Magic on Changeling Mountain

Chapter 43

They walked back to the cottage, taking their time, enjoying being alone together. They held hands and stopped to kiss often. Tammy was watching, with a smile, for them as they came up the back steps. She opened the back door and Carolyn told her, “Is everything here OK?”

“Yeah, it’s fine. Did you enjoy your walk?” Tammy asked.

“Yes, but if you don’t mind, we are going to run up and see the centaurs. I want to let them know what’s going on tomorrow. I also want to thank Damien and Eric for saving me from the dark warlock.”

“Do you think it’s safe for you to be up on the mountain after dark? I mean, what if the dark warlock catches you? Nothing against you, Colin, but you have no magical powers and he does. He could trap you in your animal form, like Armand did Sebastian. Can’t it wait until morning?” Tammy said, worried about them going so far with the dark warlock around.

“You know she’s right. We should just stay here. We’ve pushed it far enough just getting away from the cottage tonight.” Colin said. He would never chance putting Carolyn at risk, no matter how slight. If it were just another man, he’d be able to take care of it but this warlock was another matter entirely.

“Ok. I guess I can let them know in the morning. Man, I sure do hope we are going to be able to get this dark warlock issue taken care of tomorrow. I’ve got major cabin fever and if I can’t get out of here soon for more than half an hour, I’m going to come unglued!” Carolyn said, her frustration showing.

“Ok, then. I’m going to go get ready for bed and give you guys some privacy.” Tammy said.

“Come on, babe. Let’s sit down and go over your wedding list.” Colin said, as he reached up and began to massage her shoulders.

“I’m sorry but I’ve been trapped in this cottage for days now and it’s getting to me. You know me, I’d rather be outside.”

“I know, except when it rains.” Colin smiled at her. “That must be the cat in you. Come on. Pull out the list and let me see what you’ve got planned.”

They sat on the sofa and she read down the list that she and her mother had started on Christmas day. Being alone with Colin was great and Carolyn felt much more relaxed by the time Colin left a couple of hours later.

They both looked forward to the day when the only place he would be going would be to bed with her. Instead, she made sure her alarm clock was set then crawled in next to the lightly snoring Tammy and fell asleep with a smile on her face.

The alarm started ringing at 5am and both women wanted to throw it out the window. The sun was not due up for another hour but Carolyn was hoping to make it up to the centaurs and back before everyone got here. Tammy rolled off her side of the bed and quickly made her way to the bathroom and then into the kitchen to turn on the coffee pot. Carolyn waited for Tammy to finish in the bathroom and then followed right behind her. She came into the living room to find Tammy and Julia sitting at the kitchen table drinking a cup of coffee.

“Oh you’re up! Feeling better?” Carolyn said as she went into the kitchen and poured herself a cup of coffee.

“Yes. Still weak but woke up hungry.” Julia said.

“That’s a good sign that you are on the mend.” Carolyn smiled at her. “Well, I want to go for a run up to see the centaurs and let them know what’s going to happen today. I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

“Be careful. Do you have your cell phone on you?” Tammy asked with concern.

“Yes and it’s fully charged since I haven’t been out of the house in 4 days now. Don’t worry. I’m going to run up there and back.” Carolyn said as she made sure her cell phone was on before shoving it in her pocket. She opened the back door and a blast of cold air rushed in. She reached back inside and grabbed her down jacket before closing the door.

“Oh, hurry up and close that door. It’s freezing out there.” Tammy said, thinking her friend must be nuts to be going out in that.

Carolyn pulled on her jacket and zipped it closed before she transformed and jumped down off the porch. She ran along the road until she was just past her parents’ house and then cut through the woods. She wasn’t surprised when she spotted Damien not far beyond the fairies tree. With her senses of full alert since her last encounter with someone she thought was Garth, she stayed hidden until she caught a clear scent of him. When she was sure it was him, she transformed and stepped out from behind the bush. He had his back to her but said “Hello, Carolyn. Don’t worry, it’s really me.”

“Hi Damien. Thank you for saving me the other day. Have you seen anything of the dark warlock?”

“No, it’s been quiet but then none of us have gone very far from the cave for the past couple of days.”

“I just wanted to let you know that the witches will be here soon to put the barriers in place. I did not want them coming without you knowing it.”

“Thank you, Carolyn. I really do appreciate it. We will not interfere with them and will keep watch for the dark wizard.” Damien said as he turned to go.

“Please tell Eric I said thank you to him as well. I will come see you when this is all over. I would like to meet all the members of your herd, if that’s alright?” Carolyn asked.

