Magi’s Path (Aether’s Revival Book 3)

Magi’s Path: Chapter 78

“Do we go back up to the seats?” Jenn asked as they started putting their gear away.


“I’m not positive. We had boxes last tournament,” Gregory said. “I’m sure someone will tell us.”


Mindie came into the room behind them. “Congratulations.”


“Thank you, Mindie,” Gregory grinned.


“You were a bit more savage than I thought you’d be. Shun’s throat was badly bruised according to Magus Klim. Parks had a stressed neck, but that was easy. Argon was a mess, his skull was cracked and there was swelling in his brain.”


“I checked my swing, a little,” Jenn said grimly. “I almost didn’t. If I hadn’t, he’d have been worse.”


Mindie bowed her head. “Considering how they were to the others, I won’t speak against it. You showed them greater mercy than they gave.”


“We need to stop being merciful,” Gregory said softly, “though if Grandmaster Yunlo had been worried about Jason, he would have teleported him away like he had others.”


Mindie nodded slowly. “That’s a good point. You went through the entire tournament causing as little lasting harm as you could… Your clan has shown that strength isn’t about harming others.”


All three of them smiled, and Gregory replied, “Thanks, Mindie. We feel that things could change if people tried.”


“The guards for you will be here shortly,” Mindie said.


“I hear boots,” Yukiko said, then saw Mindie’s ears twitch.


Mindie blinked, then bowed her head. “Yes. I forget that you’re like me.”


“I’ve dealt with many of the same issues that you have,” Yukiko said softly, “except for your mother. I would have been heartbroken…”


Mindie’s eyes glimmered and she bowed her head. “Thank you. I heal in her name.”


They all turned when the sound of boots on the stairs grew louder, facing the guards coming into the room. Leading them was Sergeant Willof, who nodded to them. “Aether’s Guard, we are here to escort you to a waiting area until it is time for you to be brought out for the ceremony.”


“Thank you, Sergeant. I’m curious why it’s you and your men? The last two times, it’s been a captain,” Yukiko said. “Not that I’m complaining. I know we’ll be in capable hands.”


“The captains are stewarding the novices, and I volunteered my men to assist,” Willof replied. “I can see about getting another—”


“No,” Gregory said quickly. “We have no desire for anyone but your men, who’ve proven themselves capable and honorable, to be our shield.”


All of the guards seemed to stand up a little straighter, and Willof nodded. “Very well. Follow me, please. My men will fall in around you.”


“Thank you again, Mindie,” Yukiko said, giving the healer a smile. “You’re an amazing healer, and I’m sure she would be proud of you.”


Mindie’s eyes glimmered more and she bowed again. “Thank you. I hope you have a good evening.”


“Lead on, Sergeant,” Gregory said, going to stand near the guards.


They went down the long hall and into a room Gregory had never paid much attention to before. Inside, there were a dozen chairs and two tables, which had various bottles and glasses waiting to be used.


“Spread out and secure,” Willof said when he opened the door.


His men ushered the trio in, then took up stations around the room, with two of them staying outside. Willof took up position next to the inside of the door.


“Thank you, Sergeant,” Jenn said. “We just wait here until it’s time?”


“Yes. Someone will come and inform us when it’s time to take you back to the preparation room.”


“Sergeant, are we going out at the same time as the novice champion?” Gregory asked.




“Does that mean the second-place novice goes up with the Eternal Flame?”


“Normally, yes, sir. However, in the past, if the council believed there might be trouble, they have been taken up separately.”


“I hope they do that this time,” Yukiko said. “Daciana won’t get along with them at all, and if they’re speaking the way they normally do, she would be hard-pressed to stay calm.”


Willof didn’t reply.


“Nothing we can do but wait,” Gregory said, moving over to see what they had to drink.




Time slipped away as they sat there, but they could hear the faint sound of cheers, and the room occasionally trembled. Eventually, there was a knock on the door. Willof answered it, speaking to someone before nodding.


“Men, be ready to move,” Willof addressed them. “Champions, it is time. Please follow me.”


As the three of them followed Willof, Jenn spoke to her lovers, “Should we display our medallions?”


“Oh, that would cause a stir,” Gregory chuckled.


“Does it do anything for us?” Yukiko asked.


“It shows that Aether’s Guard has advanced past every other clan,” Jenn said.


“Hmm… That would raise the clan’s reputation,” Yukiko mused.


