Magic on Changeling Mountain

Chapter 57

The next few weeks went by so fast that Carolyn was now wondering where the time had gone and was worried that they had overlooked something. She and Colin would be getting married tomorrow and she was excited and anxious at the same time.

Thankfully, they had not had any drama in the last month and everything was going smoothly. Family had started arriving the day before and there had been people coming and going and just as they had hoped, only about 150 people were actually going to show up for the reception.

They had spent the better part of the day decorating the church and the hall and except for the flowers being put in place, which Tammy had promised to do first thing in the morning so that everything would be at their freshest, everything was ready for the big day.

Carolyn was so excited and could barely sit still as she checked again that she had everything packed in her suitcase. She had lost count of how many times she had done this already and muttered to herself “girl, you are not going to be able to find anything but wrinkled clothes if you don’t stay out of your suitcase.” She didn’t even notice the bells jingling when Tammy appeared and jumped when she turned to find her in the doorway of her bedroom.

“You know that talking to yourself is an early sign of senility.” Tammy said then laughed when Carolyn jumped.

“Girl, you scared me. I didn’t hear the bells.” Carolyn said as she put her hand on her chest and grinned at her friend.

“Not nervous are you?” Tammy said as she strolled into the room and plopped down on the side of Carolyn’s bed that wasn’t covered in suitcases.

They had decided that they were going to go to start in Paris since Lucinda and Amelia had a safe place for Tammy to apparate them too but then they were on their own. They were going to rent a car and take their time driving from one city to the next, staying as long as they could in the places that really held their attention. They had ten whole days of total freedom and planned to make the most of the time they had.

“Nervous? Why should I be nervous? After all, I’m taking the biggest leap of my life tomorrow into the unknown and I’m more than nervous. I’m excited and anxious and I think a million butterflies have decided that my stomach is a good place to be right now.” Carolyn admitted as she plopped down on her bed and fell back with her arms over her head.

“Why?” Tammy asked.

“What? What do you mean? You are going to be in this same boat in a few weeks.” Carolyn said.

“I know but my situation is a little different than yours. You’ve known and loved Colin your whole life. You KNOW he is your soul mate. You have no reason to be nervous or scared.” Tammy said.

Carolyn sat and thought about it for a moment and realized that she was right. If there were any decision in her life that she had any doubt of, it certainly wasn’t about marrying Colin. She loved him with all of her heart and knew they would have a good life together.

“Don’t you worry either! Stuart is your soul mate and you two belong together, no matter what your father thinks. You will be getting married the week after we get back from our honeymoon.” Carolyn tried to reassure her friend.

“At least my wedding is not going to be as big as yours. We’ve kept ours down to a mere 100 people.” Tammy tried to smile but Carolyn could tell that she was nervous. She would be meeting his family for the first time just a few days before the wedding and that as much as anything had her so nervous.

“Stop worrying! Stuart’s family is going to love you!” Carolyn tried to reassure Tammy for the hundredth time.

“I just hope you are right!” Tammy said. “So what can I help you with to get ready for tomorrow?

“Nothing. I just hope I haven’t forgotten anything for our trip!” Carolyn said as she sat upright on the bed and looked over her suitcase again.

“Where is your passport?” Tammy asked.

“Right here! That was the first thing I packed.” Carolyn said. They might not need it for the travel portion of their trip but they might need it in order to check in to hotels and such.

They went through everything again and then they closed it up and set it on the side. “Are you going to stay with me tonight?” Carolyn asked.

“I can if you want me to. Isn’t Colin coming over tonight?” Tammy asked.

“No. He’s got to finish his packing and something about making sure things were taken care of at work before tomorrow.” Carolyn said.

“Well, then, what’s for dinner?” Tammy asked.

“I don’t have much left in the fridge because I haven’t bought groceries in over a week since I’m not going to be here. How about we go down to the diner and get something?”

They drove down to the diner and had a quick meal then back to the cottage. Carolyn was so excited that she couldn’t sit still so she told Tammy, “I’m going for a run. I’ve got to burn off some of this energy or I’ll never get to sleep tonight.”

“OK. I’m going to get a shower while you’re gone.”

