Magic on Changeling Mountain

Chapter 47

Just then Carolyn came down the hall, carrying her backpack and now empty coffee mug. She dropped the backpack on the sofa and then crossed to kiss Colin before going to get another cup of coffee. “Do either of you want some more of this?”

“Not me.” Tammy said as she finished the last of her second cup.

“I’ll take what’s left.” Colin said as he held out his mug for her to refill. “So are you all set to go?” He asked.

“Yep. I think I have everything I’ll need. I packed enough clothes for 4 days. If we have to stay longer than that, we’ll just have to find a laundromat.” Carolyn smiled at him.

“Well, seeing that we will probably spend most of the time in our animal forms that should be enough. I’m really hoping that the reason we haven’t heard from them is because the phone lines are down and it will be a matter of going up there and back.”

“Do you have the necklace I gave you?” Tammy asked Carolyn.

“Right here.” Carolyn said and showed the necklace to Colin. “Tammy said all I have to do is rub this and call her name and she will come to me.”

“Wow, a witch walkie-talkie.” Colin laughed along with them. “Great. Now we don’t have to worry about cell phones not working or land lines being down when we are ready to come back.”

“Exactly.” Tammy and Carolyn said in unison.

“Well, as much as I hate to leave this nice warm, cozy cottage, we had better get going. The sun will be coming up soon.” Colin said.

“Do you have your backpack?” Carolyn asked.

“It’s in my jeep. Oh, before I forget, Stuart will have one of the guys bring him up to pick it up later today. Can I leave the key with you?” Colin asked Tammy and then dropped the key into the palm of her outstretched hand.

“Sure. I’ll look forward to seeing him.” Tammy grinned at him.

“I figured as much.” Colin grinned back at her. He quickly retrieved his backpack from the jeep and hurried back to the cottage, thankful for the extra layer of clothes he had put on over his long johns and under his down hunting clothes. The county had allowed them to purchase new ones last winter and he was exceptionally thankful for them right now.

“Maybe we had better use the mirror to make sure the landing spot is clear this morning?” Carolyn said as they waited for Colin.

Tammy hurried into the bedroom and retrieved the mirror. She said the spell and they looked into the mirror. It was hard to see anything since it was still dark outside but they did manage to make out a light in Jacques cabin. They turned in a complete circle but couldn’t see anything else but darkness, snow and trees. “At least the wind seems to have calmed down and it still looks safe.” Tammy said and hurried to put the mirror back in its hiding place until she returned.

Colin reentered the cottage, having stopped to stamp the snow off of his boots on the rug just outside the front door. “Man it’s cold out there. Do you have two layers of clothes on over long johns? It’s cold outside and I can almost bet it’s going to be colder up there.”

“Yep.” Carolyn said as she pulled her down coat on and zipped it closed before pulling her backpack on to her back. The coat hung to her ankles and she knew she was going to appreciate that fact soon. Colin pulled his backpack on and then took Carolyn’s hand. Carolyn took Tammy’s hand as she asked “Ready?” They both nodded and took deep breaths as Tammy smiled at them and said “Try to have some fun while you are there?” She said before she waved her wand and said the apparition spell.

Colin tried to open his eyes but then his stomach lurched and realized it might be a bad idea, and squeezed them shut even tighter, just as they landed. It was definitely colder than it had been on the mountain but mostly because the wind was blowing. They had some shelter by the pines that towered overhead.

“If you need me to come right back, just use the necklace and I’ll come back but give me at least a full minute to get home. I don’t want to try using it for the first time while I’m in mid apparition.” Tammy said.

“Ok. Go. We’ll be ok.” Carolyn said with a quick hug to her friend. Tammy said the apparition spell again and was gone in the blink of an eye. If necessary, she and Colin could transform into their animals for added warmth but Tammy couldn’t. She didn’t need to be out in this cold for any length of time.

“Hang on. I’m going to let Jacques know we are coming so that he doesn’t shoot first and ask questions later.” Colin said as he dropped his pack in the snow and then transformed. He braced himself and began to howl. Carolyn watched the cabin and saw the front door open. A large man filled the doorway as he stepped onto the porch with his hand held up to shield his eyes from the blowing snow. Then he transformed and returned the howl.

Colin transformed back to his human form and picked up his pack as he said “Come on, let’s go.”

