Magic on Changeling Mountain

Chapter 25

Tammy took a deep breath and then she grabbed Carolyn’s hand. “Carolyn, come sit down. There’s something I want to discuss with you.”

“Uh-oh. What’s wrong?”

“Well, nothing actually but I need to talk to you about something. It’s something I’ve always wanted to do but I never thought it would be possible until I found out for sure that I’m a witch and have learned how to use and control my powers.”

“What?” Carolyn said as she sat down on the sofa with her.

“I want to go look for my parents. I have to find out why they abandoned me.”

“And where do you plan to go looking for them?”

“Well, I think I need to start around Seattle. Randolph acted like he recognized me. He said I resemble someone that he had seen before.”

“Oh but Tammy, he also said that he hadn’t seen her in a long time. Your mother may have lived in the area at some time but it’s a one in a million shot that she still lives there and in a city of over 600,000 people, it would be nearly impossible to find her.”

“Well, do you remember what Lucinda and Amelia said about being very specific about using the find it spell? If I’m very specific about what I’m looking for, then they should come right to me.”

“Honey, I hate to be a killjoy but Tammy, what if they are dead? You could accidently raise the dead!” Carolyn said and immediately felt so sorry for her best friend when she saw the look on Tammy’s face.

“I didn’t think about that. I mean, I want to find them but I don’t want them coming back from the dead.”

“I think you had better talk to Lucinda and Amelia and maybe even Randolph some more before you go running off half-cocked. Besides, you have to work tomorrow and so do I. Come on, help me find something to eat and we’ll talk about it some more but promise me you won’t just take off and go without me?”

“Ok. I promise but I have to start looking, Carolyn. I don’t feel like I’ll ever be able to move on and make a real life for myself if I can’t find out about where I come from.”

“I understand, Tammy but you also can’t give up your life here. You’ve worked hard to get your business up and running. You have a steady stream of customers and a nice apartment. You can’t seriously be considering just up and leaving, are you? How are you going to feed yourself during your search? Where will you stay?”

“Well, I guess, I didn’t really think it all the way through. It’s just ever since Randolph said something about me looking familiar to someone he used to know, it kind of gave me hope that I might be able to find them.”

“Well, until we know more about how witches have their children, then we need to go at it on a more practical level. How about we start at the adoption agency that placed you in the foster homes? They will have records of when you were first placed with them and that would at least give you a definite city to start looking.”

“Well, then that would be in Salem. I was left in a small church on the edge of Salem. I was wrapped in a blanket with “Tamaura” embroidered on it and I was hugging a little stuffed bunny rabbit. I’ve still got both of them. Well, at least most of the blanket anyway and even though my bunny rabbit is kind of beat up and barely holding together, I still have him. It’s all I’ve got left of them and while I wish it held some answers, it’s just a blanket and a stuffed bunny.”

“But maybe, if you ever find your parents, they will remember that and that’s how you will know for sure it’s them. Hardly anyone calls you Tamaura, so unless you tell them, they wouldn’t know it or the fact that you were found with a stuffed bunny. I would say make them your test questions when you think you’ve found them.”

“You know when we were at Randolph’s earlier, there was something very familiar about that dark witch that was in there. I couldn’t see her face but I got the strangest feeling of déjà vu when she was there. Randolph said he was protecting us from her but I wonder if he was actually keeping me from seeing her.”

“Tammy! Be very careful! I don’t know much about magic but I do believe Lucinda and Amelia when they said to stay away from dark magic and Randolph said she was a dark witch. You are a pure white witch. Dark witches wouldn’t give away such a baby. They would try to convert it. From what everyone has said, you are a very powerful witch. You have to be very careful about getting around dark witches. They would try to steal your powers and I hate to say it, Tams, but you still have a lot to learn about being a witch. All I’m saying is take your time and be careful! You don’t know what you might be walking into.”

“Ok. I promise. I’m going to practice as much as I can and learn all I can but in the meantime, I’m going to start actively hunting for them. I’ve got to know who I am and why they gave me up.”

They found the makings for sandwiches and salads and continued to talk, making plans about how they would search for her parents. It was agreed that they would be contacting Lucinda and Amelia again soon and that more training sessions were in Tammy’s future.

When it got past 8 o’clock, Tammy finally said she was going to take a shower and get ready for bed. “I want to wash my hair tonight. It feels nasty from the ceiling water dripping on it.”

“Go ahead. I’m going to run my patrol. I’ll be back in about an hour.” Carolyn said.

