement as she followed Abazz, they moved a few steps before she halted and turned back to the young boy who had not moved to follow them.

“Enzo?” Maliha called. His lip wobbled as he faced her. She could read the heartbreak on his little face, but she couldn’t understand what had caused it.

“What’s wrong, Enzo.” She soothed, running to him and clasping his chin.

She rubbed away the tears that cascaded down his cheeks.

“Where will I stay?”

It was such a simple question but the emotion behind his words had Maliha breathless. Tears dropped unbidden down her cheeks at the heartache that lined his face. Such a young child shouldn’t have to fear the answer to these simple questions and yet the fact that Enzo did fear that answer, told Maliha all she needed to know.

She was enraged for Enzo, her mind blanking out of images of her youth flashed through her mind. Dirty little Maliha. Hungry and scruffy Maliha. An unloved and alone child. Seeing a child, who perhaps was not as woes of as she had been but was still close enough, had all those blistered wounds splitting open. She was raw.

Raw to the bone and she couldn’t hide her emotions. She didn’t want to.

Crouching down before him, she scrapped his unruly hair away from his face before pulling him into her embrace.

“You’ll be staying with me Enzo, where you belong.”

Maliha felt the rightness of those words flow through her, Enzo belonged with her, without or without Ujarak. No one would understand his needs and his insecurities the way she did. They were both ormas children. Orphaned early in life, but unlike her, Enzo would know the loving touch and words of a parent. Maliha silently vowed it to herself and whatever gods that be. She would do right by Enzo.

“Now, let’s go see our new home.”

Enzo’s small hand wrapped around hers, and together they both caught up to Abazz to view their new tent.

“So, what do you think?” Abazz grunted. “Does it live up to you hopes?”

Maliha’s head bobbed as a she fired Abazz with a watery smile. “It is everything and more” she said breathlessly.

Her tent was empty and minimalistic compared to most standards, even incomplete to some. She did not have all the comfortable cushions that made up warm lounge area like Nahi, nor did she have the brightly decorated walls like Xiuri. To most people Maliha was sure that her tent was barely habitable, but to her it was perfect. She could practically envision all that she would include inside. All the memories she would make.

“What do you think Enzo?”

Maliha questioned, looking down at the little boy. His eyes were wide with astonishment as if he had never seen anything better and Maliha understood why.

“How do you like your new home?” She murmured gently.

“It’s all mine.” He gasped in awe, mouth wide as he stared at the high ceilings of their new home.

“Well it’s mine too.” she chuckled, scuffing up his hair.

“How about we go and get some things to make it homier. Hmm.”

His head nodded vigorously as he all but ran out of the tent.

Maliha waited back a step and then lightly placed her hand on Abazz forearm.

“I know you are just doing your duty as Drezir, but I really am thankful for this.”

Maliha felt giddy with excitement at finally having a home of her own. In all the tribes she had travelled amongst, she had never been given her own dwelling. She had always lived with the healer, shaman, chieftain or a nominated member of the tribe. She had always been a burden to someone and so to finally have her own home was just... Words could not begin to explain.

“It is my pleasure.” He replied fervently before they both headed out of the tent in their separate directions.


“So, Enzo, what do you think?”

Questioned Maliha, forcing him to look into the rippling clear pool of water.

His eyes narrowed, as he twisted his head this way and that. Peering into the water at his reflection and trying to gage how he truly felt about it. His finger came up to his lip in thought, and then moved up to his hair where he stroked the braids that Maliha had just finished.

After they had finished decorating their new home with all of their previous possessions and what items that could be spared amongst the tribe, Maliha encouraged Enzo to follow her to a natural pool just behind the trees that lined the back of the house. Enzo had been reluctant to come, huffing and puffing all the way to the pool.

In that moment, Maliha could understand why so many people had just left Enzo to his own devices. He was a stubborn child and getting him to do anything out of his norm was like trying to train a Bukar or capture a Draganir. Impossible.

He was difficult but, Maliha new that he was only difficult because it was part of his defence mechanism. Hers had been to try and be invisible and quiet, whereas Enzo’s was to be naughty.

She had eventually persuaded him to get into the water and then let her thoroughly wash him. Her biggest surprise had been, when after all of that washing he had asked her to do his hair, off of his own volition.

Maliha had happily taken up the opportunity. Combing and dreaming his hair and then plaiting and cornrowing his hair into an intricate design of intermingled hairs, leather strips and gold beads.

“Well, what do you think.”

His little teeth sunk into his bottom lip as he stared up at her.

“I really like it.” He smiled shyly, tugging at one of the plaits before jumping into her arms.

“Thank you.” He whispered into her neck. His watery grey eyes flowed with thanks as he kissed her on the cheek and then squeezed her into another hug.

Maliha could remember when just the other day she had given Enzo his first ever hug and now he was openly giving them out.

She felt so much pride at the young boy he was becoming.

“It was my pleasure.” She grinned while tugging at one of the little beaded plaits that dangled along his face.

“I look fearsome. Like a Rak’haan.”

