Magic on Changeling Mountain

Chapter 29

Just then the phone rang and it was Colin. “Hey, we are going to be getting off of work in about half an hour. We are going to take showers here at the station and get dressed for tonight. How about meeting us at Tony’s Pizza place? We can get something to eat and then go over to the bowling alley.”

“Ok. So in about an hour?” Carolyn said and Tammy nodded. “We’ll see you there.”

“Does Stuart know I’m a witch?” Tammy asked, after Carolyn hung up.

“I don’t know. With all that’s been going on around here lately, and knowing what a close knit community this is, I would expect he suspects, if he doesn’t know for sure. Colin said he was going to try to think of a way to ask him, without giving away your secret, but so far as I know, he hasn’t asked him yet. I think it should be up to you to tell him, if you want him to know.”

“Well, I’d like to get to know him a bit first, at least. I will say it would make it a whole lot easier to be around him, if he knew. I never told Jerry and now I’m very glad I didn’t.”

They finished getting ready and left the cottage in Carolyn’s jeep. They arrived at the local pizza parlor just a few minutes before the guys. They had ordered soda and people watched while they waited, which wasn’t long. The guys showed up about 10 minutes after they got there and signaled the waiter to bring them another round of drinks. Colin introduced Stuart and Tammy and they shook hands, before he sat down next to Carolyn.

“I remember seeing you in the laundromat a couple of times. Do you live close by?” Tammy asked Stuart. Before Stuart could answer, the young waiter, probably a junior in high school, came over and brought the guys their sodas and asked if they were ready to order.

“What’ll ya have?”

“A large with the works?” Colin said, rubbing his hands together as he looked at everyone at the table. Carolyn and Tammy said in unison, “Except no onions”. And everyone smiled at each other.

The four of them ate, talked and laughed together. When they finished eating, they walked over to the bowling alley, hand in hand with their dates. Colin and Carolyn teamed up against Tammy and Stuart and it was close but Colin and Carolyn won 2 out of the 3 games.

Everyone was reluctant for the evening to end but, in the small town, there wasn’t much to do at night. They all agreed that they would have to get together and do it again soon. Colin was eager to get Carolyn alone so that he could say goodnight properly, without an audience.

Since Carolyn had come with Tammy, they walked them back to her jeep. While Tammy and Stuart walked to the opposite side of the car, Colin and Carolyn could hear them talking and Stuart was being the perfect gentleman. Luckily the jeep was tall enough that they were afforded enough privacy for a quick kiss goodnight.

“How long is Tammy going to be staying with you?” Colin whispered as he held her close.

“For about a week, I think. Her apartment is not done yet and she doesn’t have a bed. Her old one was ruined when the ceiling fell in.” Carolyn said.

“Well, are you going to patrol tonight?”

“Of course. I go most every night between 9:30 and 10 but tonight it will be a little later because it’s already after 9. I don’t want to be rude to Tammy and I know she’s going to want to talk when we get back.”

“Well, I’ve got to drive Stuart home. His car is in the shop. I’d like to come patrol with you, if you can wait till I can get there?”

“Sure.” Carolyn said, then quickly kissed him one more time, before she got in her car.

“Drive safe and I’ll see you in a bit.” Colin said, as he closed her door and stepped away from the car.

“Well, that was fun!” Tammy said, with a big smile, as they pulled out of the parking space.

“Yes, it was. So what do you think of Stuart?”

“Very nice. He asked me to go out again next Friday night, to the movies.” Tammy admitted.

“That’s great! I was pretty sure you would like him. Just so you know, Colin’s going to come and patrol with me after he drops him off.”

“Oh, so you guys are going to continue your date? That’s cool.” Tammy said. “I wish this town had more to do at night. I would like to have spent more time with Stuart.”

“Well, go out with him again and you can.”

“I really appreciate being able to stay with you but I also really wish that my apartment was ready so that I didn’t have to wait till next Friday.”

“Hahahaha! Sounds like he did make a good impression.”

“Yes, he did.”

They arrived back at the cottage and let themselves in. “Want something to drink?” Tammy asked, as she walked into the kitchen.

“No, thanks. I’m going to change my clothes and get ready to go on my patrol with Colin.”

“Oh I wish I could go. I’ve got some pent up energy I need to burn off.”