She grabbed her portable radio and the microphone and stuck them in her pocket before she went out the back door. She stood on the porch for a moment before she jumped down, transforming as she hit the ground. She took her time as she entered the woods. Almost all of the leaves had fallen from the trees now and they crunched under her feet as she plodded along. She was careful about where she stepped, purposely dragging her front feet so that if there was a trap anywhere on the trail, she wouldn’t step in it.

She was on her patrol for about half an hour when she felt like someone was nearby. She was coming close to the Pence place and she wondered if it was Ralph when Colin suddenly appeared out of the trees with Ralph close behind him. They all transformed and greeted each other.

“Hey guys! What’s up?”

“Hey, Carolyn. Colin stopped by just as I was about to do my rounds and he decided to join me.”

Colin was blushing and looking guilty and Carolyn grinned at him. “Well, it’s all clear between my cottage and here. I was going up to go check on the fairies and see how they are doing.”

“I’d love to join you but I promised my dad I would just do my run and come right back. He’s been all freaked out about the traps and is really keeping a tight rein on all of us. He won’t even let the little ones go anywhere near the woods.”

“Your brother and sister are in their mid-teens already aren’t they? I thought my dad was a control freak. Yours has him beat, hands down!”

“Hey, don’t talk. No one has seen Kevin or Donna in days! Your parents are just as freaked out as mine.”

“Well, they can stop worrying. I have to go to court with the hunters next week and they pulled Judge Russell. If I know him, they are going to be spending a long time in jail.”

“Good. Let me know if you need someone to testify against them. I’d be more than happy to!” Carolyn told him. “Are you going to come check the fairies with me?”

“Sure. If we can make it quick. I am on duty right now but it’s been quiet in town so I came out to check the road and saw Ralph.”

“Well, it’s a ways up the mountain. Past my parents’ place, in fact.” Carolyn told him.

“Well, I’ll go at least part of the way with you. I wonder if my radio works when I’m a wolf? I’ve never had anyone contact me when I’m like that before so I don’t know if it will or not.”

“I tell you what. Take it off and transform and I’ll put it around your neck so you can hear it for sure if it goes off.”

Colin quickly unhooked his radio and untied one of his shoelaces and made a quick loop out of it so that Carolyn could hang it around his neck, then he transformed. Carolyn tied the radio in place and then transformed into her cat. They took off through the woods, quickly climbing the mountain, side by side. It only took them about half an hour to find the fairy tree, which was lightly glowing as the fairies flew around it, making their places to sleep ready.

Foster saw them coming and flew down to meet them.

Carolyn transformed and pulled the radio out of her pocket. She hooked up the microphone and turned the volume all the way up. Colin transformed as well and watched as she talked to the fairy.

“Hi, Miss Carolyn. Hello, Sheriff.” Foster floated in between them.

“Hello, Foster. How are you liking your new home?” Carolyn whispered to the fairy.

“The soil is a bit rocky but we will be able to make things grow. It will be hard to tell where there will be sunlight in the spring but this tree offers good shelter from the coming winter storms. There will be snow soon.” Foster said.

“I will not be able to transform as much in the winter time because I stand out too plainly against the white snow so I stick to my human form more, which is a shame really since my cat doesn’t get cold as easily as my human form.” Carolyn shared. “Do you have enough burrows for everyone? Did you ask the queen about the plastic containers?”

“Yes, she said she would like to see one.” Foster said.

“I will bring some of them with me when I come next time.”

“Do you have any more of the fluff? We are going to need more soon. Some of us went down to your parents’ house to ask about cleaning their vent but we couldn’t get their attention.”

“I will gather what I can and bring it next time, too. I’m sure my mom won’t mind if you clean her vent. Just be careful that she doesn’t turn on the dryer while you are gathering. The air will be very hot coming out of there.”

“What is fluff?” Colin asked.

“Dryer lint. They use it to make bedding out of it so that they can stay warm in the winter.”

“We can also weave it to make clothes and other things we need.” Foster told them.

“I’ll collect what I can too and give it to Carolyn.” Colin said. Any excuse he could use to spend time with her was good for him.

“What about food? Do you have supplies put away for the winter months?” Carolyn asked.

“A little but not enough to carry us through the winter months. We have been harvesting the pine cones as much as we can but we have no storage established yet. That’s what the queen is hoping your plastic containers can be used for is to store food for the long winter months. You said they are waterproof?”

“Yes, it will keep anything you put in it dry. I can also bring you some vegetables. Do fairies eat meat?”