They hurried through the blowing snow to the front porch of Jacques cabin. They stepped up on the porch and the front door opened again. The large man urged them to hurry inside. “Come on in before the warm gets out.”

They hurried inside and Colin introduced himself and Carolyn. “I’m Colin Noble and this is my fiancé, Carolyn Masters. Are you Jacques Vaugh?”

“Yes. So you are Colin. Nice to meet you, son. Your parents have bragged about you often. They are very proud of you.” Jacques said, as they shook hands. He looked Carolyn over and then deep into her eyes. “You are not a wolf but you do have an animal form. What is it?”

“A panther.” Carolyn answered and watched his eyes grow wide.

“How did you guys get here?” Jacques asked.

“Let’s just say we caught a ride.” Colin said, unsure if it was acceptable to tell him about Tammy’s powers. Fortunately, Jacques respected their privacy and did not push the issue.

“Have you heard from my parents?” Colin asked, changing the subject.

“The last I heard they were living in a cabin about 20 miles from here, near the outpost station. I think your dad has been working as the postmaster for the past couple of months. The old man that had been doing it had a heart attack and was forced to retire last summer. The weather has been bad this winter. Lots of snow but what’s even worse has been the wind. Barely a day goes by that it’s not blowing like this and believe me, you can’t go very far in it, even in our animal forms. The wind will make your eyes freeze shut.”

Colin and Carolyn exchanged looks and Carolyn nodded to him. Colin turned and looked at Jacques. “If we tell you something we have to ask you to solemnly swear to keep it a secret. OK?”

Jacques looked at him quizzically and nodded. “I agree and promise to keep your secret.”

“My friend Tammy is a witch. She brought us here. If you can give us Colin’s family’s address, she can come and take us there.” Carolyn said and watched Jacques face for his reaction.

“Wow. Now that is something I would like to see. Sure. Tell her to come on.” Jacques said. He fully expected someone like the pictures that always prevailed around Halloween time so he was more than slightly shocked when Carolyn rubbed the crystal pendant and called the name “Tammy” and she suddenly appeared next to Carolyn.

“Tammy, this is Jacques Vaughn. Jacques, this is my best friend, Tammy Mason.” Carolyn introduced them.

“Welcome, Tammy.” Jacques said with a smile as he extended his hand.

“Hi. Nice to meet you, Mr. Vaughn.” Tammy replied as she shook hands with their host. Then she turned to Colin and Carolyn and said “Sure is warmer in here than where I dropped you off earlier. Do you know where you need to go next?”

“We have the last address where they were known to be staying.” Carolyn told her. “Did you bring the mirror?”

Tammy reached into her coat and produced the mirror. She said the spell with the address that Carolyn gave her and they could see the cabin where Mr. & Mrs. Noble were supposed to be staying.

“It looks almost the same as it did here.” Tammy said as they all turned in a circle as they looked in the mirror. They all agreed that it looked safe.

“Jacques, thanks for your hospitality but I want to get to them as quickly as possible. It’s not normal for them not to have contacted at least one of us.” Colin said. Something about the whole situation had his senses on full alert and he was anxious to get to them.

“You’re right, Colin. With the phone lines being down, you kind of become hermits and time seems to go by, without separating the days’ one from the other. I was planning on going over there as soon as the storm let up for me to make it that far but it’s been like this or worse for weeks now. I can barely make it into town for groceries, even in my wolf form. It’s just too cold. I was more than a little surprised when I heard your howl.”

“What do people do when there’s a medical emergency?” Carolyn felt compelled to ask.

“Most everyone up here has minimal triage training. There is a tractor snowmobile in town and a small clinic that can handle most situations. This area is definitely not for the weak.” Jacques replied.

“Well, thankfully we have the Tammy express!” Carolyn said with a laugh that caused them all to chuckle.

“Is there a limit to how many people you can take along?” Jacques asked hopefully. “I sure would like to go along. It’s been months since I’ve seen anyone but the people at the grocery store.” Jacques said.

“No, I guess not. So long as you make sure you hang on and are not injured or a baby.” Tammy replied.

“Great. If you don’t mind, I’ll just get my coat and go with you.”

