Magic on Changeling Mountain

Chapter 19

They enjoyed a quiet, relaxing evening with her family and went to bed early. The next morning, Carolyn woke up and lay in bed listening for a moment. She could smell coffee and bacon cooking and knew her mom had probably not slept much last night. She swung her legs to the side of the bed and sat for a moment stretching her arms over head. Tammy woke up and said “I smell coffee.”

“And bacon. I doubt if my mom slept hardly at all last night. She was probably up worrying all night about us going, so do me a favor, don’t say anything about our trip. Let’s just get through breakfast and get on the road with as little fuss as possible.”

“Ok. She really has an issue with you leaving the nest, doesn’t she?” Tammy said.

“Yeah well can you blame her? In the past couple of months, we’ve had an evil warlock try to kill you, centaurs, fairies and trolls show up on our land and then the familiar from Melinda comes around. She’s worried that we are going to a place that could be even more dangerous with people we don’t really know all that well.” Carolyn said. “While it may be an adventure for us, she’s afraid that we are jumping in over our heads. By the way, did Lucinda and Amelia make plane reservations for us while I was in the bedroom packing?”

“Uh, no. Not exactly.” Tammy hedged.

“What do you mean “not exactly”? Carolyn turned to look at her friend.

“We are not taking a plane but we are flying.” Tammy replied.

“How are we supposed to fly if not on a plane? Not on broom sticks, I hope?” Carolyn laughed, having second thoughts about this trip.

“No, not on broom sticks!” Tammy laughed and then sobered at the look on Carolyn’s face. “Well, I’m not exactly clear on that part.” Tammy said.

“Well, I want to know exactly how we are going to travel before I step one foot out of my house. I’m a cat, not a bird.” Carolyn said stubbornly.

They got up and got dressed and went downstairs to find Daniel and Angela in the kitchen. Angela was making pancakes while Daniel scrambled eggs for breakfast.

“Good morning!” They greeted each other.

“Oh, how is it that your coffee always smells so good and tastes even better?” Tammy said as she helped herself to a cup.

“It’s homegrown. Not stuff you get from the store. They always overcook theirs.” Angela replied. “Come get some pancakes before they get cold.” She said as she flipped two pancakes on to a plate and passed it to Carolyn and then flipped two more on a plate for Tammy. Daniel Masters dished some eggs on to the sides of their plates and they went into the dining room to eat.

Donna and Kevin came downstairs when they were about halfway through eating. Kevin was the one to open the conversation about their trip.

“So what time do you leave?” he asked.

“Right after breakfast. We’ll be back Monday night.” Carolyn said, shooting him a look that said she would like to strangle him.

“Well, I do hope you have a good trip. Make sure you call the minute you get home.” Daniel Masters said. Angela Masters stood up and went into the kitchen. Carolyn shot her father a look and he whispered “She’s just a worried mother.”

Carolyn stood up and carried her empty dishes into the kitchen. “Mom, please don’t worry. We’ll only be gone for a couple of days. We’ll be fine and back before you know it.”

“I know. Your dad says I’m just being silly but I can’t help but worry when you are going so far away. Please promise me you will be careful and call me as soon as you get there.” Angela said, fighting to hold back her tears as she embraced her daughter.

“I promise, mom. I love you!” Carolyn hugged her mother back. That’s how Tammy found them a minute later when she brought her dishes into the kitchen.

“Do you think we should call down and make sure they are awake before we head back down to the cottage?” Tammy asked.

“Might not be such a bad idea.” Carolyn said as she crossed to the phone and dialed the number to her cottage. Lucinda picked up on the second ring.

“Good morning. We were just checking that you guys are up and ready to go?” Carolyn said.

“Well, I’m up and showered and all ready to go. Amelia however is having issues getting out of bed. She has fallen in love with your bed, I think.” Lucinda almost giggled.

“Well, tell her to get up and get ready because here we come.” Carolyn said and hung up. They collected their things and after hugging her family goodbye, they loaded into the jeep and set off down the mountain. They pulled into Carolyn’s yard to find Colin waiting for them.

“Good morning Colin. What brings you here?” Carolyn asked.

“I just wanted to give you an update on those poachers we caught on your land. What’s this I hear about you taking off and going on a trip?” Colin asked.

“Yeah, just for the long weekend. We are going to take Tammy to Lucinda and Amelia’s to do some witchcraft training and have a girls’ weekend away. What’s up with the poachers?”