When he made gestures like that, Maliha could see the resemblance. Rak’haan’s or what was commonly known in the Melikit tribe as a Raki, had long, thick horns almost the size of tree trunks that swooped down to the ground on either side of its large head. The animal was mostly an herbivore and used its horns to forage for plants that were deep rooted into the ground. However, the sheer size of the Rak’haan and its territorial behaviour, made it one of the most dangerous animals. Especially as the Rak’haan had a herd mentally to trample every and anything that came near it’s family.

Maliha, laughed heartily at Enzo’s wild behaviour, he flicked the water around as he made large grunting noises. Whipping his two beaded plants about like the fearsome animal. Maliha quickly gathered up their belongings into her bucket, wringing the damp clothes before running off.

“I bet you can’t catch me, oh fearsome Rak’haan.”

She chortled, squealing in mirth when Enzo made a wild war cry and began sprinting after her. Enzo chased after her like Najrati, the god of darkness was chasing after him. Maliha’s face blurred with tears as she ran through the tribe’s camp, dodging around busy people in a bid to get to their tent. Many halted their days work to watch Maliha and Enzo sprinting together, voices calling and urging Enzo to catch her.

Her feet thudded on the ground as they ran back to their tent, collapsing on the carpeted floor in a ball of tickling arms and legs.

Enzo’s face turned molten as tears of laughter tracked down his face.

They spent the rest of their day fixing the sparse dwelling into a place that Maliha and Enzo would be proud to call their homes. The high ceilings now had small little lanterns dangling from them, there was a fur carpet that she had taken from her room and placed in the centre of the dwelling.

Her pallet lay on one side of the tent with a fur lining and a large pillow that had her necklace nestled beneath it for safe keeping. On the opposite side, lay Enzo’s pallet and in the corner by the flap was a small wooden cabinet where they had two tea cups and a pot. Inside the small cabinet there were fresh plants used for the brewing and a jug of water. By the cabinet, there were a stack of twigs left for when they needed to boil the tea, though Maliha supposed in time she would be able to heat it with whatever fire she could conjure from her body.

Their tent still had much work needed to make it a completely comfortable home, she wanted to create a small divide between her and Enzo’s bed so he could have some privacy and she also wanted to create a lounge area but that would take a few weeks as she needed to make pillows and figure out how to make the soft pallet that graced the floor. The tent wasn’t complete but to Maliha and Enzo it was everything.

That night, Maliha ate by the big fire for her last night, deciding to herself that this was not her place any longer, if it ever truly had been. She wanted to integrate with tribe, learn their ways of life and to give back all that she had learnt. She wanted to help this tribe prosper and teach them things she had discovered on her journeys whilst they filled her with their knowledge and she could not do that sitting in a place of comfort and high esteem.

Xiuri, agreed that she too would move to the smaller fire with Maliha and together they would split chores, so they could contribute with those that they would join their last meal time with. Maliha also planned to bring Enzo along with her so he could learn what plants were good to eat and how best to gather them, ow to catch fish by the stream and also how to hunt small game. She hoped that by teaching Enzo these things he would slowly begin to feel important as being a meat provider was an extremely important task.

Dinner was filling, making Maliha feel languid and sleepy. She had no company this night as Xiuri disappeared quickly after the meal and Kamir not long after her. Maliha sat by the fire soaking up its warmth before deciding that it was time for her to sleep. Quickly excusing herself from the fire and leaving much earlier than usual, Maliha headed to the children’s fire where she gathered Enzo and took him to their tent. On their way, they took a slight detour and headed to the river edge to scoop up some of the long grained sweet plant and some water to wash their face and bodies with in the morning.

On their way back, Maliha heard raised voices coming from the direction of their tent. Speeding up her pace, she encouraged Enzo to keep up, so they could quickly reach their home. It wasn’t until she neared her tent that she realised the raised voices were coming from the tent next to theirs.

Maliha gave Enzo the small hug of water and the handful of plants and then ushered him inside whilst she lingered in the entryway. She listened keenly as the woman’s voice climbed in timbre, her tone wavering as if she were on the brink of tears. She knew who it was and was just about to storm inside the tent when the flap was viscously forced open. The male’s hands gripped his head in frustration and then dropped to his side as he quickly whipped around to face her.

“Maliha.” He gasped abashedly.

“Kamir.” She grunted, eyebrow raised as her arms folded over her chest in reproach.

“I- it is not as it seems.” He stammered.

Her eyebrow flexed higher as she harrumphed at him, not believing one word he uttered.

“You had better have care when you speak to Xiuri.” Her words were languid as if the situation did not bother her but there was a clear threat in her eyes.

Kamir’s throat bobbed, as his head nodded vigorously. “I do, I promise.” He murmured. “That conversation was not as it seemed.”

As if realising that he would not win, Maliha’s agreement or trust, he nodded quickly in a sign of defeat before he mumbled goodnight.

Maliha stood there and waited for him to leave before battling with whether she should check on Xiuri or not get involved. In the end Enzo’s urgent calling of her name forced her to retest inside but she did not sleep easy.

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