“Too bad there’s not a spell that would let you change into an animal for an hour or so. You wouldn’t be able to keep up with us when we are in our animal forms.”

“Hmmm. I wonder?” Tammy said with a thoughtful look on her face.

“Now don’t you go experimenting without knowing how it will turn out. I’d hate for you to get stuck in an animal form or worse yet, halfway between.”

“Yeah, you’re right but I want to ask Amelia and Lucinda about it.”

“Well, why don’t you give them a call? It may be getting late here but it’s still early for them. Besides, they are both night owls and stay up late anyway.”

“Good idea. Although, they really don’t like talking about magic on the phone. Lucinda warned me about that when we were there. I would have to call them and tell them I’m coming and then apparate there.”

“Well, that’s up to you but by the time that all happens, we’ll be back from our patrol.” Carolyn smiled at her. “It’s probably something you need to practice with them around anyway, if it’s even possible.”

“True. Well maybe, I’ll just get some work done and enter your stack of bills to be paid. Then maybe I can actually get somewhat caught up. I’m so terribly far behind at work.”

Carolyn changed into her sweats and was just tying her shoe strings when Colin showed up. Instead of coming to the door, he transformed and howled for her, just like he used to do in high school. Carolyn grinned at Tammy and said “see ya in a little while” before leaving the cottage.

She transformed as she jumped off the porch and they took off through the woods together. They ran Carolyn’s normal patrol towards the creek first, following it up to where her father’s land met the neighboring property and then circled around behind her parent’s house. They were both more than a little surprised when they cut through her parents’ yard to find Angela Masters alone on the front porch. Carolyn transformed and walked into the light where Angela could see them.

“Mom, is everything OK?”

“Oh, Carolyn. Hi Colin. I’m so glad you are here. I’m not sure. Your dad left over an hour ago and hasn’t come back yet. We thought we heard something that sounded like gunshots and he went to check.”

“Have you heard any more shots since he left?” Colin asked, as he transformed next to Carolyn.

“No, but he’s been gone a long time and I’m worried.”

“Which way did he go?” Colin asked, as he turned to look at the woods.

“Towards where the centaurs are living in the caves up on the top of the mountain.”

Just then, they spotted Daniel Masters coming back through the trees but he was limping. Carolyn raced to his side, with Colin and Angela right behind her. Daniel transformed from his bear into his human form just as they reached him.

“Dad! What happened?”

“Damned hunters! They set a trap on the trail to the centaurs. I think someone has spotted one of the centaurs and there must be half a dozen men running around in the woods with guns. I stepped in one of the traps. It only caught the tip of my boot but I think my toes are broken.”

“How did they get up on the mountain so far?”

“I’m going to call down to the station and get everyone up here. If there are more than one or two hunters out there, I don’t want to take on that many men with guns by myself.” Colin said, as he helped support Daniel back to the house. Carolyn would thankfully be kept busy attending to her father for a while and he would handle this.

As soon as they had Daniel in the house, he called down to the station and told Sidney “Call everyone in and tell them to meet me at the Vet clinic. We’ve got hunters on private land, shooting at anything that moves and setting traps in the woods on the Masters property.

Daniel Masters stepped in one and it broke his toes. Tell them to wait for me there. Someone bring me my guns. My pistol is in my office and please bring my rifle.” Colin hung up and turned to Carolyn. “Are you going to take him down to the clinic so you can x-ray his foot?”

“Yeah, that’s probably a good idea. Mom, where are Donna and Kevin?”

“Asleep, thankfully.”

“No, we’re not. Can we help?” Donna said from the hallway.

“What are you two doing up? I know your father told you to go on to bed before he left.” Angela scolded.

“We were worried about him too, mom.” Kevin said.

“Well, I’m going to be fine, now go on up to bed, both of you. School and work tomorrow.” Daniel Masters said.

“Awww, dad. We never get to be involved when there’s action around here.” Kevin complained, but turned and headed up the stairs with his younger sister close behind him.

Between Colin and Carolyn, they got Daniel into his pickup truck and Angela drove him down the mountain to Carolyn’s clinic while Carolyn and Colin transformed and raced ahead of them. They stopped by the cottage and told Tammy what was going on. She agreed to come down to the clinic and help Carolyn.

Colin took his truck and Carolyn and Tammy drove Carolyn’s jeep and arrived just a minute before Angela who arrived just a minute before the first of the deputies. By the time Carolyn had finished x-raying Daniel’s foot, all of the deputies had arrived and Colin was briefing them on what he wanted them to do.