Carolyn left the cottage and transformed as she jumped down off the back porch. She ran her regular patrol and still had too much energy left so she decided to check in with her parents. She entered their yard but all the lights were off in the house which told her they had all gone to bed already so she headed back down the mountain. Just as she got within sight of the cottage she saw Colin’s truck parked in her front yard. She ran the rest of the way and found him waiting on her back porch.

“Hey! What are you doing here?” She asked when she had transformed and climbed the stairs.

“Pinching myself. I can’t believe we are getting married tomorrow. I had to come and make sure I wasn’t dreaming and to check that you didn’t get cold feet and run out on me.” Colin grinned at her as he stood up and held his arms open for her.

Carolyn went into the circle of his arms and lifted her face for his kiss as she whispered. “I love you far too much to do that and I can’t wait for tomorrow either.”

Tammy spotted them through the kitchen window but just shook her head and went on to bed giving them the privacy they needed.

Colin didn’t stay long but Carolyn was glad he had stopped by. They were both looking forward to not having to leave each other at the end of the day.

The next morning, Carolyn was up before the sun and after a cup of coffee, decided to take a quick run. It would be the last one she would take as a single woman. She made a quick trip down to the stream and back, anxious to get her shower and start to get ready to become Mrs. Colin Noble. Just the thought of it, made her feel warm and fuzzy.

Tammy shuffled in, rubbing her eyes as Carolyn re-entered the cottage. “Thought I heard you. Not anxious to get the day started are you?” She teased.

“Hahahaha! I guess it shows. Oh Tammy, I can’t believe it’s finally here! I’m getting married today!” Carolyn said as she twirled around the room.

“Hahahahaha! Well, I guess it’s safe to say you are happy about it.” Tammy laughed as she watched her friend. It was plain for anyone to see that Carolyn was very happy right now and Tammy hoped she always would be.

They took turns getting showers and then helping each other fix their hair. They had their nails done yesterday. Angela came down to see if Carolyn needed any help getting ready and helped to arrange Carolyn’s hair. She had decided to braid part of it in a basket weave on the crown of her head and Angela and Tammy put tiny flowers in strategic places. The effect was beautiful. The rest of her hair they curled in tight ringlets that would soften as the day wore on.

“I’ve got to go home and get dressed. We will be back in plenty of time to get you to the church on time.” Angela said after a glance at the clock.

“Thanks Mom!” Carolyn said as she hugged her mother. “Tell Donna to come on down so she can get dressed with us.”

Carolyn’s father was going to drive Carolyn, Tammy, Cindy and Donna to the church in Tammy’s car. Tammy had paid Ralph to wash her car and detail the inside and he had done an excellent job. Tammy’s car was the only sedan that would be able to hold them all. Kevin would bring his mother down on his truck and would meet them there.

Cindy came over not long after Angela left and Tammy performed her magic and Cindy looked much older in the dress with the French twist hairdo and light make up that Tammy gave her. Tammy did the same for Donna. Her dress was to be the same color but instead of the French twist, Tammy piled her hair on the crown of her head in tight curls that would hang down in the back with soft wispy curls on either side of her face. Her makeup was minimal but the effect was dramatic, making her look older than her actual age.

The girls all helped Carolyn get dressed. Tammy finally waved her wand and did Carolyn’s make up because Carolyn’s hand was shaking so badly that she kept making a mess out of her eyeliner.

Just as Carolyn stepped into her shoes, they heard Kevin’s truck pull up and a moment later Daniel Masters footsteps on the porch. Donna opened the door and let him in, not surprised that her mother was with him. “I just want to take a picture of all you girls together and then want either Tammy or Cindy to take one of us with our daughters.” Angela told her.

“She’s just putting on her shoes.” Donna said. “Wow, Daddy. You look very handsome!” Donna said admiring her father in his black tuxedo.

“I haven’t worn this in years and was surprised that it still fits. Pants are a little snug around the middle but not too bad for not having worn them since I was at your uncle’s wedding.” Daniel Masters grinned. He didn’t mention that Angela had to move the button holding his pants closed closer to the edge so that he could get them buttoned.

Tammy, Cindy and then Carolyn came down the hall and Carolyn’s parents both looked like they were going to cry as tears instantly sprang into their eyes at the sight of her in her wedding gown.

“Oh Carolyn. You are absolutely lovely.” Angela sighed. Daniel just stared at her and seemed to be at a loss for words.

