Make a Wish

Chapter Chapter Eleven

Lost in thought, the young princess stares out the window of her bedroom in Ethereal’s layer. A soft breeze ruffles the trees of the crystal cove that guards them from the rest of the world. Above it all, the sun sets, painting a complex, extravagant portrait of pink and gold pastel colours in the sky. Such serenity reminds her of her old home. The peace the sky holds, it swallows up all of your worries, despite the harsh cruel world that reigns down below.

Before facing Abdelus, there is still one more thing she must do.

Zassul stands before her, observing her troubled state. “What’s wrong?” He asks her.

A soft sigh escapes her. “I’m trying to work up the courage to speak to my parents. I’ve been avoiding them for long enough. I need you to come with me so they can see for themselves. No more secrets.”

Zassul nods in response. “If that is what you wish.”

The young princess takes a deep breath in, preparing herself. This could go two ways and she already has an idea that the first outcome is more likely to happen. Her parents will react negatively to him and reject him. But regardless, she must face them and let them know that their daughter is alright.

The walk to where they are being held is long and silent. The footsteps of the young princess and Zassul echo along the halls of Ethereal’s crystal layer. All seems to fall silent as the tension stirs. Even the wind seizes as the young princess’ anxiety grows. Even though she has control of her fate now, she still wants her parents to accept her decision. If they don’t, she doesn’t know what to do next. She will never leave Zassul or give up her relationship with him.

Light peeks out from a doorway that is half covered by the cracked open door. The young princess can hear the soft sobs of her mother. She can feel her heart sink into her chest. She looks up at Zassul who stands close beside her.

Stepping inside, her eyes fall onto her parents. Just as Ethereal said, they’re frightened, but alright. Her mother cries into her father’s shoulders. They haven’t noticed her yet.

Her heels clack against the hard floor and she approaches them. Their eyes fall onto her for a split second before they immediately notice the djinn that stands beside their daughter.

“I’m so relieved you’re alright.” She speaks to them, but there is no response. They are too focused on her companion. “You don’t have to be afraid of him. He saved us. He saved me.”

Unwilling to be subjected to the tense atmosphere any longer, Zassul steps away from the young princess. “I think you should do this alone.” He tells her. “Call me when you need me again.” Within a flash of purple light, he disappears.

The young princess almost loses her courage seeing him go. But she can’t blame him for not wanting to be here. This is one of the battles she must face alone.

Her mother stutters her name. Her voice breaks as she speaks, trying to fight past her wild emotions.

The young princess’ father cuts in. “What is that beast!?”

“I’ve been gone for weeks and this is your reaction? I’ve been so worried about you.” The young princess sighs at their reaction. She knew it would come to this.

“My worst fear is coming true. I prayed and I prayed when you disappeared. Your father and I were trapped in that tiny barrier the entire time. The last thing I saw were those demons that destroyed the castle. That man, he’s the Devil, isn’t he?”

The young princess forces herself to stay calm. “He is not. But he isn’t human. He’s a djinn. However, if it weren’t for him, you’d still be trapped in Abdelus’ castle.”

The young princess’ mother sighs in disappointment. “He’s after your power. That’s all.”

“So you do know!?” The young princess leans forward, eager to know what her true history is. All she has is what Samawi told her and what she has learned from Ethereal. But she needs to hear it from her parents. “Please! You have to tell me!”

“I prayed I’d never have to reveal this side of the family to you. Your great, great grandmother was referred to as a Gifted Maiden. Her name was Samawi. When she died, her origins died with her. She was able to give up her powers so no demons would further pursue her. However, when you were born, her powers resided within you, proving that the gifted bloodline could never be destroyed. But, due to her desire to give up her powers, the power within you is only half of what a true gifted maiden possesses. But you still have it in you, which means you and your future children will forever have a target on your backs. That is why I kept this from you. But now our fears have come true. We couldn’t hide you from the demons.”

The young princess can feel nothing but relief. Her questions have finally been answered. “All I wanted was the truth.” She tells her mother.

“Well, now you have it.” Her father says. “​​I blame myself. I should have known about Abdelus.”

“There was nothing we could have done to stop him. He’s known about me for years. Everyone has…except for me.” Even though she finally knows the truth, the young princess is still frustrated that she was left so far in the dark.

Her mother slowly nods. “We were wrong for keeping this from you. But we did what we thought was best. You were never supposed to inherit your grandmother’s powers. Now your life is in danger.”

“But now that you know how to use your powers, we can get you out of here.” Her father eagerly says to her.

The young princess leans back on her heels. “No! I don’t want to leave!”

“What are you talking about!?”

“He’s brainwashed you!” Her mother exclaims.

Just as she thought, her parents refuse to accept her desires. Even though she finally received the truth from them, they still won’t accept Zassul. “He hasn’t brainwashed me! I agreed to give my power to him!”

“Don’t be ridiculous!” Her mother begins to yell at her which causes her father to as well. “You can’t make a deal with that monster! He wants to destroy the world!”

