Making Her Remember(TTS#1)

Chapter 5

I opened my mouth to answer but I heard the jingles of keys from my porch and knew that either Amelia or Max have come home.

The door opened and we heard their heavy footsteps and hushed whispers. I excused myself from Brandon and went to greet them but stopped mid-step when I heard them talk about me.

“We can not tell Ember about this okay? If she knows then God knows what will happen.” Amelia told Max.

“I know that. But for how much time could we keep a secret from her? If she knows from someone else, then that would be a bigger catastrophe, don’t you think?” I caught hints of sarcasm from his voice.

But before Amelia could say anything else, I made my presence known to them. I made it look like I came from the kitchen and was not eavesdropping.

“Hey guys, I thought you wouldn’t be home until mid night.” I asked them. “It is mid night Ems.” Amelia gestured towards the clock and it read 12:05 AM.

“Oh, shit. I guess I was very tired and sleepy.” I shrugged and they took off their coats and hung them on the rack.

“You slept the whole day? So you didn’t do laundry?” they asked and I reluctantly shook my head. Of course, Brandon couldn’t have done that now. Not that I would want him too.

“It’s okay. How is your fever?” Amelia asked and moved to touch my forehead just like Brandon. That reminds me... “Guys, we have someo-”

“Ember, you are sick and you should rest. What is taking so lo-” Brandon cut me and himself when he saw that we had company. Amelia and Max let out a wolf-whistle when they saw him and suddenly I wanted to snatch their eyes and fit them at the back of their head.

Whoa, wait. We are not together.

Yet. Another voice spoke in my head.

Shut up.

“Daphne?” Brandon gasped and ran to Amelia to tackle her into a hug. I had to will myself not to strangle Amelia.

What is this possessiveness that I am having? And what the hell is it with him and these names. First Sylvia, then Daphne. At this rate he will change Max’s name to Maxine.

They exited the hug and Amelia still looked at him, shocked to the core, “I am sorry, but my name is Amelia. Do we know each other?”

Reality set in front of Brandon’s eyes and he stepped back, to his position besides me.

I so wanted to say, Good boy, but refrained myself.

“Oh, no.” he nervously laughed.

“I-I, uh, Ember told me about you and your-” his gaze faltered when he looked at Max, “Boyfriend?” He just gave a skeptical look to Brandon.

“What are you doing in my house? And that too this late with only Ember alone at home?” before I could blink, Max snatched me and stood in a protective stance in front me.

I rolled my eyes, here we go again. “Your house? I thought that she lived here alone or with Amelia. You live with them?” now he was getting angry too.

“I sure do. Whatcha gonna do about it?” Max challenged and Brandon clenched his fists.

If now was not the time to interfere then I don’t know which is.

“Stop you too.” I stood between the two and put my hands on both of their chests. When I touched Brandon’s I felt sparks and pulled my hand back.

“He is my boss. I called in sick and he came to cure me, okay? Nothing happened.”

“Boss? Why would a boss come to his employee’s homes and cure them? He must have some ulterior motive. Let me at him.” Max exclaimed and wanted to lunge forward but I moved fully in front of him and gave him my best glare.

He knew better than to speak in front of my glare. I heard some crunching and looked at Amelia who know had a bag of pop-corns and was munching on it as if there was a movie playing in front of her.

“NOOOOO. Don’t stop on my account. Just think I am not here. I am soo gonna enjoy this”. she said.

I just shook my head at her and turned towards them, only to find out that they both were gone. When did they even leave?

“Brandon? Max? Where are you both?” I asked. I looked back at Amelia and even she had disappeared.

This just keeps getting weirder and weirder.

“Hello? Anyone here? If this is one of your stupid pranks then you should know better to mess with me.” I asked around and went to the kitchen.

The scene around me changed. I was still standing in a kitchen but not mine, yet familiar.

I heard the sounds of feet and whirled around to find who it was.

My breath got caught in my throat she was the same girl from my dream.

“Oh good. You are here. Are you ready?” I asked, well my lost twin did.

“Are you talking to me?” I pointed to myself.

"Beautiful," a voice whispered behind me. “I mean, yeah sure, Sylvia.”