“I think that will be acceptable. Be safe, Carolyn.” Damien said and then took off at a trot towards the cave.

Carolyn transformed and ran back to her parents’ house. The lights were on when she jumped up on the front porch. She was surprised when she found the front door locked. She couldn’t remember her parents ever locking it before. There had never been any need and given the fact that the dark wizard would probably just laugh at their feeble attempts to keep him out, she was just as sure that it gave her parents some peace of mind, even if it was a false sense of security.

She knocked and heard her father’s footsteps so she called out “Dad, it’s me!” She heard him unlock the door and he quickly opened it.

“Girl, what are you doing out in this cold?” Daniel Masters asked as he held the door for her.

“Freezing my butt off but I wanted to let the centaurs know that the witches will be here soon to put the barriers in place. Are you folks still planning on burying Mr. Wainwright today?” Carolyn asked and accepted the cup of coffee her mother held out to her.

“Yes, weather permitting. So long as it doesn’t start snowing really hard, then we are going to do it and get the Pence’s moved over there today too. They don’t have much to move since the fire but they are anxious to get in and get set up.

Chester went and talked to the bank and they are going to be able to put down a decent bid for the place. I’ve talked to all of the elders and everyone agrees that his family can stay there until the auction is settled. Very few of them expressed any interest in moving or of expanding their own homesteads. The closest farm to Wainwrights would be the Bennett’s and he’s already said he’s got all he can handle, so he’s not going to be bidding.” Daniel told her. He didn’t need to add that both he and her mother would be glad to have the house back to themselves again.

“Well, I promised Tammy I wouldn’t be gone any longer than to go talk to the centaurs so I’d better get back. I doubt if I will make it to the funeral but will try to come up for dinner. OK?” Carolyn said.

“You know you are always welcome. Tell Tammy and Colin to come too.” Angela said as she joined them in the foyer.

“Well, seeing that her parents are still laid up in bed, I doubt if she will come but I might be able to persuade Colin to come up. Mrs. Mason was up when I left and claimed to be hungry but I doubt if she will be able to eat much since she said she’s still weak.”

“Well, I’m making cheesy potato soup and it doesn’t save well so I’ll send whatever leftovers we have back with you for them.” Angela said.

“Ok. Thanks, mom. I’ll see you later.” Carolyn said and gave her parents a hug before going back outside. She transformed and jumped off the porch. She took the shortcut home and was almost back to the cottage when she saw Colin, in his wolf form, coming through the trees.

“Hey, we were beginning to get worried about you. Tammy said you have been gone longer than she expected.” He thought to her.

“I decided to stop at my parents’ place. You are invited for dinner tonight.” Carolyn thought back as he fell into step beside her.

“Great. A good meal would be greatly appreciated for a change. I’m getting really sick of pizza and diner food.” Colin thought.

They climbed the back steps and transformed. “Before we go in.” Colin said, catching her by the arm and pulling her into his arms for a kiss.

“I can’t wait until we can start every morning like this.” Colin said. “I barely slept a wink last night thinking about you and wishing it had been me sharing your bed instead of Tammy.”

“I know what you mean and I can’t wait for the time to go by either.” Carolyn admitted as she turned her face up for another kiss.

The back door opened a crack and Tammy said “Sorry to interrupt but everyone is here and they all want to get started.” Then added in a whisper, “Apparently, most of them are not morning people and want to get this over with so they can go home and go back to bed.”

Carolyn and Colin joined everyone in the cottage, who were sitting around sipping coffee. She didn’t know she even owned that many coffee cups! Even Jacob and Julia were up, sitting at the dining table, but they were still in their pajamas.

“How are you two feeling? Better?” Carolyn asked and they both nodded.

“I just came from the centaurs on the top of the mountain. I spoke with their leader, Damien, who said they have not felt anything more of the dark warlock since that first day. I want to be with whoever is going to be covering that part of the mountain so that I can run interference between witch and centaur. I don’t want them or any of you to be hurt.” Carolyn said as she looked around the room.

Lucinda watched Carolyn and Colin as they stood side by side. They truly did make the perfect couple. Lucinda got a faraway look in her eyes as she had a vision of them together on their wedding day in just a few short months. Carolyn was even more beautiful in her gown and it gave Lucinda an idea of something she would like to do for her new friend but Amelia’s elbow to the ribs brought her back to the present. “What? Oh, I’m sorry. What was it you said? I was thinking about something else. Guess I’m not totally awake yet.”