“Let’s do it,” Gregory said. “Anything we can do to make the clan look better is good.”


“Should we wait until we’re heading up to the arena floor? Keep it secret until then?” Jenn asked, looking around the hallways with people moving about.


“Yes,” Gregory agreed.


“I can’t wait to see the expressions when people see our medallions,” Yukiko giggled.


Willof led them down into the preparation room where Nessa and her guards were already waiting. “Spread out and wait,” he commanded his men before going across the room to the far stairs and speaking with the captain there.


“Well done, Nessa,” Yukiko said, hugging her friend before stepping a few feet back.


“Thank you,” Nessa beamed. “I thought Daciana had me a few times, but I wasn’t going to give up.”


“You both fought well,” Jenn said, going to stand beside Yukiko. “How did she take it?”


“Better than I feared. She was smiling and promising to beat me next time, but I didn’t see any hurt in her.”


“Good,” Gregory said. He stayed a few feet farther back than the other two, all too aware of the guards watching them. “She’s a good friend. How is Victoria?”


“She gave Daciana some grief, but it was all in good fun. Daciana reminded her that she beat her, or she would have been the one to lose to me.” Nessa looked at the guards, understanding why Jenn and Gregory hadn’t hugged her. “The three of us have been speaking about joining a clan together.”


A few guards shifted before going still again.


“Hmm… I’ve heard similar things have happened in the past,” Yukiko said with a hint of a smile on her lips. “I’m sure the clan will be overjoyed to accept the champion novice, as well as the runner-up and one of the final four.”


“Hard to believe anyone would object to that… well, besides the clans you don’t join,” Jenn said.


“Form up,” Willof commanded.


The men all moved to stand by the stairs in two lines.


“Follow the guards, and remember to wave to the crowd,” Yukiko told Nessa.


The cheering echoed down the hall, growing louder as they walked. As the guards split apart, forming a path at the end of the tunnel, Nessa was breathing a little fast. If not for her friends right behind her, she would have been panicking more.


The cheers rose even higher when Nessa, Gregory, Yukiko, and Jenn exited the tunnel. The ground shook with the stomping feet of the stands, and Nessa’s ears laid back due to the sheer noise. She unconsciously matched pace with the guards on the walk out, keeping that same speed as she approached the middle of the arena where everyone was standing. She stopped a few feet away from the council. Gregory lined up beside her, with his wives filling out the small line.


The elder gave the crowd a moment before she raised her hand, and everything went quiet. “Novice Jimae, you have bested your peers and have risen to take the place of champion. You surprised your opponents and caused a stir among those who watched you and your creative solutions to dangerous situations. Your rewards for being the champion are the greatest any novice could hope to attain— besides the alchemical aides you will receive and your novice classes considered successfully passed, allowing you to train as you see fit, you will also be allowed to seek the counsel of the council once per member. Use these moments wisely. The strong rise to the top and grow stronger. That is the way of the magi.”


The crowd erupted with louder cheers and the elder let them continue for a moment before raising her hand again.


“Honored council,” Nessa began, her voice shaking briefly, “I wasn’t sure I’d be standing here. My competition was fierce, and I was pushed to excel. My friends kept me striving for more while my instructors helped shape my learning. If not for them and the council’s firm hand guiding us all, I don’t know if I would have succeeded. Thank you, honored magi.” Nessa bowed deeply to the council.


Again, the crowd roared their approval.


After a minute, Elder Cho raised her hand for silence again. She turned to the apprentices of Aether’s Guard and, when her eyes fell on their medallions, her eyebrows rose. With a questioning look, she stared at them before saying, “Apprentices of Aether’s Guard, you have prevailed over your adversaries and claimed the top spot of this tournament. Your teamwork was exemplary and should be acknowledged so others may learn from it. Your clan accrues honor for your achievement, and your rewards will reflect that.”


“Honored council,” Gregory started when the crowd quieted again, “we are honored to stand here before you as champions. Our clan has supported us and pushed us to excel. Our teachers have inspired us to do everything we can and then try for more. All of this is only possible because of the environment you have fostered inside the walls of this great institution. We will do our best to show those of Buldoun the greatness of the academy and of the empire.”


