
Chapter 15: Scorned

Word spread the moment Maliha left Saralec, Saralec and Ciur twittering behind her back.

Neither female could see the way Maliha’s lips rose in a discrete smile, her hands shook with nerves as she retreated away from

The females but this what she wanted.

By the end of the day half of the tribe knew and by the end of the week, the information was not unbeknownst to one soul. Everyone knew. At first Maliha had withered under their watchful eyes, mouths cupping as they whispered about her. Their words held no ill intent and their manner was not unbecoming or harsh, but still Maliha was at the heart of their gossip.

As the days progressed, more females approached her, their hands outstretching as they ran their fingers through the shiny locks that was her hair. The oil was a combination of three essential oils and two base oils in which she heated up and ran through her hair and left either for a few hours during the day or overnight. Maliha had taken to leaving it in overnight and had been forced to wear a scarf made up of printed patterns to protect her pillows.

There was no sign of hair growth, but she did feel that her hair was healthier and all the glossier, but perhaps that was just her wishful thinking.

The women and even some men knowingly commented on it. The looks she received were a lot more languid now but none made a move and as such Maliha was comforted.

But as the days progressed she became more and more cautious, afraid to put truth to the rumours and afraid that by not doing so she was offending Ujarak and placing herself in a difficult position.

For the first week she pondered her next move, contemplating how she would make it known that they were beginning something romantic because Ujarak hadn’t.

Yes, he watched her, his dark orbs heavy on her back throughout the day and during meals he fed her from his fingers but there was nothing new to his behaviour. Nothing that claimed her, and it left an emptiness inside her. She saw how tribe members stared at him amorously, Tanzim still lurking with her heated eyes.

Maliha wanted to make her claim.

She tossed all night with thoughts on how she could do just that and by the time the sun had risen, and morning came, she knew exactly what she would do to confirm those rumours.

She hurriedly threw on her colourful dress once the oils from her hair had been rinsed out. She slipped into her sandals and then was rushing down the corridor. Maliha hesitated outside of Ujarak’s room, her ears perking up at the sound of him shuffling about but she didn’t go in.

Instead she headed outside, going straight to their fire pit and not waiting for Ujarak like she usually did. Maliha made her own plate, filling it to the brim with meat, eggs and breads. She put rich and sweet fruits of all colours and sizes in a separate bowl and she placed them on their table. She ignored the looks of confusion and interest that her actions earned her, only focusing on the task at hand.

She headed back to the pit and began boiling the sweat mint tea that Ujarak drank every morning. Once the pot was boiled and the leaves stewed long enough, she brought that pot to their table and took her seat. Her finger tips drumming along her lap as she waited for him to come.

She didn’t see him arrive at first, her mind too bogged down with nerves to realise that he had already joined the camp. It wasn’t until the towering shadow of his large body appeared over her head, that she realised she had missed his exit from the house.

“You prepared our food,” deep rumbling voice full of confusion.

“Yes, I wanted to give you a break,” she murmured, picking at her thumb as she stared down at the still steaming pot of tea.

“Providing our food is not a chore for me,” he replied, disgruntled that she would even think it was. It was his honour and privilege to be a provider for Maliha, every warrior and provider felt the same.

“I know but I wanted to - provide for you for once,” she mumbled, unsure if she had made a mistake.

“Will you feed me too?” He grunted, sinking down into the chair beside her.

Her darkening skin, tinged pink at his teasing but she slowly nodded her head. Her pale green eyes finally meeting his dark orbs.

“If I am allowed to. I would like that very much.”

Those very dark orbs that often held her captive, stared deeply into her as if he was trying to figure something out. Then they lightened, his top lip quirking as he leaned back in his seat motioning for Maliha to begin feeding him.

Her hands shook as she first poured their cups of mint green tea, making sure it bubbled and frothed around the rim as his drink normally did. Her arm rose high in the air as she poured the liquid. Her hands quivering until one of his large paws steadied hers.

