Magi’s Path (Aether’s Revival Book 3)

Magi’s Path: Chapter 23

The days passed by slowly as they took the tedious journey back to Wesrik, then the academy, in regular carriages. All three apprentices were grateful to Dia, who had brought a few books along that they could read. They only paused in the evenings to sleep and have a hot meal before leaving the next morning.


The three lovers spent their nights together, getting even more comfortable with their new relationship. Gregory was happy that both Yukiko and Jenn were indeed comfortable with each other— they proved it to him a few times when he needed a rest during their lovemaking.


They took the time to examine the medallion from Aether’s temple. Gregory let them know that he was going to ask about ryuite at the academy archive when they returned. Yukiko suggested they also have Murium look over the clan archive, and Jenn suggested that they should also look into the iconography of the symbol on the temple and the altar.


They arrived back at the academy very late at night. The gate guards took a while before they approved them for entry into the academy grounds. They washed, ate the snacks that had been left out for them, then went to bed, Gregory, Yukiko, and Jenn all going to what had been his old room. 



Waking up the next morning, Gregory smiled at Jenn and Yukiko both still sleeping on his chest. The two women were inches apart, noses nearly touching on his sternum. Yukiko shifted in her sleep, hitching her leg over his and letting out a soft murmur. That caused Jenn to stir slightly, her leg tightening on his other leg. He gazed at them fondly, then stroked their hair, lifting his head just enough to kiss the tops of theirs.


Jenn was the first to mumble, “Is it time to wake?”


“It feels right,” Gregory said.


“It’s a pleasant way to wake up,” Yukiko murmured, blinking. “Good morning to you, Jenn.” She leaned into Gregory more to give Jenn a kiss.


The third bell ringing broke the kiss. Yukiko sighed as she got out of the bedroll, and Jenn grumbled slightly as she went out the other way. Gregory had to agree with their sentiment— he would rather stay right where they’d been, but they’d promised to keep to their training regimen.


“Think they’ve kept at it?” Gregory asked as he stood and rolled their bedding up.


“Yes,” Yukiko said. “They both have goals and know that they need to be strong to even have a hope of those dreams coming true.”


“They were motivated when we left,” Jenn added. “The ring should have spurred them to do more.”


Gregory thought about giving Daciana and Nessa the ring to help them train. “I hope it helped them and didn’t force them strictly to the mind path.”


“They’re intent on joining us… our clan, that is,” Yukiko said. “If you think they’re worthy, I’m sure Darkness will help them.”


“I’d like anyone who has the best intentions for the clan to succeed,” Gregory said. “We need to grow strong. Everyone in the clan does. I’m sure that Nick and the others will be trying even harder to tear us down this year.”


“Are we taking the figurines?” Jenn asked as she got her obi on.


“Yes. I look forward to seeing them again,” Yukiko smiled.


“Me, too,” Jenn grinned.


“Me, three?” Gregory half-asked.


The women snickered as they finished getting dressed. “We’ll meet you downstairs, dear one,” Yukiko said.


“I’ll be down as soon as I’m dressed,” Gregory told her, having just finished getting their bedding in order.


“We’ll have breakfast ordered for you,” Yukiko said as she and Jenn went to leave.


“I wonder who’s cooking today?” Jenn was asking when the door shut.




Gregory was surprised to see who was sitting with Yukiko, Jenn, and Dia when he entered the dining area. “Proctor, it’s good to see you again.”


“I’m not a proctor anymore, Pettit,” Bishop said. “Our elder has another task for me now.”


“Samantha is going to be teaching Jenn physical enhancement magic,” Dia said.


“That’s good news,” Gregory smiled.


“I’m going to be as hard or harder than Master Chen was,” Bishop said, looking at Jenn. “I hope you’re ready.”


“I’ll give you everything I have,” Jenn replied, bowing her head.


“Who is the instructor for our tactics class going to be?” Gregory asked as he took his seat.


“Egil Magi-killer has volunteered to teach that this year,” Dia said.


“Egil?” Gregory grinned. “I look forward to that class.”


“However, among his assistants is an old friend of Samantha’s.”


Bishop frowned, then sighed. “Harrison?”


“Yes,” Dia said. “I found the announcement this morning. Did you have another duel with him?”


“Not this year. He came in before or after I did.”


“Master Damon must have been happy,” Dia smiled.


“He was, but that was because of the novice I brought in,” Bishop replied. “Spatial magic is normally rare… little did I know there had been two last year. If this keeps up, maybe it’ll be as common as fire.”


“Someone from home?” Gregory asked.


