
Chapter Making 510

Chapter 510

When she walked up to Gilmore, Emma stepped on a pebble and slipped.

Emma lost her balance and fell backward.

She let out a cry of surprise.

Emma was about to fall to the ground in a mess.

At this moment, Gilmore rushed forward and wrapped an arm around Emma’s back.

He steadied her.

Emma also snuggled up in Gilmore’s arms.

Time seemed to stop ticking all of a sudden, and their eyes met.

When she thought of how Gilmore was holding her in his arms, Emma couldn’t help blushing.

She looked as if her cheeks were tainted by the setting sun, looking beautiful and moving.

Soon, Emma came back to her senses, steadied herself, and got out of Gilmore’s arms.

She looked shy and embarrassed.

She didn’t expect that her attack of coldness would make her so weak this time.

She was shocked at how she almost fell. Luckily, Gilmore took action in time to save her from the embarrassment.

“Thank you for helping me just now, Mr. Reed…” Emma whispered, not daring to look Gilmore in the eye.

Gilmore said, “Miss Gardner, you’re very weak. You shouldn’t leave for the time being.

“Sit down on the boulder first and have a rest.”

Emma also knew that it was impossible for her to return to the Peach Secret Realm even if she wanted to.

She was so weak that it was difficult for her to take even a hundred steps.

Therefore, she nodded at Gilmore and sat down on the rock.

After Emma had sat back down on the boulder, Gilmore looked at her and said, “Miss Gardner, although you are suffering from a terrible coldness, which is highly fatal, it just so happens that I have studied an internal force that can remove the coldness in your mana core.

“In this way, you will no longer be troubled by your coldness.”

Emma couldn’t help looking at Gilmore.

Indescribable astonishment and disbelief filled her eyes.

Then, she said to Gilmore, “Mr. Reed, did you just say that you can remove the coldness in my mana core?”

Although she forced herself to look calm when she said this, she was already deeply tempted deep down.

It had been Emma’s wish for many years to be free from the terrible pain of her coldness.




Mon, Sep 30

Chapter 310

However, for so many years her wish had always been left unfulfilled.

She thought that she would never be able to be fully cured of the coldness in her life.

However, when she heard Gilmore’s words, the hope in her heart that had long been extinguished could not help but be rekindled again.

Gilmore saw the expectation in Emma’s eyes. He smiled and said. Yes, I can remove the coldness in your mana core completely

When Emma finally got a positive answer from Gilmore, her eyes lit up suddenly.

It was like the morning sun, glistening with vitality and hope beautifully.

A smile appeared on Emma’s gorgeous face. It was as beautiful as the flowers blooming in spring.

She looked breathtakingly beautiful!

“Can you cure my coldness, Mr. Reed?”

Gilmore nodded. “Of course. When I rescued you from the Peach Secret Realm, I had already made up my mind to help cure your coldness.”

Then, Gilmore looked at Emma seriously and said, “However, when I remove the coldness in your body, I need your help. I wonder if you will agree to cooperate with me?”

What can I do for you, Mr. Reed?” asked Emma.

Gilmore said, “When I force out the coldness in your body with my power, you can’t wear anything to cover up your body.

“Only in this way can all the coldness be forced out. Otherwise, with clothes covering your pores when the coldness is being expelled, not only will I not be able to force out all the coldness, but you may even be in danger of dying immediately.

Emma heard that Gilmore could only force out the coldness in her body with her clothes off.

She thought of how she would be naked in front of Gilmore, a man.

Her pretty face flushed so red and her cheeks felt so hot that it was as if they were burning.

She was so shy that even her ears turned red.

Seeing the embarrassment on Emma’s face, Gilmore said, “Miss Gardner, I understand it’s really hard for you.

“However, this is the only way to force out all the coldness in your body.

“Also, please rest assured, Miss Gardner. I will never mention what happens between you and me today to anyone.

At this point, Gilmore glanced at the entrance of the cave. The light outside shone straight in.

He then said to Emma, “If you agree to let me force out the coldness in your body, I can seal the entrance of the cave.

As such, the cave would fall into total darkness. Even if you don’t have any clothes on you, you don’t have to be embarrassed.”

Hearing Gilmore’s suggestion, Emma also felt that it was a good idea.

The reason why she was embarrassed was that she had to face a man naked.

If the cave was sealed, she would feel less embarrassed in the darkness, even if she was naked.



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In addit, oma had been boking forward to curing her collness for many years

Thunder, no matter how embarrassed the was, as long as she could cure her coldness Emma was willing to endure it

Not to mention that he could that Clone was not trying take advantage of her

Therefore, Immma nodded at more

Seeing that Emma agreed to his proposal, Calmoes left the cave

As Gilmore left the cave suddenly, Emma was a little curious. What did he go out for?

Her question was answered soon enough.

A few minutes later, Gilmore returned with a boulder that was several feet long

. This boulder weighed at least several thousand pounds.

However, Gilmore carried it on his shoulder as easily as carrying a sack of rice.

Emma couldn’t help but be stunned at the sight.


Gilmore sealed the cave entrance tightly with the boulder he had brought back.

As the boulder sealed the cave entrance, the inside of the cave darkened immediately.

In the dark, Gilmore turned on the flashlight of his phone.

Then, he came to Emma and said, “We can start treating you now

However, when Emma saw that Gilmore’s phone was still lit, she whispered shyly, “Turn your phone off, Gilmore,”

Cilmore was lost for words.

However, Gilmore still turned his phone off according to Emma’s instructions.

With his God’s Eye. Gilmore could see everything clearly in the cave even in the dark.

But he would never tell Emma that

Otherwise, Emina would be embarrassed again

In the dark, rustling sounds could be heard as Emma took her clothes off.

Soon. Gilmore saw Emma in front of him with her clothes off, revealing her perfect figure.

In the dark. Emma said in a low voice, I’ve taken my clothes off. Mr. Reed

Although Gilmore had already seen it with his own eyes, he still replied, “Okay, let’s get started then.”


Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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