“First of all, I want everyone to stay in their human form and pair up, two men together always. These guys are carrying rifles and possibly hand guns. Make sure your badges are clearly displayed and no shooting unless they fire at you first. We’re not sure how many of them there are but we think there are at least six of them.

When you have one in custody, find out how many of his buddies are running around out there and use your radios! If they fire on a human, then they are serious and will definitely be going to jail. Stanley and Stuart, drive along the highway and find their vehicles.

Render them un-drivable and then follow their trail up the mountain. They will have left a trail, guaranteed, and will more than likely head back the same way they went up. Keep your eyes open and watch where you step. Daniel Masters was injured by a trap that these guys have set. If you find any, make sure you safely trip them, then pick it up and put it somewhere you can find it later. Keep a count of how many you find. Ok guys, let’s get moving.” Colin said.

“Don’t worry, we will find them and put a stop to this tonight.” Colin assured Carolyn when he went to tell them he would contact them when he had all the hunters in custody.

“If I’m not at my parents house then I’ll be at the cottage.” Carolyn had her hands filled with wrapping her dad’s foot. All of Daniel’s toes on his left foot were broken so she had set them, then taped his broken toes with splints and wrapped his whole foot to hold the splints in place so that they would heal properly. With his changeling healing ability, it should mean only a few days off of his feet, which would be a well-earned rest.

Angela followed Colin to the door and asked him if he would check by their house and make sure Donna and Kevin were at home and in bed. “Sure, I’ll check on them. We are going to go in at different points along the road, with me and Jason at the top.” Jason Withers was Colin’s oldest deputy and his animal form was a bear, like Daniel. Jason had driven Colin’s patrol car, a heavy duty jeep wrangler with the sheriffs’ decal on the door over there but Colin took the wheel to go up the mountain.

Finally, Tammy’s curiosity got the best of her and she had to ask. “Ok, I gather that your father got hurt by a trap set by some hunters somewhere on the mountain but how did they manage to get so high up the mountain with no one noticing? I mean, I know you’ve caught hunters before, but weren’t they usually lower down?”

“Yeah. I overheard them talking before I stepped in the trap and apparently someone has spotted one of the centaurs and they want to see if they can “catch” one, alive or dead.” Daniel said. The morphine that Carolyn had given him when she had set his toes was making him speak very slowly and his eyes were starting to close.

“Come on, let’s get him back home before he falls asleep. These metal tables are not exactly comfortable to sleep on. Tammy, can you look in the cabinet over there and pass me a pair of crutches?” Carolyn said, as she and Angela pulled on Daniel’s arms to get him in an upright position.

They helped Daniel to his truck and then Carolyn made sure that everything was off and the clinic was locked up. She grabbed her medical bag and took it with her as she got behind the wheel of the jeep and followed them home.

They got Daniel home and it took all 3 of them to get him back in the house and upstairs to bed. “I wish I had let Kevin stay up. We sure could use his help getting him upstairs.” Angela said as they helped the now very sleepy Daniel up the stairs to their bedroom.

The morphine was in full effect when he fell onto the bed and immediately went to sleep. “He will sleep the night with the shot I gave him and he should be healed up in 2 or 3 days. Just leave the splints on. Tell him he can’t get up and move around except to go to the bathroom and back. Maybe let Donna and Kevin take turns staying home and helping you. I would come up and help you, but I’ve got a full day with patients tomorrow.”

“No, Donna needs to go to school and Kevin to work. I’ve been taking care of Daniel for over 30 years. Nothing new to me.” Angela said. They stayed with her until Colin and Jason came back about an hour later. They didn’t have anyone with them but said they had rounded up all the hunters. “Stuart and Sidney and the other deputies are leading them back the way they came. There were six of them and we are making them collect all the traps they had set. They are from the other side of the mountain. Apparently, the centaurs were spotted passing through there and the rumors of this mountain being haunted has suspicions running wild in a few of the bars there.

I’m going to talk to the judge about hanging some official, county ordered, no trespassing, no hunting signs for the edges of your property. He already knows this is not the first call we’ve had to answer on the mountain, so I’m pretty sure he will approve the request.”

“Thanks, Colin. Hopefully it will make a difference. Our attempts are obviously being ignored. Was it the same guys from last time?”