“No, not someone from Alturis,” Bishop replied, her face impassive, “though they did come from the fringe like you.”


“Breakfast is served,” Velma said, bringing over their food and setting it out.


“I heard about you nearly repeating as champion,” Bishop said. “I will be looking to test your skill with the naginata later.”


“As you wish, Magus,” Gregory bowed his head.


“The food is here. Save the talk for later,” Dia said mildly.


Silence fell at Dia’s request, allowing them to enjoy their breakfast.




“I’m sure they’re already here, or will be shortly,” Gregory said as they entered the archive.


“Apprentices, it’s good to see you again,” Rafiq smiled. “Has your time away been informative?”


“It was,” Yukiko replied. “Has the archive been quiet?”


“Very. The only ones we could count on seeing are your friends,” Rafiq replied. “The apprentices almost never come. In fact, only a few without clans have appeared at all. The new novices, besides your friends… maybe a handful a week? With classes about to start, we will see a few more novices who wish to get ahead of the teachers.”


“Are they here?” Jenn asked.


“No, but they will be shortly,” Rafiq grinned. “What would you like to study?”


“We saw a temple of Aether,” Gregory said. “It had an image carved into it. Is there anything on that iconography I can read about?”


Rafiq frowned, then nodded. “Yes, but that book doesn’t leave the second floor. That floor is for apprentices. The books and scrolls there have been deemed not suitable for the novices.”


Gregory sighed. “I see. I’ll pass on that today then, as I do wish to see my friends. Is there a scroll on ryuite?”


“We wondered when you would ask about that stone,” Rafiq said. “I will have a tome suitable for this floor brought to you, but there are others above.”


“That will do for now. Thank you.”


“Can I see anything on a magi having multiple wives?” Jenn asked. “Especially if there’s precedence for an adept with multiple magi wives.”


Rafiq looked at her for a long moment. “I’ll have to check, as I’m not sure if it has happened before. Would you care for something else in the meantime?”


“Anything on mythrum, please.”


“Very well,” Rafiq said.


“Hmm… I need something for this floor,” Yukiko said. “I’ll do what we have not done in some time— please bring me what you think would best help me.”


“A lot of responsibility with that request. I will do my best.”


“Thank you,” Yukiko smiled. “We’ll be at our table, waiting for our friends.”


“I will have the books brought shortly,” Rafiq replied.


“Thank you,” the three replied before heading into the archive.


They were pulling out paper and ink when Yukiko looked up and smiled. “Nessa, Daciana, and who might you be?”


“Victoria Wilson,” a feminine voice replied.


The name and voice sounded vaguely familiar, and when Gregory looked behind him, he saw her. Blonde hair in twin braids, eyes that looked purple but also blue at times, and a soft smile on full lips. A memory clicked into place— her bringing him hot water to wash his clothes when he was at the inn in Linom.


“How’s your father?” Gregory asked.


“He is well. The proctor was right. No reprisals came from him telling the truth.”


All four of the women looked between Victoria and Gregory, clearly curious.


“Victoria is the daughter of an inn owner in Linom,” Gregory explained. “I don’t recall the name of the inn, though, I’m sorry. I know you brought me water to wash my clothes with, but there’s something else I can’t quite remember, as well.”


“When Otus attacked you, I cared for you while your aether repaired the damage,” Victoria said softly, a secretive smile on her lips. “I sat up with you all night.”


“You gave me water,” Gregory said. The memory was a little hazy, but he recalled soft hands stroking his hair and a mug of water.




“Thank you,” Gregory said. “Let me introduce you. Yukiko Warl… err… Pettit,” he paused and looked at Yukiko. “Not used to that yet.”


“Neither am I, dear one,” Yukiko smiled at him. “Pettit is correct now that we’re married.”


“And Jenn B… Pettit,” Gregory said, correcting himself again.


All the novices stared at them. Victoria was in complete shock that he was married, much less twice over. Daciana and Nessa both got over their minor shock quickly and went over to hug Jenn, congratulating her.


“When did it happen?” Daciana asked as she sat next to Jenn instead of at the other table. “Was it romantic?”


“If you want to tell us,” Nessa said, staring at Daciana.


Jenn gave them a smile. “I don’t mind. It’s not much of a story, honestly. Yuki and I told him about my wish to marry him, and after a bit of worry that it might hurt one of us, he agreed. The priest at the temple of Aether did the small ceremony and we registered the papers in Waterrock. It’s been less than two weeks.”


“How did you and Victoria meet?” Yukiko asked.