“Well, they are going to court tomorrow and I think the judge is going to throw the book at them.” Colin said with a big smile. “Now, where are you girls off to? Myrtle Beach?”

“Nope. Washington.” Carolyn said. “We’ll be back Monday night.”

“What brought this on?” Colin asked.

She gave him a quick rundown on what had happened with Melinda and told him “Tammy needs to train, to learn how to use and control her magic and there’s no one around here to teach her so we are going to go to their house for a few days so that they can teach her.”

“You will be careful while you are gone, won’t you?” Colin asked softly. He wanted to wrap his arms around her, to keep her from going because he wanted her safe and close by but instead, he shoved his hands in his pockets and tried not to look too dopey.

“Of course. Will you keep an eye on my place while I’m gone?” Carolyn asked. She wished he would kiss her goodbye or at the very least, hug her but instead he shoved his hands in his pockets.

“Sure will. Call me when you get back?” Colin asked.

“I sure will.” Carolyn replied.

“Ok, I’m ready! Let’s get moving. If we return the car before 10, we won’t have to pay for an extra day.” Amelia said, as she stepped out onto the front porch carrying her suitcase.

Colin so badly wanted to kiss Carolyn goodbye but he was too embarrassed in front of everyone so he just tipped his hat and left.

Carolyn waved to him as he pulled out and then turned to the others. “Okay, ladies. Let’s hit the road. Just let me go pee and get my bag.”

They loaded up their luggage into the back of Lucinda and Amelia’s rental car and were shortly on their way. They drove to Asheville and returned the car at the airport and then Carolyn and Tammy followed the sisters to the ladies room. “What are we doing in the ladies room?”

“Well first we are going to make sure that there’s no one else in here.” Lucinda said, as she and her sister walked down the aisle of stalls, pushing on the doors to make sure the stalls were empty. As soon as they were certain that no one else was in the restroom, they gathered together and Amelia said “Hang on tight to your bags and our hands. No matter what happens, do not let go of us. Understand?”

Carolyn and Tammy both nodded and then glanced at each other before Amelia lifted her wand and said “Apparate”. Suddenly it felt like someone had sucked all of the air out of the room and everything vanished. It felt like they were being sucked down a drain as everything was dark and seemed to swirl around them. Carolyn shut her eyes tight because she felt like she was going to be sick when suddenly she felt solid ground under her feet again. She slowly opened her eyes to find herself standing on the large wooden veranda of a house in the middle of a forest. She smelled the pines and the ocean in the clean, cold, crisp air.

“Wow. That was amazing!” Tammy said. “You have got to teach me how to do that!”

“Of course, otherwise how are you two going to get home?” Amelia said with a laugh.

“Whoa! You mean you won’t be taking us back?” Carolyn asked in disbelief.

“No. One of the first lessons Tammy is going to learn is to Apparate. It’s a great way to travel. Definitely less expensive and time consuming than flying on commercial airlines, not to mention those tiny uncomfortable seats and lousy airline food. Speaking of food, I’m starving. Come on inside and I’ll show you where to put your bags while Lucinda scrounges up some food.”

“Don’t worry about me. My mom made pancakes and eggs before we left this morning. I’m so full it will be a while before I can eat anything else. I promised to call my mom when we got here. She’s not going to believe how we came.” Carolyn said as she pulled her phone out of her pocket and checked for bars. Amelia smiled at her and led Tammy into the house. Carolyn had a couple of bars on her phone and quickly called her parents’ house. Her mom answered on the 1st ring.

“Did your car break down on the way to the airport?” Her mom answered the phone.

“No, we’re here! It’s beautiful. We’re deep in the woods and you can smell the trees and the ocean. The sun is just coming up and it’s beautiful. I just wanted to let you know we made it safely.” Carolyn tried to reassure her mother when she wasn’t really sure how they had gotten here herself.

“How did you manage to fly across the country so fast? Tell me you are kidding and are actually just in Myrtle Beach?” Angela said.

“Nope. Lucinda and Amelia flew us here using magic. It was like being sucked down a drain kind of feeling. I shut my eyes for just a minute and we were here.” Carolyn told her.

“Well, I never. Are you OK?” Angela said, not sure what to say.

“Yes, mom. We’re fine.” Carolyn assured her. “Look mom, I’ve only got a couple of bars for signal so if we get cut off, it’s because I lost signal so don’t worry, we’re here and we are safe.”

