Magic Love Ring

Chapter 30

"This gentleman, why do you embarrass Mr. Hansha? Please let him go. [windowless novel net] "

a young security guard wearing a security uniform and carrying a baton walked out of the security room, stopped two men and looked at Nangong Jun.

There are four security guards in the security room. Nangongjun can put on such a big show. His family background is certainly not simple, so they are not willing to provoke, but now nangongjun wants someone to forcibly take Hansha away.

The young security guard couldn't look down on it, so he came out to stop it. As for the other three security guards, they huddled in the security room and didn't move. One more thing is better than one less thing. Eight luxury cars, each of which costs no less than five million yuan. Even if they can't afford one security guard in their lifetime, they really can't afford to offend such a rich man's son.

"Break his legs!" Nangong Jun said coldly. A small security guard dared to jump out and accuse him. He was really impatient.

"Yes, sir."

One of the bodyguards released Hansha, strode to the young security guard, and punched him.

The young security guard didn't expect Nangong Jun to be so arrogant. He just said a word, and the other side would break his legs. So he was angry. Facing the black bodyguard's fist, he backed away, wielded his baton and smashed it into the other side's arm.


The bodyguard in black doesn't care to smile. He is on one side of his body, avoiding the baton of the young security guard. He swims his arm against his chest. When the other side staggers back, he flies. Suddenly, the young security guard screams and flies out and falls into the flower bed.

Pick up the baton on the ground, the bodyguard in black smiles coldly, goes to the young bodyguard, smashes the young bodyguard's legs

"Click! Click! "

Two broken bones sounded, and the two legs of the young security guard were smashed by Sheng Sheng, and he also fainted with a scream. He saw the three security guards in the security room were cold all over, and their scalp was numb. Fortunately, he didn't go out with that stupid young man, otherwise, the next scene would not be better.

The bodyguard in black threw away the baton and set up Hansha again with another bodyguard to drag it to the car. contemporary romance

At the moment, Hansha has stopped struggling, and her body is trembling slightly. The ruthless means of the black bodyguard make her feel extremely scared, and her heart is full of despair.

Back in the crowd, Zhang naturally bit his teeth and his eyes were like a fire. Looking at this scene, he felt humiliated and blamed himself.

Hansha is about to be towed into the car.

A figure darts out of the school gate, like lightning catching up with the two bodyguards and hitting the two bodyguards' vests with both fists.

"Bang! Bang! "

Two grunts, two bodyguards fell to the ground.

At the same time, the frightened Hansha also softened to the ground because of losing support. Song Yan reached out to hold her, felt Hansha's trembling body, and her pale face. Song Yan was very distressed and whispered: "Hansha, are you ok?"

Hearing song Yan's voice full of concern, Hansha turned back to her mind a little: "I I'm fine. "

Song Yan looks at Nangong Jun and a group of people who surround them. He cuts the nails and cuts the railway. "Don't worry, Mr. Hansha. They can't hurt you if I'm here!"

Hansha looked at Song Yan gratefully. "Thank you, song Yan."

"By the way, what's the matter with Miss Hansha? Why do they want to catch you?" Song Yan asked.

Song Yan's words seemed to remind Hansha. She thought of Zhang natural, who had been slapped to leave, and the security guard who had been interrupted by two legs. Thinking of this, she pushed song Yan away and shouted anxiously, "go away, he is Nangong Jun, you can't save me!"

Looking at Hansha's appearance, song Yan's heart was full of blood, and Lang said: "Hansha, I said, no one can hurt you when I'm here. I care whether he is Nangong Jun or Nangong ugly. If he dares to hurt you, I will kill him!"

Song Yan's words fell to Hansha's ears, but it seemed to hit her heart. Looking at Song Yan '

"Interesting! What fun! "

Nangong Jun slapped his palms and stepped forward, looking at Song Yan with great interest: "you are the first one who dare to speak wildly and ask for my life. What should I do with you?"

Nangong Jun's words awakened Hansha, and she begged Nangong Jun: "Mr. Nangong, he is still a student, and his personality is inevitably impulsive. Don't you plan with him?"

"What do you think?" Nangong junplay taste.

Suddenly, Hansha took a deep breath and looked at Nangong Jun and said, "Mr. Nangong, as long as you promise not to trouble him, I will go with you."

"Hahaha." Nangong Jun raised his head and laughed. His face became extremely cold. The Yin test said, "I hate women telling me the conditions. I hate women telling me the conditions for a man. They dare to hurt me. They dare to tell me that they want my life. You are dead!"Finally, Nangong Jun pointed to song Yan.

Hearing this, Hansha's face turned pale as paper, because she knew that with the power of Nangong family, if Nangong Jun wanted song Yan to die, it would not be so difficult.

"It's all my fault. It's all my fault." Her heart was full of remorse.

"Don't be afraid, miss Hansha. I said that no one can hurt you with me!" Song Yan patted Hansha on the shoulder, then stepped forward to her, leaving her with a tall, roughly emaciated figure.

In the crowd, Zhang natural looked at Song Yan who stood up. His fist was tighter and he murmured, "Song Yan, you must save Han Sha!" At this moment, he no longer had a trace of envy for song Yan, but more worship, because song Yan did what he did not dare to do.

"Boy, the flower protector is not so good!" Nangong Jun stared at Song Yan and sneered.

Song Yan said with a cold smile: "Nangong Jun is right. I also told you that if you want to hurt my teacher Hansha, you have no way to go. Otherwise, I will beat you and you can't take care of your life!"

Nangong Jun was stunned. Unexpectedly, song Yan dared to talk to him like this. He was very angry and shouted to his subordinates around him, "go on, I want this boy's hands and legs!"


Eight drivers in tuxedos and white gloves agreed in unison, and formed a circle to approach song Yan. They are all from the security company of Xuanwu group. Today, they were transferred by the young master to be drivers. They are worried about the chance of no performance. Now, when they drill a song Yan, they are naturally happy. If they do well, they are promoted by the young master to be bodyguards, Isn't it developed.

You should know that nangongjun's bodyguards are not only highly paid, but also the beauties who are tired of playing will be thrown to bodyguards. Where can we find such good things.

"Do it!"

The encirclement was reduced to one meter and eight drivers launched an attack.

[author's aside]: the third company wants to collect more.


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