“Don’t lie. You were having a vision, weren’t you.” It wasn’t a question but a statement. Most of these witches knew of her heightened power of being able to see into the future.

“It doesn’t have anything to do with today.” Was all Lucinda would say, “Go ahead with what you were saying, Julia. I’m sorry to have interrupted.”

“We should just get going and get this done! He won’t be on the mountain this early.” Amelia said.

Ray Masters had agreed to fly up and down the opposite border to help the witches that would be on the far north side of the mountain. He arrived just as they began to apparate out, so he transformed back into his bird and took off for his brother’s house.

Having discussed this all in detail last night, they paired up and started to apparate. They were going to start in the Masters front yard and from there fan out, going in different directions. All of the changeling families had been alerted, thanks to Angela, Daniel and Ray. They had all been either calling or visiting each of the families on the mountain. Colin had called and asked Ralph and Jason and Stuart to help lead the witches from one place to the next since they knew the mountain the best. The changeling part of the mountain, which, from the peak down, covered over half of the first five miles down, as the eagle flies, to more than a third of it down to their small town, which was used by all of the changeling families to the exclusion of all others.

The witches all landed in the Masters front yard to find the changelings who had agreed to go with the witches waiting for them. Amelia passed around special talismans that would allow the witches to find them so long as they had them on.

“So long as you are wearing these, we will be able to find you. Your fur and thicker hides will protect you from the cold but because we cannot risk changing into animals, we would freeze before we get this done and I for one don’t plan on being out here all day. So you run ahead to the next location and we will apparate to find you as soon as we are done with our spells.

If you see anything out of the ordinary, transform and remove the talisman and get away from it as fast as possible. Once it leaves you, it will explode within about 30 seconds. Not enough to kill you but it will sting like mad.”

“Witch GPS, cool.” Colin said. He would be with Sabrina and Amelia. There would be two witches to each party, led by a changeling. They all fanned out and it only took about 4 hours, with everyone apparating from one spot to the next. Randolph was staying at the cottage with Tammy to help protect her parents.

“This is a very nice house! Did Carolyn’s father build this?” Randolph asked.

“Yes, when Carolyn came back from college and took over Dr. Matson’s practice. I think Carolyn told me he was an owl.” Tammy answered.

“Her father does very nice work. So many people don’t care about good craftsmanship anymore.” Randolph said.

“Do you think they will run into the dark wizard, Randolph?” Tammy asked, as she peeked out the window for the tenth time since they had left less than half an hour before. This waiting was going to drive her crazy.

“No, not during the day. Did he see you that day?” Randolph asked.

“No. I wasn’t with Carolyn that day. She had gone up to check on the house where one of the changelings had passed away recently. The funeral is scheduled for after church today. Once that is over, Pastor Robins will go with Amelia and bless a cloud. Then they plan to make it rain over the mountain to make the ground hallowed.”

Just then, Jacob and Julia came down the hall. They were both dressed and looked much better. Tammy introduced Randolph to her parents.

“I remember you! You run the coffee shop in Seattle.” Jacob said.

“Yes, I do. I’ve been in that same location for over a hundred years. Wasn’t always a coffee shop, at least not like it is now. I’ve always sold coffee but it used to be that people just bought it and then took it home. I like making it and selling it much better. Gives me a chance to get to really know my customers.”

“Tammy, sweetie, is there any juice? I’m thirsty.” Julia asked.

“Sure. Let me see what we have. Are you hungry? I could make us some breakfast.” Tammy offered.

Tammy cooked breakfast for everyone and while she made a plate for herself, she didn’t do much more than push the food around. She was just too worried about everyone to eat.

“Don’t worry, Tammy. There are 10 of the most powerful witches and wizards that I know of out there. They will protect them.” Randolph told her as he waved his wand and heated up her food and cleaned away the rest of the breakfast dishes. He probably should have left them for Tammy to do manually, just to keep her busy, but he figured he was probably protecting Carolyn’s dishes from being broken by the nervous young witch.

“I was right when I remembered you. Why did you leave Seattle all those years ago?” Randolph asked Julia.

“We had too. Garret and his followers were after us. They were trying to force us into practicing black magic. My sister, Trisha, fell in love with him and he converted her. They turned my whole family against me, made them believe it was us practicing black magic. We understand that she’s back in Seattle.” Julia told him.