“Ok, well try to have some fun and be safe! I love you, Car” and suddenly she was cut off. Carolyn looked at her phone and there were no bars left. She turned and entered the house and looked around. She was surprised by the inside. It was rustic and exotic all at the same time. The large living room had walls that were chinked logs but the furnishings were from a variety of eras. The chairs and sofa were from a Victorian age but the rugs were Persian and the end tables were beautiful ornately carved Asian. The decorations around the room encompassed the world. There were African tribal masks on the walls along with Indian figurines on the shelves of elephants and a large statue of Kali. The house smelled of pine from the forest and of the sage, which was used like potpourri around the house. There were bundles of it everywhere.

She followed the sounds of movement and found Lucinda in the kitchen. It was as impressive as the living room and Carolyn felt like she had just been transported from one world to another as the kitchen was the perfect image of what she had always imagined a Tuscan kitchen should look like with cast iron and copper bottomed pots and pans hanging from the beams and real live plants growing around the tops of the cherry cabinets.

There was a large walk-in fireplace in the kitchen and Carolyn almost began to laugh when she spotted a large caldron shaped pot hanging from a swinging metal bar in the middle of it. Those were the only “old” looking things in the room as the large island in the middle of the room was granite with a stainless steel sink at one end.

Along the outer wall there was another larger farmhouse sink, also set in a granite countertop that ran under the window onto another expanse of granite to a gas countertop range on another wall. Double wall ovens and a large double door fridge/freezer finished off another wall. A small built in breakfast nook off to one side completed the room.

“Did you get in touch with your mom?” Lucinda asked.

“Yes but we got cut off. I’ll try again later. I love your house!”

“Well, thank you. We’ve lived here a long time. However, we are not the only residents on the island but we are the only ones on this side of it.”

“And most of the time, the other neighbors stay on their own side and don’t bother us.” Amelia added as she came into the room followed closely by Tammy.

“How far is the ocean from here?” Carolyn asked. “I can smell the salt air.”

“That’s your cat’s nose at work. It’s a good 3 miles down to the ocean. We are almost in the middle of the island. You can go exploring if you like. Just remember, the animals here are not changelings. There are just ordinary forest animals on the island. A few deer and some pigs but that’s about it. We had a lynx for a while but I haven’t seen him in a couple of years.”

“So are we fairly safe to use magic here?” Tammy asked.

“At this time of year, yes. The neighbors who live on the other side of the island leave for the winter months when it starts getting cold. They left a couple of weeks ago because they have to depend on the ferry to get back and forth to the mainland and it’s not really reliable in the winter months. Sometimes the ocean is too rough for it to venture out for weeks at a time. That means no fresh food! Sometimes they can catch the boat into town and then can’t get back so they pack up and go live in town during the winter and only come out here during the summer months. Fortunately the winter lasts longer here on the island than it does more south. We have almost 9 months of cold wind and either snow or lots of rain.”

“Are there any other magical creatures on the island?” Tammy asked.

“Yes, there are fairies that live down on the other side of the hothouse garden. They make sure we have lots of vegetables. And we have gnomes that live down by the stream.” Lucinda told her. “They respect our space and we respect theirs.”

“What about Sebastian?” Tammy asked because she suspected that Carolyn was wondering about him but didn’t want them to think she only came along to see him again.

“Oh, he has a small place down near the shore but he’s in Europe right now.” Lucinda said.

“Carolyn, let me show you where to put your things and then after we eat, we can begin Tammy’s training.” Amelia said.

For the next two days, Tammy went through intensive training. Lucinda and Amelia showed her how to use her powers as well as taught her spells and charms and hexes and how to protect herself from them as well. They also taught her more about herbs and crystals and runes. Tammy was already fairly well versed in herbs but she knew little about crystals or runes. She had studied runes for a long time but had only scratched the surface of them and was eager to learn more.

They loaded her down with books that she would never be able to get at any local book store. “We can’t give you crystals. You must find them on your own. You need to be in tune with your crystals. You will feel them when you are near them. Collect them wisely and be very careful with how you store them.”

While Tammy and the witch sisters trained together, Carolyn wandered around the island. She stayed mostly in her human form as she was in unfamiliar territory and even though the witches said the island was mostly deserted, she didn’t want to take any chances of being seen transforming or of someone taking a shot at her.

It was too cold to really enjoy the beach but she spent an hour watching the waves beat down on the shore and marveled at the power of the water. It was beautiful here but by the end of the second day, Carolyn was ready to go home.