“That’s enough!” She cuts the both of them off. “He has been nothing but kind to me! If it weren’t for him, I’d be in the hands of Abdelus! And not just that! He’s the only one who has been honest with me and he actually cares about my feelings!”

Her parents refuse to give up on their decision. “He’s deceiving you!” Her mother tells her.

“Your mother is right! We need to get you out of here!”

The young princess evades her parents as they try to grab her. “And go where!?

“We’ll take you to our imam!”

“No! I’m staying here!” She finally makes a stand for herself. She refuses to let anyone else control her destiny. She already made up her mind. She is staying with Zassul no matter what. Her time here is not over. She cannot just run and leave Abdelus’ reign unattended.

“Do you even hear yourself?” Her mother asks her in shock.

“Yes! You are stuck here until Abdelus has been taken care of!” She turns her back on her parents and exits the room. She refuses to be persuaded. She doesn’t need their support. She had hoped for it, and it pains her to walk away from her parents. But she cannot abandon this fight and run. It’s all she has done since day one of this hell.

The cool breeze grazes her hot skin as she steps outside into the grove. She just needs a minute to collect herself. She refuses to allow any tears to fall. Her parents are alive, that is all that matters. She needs to prepare herself for the final battle.

A flash of purple light appears within the grove. Zassul stands before her, his tall height shading her from the luminescent light of the crystal grove. “Are you alright?” He asks her.

Her jaw clenches tightly, ready to snap in half. She can’t even swallow or she’ll be choked by the heavy block in her throat. Blinded by tears, she can’t even look up at him. “No…” Her voice breaks. As it does, her tears hit the grass beneath her feet. The cool breeze is cut off by the warmth Zassul grants her as he holds her tightly against his chest. “My parents won’t listen…”

“I told you before, I won’t let you carry this burden alone.”

She’s still emotionally numb, but deep down, within her sadness, she’s overjoyed that she has such a loyal companion. “I know what I need to do. I’m not ready, but I have to do it. I’m ready to give my power to you.”

It’s another fear she has to overcome. But she collects herself and wipes away her tears. It’s an awkward feeling. She can already feel her body reacting to what is to come as she enters the bedroom with him.

“Don’t be scared.” He gently tells her as he lifts her off of her feet and places her back against the bed. Grabbing her legs, he lifts them onto his hips so he can rest in between her legs. He leans in and places his lips against hers, sending sparks throughout her body. Her face lights on fire as his heavy bulge slowly raises in his pants and applies pressure in between her legs. It’s as if her heart is going to pound out of her chest. It beats rapidly due to their close proximity.

His body heat travels along her skin, causing her blood to boil. More sparks begin to shoot through her body. She breathes in a swift breath of air, taking in his scent, his lips, everything about him. As she does, she feels her entire body relax.

Even more pressure is applied in between her legs as she feels him penetrate her. Her body tenses up again as he forcibly stretches her open. She can feel a mixture of pain and pleasure. The tingling sensation she feels comes from him, his magic helping ease the pain.

Sweat trickles down their bodies as they mould together as one flesh. The young princess can’t help but shiver as she hears him whisper her name. All of her worries wash away. All she can think or feel is her soulmate, Zassul.

Hours have passed and the two lie together in bed. One is fast asleep, but the other can’t help but remain deep in thought. The young princess rests against Zassul’s chest, her mind still on what is to come. All is silent except for the soft ambiance of nightlife outside in the ancient grove. The luminescent light adds a dim path through the window of their bedroom.

The young princess tries to be as quiet and gentle as possible as she removes herself from Zassul’s arms. She wraps her nightgown back around her and approaches the window, taking in the breathtaking sight of the grove at night. Its blue light shines radiantly, silver fireflies floating around the sparkling stream that cuts through the ground. She tries to take it all in one last time. When the sun rises, she won’t wait any longer. She will confront Abdelus.

“Are you alright?” Zassul’s soft voice pulls her out of her thoughts. He sits down beside her near the window.

The young princess awkwardly rubs her neck. “Yes, just lost in thought. I just can’t help but wonder how this will end.”

“We confront him together. Now that your parents are safe, we don’t have anything holding us back.”

A soft smile stretches across her face from his comforting presence. However, it quickly fades as the final battle creeps closer. “He was just so powerful when I used my magic against him. I’m scared to face him again.”

“Don’t be.”

He says it as if it’s just that simple. The young princess admires his courage. It’s comforting. She tries to hold onto it. If she loses her courage during the fight, it’s all over.

The ground suddenly begins to rumble under them. After it comes a massive explosion that throws the both of them off of their feet. Zassul shields the young princess from the aftershock that shatters the window into pieces.

“Or he’ll come to us.” Zassul grumbles through his teeth.

An eerie aura cuts through the room, the energy like a black hole trying to suck in everything around it.

“Get your gear on, now!” He orders her. He helps her to her feet and nudges her forward.

The young princess moves on shaking legs. There is no more time. Abdelus is bringing the fight to them.

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