“Yes. She’s back in Seattle. Lives in a big house on the outskirts of town. She had a large coven at one point but there was a big war and her coven was defeated. She’s lost almost all of her powers and most of her mind, or so many believe. If you ask me, she’s a good one to stay away from. I don’t believe she’s nearly as crazy as she lets everyone believe she is. And I believe she’s still practicing black magic. But I don’t know of anyone by the name of Garret.” Randolph told them and saw a sad look come over Julia’s face.

“I wouldn’t doubt if he kicked her to the curb once he had whatever it was he wanted from her. She may have loved him but he loved no one but himself.” Jacob told them. “Has anyone mentioned seeing a gargoyle?”

Randolph looked startled but shook his head. “No and I’ve not noticed any on any of the buildings in town but then I really don’t get out much. I have my shop to run and it keeps me busy most days. But you can bet that I will be keeping an eye out for one from now on.” Randolph wanted to ask if she was aware of what happened to her parents but didn’t want to cause her any more grief, since it was obvious that she had already been through enough and sighed when she asked him outright.

“Do you know what became of my parents? Their last name was Wilkinson.” Julia asked hopefully.

“I don’t know for certain how it happened but they were found dead in the park, just before the big war between the covens. Some say their deaths were what started the whole thing.” Randolph said. He didn’t want to say anymore since no one had ever been able to prove anything.

“Oh, no!” Julia said and began to cry. Jacob tried to comfort his wife as Tammy got a shocked look on her face and sat down abruptly on one of the stools by the kitchen counter.

“When it is safe for you to go back to Seattle, I can show you where they are buried, if you want?” Randolph offered.

“Thank you, Randolph.” Jacob said. “We do hope we will be able to go back there someday.”

Tammy couldn’t even begin to imagine how someone could turn so evil as to have had anything to do with killing their own parents. She might not always agree with her parents, or some of their rules or beliefs but she loved them and could never imagine harming them.

The alarm bells that Randolph had installed in the cottage began to ring and the first to reach back were Amelia and Sabrina.

“Lord, it is cold out there.” Amelia said as she moved close to the fireplace to warm herself.

“How did it go?” Tammy asked anxiously.

“Well, we got our area covered. Are we the first ones back?” Amelia asked.

“Yes. Would you like some coffee?” Tammy asked.

“Oh yes. Please. It’s going to snow again soon and the wind is starting to pick up.” Sabrina said.

Tammy passed both of them cups of hot coffee and then the alarm bells started to ring again. Two by two, the witches all returned to the cottage within minutes of each other. Soon they were all trying to stand in front of the fireplace. A few minutes later, Carolyn and Colin jumped up on the porch.

“Great, I see everyone has made it back safely. Colin and I stopped by Wainwright’s place. Pastor Robins will be down in a few minutes.” Carolyn said as Tammy handed her a cup of hot coffee. “Thanks.”

Just then the doorbell rang and Randolph answered it to find a shivering cold Pastor Robins standing on the other side. “Come in man, come in. Goodness. You must be freezing. Your lips are turning blue.”

Tammy handed him a cup of coffee and everyone urged him to get closer to the fireplace. “Thank you. We got Mr. Wainwright buried and I must say, that is the quickest funeral I’ve ever proceeded over. It’s a good thing someone thought to dig the grave and then put a board over it or it would have been full of snow. Just give me a few minutes to get warmed up and I’ll be ready to go.” Pastor Robins said through chattering teeth.

“So did anyone run into any trouble out there?” Colin asked and everyone shook their heads.

“Can someone please explain to me what it is I’m going to have to do?” Pastor Robins asked when his teeth finally stopped chattering.

“Basically we need you to seed the clouds with holy water and then we will cast our spells to make it rain or rather snow so that any land the snow falls on will become hallowed ground.” Amelia answered.

“How much water are we going to need?” Pastor Robins asked as he pulled out the large flask of holy water he had brought to bless the grave site for Mr. Wainwright and shook it.

“Actually, Pastor, you don’t even have to go up into the clouds with us so long as there is not some special prayer that needs to be said as we seed the cloud. We just need the cloud to be seeded with holy water.” Sabrina said. She was the oldest of all of the witches present and probably the most knowledgeable and powerful.

“Well, no, there’s no required prayer that I know of to bless something, except for when we bless the water or rather the salt used to make holy water. There is a benediction that is said over the salt and then when the salt is added to the water, normally we read Psalms 103.” Pastor Robins explained.

“Well, then, let me have that and you stay here. Come ladies, let’s go up to the mountain peak and get this show over with. We’ll be back soon.” Amelia said and suddenly they all disappeared. A few minutes later, it started to snow heavily. Everyone pulled on their coats and went outside.