“No, this is a whole different batch. The other guys are still in jail.”

“Well, did this batch say if they actually saw anything?”

“I don’t think they found anything. They were just going off what someone else told them. I have to get down to the station and question them. See you tomorrow?”

“Sure, come by the cottage tomorrow evening. I should be home by 5ish.”

“Ok. See you then.” Colin wished she would follow him out to his car but then Jason would be there so he just winked at her as he put his hat back on and left.

“Mom, call me if you need anything. I’m going to get home and get to bed. It’s getting late and I’ve got an appointment first thing in the morning.” Carolyn told her mother and then she and Tammy followed Colin out the door. They drove back to the cottage and let themselves in. They took turns in the bathroom and then by unspoken agreement, went to bed.

The next morning, Tammy was up and in the bathroom when Carolyn woke up. She lay in the bed, listening to Tammy and hoping she would hurry up. She needed to pee, badly. She was seriously considering changing into her cat form and going outside to pee when Tammy finally opened the bathroom door and came out with her hair wrapped in a towel.

“Good morning! Did you sleep well?” Tammy said, cheerfully as Carolyn rushed past her to get to the bathroom.

“Be out in a minute.” Was all she said, as she closed the bathroom door.

Tammy went into the kitchen and hit the switch on the coffee pot. She had slept exceptionally well but had a feeling that Carolyn had not.

Carolyn came out of the bathroom and headed for the coffee pot. “Not sleep well?” Tammy questioned.

“Slept fine once I fell asleep, which was about 2 am.” Carolyn admitted.

“What kept you up so late?” Tammy asked, concerned for her friend.

“Just so much on my mind. I have to interview Randy Hastings today so I’d better get going. Are you working today?” Carolyn said. She might have been up half the night, thinking about everything but it hadn’t helped her come to any definite decisions about anything. She just wished everyone would stop saying how perfect she and Colin were together and just let them have a relationship like normal people.

“Yeah. I’ve got a couple of appointments today so I’d better get dressed and get going.” Tammy said as she finished her coffee and went to get dressed.

Tammy left just a few minutes before Carolyn, both agreeing that they would see each other later.

Carolyn finished dressing and locked up the cottage and drove her jeep down to the clinic. She had just finished setting up for her first patient when they arrived. Today she was giving a puppy its first series of shots. The golden retriever puppy was a 3 month old female and a bundle of energy. Carolyn lifted her onto the examination table and began checking her over as the owner rattled on about the dog being a gift to their son as the puppy jumped up on Carolyn’s shoulder, trying to lick her face.

She examined the puppy and then gave her the shots. “She seems to be in good health. I don’t see any evidence of ticks or mites. Bring her back when she is 6 months old and we will spay her so you don’t end up with a bunch of unwanted puppies.”

“Ok.” Mrs. Grayson said. She asked about how much it would cost and Carolyn was not surprised when she got a worried look on her face. “I can let you pay it with monthly installments if the cost is too much for one time but I can’t tell you how important it is to have it done. Pets are life time commitments and unless you plan on having a whole houseful of dogs, the sooner you have it done the better. Dogs normally have their first heat between 9 months to a year of age.”

Mrs. Grayson agreed, paid her bill and left. Carolyn wondered if she would ever see her again. Carolyn cleaned up the exam room and spent some time on the computer while she waited for Randy to show up. Which he did right before lunch time.

Randy was a tall, nice looking but rather heavy set young man with an unruly stock of black hair and black horn-rimmed glasses and a soft voice. He showed her that he had good manners by looking her in the eye and a firm handshake when he greeted her.

“Good morning, Dr. Masters. I’m Randy Hastings. My mother told me that you are looking for an assistant?”

For the next half hour, Carolyn showed Randy around the clinic and watched his reaction as she described what his duties would be. He didn’t seem to flinch at any of the procedures or duties she described and Carolyn was beginning to think that he just might work out.

“Didn’t Cindy Pence use to work for you?” Randy asked as they went back into the clinic from the outdoor kennel area.

“Yes, but she left for college in September. She’s going to be greatly missed. Did you know Cindy?”

“Yes, we had several classes together at school. I liked her a lot but her father is so strict that he didn’t allow her to socialize much.” Randy admitted.