“Oh, goodness, No! We only eat what we harvest from the land. From what we have seen, in the spring we will be able to live here quite comfortably but spring is a long way away. We worry for our young ones and the older fairies. The winter months are hardest on them.”

“Well, I’ll do what I can to help. I’ll bring containers and you can make water proof living quarters for the winter months and then in the spring, turn them into storage containers. I can bring more than one.”

“Great! Thank you, Miss Carolyn. I was beginning to think we were not going to be able to survive this winter. We had to leave most everything behind when they destroyed our home.”

“Well, don’t you worry, Foster. We’ll help you as much as we can. If need be, we’ll talk to the centaurs about letting you stay in the caves for the winter.”

“We would rather not unless it becomes absolutely necessary.”

“Carolyn, we had better get going. It’s getting late.” Colin said.

“Ok. I’ll bring you some containers and some more fluff tomorrow.” Carolyn said then turned off the radio and stuck it back in her pocket. She and Colin transformed as Foster flew back up into the tree. They jogged along through the woods to Carolyn’s cottage. Tammy was sitting on the back porch as they approached and Colin stopped within the shadows. Carolyn stopped and looked back at him. “What? It’s only Tammy.” Carolyn thought to him.

“I know but I would rather say goodbye here and I’ll see you tomorrow.” Colin said, as he came close and nuzzled her. They transformed together and Colin pulled her into his arms as he gazed into her face. It always took an extra moment for her eyes to complete the change and it had always fascinated him to see her pupils go from the vertical slit of her cat to the rounder pupil of her human eyes. They were so green they reminded him of emeralds. He lowered his head and brushed his lips over hers.

“See you Saturday?” Colin whispered down to her.

“Yes. I’m looking forward to it.” Carolyn slowly opened her eyes to look up at him.

Colin wished that Tammy was not staying here and that he was not on duty. He wanted so badly to be with Carolyn that it was pure torture to release her. He was glad it was dark in the shadow of the trees because the crotch of his pants felt extra tight in the front.

“I’d better get back to work. I’ll pick you up Saturday morning. Good night, Carolyn.”

“Good night, Colin. See you then.”

He transformed back into his wolf and took off through the trees. Carolyn watched him go and then turned and walked down to the cottage.

“Hey! What are you still doing up?” Carolyn called out as she came across the yard.

“Oh, goodness you startled me. Where have you been? You said you would be back in an hour and that was over an hour ago.” Tammy said, standing up as Carolyn came up on the porch. She was wrapped in the blanket that Carolyn kept on the lounge chair.

Carolyn liked sitting out here at night, watching the stars.

“I ran into Ralph and Colin doing a patrol. Colin went with me up to check on the fairies. I moved them to a maple tree a mile or two above my parents place. Hey, I meant to ask you to save your dryer lint and any scraps of material, bits of string, loose buttons and stuff like that for the fairies. They lost everything when they had to run from their homes. Poor things. This winter is going to be hard on them.”

“Sure. I can do that. I got worried when you didn’t come back right away. I was going to wait until 10 and if you weren’t back by then, I was going to call your parents’ house. I was hoping you had stopped in to visit with them and just forgot about the time.”

“Well, I’m going to get a shower. Are you ready to get to bed?” Carolyn asked.

“Yes but I will wait for you to finish, if you want.” Tammy wanted to be there if Carolyn wanted to talk about Colin but also didn’t want to push.

“I’m going to hit the sack soon too. I want to be up early so I can get to the clinic. I only have one appointment tomorrow and then I want to come home and get in the tub and shave my legs and wash my hair and get my clothes ready for Saturday. I’m going to wear my new jeans and that pretty shirt I got on our first trip to Seattle.

Colin and I are going to tour the Biltmore Estate and go to some of the other attractions down there. Then we are going to some fancy place for dinner. He won’t tell me where but he says I’ll need to dress for it. That’s why I needed the dress. It’s been a long time since I put on a dress and nothing in my closet fits me anymore. Come to think about it, some of them may fit you. You are welcome to go through my closet and take whatever dresses you want except the green one with the full skirt.”

“Maybe one of these days. I don’t really have much use for dresses either. It’s not like anyone wants to take me anywhere fancy.” Tammy pretended to pout then laughed at Carolyn’s sad look. “Hahahaha! You are so easy! One of these days, I’ll meet someone. I’m in no rush.”

“Have you been practicing your future telling?” Carolyn asked as she took a towel out of the linen closet and headed for the bathroom.