Pastor Robins stepped up and said “Let us pray.” And everyone bowed their heads and he led them in prayer. When they lifted their heads, all of the witches had landed in the yard and were standing in a circle around them. “Amen.” Pastor Robins said as he looked up and saw them there.

“Ok, now let’s go back inside. It’s too dang cold out here.” Amelia said.

They all trooped back inside the cottage and Carolyn offered everyone coffee but most of them declined. “It’s been fun, gang, but I’m heading back home, where it’s warm.” Samantha said and Sabrina agreed with her.

“Thank you so much for all your help! All of you! Thank you!” Tammy told them.

“No worries, baby girl. Ours is a small community that may be spread out all over the world but we stick together. Well, see ya laters!” Sabrina said just before she and Samantha apparated out, followed closely by the others. Two by two they left, just as they had come, leaving only Carolyn, Tammy and her parents and Colin and Pastor Robins who quickly excused himself and left as well.

“Well, I’m sure you have had enough of us for the past few days so we’ll just head back over to my place and give you two some much deserved alone time.” Tammy said.

“Hey, before you go, how are we supposed to be able to tell if it worked or not?” Carolyn asked and Colin nodded in agreement.

“Well, as far as I know, there just won’t be any more evil coming on to the mountain. Other than that, everything else should just return to normal.” Tammy replied.

“But if you go back to your apartment, aren’t you exposed to them again?” Carolyn asked, concerned for her best friend and her parents.

“Randolph and I put protective spells around my whole building. Anyone magical that comes looking for me now won’t see anything but an undeveloped lot with trees and bushes.” Tammy smiled at her.

Julia and Jacob thanked her for taking care of them while they were sick and Tammy said to call her later and all three of them apparated back to Tammy’s apartment.

“Well, that was certainly anticlimactic, to say the least.” Carolyn said.

“Oh, I don’t know. It ended up being the finish I was hoping for. No one was hurt. The mountain is now safe from any future evil magic and I’m alone with my woman. Seems satisfactory to me.” Colin grinned at her.

Carolyn smiled back at him and said “Well, well, now why would you not want my cottage to be full of interesting people?”

Colin grinned again and replied “Because it keeps me from doing this!” He reached out and grabbed her around the waist and pulled her in close then kissed her until her knees went weak.

“Oh my!” She sighed when he finally let her breathe again.

“I’ve never wished for spring so much in my life.” Colin said as he put his forehead to hers as he fought for control of his libido. He wanted her so badly it hurt.

“I know, babe. You are not the only one wanting it to hurry up and get here.” Carolyn whispered. “But it’s only a couple of months away and we have a lot of things to discuss and do before it gets here. First of all, I take it you still have not heard from your parents?”

“No and I will admit that I’m getting very worried about them. They’ve never gone this long without checking in with one of us. If I don’t hear from them by this weekend, I think I’m going to take some of my vacation time to fly up to Canada and look for them myself. Kenny said he might come with me. Any chance you can get away and come with me?” Colin asked hopefully.

“Sure. When were you planning on going?” Carolyn replied without hesitation.

“Well, I told myself I would give them till this weekend to call and if I didn’t hear from them, I would rework the schedule for the guys at work to cover me for a week. I’m hoping it won’t take any longer than that to find them.” Colin told her.

“Well, I can have Dr. Harris cover for me while I’m away for any of the towners and my mom can look after any changelings so I don’t see a week being an issue. Would you allow Tammy to apparate us there?”

“Sure. I will admit that I’m very curious to experience that.” Colin said with a grin.

“Just don’t eat a heavy meal beforehand.” Carolyn grinned back.

“Well, I was hoping to spend more time with you today but unfortunately, I’m on duty and have to get back to work, especially if I end up having to take a week off soon. Colin said.

“Are you going to come up to my parents’ house for dinner tonight?” Carolyn asked.

“I’ll try but I don’t know right now. I’ll call you if I can’t make it.” Colin said. He wished he could stay with her today but he wanted to make sure he put in his time in case he did end up having to take time off soon. “What are you going to do today?”

“Well, I guess I’ll go up and see if the Pence’s need any help getting moved over to the Wainwright’s place and then help my mom. I’m sure she’s going to strip every bed in the house and wash all the linens.” Carolyn said. “If I’m not here, call up there.”

“Ok, will do. Well, as much as I hate to go, I’d better get moving.” Colin said.

“Ok, babe. Be safe. Love you.” Carolyn said, as she turned her face up for his kiss.

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