She had a feeling that Tammy was going to want to stay and Carolyn couldn’t blame her. She knew Tammy had always felt out of place back home and couldn’t blame her for wanting to be here, where she was around others like herself. She would be able to train and learn to use her powers to their fullest extent but then what? Where would she go? What would she do with her life?

One of the things that both Lucinda and Amelia made very plain was that Tammy had to keep her powers secret and to never use them around those that did not know she was a witch and that’s what made staying here all the more attractive to her. Here, she would be able to use her powers more freely than she would back home.

On the morning they were to return home, they were having coffee on the veranda. It was early in the morning and the sisters were still asleep. They normally slept in until at least 9 or 10 am.

“Are you going home with me today?” Carolyn asked bluntly.

“Yes, of course. Why wouldn’t I?” Tammy replied, almost shocked that she would even ask.

“Well, I thought that maybe you were thinking about staying here. You would be able to train and use your magic freely here. At home, you have to hide it all the time.”

“Yeah, that’s true but while I’ve enjoyed learning about what my powers can do, this is not home. It rains too much here and I have my business to run back there. I’ve learned I can’t conjure money and unfortunately that’s what makes the world go round.”

“Then how do the sisters make a living? Are they wealthy? Old family money?”

“I’m not sure but from the looks of their house, they are definitely not poor church mice. And from the decorations they have, I think they travel quite a bit.”

“I know what you mean. I think they have just about every culture from around the world displayed in their home. My room is full of American Indian and southwestern décor.”

“And my room looks like something out of the Arabian Nights.”

“So what time will we be leaving?” Carolyn asked. She didn’t want to rush Tammy but she was getting home sick and more than ready to go. “And how are we going?”

“Well, I guess we can go anytime we want and we’ll be going the same way we came. I’ve been practicing and while I’m getting better at it, I’m not sure about making such a long distance trip, especially carrying all of the stuff they have given me. I’ve got two good sized boxes full of books and herbs to carry home.”

“So the sisters will be taking us back?” Carolyn asked.

“No, Tammy can do it.” Lucinda said from the doorway. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to eavesdrop but I couldn’t help but overhear. Tammy has gotten very good at it. She can do it. The dangerous thing about apparating is the possibility of not knowing where you will land but so long as she focuses on a place she knows, she should be fine. Just focus on a safe place on the mountain and don’t let go of her hand no matter what happens.”

“You have a beautiful place here, Lucinda.” Carolyn said.

“Yes, we like it but I understand that you are getting home sick. You miss your family and are ready to go home.” Lucinda said.

“Yes and I also worry about my patients. I do have a business to run, as does Tammy.”

“I understand. It will be time for me and Amy to go back to work soon too. I have a travel agency that I run out of Seattle. Amy has a small book store where she sells not only the latest best sellers but other supplies. Before you leave today, I would like for us to make a trip to the store. Perhaps Tammy can find some crystals to begin her collection. I believe you also wanted to go to the wand shop?”

“Oh yes! I’ve found it much easier to focus my power using a wand and while it’s been great having the one you loaned me, it’s like borrowing someone else’s shoes. They protect your feet but don’t feel like your own shoes would.”

“Well, Amy should be up soon and once she’s had half a pot of coffee, she’ll be good to go. Are either of you hungry? I’m going to make breakfast.”

They all moved back inside the house and Carolyn sat at the kitchen counter and watched as Lucinda moved around the kitchen waving her wand as she made their breakfast. It was kind of like watching a ballet.

Amelia came into the kitchen just as Lucinda sat plates piled with a large stack of waffles, sausages and eggs as well as a bowl of strawberries and another of blueberries and a can of whipped cream on the table in the dining room. There was fresh squeezed orange juice and a fresh pot of coffee. Amelia poured herself a cup of the coffee and groused at her sister. “Stop showing off and let me wake up.” Amelia was definitely not a morning person.

They all gathered around the dining room table and while Amelia drank her coffee, the rest of them enjoyed a delicious breakfast. She slowly woke up and after her third cup of coffee she began to help herself to the food. By the time they were all finished eating, she was wide awake and more herself.

“So what’s the plan for today?” Amelia asked as she finished off the last of her eggs.

“We are going to the wand shop!” Tammy said happily.

“Oh that’s right. I had almost forgotten that we had promised to take you there. We also need to stop at the shop and start your crystal collection.” Amelia said.