Elder Cho nodded, smiling. She quieted the crowd again. “People of the empire and fellow magi, these are your champions. Celebrate their success and know that it is magi like this, striving for greatness, that will keep the empire safe and strong,” she announced, then stepped back from the groups, mirrored by the grandmasters. “Let the celebration begin and not end until tomorrow night!”


Once Elder Cho was done speaking, Grandmaster Yunlo motioned with his hand and the council vanished from the arena floor.


With them gone, Gregory leaned in slightly to Nessa so she could hear him over the crowd, “Back to the waiting area.” Turning on his heel, Gregory led his wives and Nessa back to the guards.


When they reached the room, the four of them were all smiles. They kept a little distance to keep up the look of things with the guards watching them. “We have a clan dinner to attend,” Gregory apologized. “I hope you and your friends find a clan to suit you.”


“I’m sure we will,” Nessa grinned. “That’ll be tomorrow, though. Tonight, friends of my family have arranged a feast for us at my parent’s home. We will celebrate and toast to them for all they’ve done for us.”


“Enjoy the meal,” Yukiko smiled.


“You, as well,” Nessa said. She almost took a step forward to hug her, but settled back.


“Sergeant, we’re ready,” Gregory said, turning toward Willof.


“Yes, sir. If you would follow me, please,” Willof said, heading for the door.


Willof led them out of the arena and back to their clan hall. After goodbyes and thank yous were given, Gregory led his wives into the building to find everyone waiting for them.


“Well done,” Lightshield said. “Now, we won’t ask our guests to bathe— though they may of course do so, if they wish— but for you and the rest of us, a bath is in order before the feast. Warlins, Bean, do you care to bathe before dinner?”


“I’ve heard it is a clan rule,” Yoo-jin said. “I’d be glad to clean up before dinner.”


“Oh, I haven’t had a bath with my little girl in years,” Umbrose smiled, earning a groan from Jenn. “Please.”


“Very well,” Lightshield said. “Dia, if you will guide our guests. Hao, if I may be informal, will you follow me?”


“Of course,” Hao said.




The bath didn’t take long, as nobody lounged excessively. When they were all gathered in the dining room, they were presented with a feast by the staff who had helped prepare it. Conversation was muted, as Lightshield asked that they focus on the food first.


Once the meal had wound down, Lightshield cleared his throat. “Now that we are fit to burst, we can proceed to the giving of appreciation to our champions.”


All eyes went to Lightshield, and the staff rose to gather the dishes.


“Our apprentices do not know what the council gives to them, but to start with, they receive alchemical aides, not that you will need them,” Lightshield said.


“Can we gift them to the new members who will be joining us?” Yukiko asked when Lightshield paused.


“That is very generous. Yes, but the clan will compensate you for it,” Lightshield smiled. “Additionally, you are all awarded a certificate to Shieldbreaker’s Armory where the grandmaster himself will make you a weapon. We will arrange for you to see him in the coming days. These weapons should last you through your mandated posting for the empire, though some have found a weapon to replace them before then.” His eyes went to Bishop, who bowed her head to him.


“The council is generous,” Yukiko said.


“To the strong, yes,” Lightshield replied. “That is what you get from the academy. From the clan, whose name you have helped raise, there is an equal gift— a weapon is good, but armor to keep you healthy is better. The same day that you speak with the grandmaster about your weapons, we will have you visit Aether’s Shield. The grandmaster in charge there will see you outfitted with armor that suits you. This way, when you go off next year to lead your men, you will be geared appropriately.”


“I’ve seen armor from Aether’s Shield before, Elder. That is a generous gift,” Hao said, bowing his head. “My daughter’s safety is something I think no price is too high for, so my deepest thanks.”


Lightshield inclined his head back to Hao. “That is all we have to gift you with at this time, but the solstice is close, and you know about the gifts that can be found during that time.”


“Thank you, Elder,” they said, bowing their heads to him.


“That is all for the festivities. You may now relax and spend time with your family. As this is possibly the last time you will see each other until your time with the empire is over, I suggest you treasure this night.” Lightshield pushed himself to his feet with a muffled grunt before taking his cane and limping away from the table. He paused in the doorway. “Bishop, Dia, if I might speak with you both in my office?”


“Of course,” they said, getting up and following him.


“Why don’t you show us your room and we can spend the time speaking there?” Yoo-jin suggested.


“We’ll prepare some tea for you,” Velma said from the kitchen.


“Thank you,” Yoo-jin smiled. “I am most appreciative.”

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