“Yeah, well, her father is old school and believes that changelings should mate with their own kind. He doesn’t stop to think about the fact that they are the only goat family in the area and that for Cindy to have a mate means she will have to pair with one of her own family. I’m hoping Cindy will eventually stand up to him and tell him its’ not his choice but hers to decide who she picks for a mate.” Carolyn confided in him. “Well, do you think you would like to give this a shot?”

“Yes, ma’am. I take care of all of our animals on my parents’ farm and while I’ve never had to give them shots or repair broken bones, I have been there for the birthing of just about every one of our farm animals and take care of all their day to day needs.”

“Well, I have a patient coming in this afternoon for shots. It’s a big dog that I’ve never treated before and if you can help me with him, I would really appreciate it. My dad was going to come help me but he has enough to do without running down here every time I need help and besides, he’s laid up with broken toes right now. My patient is due to arrive at 1 pm.”

“Well, I have to get my mom home from the beauty shop but I can drop her off and come back and be here for the rest of the day, if you need me?”

“Great. That will be a big help.” Carolyn said.

Randy left to go get his mother home and Carolyn called her parents’ house. Angela answered on the 2nd ring. “Mom, tell Dad that he doesn’t need to come down this afternoon. I’m going to give Randy a chance at being my assistant. He seems like he will be able to handle it.”

“Oh that’s great! I’ll be sure to tell him. He had called Uncle Ray to come help you and he just left to go deliver the stuff to the centaurs and the fairies. He should be back in about an hour.” Angela said.

Randy was true to his word and was back at the clinic in less than an hour and he was dressed in jeans and a t-shirt, instead of the slacks and button down shirt he had had on for his interview. “I hope this is ok for me to work in?” He asked, as she led him back to the examination room where they would be treating the next patient.

“Yeah. That’s fine. Here, I hope this coat fits. If not, I’ll order one for you. It will help protect your clothes.” Carolyn said as she handed him the largest lab coat she had. It was too snug across his shoulders, so she told him “Here, use this apron instead. I’ll order a new coat for you after we are done with this patient.”

She showed him where all of the supplies were kept and told him “You cannot administer any of the shots but it’s a big help if you can get things I will need together on a tray so that we don’t have to stop and run back and forth for things.” She showed him how she liked things set up as they waited for the next patient to arrive, which they did just a few minutes before 1 pm.

The Saint Bernard, like all dogs, seemed to know that his owner had brought him to the vet and was refusing to get out of the car. He had laid down in the back of the SUV and growled at them as they reached in to pull him out.

“Randy, go back in the clinic and bring a large muzzle. I do not want to get bitten.” Carolyn instructed.

“I’m sorry about this Dr. Masters. He’s usually such a loving dog.” The dogs’ owner apologized. His apology and the dog’s reaction told her that he must not have been to the vets very often, which was objectionable to Carolyn but she also knew that, given current rates in most areas, it was not unusual for people to “self-treat” their pets. Carolyn held her tongue before she judged anyone so she asked. “It’s not unusual, Mr. Lucas. All animals seem to know when they are at the vet’s office. Was he a rescued dog?”

“Yes. We rescued him a couple of years ago from the pound in the town where we were living in North Dakota. We had a big place for him to run free on our small farm. Our place here is not as big but he does have free run of the yard. Maybe it’s because he knew our vet, who used to come to the farm to treat our other animals. He gave him all of his shots before we left last year.”

Randy came back with a large muzzle and the owner quickly put it on the dog and the transformation was amazing. The dog seemed to realize that he wasn’t going to be able to avoid getting out of the vehicle and seemed to accept his fate. He crawled forward and reluctantly jumped down but stayed close to his owners’ legs as he led him into the clinic.

“Well, let’s get him on the scale and see how much he weighs.” Carolyn instructed. With Randy and the owners’ help, they got the dog weighed and into an examination room. She decided that it would be easier for her to bend down and examine the dog, than trying to lift him up onto a table. She checked him for fleas, ticks and mites and administered his rabies vaccination. By the time they were done the dog was acting much calmer and actually tried to lick Carolyn’s face. “See, I didn’t hurt you, did I?” She said, as she scratched him behind the ears and removed the muzzle.

Mr. Lucas paid the bill and left with a dog happy to be free of the vet’s office.

“Well, that was easy enough.” Randy said, as he watched Carolyn wave goodbye to Mr. Lucas from the door.

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