As soon as he came back, he made sure his cabin was locked up and then they all joined hands. Carolyn advised the men to take a deep breath then Tammy waved her wand and spoke the apparition spell. A few seconds later they appeared outside the cabin where the Noble’s were supposed to be living. Colin stepped up and knocked and his mother opened the door.

“Oh my God! Colin!” She squealed and jumped into his arms.

“Hi Mom!” Colin said as he hugged her warmly.

“Come on in. Get out of the cold. How in the world did you get here? We’ve been hoping to get word to one of you kids for months now but the weather has kept us indoors.” Sarah Noble said. “Jacques, it’s so good to see you again. Now, who is this you’ve brought with you?”

“Mom, this is my fiancé, Carolyn Masters and her best friend, Tammy Mason.” Colin made the introductions and was not disappointed in his mother’s reaction when she squealed again and warmly hugged Carolyn.

“Oh, I thought I recognized you Carolyn. So he finally worked up the courage to ask?” Sarah smiled at her. “I’m so very happy for both of you.”

“Oh no, not you too?” Carolyn sighed. “Has everyone always thought we were meant to be together?”

“Since you were kids.” Sarah laughed.

“Mom, where’s dad?” Colin asked. He was anxious to make sure they were both ok.

“He’s down at the outpost. It’s the only source of food for many of the humans within 20 miles. He just left to go down there so it will be at least a few hours before he comes home.” Sarah told him. “Can I get any of you anything? Something to drink or eat?”

“None of us have had breakfast and I for one am hungry.” Colin said.

“Do you mind if I use your bathroom before I go?” Tammy asked.

“Not at all. It’s down the hall, second door on the left.” Sarah directed. “I’ll make you something to eat. I only have powdered eggs but I’ve got some bear meat or pork or I could make some pancakes.”

“Pancakes would be great.” Colin said with an “I’m sorry” glance at Carolyn who smiled back, trying to hide the look of revulsion that crossed her face at the mention of bear meat.

Jacques stepped up and said “I’ve already had my breakfast. How about I run down to the outpost and keep an eye out there and I’ll send Ben back up here.”

“Thank you, Jacques!” Colin said and shook hands with the older man.

“Just don’t forget I’m there when you are ready to head back otherwise I have no way to get home again.” Jacques said.

“Don’t worry. I’ll be back to transport everyone back to where they belong.” Tammy said as she came back down the hallway.

Jacques left and the girls offered to help Sarah in the kitchen but she told them “Go rest. I’ve got this. There’s not much room in here for more than one person and I’m used to it. There are only two bedrooms in this place. So Carolyn, you can put yourself in the one that is the first door on the right. The other room is mine and Ben’s.”

“Mom, we weren’t really planning on staying long once we found you. We got really worried when you didn’t check in with any of us over the holidays.” Colin told his mother.

“We were planning on going back to the mountain at the end of last fall but then Martin had a heart attack and died. There was no one that could take over the outpost but us, since we are the ones that live the closest to the outpost plus we are the only ones in good health and without elders that cannot be left alone. Then before we could get word to any of you, the phone lines went down. Mail is iffy at best out here.”

“Well, I’m going to head home before my mom and dad freak out about me being gone so long. Carolyn, I’m going to be staying at your place while you are gone. At least there I have a real bed to sleep in. Looks like they are not planning on going anywhere any time soon.”

“Where are you going?” Sarah asked.

“Back to the mountain.” Tammy replied then waved her wand and disappeared causing Sarah to squeal again.

“How in the world did she do that?” Sarah asked as she turned wide eyes to her son and his fiancé.

“Tammy is a witch, mom. She’s the one that brought us here.” Colin grinned at her as he poured maple syrup on the stack of pancakes his mother had sat down in front of him.

“Wow. There must be all kinds of changes at home. There weren’t any witches that I knew of, on the mountain when we lived there.” Sarah said.

“Tammy moved there after we graduated college. But she is not the only magical addition to the mountain. We have centaurs, fairies and, we think, trolls living there now. There’s also been a protective barrier put around the mountain to keep all evil out.”

As they ate, they brought Colin’s mother up to date on all the happenings on the mountain. Just as they finished eating, Colin’s father came home.

“Colin! How good to see you son!” Ben Noble said as he greeted his son. “And I hear that you finally asked Carolyn Masters to marry you? Good job and congratulations to you both.”

“Thank you, sir!” Carolyn said as she accepted his hug.