“You don’t have to do this if it makes you nervous”

“I want to,” she interjected strongly, placing the tea pot down and gathering his first mouthful of food.

She gathered pieces of the cold meat and some bread before dipping it in a warm tomato relish. Once she had a good handful she brought it to his lips, cupping his chin as his wide mouth wrapped around her digits and his wet tongue touched her bent fingers.

Her breath halted as he chewed on the food, his face impassive as he swallowed the mouthful and then gulped down a large sip of the hot tea.

“More,” he grunted, grinning at her and putting Maliha at ease.

She continued feeding him until most of the plate was done and then she switched to the fruit bowl. Her mouth-watering as the juices of the mango slid down his chin and shone along his lips.

Once he had eaten his full, they swapped, Ujarak feeding her what little food she could tolerate this early in the morning.

“Everyone is watching,” she whispered between bites, her head bobbing to the side as she motioned to the couples whose eating had slowed at her and Ujarak’s new eating habit.

“Is that not what you wanted?” His eyebrow quirked up knowingly as he stared at her. Waiting for her to blush at her behaviour and his acknowledgement of her intentions but she didn’t Instead she met his gaze head on and smiled sweetly at him.

“Of course, how else would I let them know the truth,” she shrugged dismissively.

“And what is the truth Maliha?” Ujarak teased, white teeth glistening as his wide mouth spread in a knowing smile.

“The truth is that-” she mumbled, feeling shy under his ardent stare.

She was unsure if saying what she felt to be true was too forward but then thought better of it. She was among the Der Surjaz, nothing was too forward for them

“The truth is that the rumours are true. I am interested in making you mine.”

He laughed then, a full belly laugh that rumbled deep from his chest and tumbled passed his lips. Shaking his frame and jolting Maliha with the force of his laughter

“You find my words funny?” Maliha snapped.

“Yes.” He chuckled, not noticing the anger behind her words.

“Fine,” she hissed shooting to her feet.

In her haste to get away from his mocking form, she knocked the teapot over. The warm liquid splashed over and scalded his legs. Instead of feeling remorseful, Maliha felt vindicated. Pouring what was left of the steaming liquid of her cup onto his head, she watched as the liquid dripped down his face before she marched off.

Her head held high, even as the sounds of wild laughter and thumping fists followed her retreat. Their cat calls were drowned out by the humiliation and complete frustration she felt.

Collapsing onto the river bank, she began picking at the blades of grass aggressively, her lips pursed as she tried to control her emotions. If Ujarak found her declaration funny then fine, she would never declare her feelings for him again. In fact, Maliha had decided that as soon as she the morning meal was over, she would head into his house and give the oil back to Saralec.

In fact, she would do it now, so everyone would know that she was no longer interested in Ujarak.

Stumbling to her feet, she only made it one step forward before his broad shoulders blocked her retreat.

“Maliha,” he smiled as if everything was normal between them. Well it wasn’t and Maliha wasn’t interested in discussing anything with him.

“Please move out of my way Ujarak, I have things to return to Saralec.”

“Saralec?” he questioned brows knotted in confusion until it finally dawned on him.

“No,” he growled, stepping closer to her in which she only retreated further away.

“Yes, so move out of my way so I can put this situation to bed.”

Her arms folded and her gaze steady on his chest because she refused to look at his face.

“Maliha,” he sighed, “I didn’t mean to offend you.”

“Well what did you expect would happen if you laughed in my face? That I would laugh with you?”

He didn’t mean to offend her, yet it seemed that was all he was capable of doing. Perhaps she was too soft, but Ujarak did not make it easy for her when he completely disregarded her feelings.

“I didn’t think at all. You caught me by surprise that is all. Women do not claim men among the Der Surjaz, unless they are a warrior and even then, it isn’t the norm.”

Yet this tribe supposedly promoted equality between the genders, both things could not correlate not when they contradicted each other. It was either both genders could claim, and the tribe was equal or only men claimed, and women were still the inferior sex, but were just held at a higher regard then in other tribes.