Nessa and Victoria took the empty seats at the table, putting Victoria at the far end of the table, and Nessa next to Yukiko. “She came in just a few days ago,” Nessa said. “We were returning to the dormitory when we heard her proctor saying that her last novice had nearly won both tournaments. So, later that night, we approached her to find out if she was talking about Greg, Jenn, or you.”


Daciana grinned. “I told you it was a good idea.”


“It was, obviously, Daciana’s idea to approach her,” Nessa said with an eye roll. “As I was saying, we approached her or, rather, tried to. She was being harassed by some of our least favorite novices because she’s a fringer.”


“They were very rude,” Victoria said. “They backed down when Daciana growled, though,” she giggled. “Especially the one… who was he again?”


“Peter,” Nessa replied. “The same one Daciana fought before. It’s as if he thinks anyone who doesn’t hang on him is trash.”


“We know a few people like that,” Gregory said.


“Peter backed down right away. Went a little pale, in fact,” Victoria smiled. “To be fair, if I had heard that from directly behind me, I might have been concerned.”


Daciana looked a little embarrassed. “It slipped out.”


“Once they left, we struck up a conversation,” Nessa went on, helping her friend. “Considering the things that we have in common and the harassment she was already getting, we invited her to join our training.”


“She’s thrown herself into it,” Daciana said approvingly.


“Welcome to the study group, Victoria,” Yukiko said, giving the new woman an appraising look. “We need to begin on the Magi Squares.”


“The ring has been helpful,” Nessa said as she got out paper and ink. “We’re letting Victoria have it for a few weeks so she can catch up easier.”


“It was a lucky find,” Yukiko grinned. “It’ll be good if your friend is even with you in training.” She looked at Victoria. “Don’t worry about starting late. If you apply yourself fully, I’m sure you’ll be able to shine as brightly as they do.”


Victoria bowed her head to Yukiko. “Thank you. I will do my best.”




Leaving the archive, the six of them gave Rafiq a smile and wave.


“He’s very nice,” Victoria said.


“So is Simon,” Nessa said. “Simon should be working tomorrow.”


“I’m so looking forward to classes,” Daciana said, stretching as they paused outside the archive.


“It’ll mean less self-training, but so am I,” Nessa nodded.


“And we’ll be closer to joining the clan,” Daciana grinned.


“My advice,” Gregory spoke up, “is to drop history after the first class. You can learn it better and faster on your own, and it’ll free up more time for studying that you’ll enjoy more. You do lose out on a few posting assignments that way, but if you come in first or second during either tournament, it won’t matter, as they waive your classes.”


“The bad thing is,” Yukiko said, “the three of you are in different classes, since you’re on different floors.”


“No, we’re not,” Daciana chuckled. “We got approval from the keeper to switch with a couple of novices who’d been on the third floor. It puts all of us in the same classes, and next door to each other.”


Yukiko looked thoughtful. “I thought room switches weren’t allowed.”


“Different keeper, different rules, maybe?” Jenn suggested.




“That’s good for you three, at least,” Gregory said. “It’ll let you stay together like Yuki and I.”


“What about Jenn?” Victoria asked.


“I joined them just after the first tournament, but we all joined the clan together,” Jenn replied. “Gregory was the one who spoke for me to get into the clan.”


“All I did was invite you to dinner to meet the elder,” Gregory said.


“And he accepted me,” Jenn agreed, “but I never would have been there if you hadn’t asked me to come.”


“You’re both right,” Yukiko said before turning to the three novices. “We have places to be. We wish you the best in training today.”


“We’ll be strong enough, just wait,” Daciana said, bowing her head to Yukiko.


“We’re pushing as much as we can,” Nessa said, copying Daciana.


“I’ve just started, but as my friends are determined to join Aether’s Guard, I will be, too,” Victoria said. Her eyes drifted briefly to Gregory before she bowed her head.


“Study, train, and do your best,” Yukiko said. “Don’t be surprised if Dia doesn’t invite you until after the tournament.”


“Because the Eternal Flame will be looking for ways to hurt you and the clan, even if it means targeting us,” Nessa said. “We know. We will be vigilant.”


“See you tomorrow,” Yukiko smiled.


“See you tomorrow,” the novices replied.


Gregory gave them a smile and wave before walking away with Yukiko and Jenn.


Once they were away from the others Jenn spoke up, “I didn’t expect a third.”


“Greg, do you remember anything about Victoria?” Yukiko asked.


“She was pleasant,” Gregory said as he thought it over. “I only said a dozen words or so to her the entire time I was there. I vaguely recall a woman caring for me when I was injured… it could have been her.”


“How were you injured?” Jenn asked.


“Well, the local village elder had a son named Otus…” Gregory said, launching into the tale.

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