I turned again and saw Brandon and he was blushing. Where did he come from? And wait, Sylvia? Why is he calling her, Sylvia? Is it one of those weird twin stories were one twin dies and the other has amnesia and now her boyfriend wants her to remember? If not then what the hell is it? And why is it so familiar? As if I am the twin. As if I lived this scene in front of me.

Brandon walked towards her as if he was a puppy in love. They both went outside and I followed.

Their stood Amelia with another boy. He had olive skin with red hairs and green eyes like her and they were kissing.

I gasped but they didn’t notice me.

“Break it up you two.” Brandon scolded them and looked away.

The mystery man just chuckled, “Why? At least I can openly say that I am in love. You jealous?” he gave a knowing stare to him and then went to hug this Sylvia girl.

They seem close.

“Shut up, Nathan. Or I will put curfew on Daphne.” Brandon said with a victory smile but Nathan, or so I have heard, laughed and went to say something but the world around me shook.

Darkness invaded and engulfed me, waking me up with a start. I was gasping for air, as if I was drowning.

I looked around and was happy to see that I was back in the house and took a big sigh of relief.

“Thank god, Ems, you are awake. You gave me a fit.” Max sighed and sat near my legs, running his fingers in his hairs.

“What happened?” I asked when I got my breathing under control.

“We were talking one second and you were fainting the next. We got so scared about you. Brandon has gone to get you some medicine.” he replies and I gave him an assuring smile.

“It is okay. I am here right? Everything is fine.” I said and sat up to confront him.

Sometimes I think I am like a mom.

Just then Brandon entered the house and saw us like this. He stopped in his tracks and his eyes were filled with rage.

Great, now we have two angry young men.

He clenched his fists and jaw so hard, I thought that it was gonna break. He cleared his throat loudly and Max moved away from me and looked at him. He stood up and walked towards him. I stood up too since I thought that he was going to fight again but he didn’t.

“Thanks man, for taking care of her.” Max said taking Brandon and me both with surprise but Brandon recovered sooner than me and shook his out-stretched hand.

“Any time man.” he nodded, hesitantly.

“Sure.” he said and walked around him to walk upstairs.

“Oh, I forgot. Let’s go out sometime, together.”

“Yeah, sure dude. Take my number from Ember.” Brandon turned towards him and replied, clearly not understanding his meaning of together.

I put my hand on my mouth to stifle my laugh. Max grinned too and rushed to his room.

When he turned back to me I couldn’t control myself and started laughing.

“What’s so funny?” he asked, confused which did nothing to stop my laughing fit. He is so innocent at times.

“Oh, Brandon. I don’t think I can go out on a date with you now.” I said, trying to keep a straight face after I had recovered from laughing.

His face morphed into concern and he rushed towards me to hold my shoulders and furrowed his brows.

“Why? What did I do wrong? I apologize. Please, don’t cancel the da-” I cut him off of his rambling by putting a hand on his mouth and again stifled my laugh by biting my tongue.

“Well, because you have a date with another person.” I said and feigned disappointment and looked away.

“What? Who the hell told you that?” he shook me vigorously.

“Umm, you just agreed to go on a date with Max, just now.” I said and again looked away.

“The hell, Ember. We are going to hang-out, that doesn’t mean...” he trailed off and his eyes widened in fear and realization.

“Shit, he is gay? I mean I don’t have anything against them. I love gay people. I mean, not in that way but I find them cool. Oh god, I am so not helping myself right?” he groaned and I laughed again, this time holding my stomach.

Tears were leaving my eyes by the time I called it quits and Brandon just stood there and glared at me.

“You are so gullible.” I say and pat his cheeks. “Now, get out of my house.”

“What?” he shrieked.

“Why? I will call it quits with him, not that there is anything but, please don’t throw me out.” he pleaded and I started pushing him away from me towards the door. He was so heavy.

“What do you even eat? Boulders?” I asked and stopped to catch my breath and found ourself standing on the threshold of the house.

He dropped down to his knees in front of me and looked like a lost puppy, with his hands folded in front of him.

I groaned and said, “Don’t you want to have some sleep? For our date?” his eyes widened and he stood up abruptly to say something but I shut the door in his face and leaned towards it with my forehead on it and sighed happily.

I heard his light laugh on the other side and a light thud, indicating he put his forehead on the door too. He was murmuring something but I couldn’t quite catch it.

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