“Well that’s fine because I disclaim you, so you can follow the backward rules of your non-progressive tribe.”

“You can’t just disclaim me like that,” he sputtered incredulously.

“I can, and I have,” she replied haughtily, nose stuck in the air as she refused to acknowledge him.

“No, you haven’t,” he thundered, stepping closer and making a grab for her arms to which Maliha let out a sharp bark of laughter and bounced back.

“I’m sorry for offending you, I just didn’t expect you to speak with such fervour and to claim me?”

There was pried shining back in his eyes, as if he was proud that Maliha would do such a thing, though she didn’t understand how pride resonated with his previous humour.

“Well just forget I said it,” she hummed in annoyance that was fading by the minute, until all that was left was a weak strum of frustration.

“Never,” he smiled, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her close to his chest.

“You have spoken the truth. I am yours and you will be mine... soon.” His wolfish grin had her heart palpitating out of her chest, and her blood heating.

“So, what does being yours entail?”

“Stop mocking me,” grumbled Maliha, slapping at his chest in annoyance.

“I’m not, a woman has never claimed me, and I want to know what it-”

“Duty calls,” Maliha hummed over the consecutive calling of Ujarak’s name.

“Yes, it does, but we will finish this conversation later,” his lips brushing against her forehead as he reluctantly retreated away from her.

His broad shoulders disappearing behind the roaring plumes of the dying fires smoke.

“Oh Ujarak,” she huffed, facing back to the roaring river.

Her mind whirling with their conversation and what it truly meant for them. Perhaps she may have over reacted to his laughing, but he had offended her, and she couldn’t help that. It was nice of him to apologise and admit his wrongs but Maliha was still unsure with where they stood amongst the tribe.

She didn’t want to be another Tanzim, or all the other many females he must have been intimate with, but at the same time she didn’t want to hold back in fear that he would discard her like Petr had.

Many a time, she had thought back to him, reminiscing on their friendship and love. For years she had told herself his choice had been a blessing in disguise, but those words had always rung hollow. It wasn’t until falling upon the Der Surjaz land and meeting this tribe, that Maliha could say those words finally rang true. This tribe was full of culture and vibrancy, they overflowed with passion, laughter and love. There was a burning fire among this tribe that she would have been bereft of if she had stayed in the cold mountains of the Melikit tribe.

“Maybe I was always supposed to be here,” she chuckled lightly to herself.

Her eyes gliding shut as the cool breeze washed over her skin and the tumultuous waves of the river splashed on her arm. There was always something about the water that soothed her.

“You think you belong here little wanderer,”

Maliha quickly span around as the sharp tones of Tanzim’s viscous voice whipped around her. Tanzim’s skin had lost its golden pallor, dark circles under her flaming eyes. Her lips were pursed thin as her long hair whipped around her face like a curtain of obsidian blood, cloaking her face in fiery darkness.

“I do,” her voice full of unwavering conviction.

Tanzim’s hackling laugh had the hair along Maliha’s skin rising, a deep pit of unease rolling in her stomach at the situation she found herself in.

“You think Ujarak really wants you?” she cackled, “that man only thinks with what hangs between his legs.

You will be nothing but another number.

Another body that he will sate his lust between before discarding you like the little Shnir you are.”

Spittle gathering around her lips as she forced Maliha to retreat closer to the riverbank.

Maliha frantically looked around for help but no one seemed to notice the confrontation between her and Tanzim, nor did they notice how the female had backed Maliha towards the slippery slope of the river.

“If I am just another body to him, then let our time run its course,” Maliha pleaded, trying to reason with the woman but Tanzim was past that point.

“Why? When you won’t live long enough to experience him,”

She grinned, lip curling as she charged at Maliha. Hands extended outwards and a cold triumphant glint in her eyes.

“What-” Maliha screeched, her body toppling backwards and into the river. The deep amber orbs of Tanzim following her down as the viscous river sucked her to the bottom of the river bed.

Water cocooning around her in a suffocating bubble until her lungs couldn’t take the pressure and she could breathe no more.

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