Carolyn hugged her mother “Thanks, Mom. I hope Colin thinks so too.”

Angela urged all the girls to stand together in front of the window so that she could get a picture of them, then Daniel took the camera and told her to get in there with them. Then Cindy and Tammy dropped out and got mother and daughters together and then one with Daniel included. Kevin came to the door and said “Hey, if we don’t get going, she’s going to be late for her own wedding….. Wow! Carolyn! You look awesome!”

“Come get a family picture.” Carolyn waved him in and Tammy snapped a picture of their whole family and then one more with just the men with Carolyn. “Wait! Get one of me and my parents.” Carolyn urged. She knew they would be retaking many of these shots later but she wanted to make sure that she had them.

Ten minutes later, they were on their way and arrived at the church right on time.

Carolyn wasn’t nervous but very excited and that caused her stomach to feel like it was full of butterflies. She was standing alone in the small room of the church that was reserved for brides, waiting until her father came for her to walk her down the aisle when a light knock sounded at the door. “Come in.” She called out.

The door opened slightly and Pastor Robins stuck his head in. “My, don’t you look beautiful. Are you nervous? Poor Colin sure is. He can’t seem to stand still and keeps pacing. He’s going to wear a rut in front of my podium.” He smiled at her.

“If he’s anywhere nearly as excited as I am, I’m not surprised.” Carolyn smiled back at him.

“Well, I guess that answers any questions I have. I hope you two are always this happy, Carolyn. As you two have always been meant to be together, I’m fairly sure you will.” Pastor Robins said. He said a small prayer with her and then asked “Are you ready?”

Carolyn nodded at him with a big smile on her face. “Oh so very ready!”

“I’ll let your father know he can come collect you then.” He smiled back at her before he left again.

A minute later, Daniel Masters knocked and then opened the door. “Ready to go, baby girl?”

With a nod and smile, she took his arm and together they walked towards the door to see Ralph and Cindy walking down the aisle just behind Donna and Kenny. Carolyn looked around at all the people filling the small church that turned to watch her and her father walk down the aisle and the butterflies took flight in her stomach again until she looked up and saw Colin waiting between Stuart and Pastor Robins. Their eyes met, he smiled at her and suddenly the butterflies were gone. She wanted to run to him but forced herself to keep the slow pace they had rehearsed a couple of days ago.

She noticed her father had tears in his eyes as he gave her hand to Colin and whispered “take care of my baby girl” and Colin replied “Don’t worry, I will.”

Neither of them remember anything that was said during the ceremony but managed to get the “I do’s” in the right places and then they shared their first kiss as husband and wife. Pastor Robins was happy to announce “I’m proud to finally be able to introduce Mr. and Mrs. Colin Noble.”


Everyone rushed to congratulate them and it took almost half an hour before they made it to the door of the church. It was Ben that took over and urged everyone to go over to the church hall while they had their pictures taken in front of the church. There were several hours left before the sun would go down but Carolyn wanted the pictures of them by the pond so she kept a close eye on the time. They had dinner and danced their dance and then she took the microphone and asked everyone to be patient, continue with the party and that they would be back soon. The wedding party loaded up in three separate vehicles and took off for the pond. The sun would be setting soon and they managed to get some amazing shots. There was still a bit of snow on the ground but Colin had arranged with Tammy to make sure the ground was clear and dry so that Carolyn’s dress would not be ruined. He had also talked to Foster and there were a couple of hundred fairies lighting the arch in the trees and they had also made the flowers bloom early. The pictures came out beautifully.

They spent a week in Europe, sightseeing, relaxing and making love. Neither of them wanted to leave but Tammy and Stuart were due to get married in less than two weeks and there was so much to be done.

As planned, Tammy and Stuart were married, as planned. Stuart’s parents had immediately liked Tammy and thankfully her parents had finally accepted that Stuart and his family were changeling’s but still it had been hard on Jacob to let her go and there were a lot of tears when he walked her down the aisle. They left on their honeymoon and Stuart’s parents asked Jacob and Julia to come visit them when Tammy and Stuart returned, which they accepted.

Ben and Sarah stayed until the snow had fully melted, about a month after Tammy and Stuart returned from their honeymoon and then everything returned to pretty much normal.............well as much as normal as it can be on a mountain full of changelings.

The End.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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