“I barely gave Jacques a chance to tell me more than you folks were here when I took off like a bullet. I told him to just stay until a couple of hours before dark and then to come on up and have dinner.” Ben Noble said as he pulled off his coat and sat down at the table. His wife put a cup of coffee down in front of him and they spent the next couple of hours getting caught up on each other’s lives.

Carolyn mostly sat and watched Colin and his parents. It was plainly evident for anyone to see that they were very close, even though they hadn’t seen each other in a very long time. Colin said the last time had been a couple of years ago. They had moved up to Canada the year after Colin’s sister, Wendy, had graduated and had left for college but they had been coming home every winter up until a couple of years ago.

“So when are you planning on having the wedding?” Sarah asked.

“When can you come back to the mountain?” Colin shot back with a smile.

“We were planning on having it this spring but then realized that it does nothing but rain in the spring. So we’ve decided that we would like to do it as soon as we can get everyone together.” Carolyn said.

“Is there any reason to rush?” Ben asked, trying to be polite.

“No. None whatsoever other than we would like to have a family some day and neither of us is getting any younger. I want to be young enough to be able to enjoy my kids.” Carolyn said truthfully.

“What do you do, Carolyn?” Sarah asked.

“I’m a doctor. I took over when Dr. Matson passed away.” Carolyn replied.

“Do you plan to continue to practice after you are married?” Ben asked.

“Yes, sir. It’s not like we changelings can go to regular doctors so I will continue on as long as there are changelings needing my help. I don’t know how long I will continue as the vet for the towners but I will always be there for the changelings.” Carolyn replied.

“Just as I will remain chief of police. We are not planning on leaving the mountain. It’s our home.” Colin said. He had not said anything to Carolyn about his parents wanting him and his siblings to move up to Canada. As far as he was concerned, it was not even an option. “I am curious to know what you plan to do about your old homestead. Is there no chance you will ever come back to the mountain?”

“Not in the foreseeable future anyway. We like it up here. We don’t have to hide as much as we do back there. Most of the community here are changelings of all kinds. The only humans that live up here know about us and keep our secret. As for the old homestead, you can do whatever you want with it. You are our oldest son and it will fall to you when we pass. Kenny and Wendy have made it plain that they have no interest in going back to the mountain but we hope that if they change their minds, that you would allow them to build on the land.” Ben said.

“Of course.” Colin replied. “Do you remember Stuart O’Neil? He and Tammy are engaged too. His parents have moved away too and he’s going to take over his family’s land.”

“They had the plot next to ours, right? His family are deer, if I remember correctly.” Ben said.

“Yes, sir.” Colin said. “So when can you come back to the mountain? We would like to move forward with our wedding plans but can’t really pick a date until we know when you can be there.”

“Please keep in mind that I need at least a month to make all of the arrangements. Right now, all I have are plans and a dress.” Carolyn smiled and they all laughed.

“Well, I’ll have to find someone to come watch the outpost while we are gone.” Ben said and as if on cue, Jacques knocked on the door. Sarah hurried to let him in and he joined them around the table. Sarah looked at the clock and said “Goodness, where has the time gone while we’ve been visiting? It’s going to be dinner time soon.”

“Can I help?” Carolyn asked.

“No, I’ve got it covered. I took some chicken out to thaw this morning. I’m just going to put it in the oven to bake. Won’t take but a minute.” Sarah said.

“Ok, well then I’m going to go wash up and take some clothes out of my pack so hopefully they won’t be too wrinkled.” Carolyn said.

“There is an iron in the linen closet if you need one. It’s the first door in the hallway on the left.” Sarah said.

“Ok. Thanks.” Carolyn said. “Is it safe to go for a run? I’m not one for staying in doors for long.”

“Sure but you’ll freeze if you stay out for more than half an hour.” Ben said.

“I don’t want to stay out long. I just need to stretch some. Being inside for long periods drives me up the wall.” Carolyn said.

“Come on. I’ll go with you. It will be the first time we’ve been able to run out in the open in a long time.” Colin said with a smile at her.

Ben held the door for them and watched as they transformed. He was amazed when Carolyn changed into a large white cat. From what he remembered hearing when she had been born he had been sure she would be black. “Wow! Carolyn, you do look great in white.”

