Maiden of Midnight

Chapter Lilith


My hatred was tangible as I crouched behind a bush in the garden I had once loved so much, but now wished nothing but a plague on. I watched as Eve was led away by that snake and I smiled as Seraphina’s light moved in the clouds above them, watching Eve as she listened to the creature, her hand reaching towards the apple that hung from the lowest bough in the tree. As she bit into it, I moved swiftly, leaping onto the dirt there and held my right hand out, the curved dagger in my other. Seraphina had been so quick to curse me, well today was the day I got my revenge. I brought that dagger to my palm and my blood spilt on the ground at the same time Eve was struck by Seraphina’s magic and she screamed at the appearance of the Archangel. I watched my blood sink into the earth as Eve was cursed - just like I was, and I watched Adam come running from afar. My hatred lessened and unbidden love washed through me at the sight of him. A deep rumbling began from beneath my feet as Eve and Adam disappeared from the garden and I knew instantly that they had also been banned from the home they had grown up in. They would also be banished to wander the earth. The ground split and my first child rose up through the dirt. I smiled in glee as Seraphina sensed the presence and disappeared back to her Heaven as I looked over my child. The worlds’ first Demon possessed a long, scaled body like a snake, teeth from a shark and nine tails. With my blood still dripping onto the earth, I named it: Streaker.

And from there, more Demons rose, following me as I moved through the garden and they destroyed it. Beneath their bodies, trees were crushed, plants were destroyed and animals slaughtered. Heaven would bow to ME!

But my longing for revenge was not sated. No, I was still lonely - sentenced to wander the earth forever. No, with Seraphina out of the way, I would summon a series of Demons far more powerful than that of my Streakers or Mockers or Titanclass. I would create the Lords of Hell and they would be my brothers. From there, we would populate the earth with our family lines. They would have children, and their children would have children. I would get my final revenge: the fall of Heaven’s rule and the claiming of the remaining Dimensions. From what I knew, there were only three existing Dimensions. Earth, Hell and Heaven. I would rule over them alongside my brothers, who would be the flesh incarnations of the Seven Sins. Seraphina dared name me a Demon? Fine, I would show her exactly what a Demon was, and then I would take back my lover from the foolishly gullible girl who had gotten both of them banished from the garden.

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