“You might say that but I’ve got things I want to do before I commit to anything long term.” Tammy admitted.

“I know that feeling. Well, I’m not going to wash my hair tonight so I’ll be out in a few minutes. I just want to wash the day off of my skin.”

Tammy was sleepy but she had a feeling that Carolyn wanted to talk so she found an easy listening station on the radio and started some hot cocoa while she waited for Carolyn to finish her shower.

She was just pouring the cocoa into their mugs when Carolyn emerged from her shower. She had pulled on her comfy sweats before she padded into the kitchen, so she was ready for bed. She had intended to just check that the doors were locked when Tammy handed her the mug.

“Oh, what a good idea! Thanks!” Carolyn said as she accepted the mug and blew on it before taking that first sip.

“Come on. Sit down and tell me what it is that is bothering you.” Tammy said.

“What makes you think there is something bothering me?”

“Carolyn, you and I have been best friends for a long time. I know when you are trying to work something out in your mind. Now come on and sit down and tell me all about it. I don’t know if I can offer anything but I know it will help you to make up your mind to talk it through.”

“Well, it’s Colin, mostly.”

“What about him?”

“Well, we have been friends since we were little kids. Since we were teenagers, I’ve been aware of an attraction to him when we are in our human form but love? I’ve never been “In Love” with anyone before. Sure, I had high school crushes, like any other girl, but not what I would call a deep, I would die for them kind of love and if I’m going to choose a life mate, that’s the kind of love I want to feel for him and him for me. I care about Colin a lot but I’m not sure it’s what I would call love.”

“Carolyn, you’re going on your first date, not getting married! Give the man a chance, not to mention yourself!” Tammy tried to act indignant. “Besides, if you would be more honest with yourself, I think your feelings for Colin go a lot deeper than you will admit, even to yourself.”

“But what if he doesn’t feel the same?”

“Oh, good lord, Carolyn! That man loves you, even if he hasn’t said so yet. Hell, he may not even realize it himself, but I seriously doubt it. He’s just too shy to admit his feelings yet.”

“Well, he has admitted that he cares for me but just caring for me is not enough, Tammy. I want to know that he will love me the way my father loves my mother.”

“I do hope you will have that kind of love but the feelings part is not all that’s bothering you. Come on, what else? Are you worried about having kids with him?”

“YES! I’m terrified of it in fact. What if I ended up with a huge litter all at once? Will they be kittens or puppies? I love being a vet and don’t want to give it up yet. It just seems like it’s a lot to consider. I guess I’m afraid to just let go and let the chips fall where they may.”

“Then why don’t you forget about all of it and just go and have a good time on Saturday? Seems to me like you are rushing and projecting what might happen. Just let nature take its course. If you two are meant to be, which I will lay money on, then it will be. If not, well let’s just say I would be seriously amazed, not to mention disappointed because in my opinion, Colin is your perfect mate.”

Carolyn looked over the top of her mug at her friend and thought about what she had said. “You are right. I need to stop trying to make more of it than it is yet. I need to just let nature take care of it. I want it to be a natural feeling for both of us, not something I have to work at or push him into.”

“There you go. Now finish your cocoa and get to bed or you are going to look like hell tomorrow. It’s already after 11, and I for one, am tired. Go on your date Saturday and just have fun spending the day together. Let it happen and stop slamming the door in his face every time he tries to make a move on you.” Tammy said as she pushed herself off the couch to go rinse her mug in the sink.

“I know you. You are going to worry yourself over this but for once, take my advice and just let the chips fall where they may and go get some sleep. Dream happy dreams! I’m going to bed and try to have some of those myself. Good night!”

“Good night and thanks, Tammy!” Carolyn said as she sat and finished her cocoa. She heard Tammy go into the bathroom to go pee before turning in for the night. She could hear her moving around, getting ready for bed.

Carolyn stood up, checked that the front door was locked and then went into the kitchen to rinse her mug. She looked out the window on the back door as she checked the lock and stood looking in the direction of the place where she and Colin had said goodnight. She could almost feel his arms around her, feel the press of his lips against hers and a slight smile crept across her mouth as she pulled the curtain back into place and turned to go to bed.

She flipped off the lights as she went through the cottage on her way to bed. Tammy was already snoring slightly as she passed her room and Carolyn went to the bathroom one more time before turning in for the night herself.

She lay in bed, watching the moonlight coming in through the window and prayed that Tammy was right. That night, she dreamed, not for the first time, of being with Colin. Of having a life with him and it brought a smile to her lips.

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