She smiled over her shoulder at him and then took off at a run with Colin right beside her. They ran together, romped and played in the snow like they had when they were kids. But soon they were ready to head back inside. It really was too cold to be outside for very long.

They were laughing as they transformed on the front porch and Carolyn reached for the door knob but Colin caught her hand and pulled her back into his arms.

“I may not get much of a chance for this later so I want a kiss now.” He whispered as he lowered his head. Carolyn lifted her face for his kiss, neither of them realizing that their silhouette showed through the window and that his parents and Jacques were smiling at them.

“Do you think they’ve…….?” Jacques started to ask and then turned bright red as he realized who he was asking. “Not that it’s any of my business.”

“I doubt it. I don’t think Colin would be here if he had taken advantage of her. Her father is a very large grizzly bear and very protective from what I remember of him. You know, Sarah, I think it is time we went back for a little while at least. We need to reconnect with our kids and old friends. Jacques, do you think you could look after the outpost for a while?”

“For how long?” Jacques asked.

“A couple of weeks at least. No longer than a month, at most.” Ben said.

“Sure. I guess I can do that. I’ll just need to get some things from home but now the question is how? Do you think their friend can help me get some of my stuff from home?” Jacques asked.

“We’ll just have to ask, I guess.” Sarah said.

Carolyn and Colin reentered the cabin and everyone turned to smile at them.

“What’s going on?” Colin asked.

“We were just wondering if your friend would help Jacques get some of his things from his house over here so that he can watch over the outpost. Your father and I want to go back with you for your wedding.” Sarah said.

“I’m sure she can but we need to go home and prepare first. The only thing we have ready for the wedding at the moment is my dress. We haven’t even set an actual date yet.” Carolyn said.

“Well, let’s see if we can remedy that.” Sarah said as she stood and crossed into the kitchen where there was a calendar with red x’s on the days that had passed so far, hanging on the wall next to the old fashioned icebox. She carried it over to the table and motioned for them to come sit down.

Carolyn and Colin looked at each other and with a shrug of his shoulders, he led Carolyn to join him with the others at the table. They all gathered around and Sarah asked, “How long do you think you will need to plan your wedding?”

“Oh, goodness. I’m not sure. I’ve never planned a wedding before. But if I had to guess, I would say about 2 months, maybe?” Carolyn said tentatively.

“Well, that brings it until about the end of March. It will still be snowing up here but the thaw will have started on the mountain.” Sarah said.

“Oh, I wish my mom could be here for this.” Carolyn said sadly as she looked at the calendar.

“Carolyn is right. Her mother should be included. How about this? I will go back with Colin and Carolyn for a little while, maybe just a week or so and we can get the planning done and then I’ll come back and we’ll go back there together.” Sarah said to her husband. Ben knew she had been getting cabin fever lately and this would be good for her.

“That sounds like a good plan. It will give me time to get ready at the outpost and here while you get things ready there.” Ben said.

“Great. I really do appreciate it.” Carolyn said with a smile. “I feel funny about leaving her out just as much as I felt funny about not having you involved.”

The smile on Sarah’s face made not only Carolyn feel good but Ben and Colin as well.

“Well, that settles it then. Why don’t you go pack some things and let’s all get some rest. I’ve got a feeling that the next few days are going to be hectic. When do you need to go back, Colin?” Ben asked.

“I took a week of emergency leave to come up here but I would like to go back as soon as possible so that my time away doesn’t take away from the time I will have for the wedding and our honeymoon.” Colin said as he took Carolyn’s hand.

“That means we’ll have to move fast then. We don’t want you to have to cut that short for sure.” Ben said and slapped his son on the back with a laugh and Colin blushed.

“Smells like dinner is almost ready. Go wash up everyone.” Sarah said as she pushed away from the table, taking the calendar with her. Carolyn followed her into the kitchen area. “Please let me at least set the table.” She told Sarah.

“Sure. The plates are up there, in that cabinet.” She said pointing to the one next to the sink. “The utensils are in the drawer just below it.”

Together they set the table and put out the food as the men came back from washing up. “Mom, how many bedrooms are there in this cabin?”

“Two. Why? Oh, goodness. I didn’t even think about sleeping arrangements. Carolyn, I think it would be best if you took the second bedroom and you two will have to sleep on pallets in the living room.” Sarah said.

“Only two more months.” Colin thought to himself.

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