“Oh, I can hardly wait. I’m going to go get dressed.” Tammy said as she pushed away from the table. She picked up her plate and carried it into the kitchen and quickly washed it and sat it in the rack.

Carolyn followed suit and together they walked down the hall to go to their separate rooms to get ready for the day. “Hey, maybe we could also visit the mall. I bet they have some great coats here. I never did find one that I really liked at home and my old one has seen better days. I’d also like to get some presents for the folks at home.”

“This trip must have been terribly boring for you and I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to leave you to fend for yourself the whole time.” Tammy said as she pulled on her old coat.

“Well, it has been interesting at least and I’ve enjoyed exploring the island. It’s very pretty, even if it is very cold and wet all the time.” Carolyn replied.

“Well, today we can do girl things. We’ll go shopping and spend money that we shouldn’t and make a day of it.” Tammy said as she turned from the doorway of Carolyn’s room and led the way back down the hall.

Carolyn looked around the room and realized she was going to miss this room. It made her feel comfortable and at ease. She wondered if Lucinda or Amelia had cast a spell on the room to make her feel at ease during her stay but doubted it. They must have just noticed some of her decorations at home and realized that this would be a setting she would enjoy and that’s why they had assigned her this room.

They came into the living room to find Lucinda and Amelia waiting for them. They all joined hands and Lucinda nodded with a slight smile as Carolyn took a deep breath and braced herself to apparate. A few seconds later, Carolyn opened her eyes to find herself standing in the back room of Amelia’s book shop. “Remember this spot. If you ever find yourself in trouble and need a safe place to go, come here, not the house.” Amelia said. “My store is protected. No evil can enter here.”

“While I really do wish I could do that, I won’t say I like traveling that way. My stomach feels like it’s full of butterflies and they are not mixing with my breakfast well at all.” Carolyn said as she put a hand to her stomach and had to sit down for a moment.

“Take slow deep breaths and let it out slowly.” Lucinda said as she put a hand on Carolyn’s back. It only took a second, after she touched her back, for Carolyn to feel calmer and the butterflies in her stomach settled.

“OK, now?” Lucinda asked and Carolyn nodded.

Amelia and Tammy led the way into the shop and Tammy was like a little kid in a candy store. She went from one table to the next ooh-ing and aah-ing over all the things that were in the shop. “Step back and clear your mind, then call for your crystals.” Amelia instructed.

Carolyn watched in fascination as Tammy stood in the middle of the room and took several deep breaths. Then she held out her hand and whispered something Carolyn couldn’t hear and suddenly several of the baskets of crystals on the table in front of her began to shake slightly. A round, white crystal was the first to go to her outstretched hand, then one of blue azurite, followed by one of pink Rhodochrosite.

“Excellent choices to begin your collection.” Lucinda said as she took them from Tammy and put each one in a small velveteen bag and drew the strings closed. “I would also like to choose one for Carolyn. Something that we can make into a necklace for her to wear for protection.”

“Carolyn, come over here and put out your hand. Tammy take Carolyn’s hand and say the spell. The proper stone for Carolyn will come to her.”

Carolyn stepped over to stand next to Tammy and held out her right hand. Tammy took her left hand and whispered the spell. Almost immediately a green stone popped out of a basket and flew into Carolyn’s hand and suddenly pink and yellow ones quickly followed. Lucinda and Amelia looked at each other and smiled knowingly.

“So what do these mean?” Carolyn asked, shocked that it had worked.

“Green is the color of nature, life and fertility. Pink provides feelings of caring, tenderness, self-worth, love and acceptance.” Lucinda told her.

“And the yellow?” Carolyn asked.

“Well, seeing that the stone that came to you is a clear stone, it means clarity and awareness.” Amelia said as she collected the stones and put them in small velvet pouches for her.

Lucinda led Tammy over to a shelf and showed her some of the books that she would need. Tammy picked out two and brought them to the counter. Amelia added them to the shopping bag and rang up her purchase. Tammy paid the bill and asked. “How far is it to the wand shop?”

“Oh, it’s not far from here at all.” Lucinda smiled at her. She could see how eager she was to finally have her own wand. “We can walk there in fact.” Lucinda added for Carolyn’s benefit.

Carolyn gave a huge sigh of relief and everyone laughed.

“The storefront is a coffee shop. The wands are kept in the back.” Amelia said as she rounded the counter and unlocked the front door.

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